SBI Careers 2024 - Recruitment, Notification, Apply Online, Job Vacancy

SBI Careers 2024 - Recruitment, Notification, Apply Online, Job Vacancy

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Jan 08, 2025 10:42 AM IST

The State Bank of India conducts exams for the SBI recruitment process with the goal of hiring qualified individuals for various posts. The SBI Recruitment exams are held annually in the online medium. The recruitment exams held by the SBI include SBI PO, SBI SO and SBI Clerk for recruiting Probationary Officers, Specialist Officers and Clerks respectively.

This Story also Contains
  1. SBI Careers - SO, PO, Clerk
  2. SBI Careers - Specialist Officers
  3. SBI Careers - Probationary Officers
  4. SBI Career - Clerk
  5. SBI Careers - Dates
  6. SBI Careers Education Qualification
  7. SBI Careers Application Form
  8. SBI Careers Exam Pattern
  9. SBI Career Admit Card
  10. SBI Career Result
  11. SBI Careers Salary
SBI Careers 2024 - Recruitment, Notification, Apply Online, Job Vacancy
SBI Careers 2024 - Recruitment, Notification, Apply Online, Job Vacancy

Candidates appearing for any of the SBI recruitment exams must ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria prescribed by the exam authorities. Candidates looking to join SBI Careers must hold a graduation degree along with being within the prescribed age limit. For more information regarding the SBI Clerk exam, candidates can go though the material below.

SBI Careers - SO, PO, Clerk

The recruitment process of SBI Career, the candidates are recruited as the following:

  • Specialist Officer

  • Probationary Officers

  • Clerk

SBI Careers - Specialist Officers

The State Bank of India (SBI) conducts the recruitment of Specialist Officer (SO) to recruit candidates to its specialist cadre Deputy Manager (Systems) MMGS-II, Manager (Systems) MMGS-III, General Manager (Scale VII) as Analytics Translators, Sector Credit Specialists, Portfolio Management Specialists and Sector Risk Specialists, Managers, Security Experts etc. The exam is conducted in two stages - written and interview. Candidates being shortlisted in the mains exam of the SBI SO will be able to appear for the interview stage.

SBI Careers - Probationary Officers

SBI will announce the recruitment test for recruiting candidates to their Probationary Officer cadre. The test is conducted online in three stages - prelims, mains, and interview round. The prelims exam of SBI PO is conducted for a total of 100 questions of 1 mark each while the mains exam is held for a total of 200 marks. Candidates passing the prelims and mains exam will be called for the interview stage. In the SBI PO exam, there is a negative marking wherein 1/4th of the total marks will be deducted for every wrong response given by the candidates.

SBI Career - Clerk

SBI conducts the clerk exam or SBI Junior Associates exam for recruitment of candidates in the clerical cadre. The test is held in two stages - prelims and mains wherein the prelims exam is of 100 marks while the mains exam is conducted for 200 marks. SBI Clerk qualified candidates will get a starting basic pay of Rs. 13075.00 along with other allowances.

SBI Careers - Dates

The table below contains the expected dates of the SBI Careers exams:

SBI Career Important Dates

SBI career exams

Prelims exam dates

Mains exam dates

SBI SO exam dates

To be notified

To be notified

SBI PO exam dates

March 2025

April/May 2025

SBI Clerk exam dates

February 2025

March/April 2025

SBI Careers Education Qualification

The exam authorities have determined the eligibility criteria for the candidates applying for the exam. The candidates need to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria before applying for the available posts of the SBI Career exam. The table below contains the age and educational criteria a candidate must have to apply for the SBI posts.

Eligibility Criteria for SBI Careers

SBI Careers

Age limit

Education qualification

SBI Clerk eligibility criteria

20 to 28 years of age


SBI PO eligibility criteria

21 to 30 years of age


SBI SO eligibility criteria

23 to 40 years (depending on the post)


SBI Careers Application Form

The exam authorities release the SBI application form for SO, Clerk, and PO in online mode. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria as per the post must fill out the desired application form within the allotted time frame. Along with filling out the application form, candidates must also pay the requisite application fee as per their category. Candidates can get details related to the application form by clicking on the links available below in the table.

SBI Career Application Form

SBI Careers Exam Pattern

Before appearing for the exam, candidates must go through the exam pattern to know the sections from where the questions will be asked in the exam. Apart from this, candidates will also be able to know the number of questions, marking scheme, mode of exam and the duration of the exam. The SBI Clerk exam is conducted for two stages - prelims and mains while the SBI PO exam is held for three stages - prelims, mains and interview. SBI PO exam is held in two stages - a written exam and an interview. The table below contains the exam pattern for the SBI Career for all three recruitment exams.

SBI Careers Exam Pattern

SBI Career Admit Card

The admit card is released by SBI for the respective post in online mode on the official website of The admit card will be out a few days before the commencement of the exam. Candidates will be able to download the admit card till the date of the respective exam of the candidates.

To download the admit card, candidates must use their registration/roll number and date of birth/password. The admit card will contain details related to the candidates and the exam - name, registration number, roll number, exam name, date of birth, date and time of exam, and exam centre details. For more information about the SBI career admit card, candidates can refer to the pages linked below.

SBI Admit Card

SBI Career Result

The authorities will announce the results of the SBI recruitment exams online on the official website. The SBI recruitment results will be released in this manner for every stage of each exam. To download the SBI career result, candidates will have to use their registration/roll number, date of birth and password. The result will contain the name of the candidates, registration number, roll number, marks secured in each section, total marks, the minimum qualifying cutoff and the qualifying status of the candidates. The table below contains the links containing details about the result for each recruitment test.

SBI Result

SBI Career Cutoff

The examination authorities determine the cut off of the SBI career exams for shortlisting the candidates to the next stage of the selection process. The SBI cutoff is determined for each category depending upon the total vacancies, number of appeared candidates, and difficulty level of the exam. To know more about the cut off marks and get the previous year cut off details, candidates must click on the link available in the table below.

SBI Cutoff

SBI Careers Salary

Candidates who clear the SBI Careers as a Clerk or PO are paid salaries in certain pay scales. Along with the payment of the salaries, candidates are also paid various allowances.

As per the SBI Clerk pay scale, candidates are paid in the scale of Rs.17900-1000/3-20900-1230/3-24590-1490/4-30550-1730/7-42600-3270/1-45930-1990/1-47920. SBI PO qualified candidates are paid a base pay of Rs. 41,960/- with increments along the scale of Rs. 36000-1490/7- 46430-1740/2-49910-1990/7-63840. Along with this, candidates are paid allowance - Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance and Special Allowance. To know about the SBI Career salary, go through the pages linked below.

SBI Career Salary

Read More:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are the exam patterns of SBI Clerk and PO same?

The test for SBI Clerk is conducted in two stages - prelims and mains while the SBI PO mains exam will be held in three stages - prelims, mains and interview. Both the exams are conducted in online mode wherein the prelims exam contains 100 marks while the mains exam contains 200 marks.

2. When can I expect the SBI Clerk result for the prelims stage to be out?

The authorities have not yet announced any date related to the SBI Clerk prelims result announcement. It will be intimated on the official website as and when the release date is out.

3. Will the authorities release the official answer key for any of the SBI career exams?

No, since SBI conducts the test in online mode, it does not release any official answer key. However, there are many leading coaching institutes who release the memory based answer key after the conclusion of the exam.

4. Can I appear for both the SBI Clerk and PO exam?

Yes, you can appear for both the tests of SBI PO and Clerk.

5. Can someone who passed grade 12 apply for SBI Clerk?

No, to attempt any SBI Recruitment exam, candidates must have completed graduation. 

6. Which degree is best for SBI PO?

Candidates can have a degree in any discipline to be able to attempt the SBI PO. 


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