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CDS Result 2025 - Union Public Service Commission will release the CDS 1 result in online mode on the official website, The UPSC CDS result 2025 can be downloaded in the form of a PDF. The CDS 2025 result consists of the list of the names and roll numbers of candidates who have successfully cleared the UPSC CDS exam. Candidates scoring higher than the cut off marks are considered eligible to attend the SSB interview. The UPSC CDS 2025 cut off indicates the minimum number of marks a candidate should score to clear the examination. The cut off will also be released by UPSC board soon after the CDS result 2025.
Union Public Service Commission will release the CDS 2025 result date online. Candidates should follow the below-mentioned steps to find the CDS 2025 result.
Visit the official website -
Go to the “Examination” tab.
Click on “Active Examinations” from the drop-down menu.
Click on “Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2025”.
Click on download Combined Defence Services (I) result in 2025.
A PDF with the Roll Number of selected candidates will appear on the screen. Press “Ctrl + F” and type your Roll Number. If it is there in the list, you have qualified in the CDS (I) 2025 Written Exam and are eligible to appear for the next round.
Download and save the Result of CDS 2025 for the future.
The UPSC CDS 2025 result is released on the official website at After the official announcement of the UPSC CDS result 2025, candidates can get the same in PDF format. The CDS 1 result is released within 20-25 days after the written exam.
The direct link to view the result will be activated at on the CDS 2025 result date. Candidates can look for their name and roll number in the CDS result pdf. It is advised to download the CDS exam 2025 result PDF file for future reference if selected.
Check Result of Exams Conducted by UPSC
Name of Academy (IMA, INA, AFA, OTA)
The Roll Numbers of the shortlisted candidates.
Name of the candidate
Name of Academy (IMA, INA, AFA, OTA)
Roll Number of the shortlisted candidate
After the declaration of CDS results, selected candidates are for the SSB interview and a medical round. The details of the same will be shared after the announcement of the UPSC CDS exam Result.
UPSC will release the CDS 2025 result scorecard on their official website. The CDS 2025 scorecard will be released in PDF format. Candidates will be able to check their score in the written exam as well as in the SSB Interview.
The UPSC calculates the score by following the process mentioned below-
For each correct answer, candidates will be given one mark.
For each incorrect response, 1/3 mark will be deducted as a negative marking.
In case candidates mark more than one option then this will be treated as a wrong answer and negative marks will be given.
The total score of the CDS result will be calculated based on candidates correct and incorrect responses.
Year | Exam | No. of candidates who applied | No. of candidates who cleared written exams | No. of candidates who cleared the SSB Interview |
2022 | CDS I | -- | 2612 - IMA 933 - INA 616 - AFA | 104 -IMA 46 - INA 14 - AFA |
2021 | CDS II | -- | 6,845 | 214 |
CDS I | -- | 6,552 | 169 | |
2020 | CDS II | -- | 6,727 | -- |
CDS I | -- | 7,018 | -- | |
2019 | CDS I | -- | 7,953 | 267 |
2018 | CDS II | -- | 7,650 | 295 |
CDS I | 2,61,309 | 8,261 | 272 | |
2017 | CDS II | 2,66,102 | 8,692 | 419 |
CDS I | 1,83,844 | 8,548 | 441 | |
2016 | CDS II | 2,76,210 | 8,563 | 593 |
CDS I | 2,36,307 | 8,411 | 325 |
The UPSC releases the CDS mark sheet, which will consist of marks obtained by qualified candidates along with the candidate’s roll number, name, date of birth, total marks obtained in the written exam & SSB Interview and final total marks.
Candidates who clear the written exam of CDS 2025 are eligible to appear for the final round, which is the SSB interview and Intelligence and Personality Test. The SSB call letter will be sent to all candidates at their registered email ID along with the CDS 2025 admit card of SSB. It will have the reporting time and date and the address of the SSB exam centre. All candidates are required to carry the following documents for the SSB interview in the original format:
SSB admit card
10th and 12th class mark sheet
Graduation and Post graduation (if mentioned in the registration form) degree and mark sheet)
NCC certificates (if required)
Identity proof - Voter ID Card, Aadhar Card, Passport, PAN card
Aspirants can find the previous year's cut off of UPSC CDS in the tables mentioned below.
Academy | Written Exam | Final Exam |
Aggregate marks of last qualified candidate* | Marks of last recommended candidate | |
IMA | 136 | 258 |
INA | 128 | 256 |
AFA | 147 | 269 |
OTA (Men) | 100 | 181 |
OTA(Women) | 100 | 184 |
Academy | Written Exam | Final Exam |
Aggregate marks of last qualified candidate* | Marks of last recommended candidate | |
IMA | 138 | 263 |
INA | 132 | 256 |
AFA | 148 | 270 |
OTA (Men) | 102 | 183 |
OTA (Women) | 102 | 184 |
Note: *Subject to a minimum of 20% marks in each paper.
Academy | Written Exam | Final Exam |
Aggregate marks of last qualified candidate* | Marks of last recommended candidate | |
IMA | 145 | 268 |
INA | 136 | 260 |
AFA | 158 | 281 |
OTA (Men) | 107 | 189 |
OTA(Women) | 107 | 191 |
Note: *Subject to a minimum of 20% marks in each paper.
Also Read:
Candidates can follow these steps to prepare effectively and come closer to getting a good UPSC CDS result.
Go through the CDS exam syllabus carefully and familiarize yourself with the topics appearing in the CDS exam.
Use the CDS syllabus 2025 and the exam pattern to gain a better understanding of the examination.
Prepare a solid UPSC CDS Study Plan
Study for the CDS exam using the recommended books and study material
Prepare for the CDS 2025 exam using past question papers and mock tests.
The UPSC releases a list of scores on their official website called Public Disclosure of marks & other details of non-recommended willing candidates. This UPSC CDS 2025 result contains details of the list of candidates selected for the next round. The UPSC releases a list of scores on their official website called Public Disclosure of marks & other details of non-recommended willing candidates. This list contains details about candidates CDS result. The document contains information such as
Roll Number
Candidate’s name
Candidate’s Father’s name
Candidate’s DOB
Candidate’s Category
Candidate’s Gender
Candidate’s Educational Qualifications
Total marks
Email ID
The UPSC CDS exam has 4 stages. First, candidates must attempt the examination. After the UPSC CDS 2025 result, candidates who passed the exam are permitted to attend the SSB interview. After this, a merit list is prepared, considering the marks obtained in the written exam as well as the SSB interview. After clearing these two stages, candidates must take a medical test. Candidates who also clear this round will be permitted to move for document verification.
To download the UPSC CDS 2025 result, candidates must visit the UPSC official website and refer to the steps mentioned in the article above.
The CDS cut off 2025 will be released after the declaration of the final CDS result.
The time gap between CDS result and SSB interview is usually 1-2 months.
Here’s how it works:
Written Result: After CDS exam , UPSC declares the written results within 2-3 months.
SSB Call Letter: Once the results are out, candidates selected for next stage start getting their SSB call letters or notifications. SSB interview dates depend on service (Army, Navy, Air Force) and availability of slots at SSB centres.
Yes, you will get the call. It is not necessary to register. If you have cleared the written exam, you will be able to receive an email for an SSB interview.
The UPSC CDS result will be released within a month after the written exam on the official website.
You can check your CDS result 2025 by visiting the UPSC official website
Admit Card Date:28 February,2025 - 20 March,2025
Advertisement Date:25 April,2025 - 25 April,2025
Hello Kanchan,
You are eligible to appear for the CDS (Combined Defence Services) Exam based on your date of birth (16 October 2003) and graduation timeline. Here’s when you can apply:
Since your
graduation will be completed next year (2025)
, you can
apply in your final year
, but you need to submit proof of graduation before the
final selection
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
To determine if you're eligible to give the CDS (Combined Defence Services) exam in 2027, let's check the age criteria:
Age Criteria for CDS Exam
- For Indian Military Academy (IMA): 19-24 years
- For Indian Naval Academy (INA): 19-24 years
- For Air Force Academy (AFA): 19-24 years
- For Officers' Training Academy (OTA): 19-25 years
Your Age in 2027
- Born in 2003
- Age in 2027: 24 years
Considering the age criteria, you'll be eligible to appear for the CDS exam in 2027 for:
- Indian Military Academy (IMA)
- Indian Naval Academy (INA)
- Air Force Academy (AFA)
However, you'll be at the upper age limit for these academies. For Officers' Training Academy (OTA), you'll still be within the eligible age range.
Please note that these eligibility criteria are subject to change, and you should verify the age limits and other eligibility criteria with the official UPSC website or notification before applying.
To determine how many attempts you have for the CDS (Combined Defence Services) exam for entry into the Indian Military Academy (IMA), we need to consider the age criteria and your graduation timeline.
Age Criteria for IMA through CDS
Age Limit: 19 to 24 years as of 1st January or 1st July of the year in which the course commences
For example, if the course starts in January 2029, your date of birth should fall between 2nd January 2005 and 1st January 2009.
Your Cas
Date of Birth: 27th February 2004.
Graduation Completion: July 2028.
You will turn 24 on 27th February 2028, which means you will be eligible for CDS exams for IMA entry till the batch commencing in January 2029.
Exam Timeline
The CDS exam is conducted twice a year (usually in February and September
CDS Exam Attempts Available:
CDS 2, 2027: For the course starting in July 2028.
CDS 1, 2028: For the course starting in January 2029.
Total Attempts:
You have 2 attempts left to apply for the IMA through the CDS exam.
You can attempt the CDS Exam For IMA until you are 24 years old.
Since your DOB is 27th February 2004 , you will be eligible to take the exam until February 2028 . This gives you attempts in CDS exams until 2027 ( the exam happens twice a year) . After you turn 24, you won't be eligible for IMA through CDS.
Hope this helps you .
Thank you
Hello Swastika,
Yes, as a student of a 5-year integrated law course , you can be eligible for the CDS (Combined Defence Services) exam at the end of your 4th year , provided you meet the following criteria:
Educational Qualification
: For the
Indian Army
wing, you must have completed your graduation or be in the final year of your degree course. Since you are pursuing a 5-year integrated law course, you will be eligible to apply once you have completed the 4th year (which would make you eligible for the CDS exam, as per the graduation requirement).
Age Limit
: Ensure that you meet the age criteria for the CDS exam. For the
Indian Army
wing, the age limit is typically
19 to 24 years
SSB Interview : If you qualify for the CDS written exam , you will be called for the SSB (Services Selection Board) interview. Your eligibility for the SSB will depend on successfully clearing the written exam and meeting the medical fitness and other criteria.
Since you are pursuing a law degree, you can appear for the
Indian Army
wing of the CDS exam. Make sure you meet the age and qualification requirements by the time you appear for the exam.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
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