FCI Exam Pattern 2020 and Marking Scheme

FCI Exam Pattern 2020 and Marking Scheme

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 30, 2020 11:41 AM IST

FCI Exam Pattern 2020 - Food Corporation of India (FCI) releases the FCI 2020 exam pattern along with its notification on the official website. As per exam pattern of FCI 2020, the recruitment process is different for the different vacancies of FCI exam. The FCI exam pattern 2020 notifies that the test for recruitment is held in online mode across various centres of the country. The FCI 2020 exam pattern will let a candidate have an idea about the scheme and mode of exam, structure of question paper and weightage of topics. The preparation of an aspirant without knowing the FCI exam pattern 2020 will be incomplete. To ace FCI recruitment, candidates are encouraged to get themselves accustomed with the exam pattern before planning a right strategy.

FCI Exam Pattern 2020 and Marking Scheme
FCI Exam Pattern 2020 and Marking Scheme

FCI Exam Pattern 2020 - Highlights

Exam name

FCI Recruitment

Conducting Authority

Food Corporation of India (FCI)

Official Website



Junior Engineer, Assistant Grade-II, Steno Grade-II, Assistant Grade-III

Place of Posting


FCI 2020 Exam Pattern

There are generally two phases in the test, as per the FCI exam pattern 2020. Both phases are held in computer-based mode. The exam pattern of FCI 2020 notifies that phase I is common irrespective of the post one applies. Phase I of the recruitment test, as per the FCI exam pattern 2020 consists of 100 objective type questions from English, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Aptitude carrying a total of 100 marks. However, phase II of FCI exam will be post specific. Some posts in FCI 2020 recruitment demands one-paper exam while some a two-paper exam.

FCI 2020 Exam Pattern - Phase I

Phase I, as per the FCI exam pattern 2020, is conducted for all the vacancies of FCI exam . The paper has 100 multiple choice questions of 1 mark each with sectional timings. The questions are set in English and Hindi, except the test for English. In phase I of FCI 2020, candidates are asked question from the following sections:

  • Reasoning Ability

  • English

  • Numerical Aptitude

FCI 2020 Exam Pattern - Phase II

As per the exam pattern of FCI 2020, phase II is different for all the posts. Some posts like Assistant Grade III for General and Depot, Steno Grade II and Typist (Hindi) are one-paper exam while Junior Engineers and Assistant Grade III - Accounts, Technical and Hindi are two paper exams. However, FCI 2020 exam pattern mentions that the two paper exams are also conducted in one-sitting only. Phase II, as per the FCI exam pattern 2020 is held in online mode.

FCI Marking Scheme 2020

The test for FCI exam recruitment is conducted in phases. The marking scheme associated with each phase varies according to the post one applies. Candidate can check FCI 2020 marking scheme from the following points:

FCI Marking Schema 2020 - Phase I

  • Phase I conducted in online mode with 100 MCQs will have a maximum marks of 100.

  • Each question will carry 1 mark each.

  • One-fourth negative marks will be cut for wrong answer marked.

  • Marks obtained in phase I will not be counted in the final merit ranking.

FCI Marking Schema 2020 - Phase II

  • Paper I, III and V comprises 120 MCQs of 1 mark each.

  • Paper II comprises 60 MCQs of 2 marks each.

  • One-fourth marks will be cut for every wrong answer marked in Paper I, II, III and V.

  • Paper IV is a descriptive paper with two questions of 60 marks each.

  • No negative marks are cut in Paper IV.

FCI Syllabus 2020

In order to ace FCI recruitment, aspirants need to accustom themselves with FCI syllabus 2020. The syllabus for all the papers of both the stages are to be used as guidelines so that nothing important is missed and the preparation is on the right track. With the help of the syllabus of FCI 2020, candidates are able to know what to study and what not.

FCI 2020 Preparation Tips

To crack FCI 2020 recruitment in one go, a candidate can use these effective tips:

  • Be thorough with FCI 2020 exam pattern

  • Solve previous year question papers

  • Evaluate by taking mock tests

  • Revise the strengths and refine the weaknesses

Read More:

FCI Syllabus 2020

FCI Question Papers 2020

FCI Admit Card 2020

FCI Result 2020


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