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JPSC Exam Pattern 2020 - The Jharkhand Public Service Commission prescribes the exam pattern of JPSC 2020 in its information brochure. The JPSC exam pattern 2020 consists of important information like the mode of examination, the number of questions asked in the exam, sections in the paper, marking scheme, mode of exam, negative marking etc. Candidates preparing for the JPSC exam must know the exam pattern in detail to help them know all the important details related to the question paper. As per the JPSC 2020 exam pattern, the exam is conducted in 3 stages - Preliminary, Mains and Interview. According to the exam pattern of JPSC 2020, the questions will be based on History, Politics and Geography of India as well as specific questions from the History, Society and Culture of Jharkhand. Check the complete article to know more about the JPSC exam pattern 2020. JPSC (Jharkhand Public Service Commission) conducts the Combined Civil Service Exam to recruit able candidates for administerial posts in the state of Jharkhand.
According to the JPSC exam pattern 2020 for Combined Civil Service Exam, there will be 3 stages:
Preliminary Stage – 2 Objective type papers for 200 Marks each.
Mains Stage – 6 Descriptive type Papers, all papers are compulsory
Personality Test/Interview – 100 Marks
As per the JPSC 2020 exam pattern, the first stage is the Preliminary exam. The preliminary exam will consist of 2 papers based on General Studies and the time duration will be 2 hours, while the marks for each paper will be 200, making the total marks to 400 Marks. Candidates qualifying the preliminary exam will be eligible to appear for the Mains exam.
JPSC Prelims Exam Pattern 2020
Subject | Number of Questions | Time Duration | Total marks |
General Studies - I | 100 | 100 | 2 Hours |
General Studies - II (Jharkhand Specific) | 100 | 100 | 2 hours |
As mentioned in the exam pattern of JPSC 2020, the second stage of the exam is the Mains exam. This is a lengthy stage and consists of 6 papers. In this stage, there will be 6 papers
of 3 hours each while the total marks for the Mains exam will be 1050. Candidates qualified in the mains will be called to appear for the third and final round which will be the interview.
JPSC Mains Exam Pattern 2020
Paper | Subject | Marks | Time Duration |
Paper 1 | General English and General Hindin (2 sections) of 50 marks | 100 | 3 hours |
Paper 2 | Language and Literature | 150 | 3 hours |
Paper 3 | History and Geography | 200 | 3 hours |
Paper 4 | Indian Constitution and Polity, Public Administration and Good Reforms | 200 | 3 hours |
Paper 5 | Indian Economy, Globalization and Sustainable Development | 200 | 3 hours |
Paper 6 | General Science Environment and Technology Development | 200 | 3 hours |
Total marks | 1050 |
Personality Test
Viva-Voce (Interview/Personality Test) | 100 (Marks) | Grand Total 1150 |
The question paper for the preliminary exam will be from History of India, Geography of India, Indian Polity and Governance, General questions of miscellaneous nature, Science and Technology, Questions based on history, society, culture, and heritage from the stage of Jharkhand, National and international current events and Economic and Sustainable development etc. The 6 papers of the mains exam will be - Paper 1: General English and General Hindi (100 Marks), Paper 2: Literature and Language (150 Marks), Paper 3: History, Geography and Social Sciences (200 Marks), Paper 4: Polity, Public Administration, Indian Constitution and Good governance (200 Marks), Paper 5: Globalization, Sustainable development and Indian Economy (200 Marks), Paper 6: Environment & Technology Development as well as General Sciences (200 Marks).
Go through the complete syllabus of JPSC Exam, and give special preference to current affairs especially pertaining to the Jharkhand state. Refer to the best JPSC books.
The minimum age limit is 21 while the maximum is 35 for general category aspirants.
UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission, candidates qualifying in the exam will be recruited to administrative positions while JPSC stands for Jharkhand Public Service Commission, which will recruit candidates for administrative services within the state of Jharkhand.
No, there is no negative marking in the exam.
All the papers in JPSC Preliminary and Mains will have questions in English (also in Hindi) except for the language paper for which the candidate will have to select the language.
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