Karnataka TET 2020 - Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

Karnataka TET 2020 - Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Nov 23, 2020 09:24 AM IST

Karnataka TET 2020: Centralised Admission Cell, Office of the Commissioner for Public Instruction, Bengaluru has released the Karnataka TET 2020 result in online mode on November 22, 2020. The exam was conducted on October 4, 2020 across 604 exam centres in the state. Earlier, the exam was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CAC has released the Karnataka TET application form 2020 along with the notification in online mode at the official website. The exam for Karnataka TET was conducted in pen and paper based mode. The details of eligibility criteria, application form, exam centres, syllabus, exam pattern of the eligibility test, admit card and result are detailed here in this article. Karnataka TET (KARTET) is conducted once a year to determine the eligibility of candidates to be recruited as teachers in Class I to VIII
Latest: Karnataka TET 2020 result declared.

This Story also Contains
  1. Karnataka TET Exam Dates 2020
  2. Karnataka TET Eligibility Criteria 2020
  3. Karnataka TET Application Form 2020
  4. Karnataka TET Syllabus 2020
  5. Karnataka TET Admit Card 2020
  6. Karnataka TET Result 2020
  7. Karnataka TET Cut Off 2020
Karnataka TET 2020 - Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern
Karnataka TET 2020 - Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

Karnataka TET 2020 Overview



Conducting Body

Centralised Admission Cell, Office of the Commissioner for Public Instruction, Bengaluru




Teachers in Government Schools of Karnataka

KARTET Application mode


Release of KARTET 2020 Application


KARTET 2020 Exam mode

Pen and Paper mode


Paper I: For teaching Class I to V

Paper II: For teaching Class VI to VIII

No. of Questions

150 questions in each paper

Validity of Karnataka TET Qualifying Certificate

7 years


Office of the Commissioner for Public Instruction, Centralised Admission Cell, Kempegowda Road, Central Junior College Campus, Bengaluru - 560009

Karnataka TET Exam Dates 2020

The test conducting authority mentions the KARTET 2020 exam dates in the official notification for the appointment as teachers in the government run schools of Karnataka. Using the exam dates of KARTET 2020, candidates can know the timeline for the various events related to the examination. Karnataka TET 2020 exam dates will help candidates to keep track of the procedure and prepare accordingly. KARTET is conducted once a year in March.

KARTET Exam Dates 2020


KARTET 2020 Dates

Release of Karnataka TET 2020 Application Form


Issue of KARTET admit card 2020



October 4, 2020

KARTET 2020 answer keyOctober 12, 2020

Release of KARTET result 2020

November 22, 2020

Karnataka TET Eligibility Criteria 2020

Candidates who fulfil Karnataka TET 2020 eligibility criteria will be able to fill the application form. All aspiring applicants have to meet the eligibility criteria of KARTET 2020 in terms of educational qualification. The minimum educational qualification required to be considered for Karnataka TET 2020 is different for the two levels of teachers. Aspirants must check the KARTET 2020 eligibility criteria before applying online.

Karnataka TET 2020 Eligibility Criteria – Paper I

To appear in the paper I of Karnataka TET exam, candidates must hold the following eligibility criteria.

  • Must have done Pre-University Course (PUC)/Senior Secondary with at least 50% marks or more and have passed or appearing in final year of a 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education,


  • Must have completed PUC/Senior Secondary (with at least 50% marks) and have passed or appearing in final year or 4th year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed),


  • Must have completed their Senior Secondary with 50% marks or more and have passed or appearing in final year of a 2 year Diploma in Education (Special Education),


  • Must be a graduate with at least 50% marks and must have passed or appearing in final year of a two year Diploma in Elementary Education.

Karnataka TET Eligibility Criteria 2020 – Paper II

The minimum eligibility criteria required to be a teacher in Class 6 to 8 are listed below:

  • Graduation with at least 50%marks and passed or appearing in final year of 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education, or

  • Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 2 – year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed), or

  • PUC/ Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 4 – year Bachelor in Elementary Education, or

  • PUC/ Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 4 – year B.A.Ed/ B.Sc.Ed, or

  • Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in Final –year B.Ed. (Special Education)

Moreover, there exists a relaxation of up to 5% in the qualifying marks in the minimum educational qualification for the candidates belonging to reserved categories (SC / ST / C-I / Differently Abled).

Karnataka TET Application Form 2020

The exam conducting body releases the application form of KARTET 2020 along with the detailed notification. Candidates can apply online at the website by paying the requisite fee as per their respective category. Aspirants should check the application fee of KARTET before filling the application form. Candidates can also apply for both if they fit into the eligibility criteria of the respective level.

Important Details/ Documents required to fill Karnataka TET 2020 Application Form

Candidate must have the following items ready with them before filling the application form of Karnataka TET application form:

  • An active email ID and mobile phone number

  • Scanned photograph and signature in prescribed specifications

  • Mark sheets and pass certificates of class 10th, 12th, Graduation and any other degree (If any)

  • Caste certificate, if applicable

  • Valid identity proof (Voter ID Card, Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, Passport)

  • Credit/Debit Card, Internet Banking details for payment of KARTET application fee

Steps to fill Karnataka TET Application form

The following steps are involved in filling the KARTET application:

Step 1 - Visit the official website and click on ‘apply online’

Step 2 - Read detailed notification and click ‘continue’

Step 3 - Register by filling name, mobile number and email id

Step 4 – Upload scanned photograph and signature

Step 5 - Pay the requisite application fee of KARTET in online mode

Step 6 - Submit application

Karnataka TET 2020 Application Fee


Either Paper I or II

Both Paper I & II


Rs 700

Rs 1000


Rs 350

Rs 500

Differently Abled Candidates



Bank Transaction Charges

Mode of Payment



Pricing (Excluding Taxes)

Internet Banking

All Banks

Up to Rs 500

Rs 5 per transaction

Above Rs 500

Rs 10 per transaction

Debit Card

VISA, Master, Maestro

Up to Rs 2000

0.75% of the transaction amount

Above Rs 2000

0.90% of the transaction amount

Credit Card

VISA, Master, AMEX

1.20% of the transaction amount

Karnataka TET 2020 Exam Centres

The department will mention the Karnataka TET 2020 exam centres in the respective admit cards of the candidates. Exam centres of KARTET 2020 are the venues wherein the eligibility test would be held. These exam centres will only be allotted within the state of Karnataka. KARTET exam centres 2020 once allotted by the exam conducting authority cannot be changed under any circumstances.

Karnataka TET Exam Pattern 2020

Applicants should note that Karnataka TET exam consists of two papers – Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is for those applicants who wish to be teachers in Class I to V and Paper II for Class VI to VIII. Moreover, an applicant can also appear for both the papers if he/ she intends to be a teacher for Classes I to VIII. As per KARTET exam pattern 2020, the pen and paper based written exam consist of multiple choice questions of one mark each with no negative marking. The exam pattern of Karnataka TET 2020 will let a candidate know the mode and duration of exam, number of questions asked and whether any negative marks are cut or not. Candidates need to accustom themselves with the exam pattern of Karnataka TET 2020 before planning a strategy to ace KARTET.

KARTET Exam Pattern 2020

Mode of KARTET 2020 exam

Offline- Pen and Paper based

Number of questions in each paper


Type of questions

Objective type

Duration of each Papers

Two hours thirty minutes

Negative Marking


Karnataka TET Syllabus 2020

The test for Karnataka TET is conducted for different posts of teachers. As per Karnataka TET syllabus 2020, there exists different syllabi for paper I and paper II. Candidates after checking their eligibility are required to accustom themselves with the syllabus of Karnataka TET in order to have a holistic idea about the exam. Along with the Karnataka TET 2020 syllabus, it is also encouraged that candidates check previous year question papers to know the sources and question pattern. The detailed Karnataka TET notification mentions that the questions in the eligibility test will be asked from the state level books from the associated subjects but the level, standard and linkages will be as per 10+2 level.

Karnataka TET Syllabus 2020 – Paper I for Classes I –V


Karnataka TET Subjects

No. of Questions

Marks Allotted


Child Development and Pedagogy




Language I




Language II








Social Studies (For visually impaired candidates instead of Mathematics and EVS)






Karnataka TET Syllabus 2020 – Paper II for Classes VI - VIII


Karnataka TET Subject

No. of Questions

Marks Allotted


Child Development and Pedagogy (Compulsory)




Language I (Compulsory)




Language II (Compulsory)




For Mathematics and Science Teacher : Mathematics and Science

For Social Studies Teacher: Social Studies






Karnataka TET Admit Card 2020

The exam conducting authority release the Karnataka TET 2020 admit card for the written examination in online mode from the department website. Candidates who have successfully filled the application form for Karnataka TET 2020 can download their admission card by using the required login credentials at the website. The admit card of Karnataka TET 2020 will have the candidates’ name, address, date and time of exam, details of examination centre, exam day instructions etc. Along with the admit card, candidates are required to take a valid photo id card on the date of examination.

To download the KARTET 2020 Admit Card, candidates must follow these steps:

  • Visit www.schooleducation.kar.nic.in

  • Click on the designated link for Karnataka TET admission card

  • Enter the required credentials

  • Click on the submit button

  • Karnataka TET admit card will appear on the next window

  • Download, save and take a printout of the Karnataka TET 2020 admit card

Karnataka TET 2020 Exam Day Guidelines

Karnataka TET is conducted once a year in March. Along with the Karnataka TET admit card, the exam conducting authority states some exam day guidelines to be followed on the day of exam. These guidelines will help the candidates to be clear about the exam day. A few of them are listed here:

  • Reach the exam centre allotted at least one hour prior to the reporting time

  • Use only Black/Blue ball point pen to sign and fill other exam related information.

  • Take the Karnataka TET Admit card downloaded from website and a valid photo id card

  • Calculators, mobile phones or any electronic gadgets are not allowed in the examination hall

  • The Commission reserves the right to reschedule the date, time and exam centre of Karnataka TET.

Karnataka TET Result 2020

The official website will display the names and statement of marks of the candidates appearing in Karnataka TET 2020. The Karnataka TET result 2020 or the eligibility to enter into KARTET is not restricted only on the mere qualification of the written test. Marks obtained by them or any communication will not be sent by post. The candidates who qualify and rank sufficiently high as decided by the exam conducting body shall be considered qualified for the eligibility test. Karnataka TET 2020 qualified candidates will be awarded an Eligibility Certificate. This certificate comes with a validity of 7 years from the date of issue. Candidates are required to enter the system generated registration number and date of birth to download the Eligibility Certificate.

Karnataka TET Cut Off 2020

The minimum qualifying mark required to clear the eligibility test is the Karnataka TET cut off 2020. It differs on the basis of the category of the candidates applying for Karnataka TET.

Minimum Qualifying Marks for Karnataka TET 2020


Minimum marks required

SC / ST / C-I, Differently Abled


General / 2A / 2B / 3A / 3B


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is the mode registration of Karnataka TET 2020 application form offline?

The mode of Karnataka TET application form 2020 is online.

2. Will admit card of Karnataka TET 2020 be sent by post?

No Karnataka TET admit card 2020 will be sent by post. Candidates need to download the Karnataka TET 2020 admit cards from the official website.

3. Is there any validity of Karnataka TET 2020 result?

The Karnataka TET result 2020 comes with a seven year validity period. However, a qualified candidate can appear again to improve the rank.

4. Is the Karnataka TET 2020 exam held in pen and paper mode?

As per KARTET exam pattern 2020, the eligibility test will be held in pen and paper mode for 150 multiple choice questions each for paper I and paper II.

5. Will there be any scope of correction in the online application of KARTET?

The particulars in the online application once submitted by a candidate are considered final and no requests for change or correction will be entertained.


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