How to Prepare for SBI PO Exam 2023 - Tips & Strategies for Bank PO, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

How to Prepare for SBI PO Exam 2023 - Tips & Strategies for Bank PO, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Nov 01, 2023 10:18 AM IST | #SBI PO

How to Prepare for SBI PO Exam 2023: Candidates must be aware about how to prepare for SBI PO 2023 exam tips to crack it easily. The State Bank of India (SBI) conducts India's most popular bank recruitment exam known as the SBI PO exam. The SBI PO exam is one of the most competitive bank exams and a lot of candidates apply for it. Due to the competitive level of the SBI PO, only a few candidates cross the finishing line, hence it is advised to prepare for SBI PO effectively to qualify with flying colours.

How to Prepare for SBI PO Exam 2023 - Tips & Strategies for Bank PO, Exam Pattern, Syllabus
How to Prepare for SBI PO Exam 2023 - Tips & Strategies for Bank PO, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

In this article, we will be talking about how to prepare for SBI PO exam 2023, the tips, strategy, best book recommendations etc. The SBI PO full form is State bank of India Probationary Officers. The SBI PO official website is The SBI PO apply online link will be activated and aspirants will be able to apply after the official notification. Candidates are advised to refer to the detailed article on how to prepare for SBI PO exam 2023.

How to Prepare for SBI PO Exam 2023 - Step-wise guide

Refer to the exam pattern and syllabus

The first step on how to prepare for the SBI PO exam 2023 is referring to the exam pattern and syllabus. Before starting the preparations, candidates must go through the exam pattern and syllabus to know about the stages, sections, marking scheme, subject, and sections on which the question paper will be based.

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Download and solve previous year SBI PO Question Papers

The best way to prepare for SBI PO exam 2023 is to solve the previous year question papers. This is one of the most effective SBI PO preparation tips 2023 that candidates will be told by every expert or topper. The question papers help candidates know about the types of questions, the difficulty level of exam, and the subject-wise weightage of questions. There are various publications that curate previous year question papers for candidates to practice.

Make a Proper SBI PO Study Plan

Without a proper study plan, no one can prepare for SBI PO exam 2023. Candidates must make an effective SBI PO study plan. In the study plan, allot equal time to all the sections and make a realistic time table.

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Solve SBI PO Mock Tests

Solving mock tests gives an exam-like environment and the most mock tests you give, the more the chances to polish your preparations.

Stay Healthy and calm

While studying, one must also take care of their health and hygiene and everything can go in vain when one fall ill on the exam day. Hence, it is advised to stay hydrated, eat healthy food, exercise, and meditate a bit.

Time Management

While solving the question papers, candidates must keep a timer as per the exam tile of prelims or mains. This will help in increasing speed and efficiency. Both these stages are time bound and students must solve the questions within the given time frame.

Revision is the key

Yes, and not just for SBI PO, but for any exam. Revise whatever you read for the whole day before going to bed. The revision will feed everything in your memory and while solving the question papers or giving the mock tests you can make use of it. It is also advised to make short notes of whatever things you read, keep those notes with yourself all the time, and read whenever there is some time.

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SBI PO Exam Pattern 2023

The State Bank of India will mention the exam pattern in its official SBI PO notification. The exam pattern of SBI PO consists of the scheme and mode of exam, the structure of question paper, and the weightage of topics. Aspirants preparing must refer to the exam pattern while making the study plan. The exam is conducted in three phases, preliminary, mains, and interview. The prelims and mains exam is conducted in online mode and there is negative marking in the exam. The questions are asked in MCQ based mode.

SBI PO Syllabus 2023

SBI will mention the syllabus in the notification. Candidates preparing for the exam must check the SBI PO syllabus 2023 for the subjects and topics on which the question paper will be based. The syllabus of SBI PO is divided into two stages preliminary and mains stage. The questions will be based on Reasoning, English, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Computer Aptitude, and General/Economy/Banking Knowledge etc.

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Some tips that can always come in handy while preparations of SBI PO

  • Allot equal time for each subject.

  • Solve 3-4 sample papers daily.

  • Work on weaker sections more.

  • Refer to online explanatory videos, topper tips, short notes for better understanding.

  • Prepare short notes, mnemonics, and formulas for learning.

  • Read newspapers and monthly magazines for General Awareness and Banking awareness.

  • Don’t waste too much time on one question.

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SBI PO Books 2023

Candidates preparing for the SBI PO must refer to the best preparation books for guided preparation tips of SBI PO and expert advice. Candidates wanting to cover all topics must prepare from the most preferred books by experts and toppers. We have referred some subject-wise books of SBI PO through the following tables.

SBI PO 2023 Books for English


Author/ Publication


SP Bakshi

English Language

Wren & Martin

Essential English Grammar


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SBI PO 2023 Books for Quantitative Aptitude


Author/ Publication

Quantum CAT

Sarvesh Verma

Quantitative Aptitude

RS Aggarwal

The Complete Success Package – Bank PO

Arihant Publications

SBI PO 2023 Books for Reasoning


Author/ Publication


MK Pandey

Verbal- Non Verbal Reasoning

R.S. Aggrawal

Guide to Banking General Awareness


SBI PO 2023 Books for General Awareness


Author/ Publication

Manohar Pandey Book

Arihant Publications

Guide to Banking General Awareness


SBI PO Books for Computer Aptitude 2023


Author/ Publication

Computer Awareness

Arihant Publisher

Objective Computer Knowledge & Literacy

Kiran Publication

SBI PO Preparation Books for interview 2023


Author/ Publication

How to crack Bank Interview

Gautam Majumdar

Banking Awareness for Bank Clerk/PO/RRB/RBI Exams

Disha Experts

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SBI PO Question Papers 2023

SBI doesn't release the question papers of SBI PO 2023 officially as the exam is conducted in online mode. However, various coaching institutes releases the memory based question paper. With the help of the question papers, The previous year SBI PO question papers helps candidates to know about the paper pattern, topics, difficulty level of the question exam paper etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I prepare for SBI PO 2023?

Candidates can prepare by referring to the exam pattern, syllabus, downloading and solving the previous year question papers, giving mock tests etc. The detailed steps are mentioned in the article above.

2. Will there be SBI PO in 2023?

Yes, the exam notification was released on September 6, 2023 at

3. What is the full form of SBI PO exam?

SBI PO stands for State Bank of India Probationary Officer. The exam is conducted to recruit candidates for Probationary Officers in SBI branches all over India.

4. What is the application fee for SBI PO 2023 Exam?

The SBI PO application fee exam varies as per the categories. For General/OBC category candidates it is INR 750 while for candidates of SC/ ST categories it is nil.

5. Is the SBI PO Exam Bilingual?

Yes the questions will be bilingual - English and Hindi.

6. Is there Negative Marking in SBI PO Exam?

Yes there is negative marking in both the stages, preliminary and mains.

7. Is there any limit to the maximum attempts for SBI PO Recruitment examination?

The maximum attempt limit for candidates belonging to the General category is 4 General, for PWD it is 7, for OBC it is 7 and for SC/ST there is no restriction.

8. How following the SBI PO study plan clears the exam?

Following the SBI PO study plan will ensure candidates cover the whole syllabus and allot equal time to all the subjects etc.


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Questions related to SBI PO

Have a question related to SBI PO ?

Hey Abhishek!

It is important to follow suitable SBI PO preparation tips to pass the test. Students should cover the SBI PO curriculum with adequate time management, according to SBI PO Preparation recommendations.

The preliminary, mains and interview are three parts of SBI PO test. You must qualify at each level to be considered for the final allotment. As a banking sector exam, SBI PO is a little more challenging than other banking exams and one element that makes this test difficult is the large number of applicants. You must have a well thought out study approach to pass the exam.

The SBI PO Exam is the first step in the selection process. As per the SBI PO test pattern, candidates must master the core themes. The preparatory test has three types of questions: English language, reasoning, and quantitative ability. Candidates must be quick with math and knowledge to finish the task in the allocated time, despite the fact that the questions are up to 10th grade level. To obtain accuracy, you must first grasp the essential concepts and then practice as much as you can. 3-4 sample papers should be completed per day. Memorize all of the questions shortcuts so that you can answer it quickly.

Candidates who have been shortlisted in the prelims must sit for the SBI PO mains exam. The mains test is slightly more challenging than the preliminary exam. The mains test will include the same topics as the preliminary exam, including general and banking awareness, as well as computer ability. Candidates are advised to manage their time for each topic on a daily basis because the sectional cut off is essential to qualify.

One of the most important aspects of a successful study plan is time management. Don't spend too much time on one thing. Students must follow their regular schedule and strive to achieve their daily objectives. Students may learn about their preparation by taking the SBI PO sample test. You may revise quickly using your brief notes rather than going through the full chapter. Candidates are encouraged to read Newspapers on a daily basis. It will assist you in passing the general knowledge paper as well as the interview round.

Choosing the best books for preparation is very important. Through the link provided below you will be able to view the recommended books for preparation.

For further information regarding preparation and paper format, refer the link provided below.

Hope it helps!

Dear aspirant!

Hope you are doing great! Your question is confusion of many aspirants but now I want to clear to all of them through you that the above mentioned exam sbi clerk mains and SBI po mains both are considered separately.if you have given one of them then for other that previous  will not be counted these both are different.Best of luck!

Thanking you!

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