MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

Edited By Ujjwal Kirti | Updated on Oct 04, 2021 04:52 PM IST

MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips - Candidates who are appearing in MAHA TET exam must check the last minute preparation tips of MAHA TET so that important things must not be missed out. The Maharashtra State Council of Examination conducts the eligibility test on state level to determine the eligibility of teachers for Class I to VIII. This year the exam got delayed due to the noble coronavirus pandemic. Now that, the notification of the MAHA TET 2021 exam has been released, candidates need to make sure to have command over the topics based on the latest syllabus and exam pattern of MAHA TET. As per last minute preparation tips of MAHA TET, solving questions papers of MAHA TET is beneficial. It is important to have good preparation to attain cut off marks of MAHA TET. To know more about MAHA TET 2021 last minute preparation tips, read the full article below:

This Story also Contains
  1. MAHA TET 2021 Exam dates
  2. MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips & Tricks
  3. MAHA TET 2021: Exam Day Instructions
MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips and Exam Day Guidelines
MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips and Exam Day Guidelines

MAHA TET 2021 Exam dates

The MAHA TET 2021 exam conducting authority released the important dates on the official website. Candidates must keep track of the notice of the test so that the essential dates of MAHA TET 2021 will not be skipped. All the important dates for MAHA TET are listed in the table below.

Important Dates for MAHA TET 2021



MAHA TET Official Notification

August 3, 2021

MAHA TET Application Form

August 3, 2021

Last Date to fill MAHA TET Application Form

September 7, 2021

MAHA TET Admit Card

October 14, 2021


October 30, 2021


To be Notified

MAHA TET 2021 Last Minute Preparation Tips & Tricks

Candidates can check last minute preparation tips of MAHA TET to avoid any kind of stress and hassle.

Revise What you Read

All the topics as per the MAHA TET syllabus that you have read during preparation time need to get revised so that you will not miss something important. Do not pick new subjects, this will cause uncertainty and you will panic. Only concentrate on the issues and subjects that you are fantastic at. Before the test, it is useful to make brief notes on important topics and formulas for easy revisions.

Practice with Previous year papers

MAHA TET question papers from previous years can allow candidates to know about the question trend and the level of complexity of the questions. To balance the time with precision, to practise further with question papers. Practice would also raise confidence. At least two sample papers should be resolved on a regular basis before the day of the test.

Time management

There are two papers for the MAHA TET exam, as per the MAHA TET exam pattern. For all students, paper -I is for those who are applying for Class I to V .Time management is most important during planning. Act on weaker pieces of yours. Give yourself time for the paper you are applying for during the last few days. To keep yourself updated, try to manage the time to read the newspapers.

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Health is Wealth

Healthy lifestyles need to be carried by the students to avoid any kind illness during examination time. Do not skip on your meal, one of the key things to be followed. Take adequate, nutritious diets of fresh vegetables and fruits. Not having the proper meal may decrease your metabolism and you may get sick.Drink plenty of water. Often students feel panicked on test days, do exercise and meditation. This allows both the mind and body to relax. To avoid headaches and stress, take up to 7-8 hours of good sleep. You will interrupt your digestion and feel uncomfortable and annoyed if you try to stop consuming spicy or oily food.

Read Questions Carefully

When trying to analyse the problems, don't stress yourself. Until responding, read the question carefully. Practice this with sample articles and mock assessments at the time of preparation. Try to prioritise the simple ones. This will assist you in saving time for the rough ones.

Don’t Stress

Stress is the most popular friend any student has during the days of the exam.Try to calm down if you feel anxiety by doing meditation or taking breaks during your studies. Don't hurry for it all. Only concentrate on what you've learned, and that will help you secure MAHA TET marks. Manage time for your activities, such as listening to music, dancing, painting, or whatever you want, to make you relax and be happy.

MAHA TET 2021: Exam Day Instructions

  • Check all the documents that need to be carried to the examination venue are assembled or not such as MAHA TET 2021 Admit card, passport size photograph, photo ID proof, ballpoint pen and all other important items.

  • Read the COVID-19 guidance given by the Authority and carry all the essentials specified therein, such as masks , gloves, personal hand sanitizers, clear bottles of water.

  • Check the distance and travel time of the examination site. Try to get there at least 90 minutes before that.

  • Applicants need to observe social distance so that they do not get in touch with others to minimise the risk of COVID-19.

  • Post-examination, candidates are recommended to take good care of themselves. They must consult the doctor if there is any evidence of COVID-19.

Also Read:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I get prepared for the MAHA TET at home?

Indeed, you should prepare for MAHA TET at home by going through the right MAHA TET 2021 last minute preparation tips.

2. How do I download the MAHA TET Admit Card?

Applicants can visit the official website and enter the required information to download the MAHA TET Admit Card.

3. What if I have forgotten to bring the essentials?

It is mandatory to carry out the necessities, otherwise you are not permitted to enter the examination centre.


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