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CRPF Question Papers 2020 - The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) question papers are the best study materials for candidates who are preparing for the exam. The CRPF question papers 2020 are released in online mode on its website Aspirants can download CRPF 2020 question papers from there and keep on practising for better preparations. Candidates can also download the question papers of CRPF 2020 for previous years from the download link mentioned below. Check out all details related to the CRPF question papers 2020.
Exam Name | Central Reserve Police Force |
Short form | CRPF |
Exam year | 2020 |
Conducting body | Ministry of Home Affairs |
Mode of exam | Offline |
CRPF 2020 question papers can be used to practise for the CRPF entrance exam.
The question papers of CRPF 2020 will help candidates help understand the difficulty level of the exam and know about the type of questions asked.
Candidates can use the CRPF question papers 2020 along with its answer key to analyse their preparation strategy and work on the weaker strength.
To download the CRPF 2020 question papers, candidates must follow the steps mentioned below:
Visit the official website
Click on the "Recruitment" on the home page and click on "View all"
In the new page click on "Question and Answers of Recruitment"
On the new page, you will be able to download the PDF of previous year question papers of CRPF.
You can also download the CRPF question papers 2020 from the table below.
Download CRPF Previous Year question papers
CRPF Question Papers 2012 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2013 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2014 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2015 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2016 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2017 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2018 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2019 | Download here |
CRPF Question Papers 2020 | Download here |
The CRPF syllabus comprises the subjects and the sections on which the CRPF question paper will be based. Candidates who are planning to appear for the CRPF exam must go through the detailed syllabus during the preparation steps. They must stick to the contents mentioned in the syllabus and not search/read for anything out of it. The CRPF syllabus has topics from General Intelligence, General Awareness, Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Professional Knowledge and Language and Comprehension skills.
The exam pattern of CRPF is the section which shares knowledge about the stages of the exam, the marking scheme, the negative marking, total marks and total time duration of the exam. As per the CRPF exam pattern, the exam is conducted in 4 stages - Written exam, Physical Measurement, PET and Medical Examination.
The best way to prepare for not just CRPF but any exam is by going through the following steps:
Understand the syllabus in detail and stick to it. Don't study anything other than the syllabus. The CRPF question papers will only be based on the CRPF syllabus itself.
Arrange at least 10-15 years of previous year CRPF question papers and solve them on a daily basis.
Analyse your performance after every 3-4 days and examine the weak sections while solidifying the strong sections.
Give mock tests as much as you can to get an exam hall like feel and to strengthen your preparations.
To clear any concept refer to online videos, offline study materials etc.
Yes, CRPF question papers are released after the recruitment process is over.
Yes! the question papers CRPF are released set wise.
No! the exam conducting body will not send the copy of the question paper of CRPF
The CRPF exam is conducted for various posts like General Duty, Head Constable, Radio Operator etc.
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