UPSC Maths Syllabus 2024 - Check Detailed UPSC Maths syllabus PDF here

UPSC Maths Syllabus 2024 - Check Detailed UPSC Maths syllabus PDF here

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Feb 14, 2024 06:08 PM IST | #UPSC CSE
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UPSC provided the UPSC Maths syllabus in the notification. Maths is one of the IAS 2024 optional subjects with 2 papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2). Candidates opting for maths as their optional subject must know the UPSC IAS syllabus for Maths before they start their IAS exam preparation. The syllabus of UPSC Maths consists of topics and sections on which the IAS Maths question paper is based in the IAS exam.

This Story also Contains
  1. IAS Maths syllabus
  2. UPSC Maths syllabus 2024 - For Paper 1
  3. UPSC Maths Syllabus 2024 - Paper 2
  4. UPSC IAS Syllabus 2024
  5. UPSC IAS Exam Pattern 2024
  6. UPSC IAS Maths Preparation Tips 2024
  7. UPSC IAS Maths Books 2024 - For Paper 1 and 2
UPSC Maths Syllabus 2024 - Check Detailed UPSC Maths syllabus PDF here
UPSC Maths Syllabus 2024 - Check Detailed UPSC Maths syllabus PDF here

The difficulty level of UPSC Maths syllabus 2024 is of graduation level. IAS maths syllabus comprises Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies and much more. In this article, we have shared the detailed syllabus of UPSC IAS Maths 2024 to help IAS 2024 aspirants for quality preparation.

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IAS Maths syllabus

Both papers of the IAS Mathematics Optional paper are of 250 marks each. The UPSC IAS 2024 mains has 9 papers - GS 1, GS 2, GS 3, GS 4, Ethics and Integrity, General English, Regional subject and two optional papers.

Also read: UPSC Mock Tests Series for UPSC

UPSC Maths syllabus 2024 - For Paper 1

From the following table, candidates can check the UPSC maths optional syllabus for paper 1.

UPSC Maths Syllabus Paper 1

Linear Algebra

Vector spaces over R and C, linear dependence and independence, subspaces, bases, dimension; linear transformations, rank and nullity, matrix of a linear transformation. Algebra of Matrices; row and column reduction, echelon form, congruence and similarity; rank of a matrix; inverse of a matrix; solution of system of linear equations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, symmetric, skew-symmetric, Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, orthogonal and unitary matrices and their eigenvalues


Real numbers, functions of a real variable, limits, continuity, differentiability, mean value theorem, Taylor’s theorem with remainders, indeterminate forms, maxima and minima, asymptotes; curve tracing; functions of two or three variables: limits, continuity, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, Lagrange’s method of multipliers, Jacobian. Riemann’s definition of definite integrals; indefinite integrals; infinite and improper integrals; double and triple integrals (evaluation techniques only); areas, surface and volumes.

Analytic Geometry

Cartesian and polar coordinates in three dimensions, second degree equations in three variables, reduction to canonical forms, straight lines, shortest distance between two skew lines; plane, sphere, cone, cylinder, paraboloid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one and two sheets and their properties.

Ordinary Differential Equations

Formulation of differential equations; equations of first order and first degree, integrating factor; orthogonal trajectory; equations of first order but not of first degree, Clairaut’s equation, singular solution. Second and higher order linear equations with constant coefficients, complementary function, particular integral and general solution. Second order linear equations with variable coefficients, Euler-Cauchy equation; determination of complete solution when one solution is known using method of variation of parameters. Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms and their properties; Laplace transforms of elementary functions. Application to initial value problems for 2nd order linear equations with constant coefficients.

Dynamics & Statics

Rectilinear motion, simple harmonic motion, motion in a plane, projectiles; constrained motion; work and energy, conservation of energy; Kepler’s laws, orbits under central forces. Equilibrium of a system of particles; work and potential energy, friction; common catenary; principle of virtual work; stability of equilibrium, equilibrium of forces in three dimensions.

Vector Analysis:

Scalar and vector fields, differentiation of vector field of a scalar variable; gradient, divergence and curl in cartesian and cylindrical coordinates; higher order derivatives; vector identities and vector equations. Application to geometry: curves in space, curvature and torsion; Serret-Frenet’s formulae. Gauss and Stokes’ theorems, Green’s identities.

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UPSC Maths Syllabus 2024 - Paper 2

From the following table, we have shared the UPSC 2024 Maths syllabus for paper 2. Candidates can check the IAS maths optional syllabus for paper 2 here in detail.

UPSC Maths syllabus - Paper 2


Groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, cosets, Lagrange’s Theorem, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphism of groups, basic isomorphism theorems, permutation groups, Cayley’s theorem. Rings, subrings and ideals, homomorphisms of rings; integral domains, principal ideal domains, Euclidean domains and unique factorization domains; fields, quotient fields.

Real Analysis

Real number system as an ordered field with least upper bound property; sequences, limit of a sequence, Cauchy sequence, completeness of real line; series and its convergence, absolute and conditional convergence of series of real and complex terms, rearrangement of series. Continuity and uniform continuity of functions, properties of continuous functions on compact sets. Riemann integral, improper integrals; fundamental theorems of integral calculus. Uniform convergence, continuity, differentiability and integrability for sequences and series of functions; partial derivatives of functions of several (two or three) variables, maxima and minima.

Complex Analysis

Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, power series representation of an analytic function, Taylor’s series; singularities; Laurent’s series; Cauchy’s residue theorem; contour integration.

Linear Programming

Linear programming problems, basic solution, basic feasible solution and optimal solution; graphical method and simplex method of solutions; duality. Transportation and assignment problems.

Partial differential equations

Family of surfaces in three dimensions and formulation of partial differential equations; solution of quasilinear partial differential equations of the first order, Cauchy’s method of characteristics; Linear partial differential equations of the second order with constant coefficients, canonical form; equation of a vibrating string, heat equation, Laplace equation and their solutions.

Numerical Analysis and Computer programming

Numerical methods: solution of algebraic and transcendental equations of one variable by bisection, Regula-Falsi and Newton-Raphson methods; solution of system of linear equations by Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordan (direct), Gauss-Seidel(iterative) methods. Newton’s (forward and backward) interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules, Gaussian quadrature formula. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler and Runge Kutta-methods. Computer Programming: Binary system; Arithmetic and logical operations on numbers; Octal and Hexadecimal systems; Conversion to and from decimal systems; Algebra of binary numbers. Algorithms and flow charts for solving numerical analysis problems. Elements of computer systems and concept of memory; Basic logic gates and truth tables, Boolean algebra, normal forms. Representation of unsigned integers, signed integers and reals, double precision reals and long integers.

Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics

Moment of inertia; Motion of rigid bodies in two dimensions., Generalized coordinates; D’ Alembert’s principle and Lagrange’s equations; Hamilton equations; Equation of continuity; Euler’s equation of motion for inviscid flow; Stream-lines, path of a particle; Potential flow; Sources and sinks, Two-dimensional and axisymmetric motion; vortex motion; Navier-Stokes equation for a viscous fluid.

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UPSC IAS Syllabus 2024

Along with knowing the syllabus of UPSC Maths 2024, candidates must also know about the overall syllabus of the exam. UPSC mentions the syllabus in its official IAS notification. Candidates preparing for the exam must go through the syllabus to know the sections, subjects and topics on which the question paper of IAS will be based.

The IAS syllabus is divided into two parts - Prelims and Mains and optional subjects as well for the mains part. In this article, we have shared the UPSC IAS maths optional syllabus. Some maths concepts also appear in the CSAT exam in the preliminary round, for which candidates must refer to IAS prelims maths syllabus. There are a total of 26 optional subjects in the Civil Services Exam 2024.

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UPSC IAS Exam Pattern 2024

Candidates must know the IAS exam pattern along with the UPSC Maths syllabus 2024, for a sorted preparation strategy of the IAS exam 2024. UPSC mentions the IAS exam pattern in the notification. The UPSC exam pattern consists of the number of questions, stages, time duration and marking scheme of the exam.

As per the exam pattern, there are 3 stages - preliminary, mains and personality test/interview. The prelims consists of 2 papers which are MCQ-based, the mains consists of 9 papers in descriptive mode. There is negative marking in the preliminary stage of the UPSC IAS exam. Candidates qualifying each stage will be eligible to appear in the next stage.

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UPSC IAS Maths Preparation Tips 2024

Candidates preparing for the IAS exam can refer to the following pointers on how to approach their preparations for IAS maths exam.

  • Refer to the detailed syllabus of UPSC Maths 2024 and check the subjects.

  • Pick the subjects from IAS Maths syllabus which are tough and keep them aside.

  • Enroll for subject specific classes and try to get your concepts clear for the tougher subjects.

  • Start solving the UPSC IAS maths optional question papers. The question papers can be downloaded from the official website of UPSC.

  • Keep analysing your performance from time-to-time to check the progress of the preparations.

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UPSC IAS Maths Books 2024 - For Paper 1 and 2

Apart from the IAS Maths syllabus, candidates must also get to know about the best IAS books through which they can prepare for the Maths optional subject efficiently.

UPSC Maths Books for Paper 1 (topic-wise)


Name of Books


Analytic Geometry

Analytical Solid Geometry

Shanti Narayan and P K Mittal

Solid Geometry

P N Chatterjee


Mathematical Analysis

S C Malik and Savita Arora

Elements Of Real Analysis

Shanti Narayan and M D Raisinghania

Linear Algebra

Schaum Series

Seymour Lipschutz

Linear Algebra

Hoffman and Kunze

Dynamics And Statics

Me Statics & Dynamics


Ordinary Differential Equations (Ode)

Ordinary And Partial Differential Equations

M D Raisinghania

Vector Analysis

Schaum Series

Murray R. Spiegel

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Topic-wise UPSC Maths Books for Paper 2


Name of the Books

Author/ Publisher

Complex Analysis

Complex Variable (Schaum's Outlines

Spiegel, Lipschitz, Schiller, Spellman

Real Analysis

Elements Of Real Analysis

Shanti Narayan and M D Raisinghania


Contemporary Abstract Algebra

Joseph Gallian

Partial Differential Equations

Advanced Differential Equations

M D Raisinghania

Linear Programming

Linear Programming And Game Theory

Lakshmishree Bandopadhyay

Mechanics And Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics

Krishna Prakashan

Numerical Analysis And Computer Programming

Computer-Based Numerical And Statistical Techniques


Numerical Methods

Jain, Iyengar, and Jain

Digital-logic And Computer Design

M. Morris Mano

Other optional subjects syllabus of IAS exam 2024

Quick links: How to prepare for UPSC IAS without coaching?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the syllabus of maths in UPSC?

The syllabus of maths is the document which consists of the subject, sections and topics on which the question paper of the maths optional subject will be based. In this article we have shared the detailed syllabus of maths UPSC 2024.

2. Is Upsc maths optional tough?

Yes, Maths is a tough subject but not for those candidates who are good at it. Maths is also a high-scoring subject and if candidates have a good command over the subject, they can get higher merit.

3. Will Optional be removed from UPSC 2024?

No, there is nothing as of such from UPSC. Optional is an integral part of the UPSC IAS selection process and candidates are advised to not believe in any rumors like this. If there is any information related to this we will be sharing it through our channels.

4. Is there any change in UPSC 2024?

Apart from the addition of an extra exam centre for preliminary exams, there is nothing major change in UPSC 2024 for Civil Services recruitment.

5. What is the UPSC Syllabus for the Civil Services exam?

The UPSC syllabus for Civil Services exam consists of a detailed syllabus for preliminary, mains and optional. The subject, topics and sections in it consist of the syllabus.

6. How many optional subjects are there in the UPSC Syllabus?

There are a total of 26 optional subjects in UPSC.

7. What are the sources to prepare the UPSC IAS Syllabus?

Books, previous year question papers, topper interviews, topper notes, newspapers, magazines and subject wise detailed explanatory videos are the best sources for UPSC IAS.


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Questions related to UPSC CSE

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For becoming an IAS officer you have to give UPSC exam , and focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the Humanities or Social Sciences stream, then graduate from a recognized university. Prepare for the UPSC and for studies you have to focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the relevant subject and complete your higher education and graduation then prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, which includes preliminary, main and personality tests. Join coaching classes, develop skills like communication, leadership and problem-solving and stay motivated. And also research more about that exam.

Have a great day

Steps to become an IAS officer


You should have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a known university

Arts: History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology

Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology

Commerce: Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies

Preparation for UPSC Civil Services Examination:

Study the Syllabus: Learn the syllabus for Preliminary and Main exams.

Choose Elective Subjects: Take elective subjects that you enjoy and have expertise in

Study Material: Reference textbooks, handouts distributed during the coaching and internet resources.

Practice: Previous years' question paper, mock tests, etc

Coaching Institutes: Join a good coaching institute for formal guidance 3. UPSC Civil Services Examination:

Prelims Exam: An objective-type qualifying test that will make you eligible to appear in the Main examination.

Main Exam: Very subjective test which includes all subjects.

Interview: Personality test by a panel of experts.

Important Tips:

Start Early: Better preparation starts early.

Time Management: Manage your time very efficiently.

Consistency: Follow a regular study routine.

Stay Updated: Current affairs and news.

Seek Guidance: Who have an experience can be consulted upon for guidance.

Practice Regularly: Solve the previous year's paper and mock tests.

Stay Positive: Believe in yourself and work hard.

Hence, with these steps and dedication and perseverance, you're sure to achieve your end as an IAS officer.


Yes, while IAS (Indian Administrative Services) preparation requires a graduation degree, here are steps you can take to start your IAS journey after completing your 11th standard (BiPC):

  1. Focus on Graduation : Choose a stream for your higher studies that aligns with your interest. Graduation is a mandatory qualification for IAS eligibility.
  2. Early Preparation : Start building a strong foundation in subjects like History, Geography, Economics, and Political Science, which are part of the IAS syllabus.
  3. Develop General Knowledge : Read newspapers daily and follow current affairs magazines to stay updated with national and international news.
  4. Improve Language Skills : Enhance your proficiency in English and one Indian language as per the Civil Services syllabus.
  5. Join Study Circles or Coaching : Enroll in pre-IAS foundation courses available for school students for a head start.
  6. Time Management : Create a balanced study schedule alongside your schoolwork to gradually prepare for the IAS exam.
  7. Participate in Competitions : Engage in essay writing and debates to boost your analytical skills and confidence.

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Hope it helps 1

Hello there,

Becoming both an IAS officer and a doctor is achievable but requires dedication and clear planning, as each career has distinct educational and examination paths. Here’s a roadmap to help you achieve both:

1. Complete Your MBBS to Become a Doctor

  • Enroll in an MBBS Program : First, you need to qualify for NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) and get admission to a medical college.

  • Complete Your Medical Degree : The MBBS program typically takes 5.5 years, including an internship.

  • Gain Experience (Optional) : You may choose to practice medicine for a few years to gain clinical experience, but it’s not mandatory if your goal is to pursue IAS right after MBBS.

    2. Prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE)

  • Understand the UPSC Exam Structure : The UPSC CSE has three stages—Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. You can start preparing while in medical school or after completing MBBS.

  • Choose Your Optional Subject : As a doctor, you may consider taking medical science as your optional subject, though it’s not mandatory.

  • Develop a Study Plan : Balance your medical studies or job with UPSC preparation. Many doctors manage both by allocating dedicated study time each day.

  • Appear for the Exam : With a systematic approach, crack the UPSC exam and qualify for the IAS position.

    3. Career Path as a Doctor-IAS

  • IAS Training and Posting : After clearing UPSC, complete your training and take up your role as an IAS officer. You’ll have a broad scope to influence healthcare, public policy, and social development.

  • Consider Government Health Roles : In administrative roles, you could use your medical background to work in health-related departments, where your knowledge of medicine would be a unique asset.

    Additional Pathways

  • Alternative Approach : You could also join as a doctor in a government hospital and then transition to administration by appearing for the UPSC exam when ready.

  • Health Policy and Administration : Use your medical background in policy formulation or in roles within the Ministry of Health, combining both careers for impactful healthcare reforms.

This dual career path is ambitious but can be very rewarding, allowing you to serve in both the medical and administrative fields.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Hello aspirant, The answer to this question is no. Both of these areas require your complete commitment and dedication. You can not manage both of these together. Also it is not allowed to do any other profession while performing duties as a IAS officer. If you want to practice medical profession then you have to leave your job.

Thank you

Hope it helps you.

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