UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 - Topic Wise UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus

UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 - Topic Wise UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Feb 14, 2024 06:09 PM IST | #UPSC CSE
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UPSC provided the UPSC Geography 2024 syllabus for the main exam in the UPSC CSE notification on the official website. Candidates can download the geography optional syllabus for IAS PDF at UPSC IAS 2024 Geography syllabus of Paper 1 & Paper 2 comprises 500 marks. Candidates preparing for the UPSC IAS exam must go through the detailed UPSC IAS Geography syllabus 2024 in order to qualify the exam.

This Story also Contains
  1. UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 - Subject Wise
  2. UPSC Geography Syllabus - Preparation Tips
  3. Best Books to Cover UPSC Geography Syllabus
UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 - Topic Wise UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus
UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 - Topic Wise UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus

Geography is an optional subject and aspirants can check the detailed Paper 1 and 2 geography optional syllabus for IAS pdf here. The UPSC IAS Geography Syllabus 2024 consists of all the important sections on where the question paper will be based like - Geomorphology, Climatology, Oceanography, etc. Aspirants can also know about the types of questions and difficulty level by going through UPSC CSE Geography question papers here. Geography is part of the UPSC IAS mains syllabus. Check all details related to the UPSC Geography syllabus 2024 here.

UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 - Subject Wise

UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 for Paper 1 - Physical Geography




Endogenetic and exogenetic forces, factors controlling landform development, Physical conditions of the earth’s interior; Geosynclines; Continental drift; Origin and evolution of the crust of earth’s crusts; Fundamentals of geomagnetism; Isostasy; Volcanicity, Earthquakes & Tsunamis; Plate tectonics; Recent views on mountain building, Concepts of geomorphic cycles and Landscape development; Denudation chronology; Channel morphology; Erosion surfaces; Slope development, Geomorphology; Geomorphology, economic geology and environment


Indian and Pacific Oceans; Temperature and salinity of the oceans; Heat and salt budgets, Marine resources; biotic, mineral and energy resources; Ocean deposits; Waves, currents and tides; Coral reefs coral bleaching; Sea-level changes; Law of the sea and marine pollution.


Genesis of various soil, Degradation and conservation; Factors which influence world distribution of plants and animals; Classification and distribution of soils; Soil profile; Soil erosion, Problems of deforestation and conservation measures; agroforestry; Social forestry, Wild life; Major gene pool centres.

Environmental Geography

Influence of man on ecology and environment; Principle ecology; Human ecological adaptations; Ecosystem their management and conservation; Global and regional ecological changes & imbalances; Environmental degradation, management and conservation; Environmental policy; Environmental hazards and remedial measures; Biodiversity and sustainable development; Environmental education and legislation.


Heat budget of the earth; Atmospheric circulation; Temperature and pressure belts of the world; Atmospheric stability & instability. Air masses and fronto; Planetary and local winds; Monsoons and jet streams; Temperate and tropical cyclones; Types and distribution of precipitation; Koppen’s Thornthwaite’s and Trewar Tha’s classification of world climate; Weather and Climate; Hydrological cycle; Global climatic change, and role and response of man in climatic changes Applied climatology and Urban climate.

Also read: Information about category-wise career exams

UPSC Geography Syllabus 2024 for Paper 1 - Human Geography



Models, Theories & Laws in Human Geography

Marxian and demographic transition models; Malthusian, System analysis in Human geography; Central Place theories of Christaller and Losch; Perroux and Boudeville; Weber’s model of industrial location; Von Thunen’s model of agricultural location; Ostov’s model of stages of growth. Heartland and Rimland theories; Laws of international boundaries and frontiers.

Population and Settlement Geography

Demographic attributes; Causes and consequences of migration; Growth and distribution of world population; Concepts of over-under-and optimum population; Social well-being and quality of life; Population theories, world population problems and policies, Population as social capital. Environmental issues in rural settlements; Types and patterns of rural settlements; Hierarchy of urban settlements; Urban morphology; Concept of primate city & rule of rank size, Sphere of urban influence; Functional classification of towns; Problems and remedies of urbanization; Rural-urban fringe; Satellite towns; Sustainable development of cities.

Economic Geography

World agriculture: typology of agricultural regions; Agricultural inputs and productivity; Food and nutrition problems; World economic development: measurement and problems; World resources and their distribution; Energy crisis; the limits to growth; Food security; famine: causes, effects and remedies; World industries: location patterns and problems; Patterns of world trade

Perspectives in Human Geography

Areal differentiation; Regional synthesis; Dichotomy & dualism; Environmentalism; Radical, behavioural, Quantitative revolution and locational analysis; Languages, religions and secularisation; Cultural regions of the world; human and welfare approaches; Human development index (HDI)

Regional Planning

Growth centres and growth poles; Regional imbalances; Concept of a region; Types of regions & methods of regionalisation; Regional development strategies; Environmental issues in regional planning; Planning for sustainable development

IAS Subject-wise Questions for various Subjects

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UPSC Geography Syllabus for Paper 2 - Geography of India




Institutional factors; land holdings, land tenure and land reforms; Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power; Cropping pattern, agricultural productivity, agricultural intensity, crop combination, land capability; Significance of dry farming; Livestock resources and white revolution; Agro and social-forestry; Green revolution and its socio-economic and ecological implications; Aqua-culture; Sericulture, Agriculture & poultry; Agro-climatic zones, Agro-ecological regions; Agricultural regionalisation;


Forest and wildlife resources and their conservation; Land, surface and groundwater, energy, minerals, biotic and marine resources, Energy crisis


Industrial regionalisation; Industrial houses and complexes including public sector undertakings; New industrial policy; Multinationals and liberalisation; Special Economic Zones; Tourism including ecotourism. Evolution of industries; Locational factors of cotton, jute, textile, iron and steel, aluminium, fertiliser, paper, automobile, chemical and pharmaceutical, cottage and agro-based industries;

Political Aspects

State reorganisation; Emergence of new states; Geographical basis of Indian federalism; International boundary of India and related issues; Regional consciousness and inter-state issues; Cross-border terrorism; India’s role in world affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean realm

Physical Setting

Structure and relief; Space relationship of India with its neighbouring countries; Physiographic regions; Drainage system and watersheds; Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall patterns; Tropical cyclones and western disturbances; Floods & droughts; Natural vegetation, Climatic regions, Soil types and their distributions.

Cultural Setting

Racial linguistic & ethnic diversities; Historical Perspective of Indian Society; religious minorities; Major tribes, tribal areas & their problems; Growth, distribution and density of population; Cultural regions; Demographic attributes: sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, dependency ratio, work-force, longevity; migration (inter-regional, interaregional and international) and associated problems; Population problems and policies; Health indicators.

Contemporary Issues

Issues related to environmental pollution; Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: landslides, earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods and droughts, epidemics; Changes in patterns of land use; Principles of environmental impact assessment and environmental management; Environmental degradation; Deforestation, desertification and soil erosion; Population explosion and food security; Problems of agrarian and industrial unrest; Regional disparities in economic development; Concept of sustainable growth and development; Environmental awareness; Linkage of rivers; Globalisation and Indian economy.

Regional Development and Planning

Five Year Plans; Integrated rural development programmes; Experience of regional planning in India; Watershed management; Command area development; Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning; Planning for backward area, desert, drought-prone, hill tribal area development; Multi-level planning; Regional planning and development of island territories

Transport, Communication and Trade

Growing importance of ports on national and foreign trade; Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline networks and their complementary roles in regional development; Export processing zones; Trade balance; Trade Policy; Developments in communication and information technology and their impacts on economy and society; Indian space programme.


Urban developments; Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements; Morphology of Indian cities; Functional classification of Indian cities; Slums and associated problems; Conurbations and metropolitan regions; Urban sprawl; Town planning; Problems of urbanisation and remedies

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UPSC Geography Syllabus - Preparation Tips

Candidates preparing for UPSC IAS, must prepare in such a way that they have an upper edge over the competition. Here we are sharing some UPSC IAS preparation tips that will help candidates to score well and qualify for UPSC exam. Check the tips here.

  • Refer to NCERT books to prepare for Geography only.

  • Make a perfect IAS study plan to study for Geography and stick with it.

  • UPSC CSE Geography requires a high-level preparation level as the difficulty level of the exam is of graduation level, hence candidates must start the preparations early.

  • Solve previous year questions papers of the Geography mains exam to know about the type of questions, difficulty level and question pattern. Also, look for UPSC IAS question papers for Geography and solve mock tests.

  • Do previous year UPSC IAS exam analysis, to know the cut off trends, sample questions etc and also to work on your weaker subjects.

Also read: UPSC Mock Tests Series for UPSC

Best Books to Cover UPSC Geography Syllabus

Aspirants planning to take Geography as their optional subject must also go through the best books of Geography. Check the UPSC Geography syllabus from the following table below-

UPSC Geography Books for Paper 1

UPSC Geography Books for Paper 2

Agricultural Geography – Majid Husain

A Geography of India -Gopal Singh

Environmental Geography – Savindra Singh

Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong

Human Geography -Majid Husain

Oxford School Atlas – Oxford

Physical Geography in Diagrams -Bunnett

Geography of Population- R.C.Chandna

Also read

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Geography a good subject to be taken as optional for UPSC CSE?

Yes, only if you have interest in Geography as a subject, or else it can be difficult.

2. How to prepare for Geography?

The difficulty level of Geography is of graduation level. The preparation takes a lot of time, candidates must refer to only the best books of UPSC IAS for preparation.

3. Which is the easiest optional subject for UPSC CSE?

The difficulty and ease level of the subject depends on your interest and likeability. Many candidates pick Sociology, Geography and Public Administration as their optional subjects.

4. What is the minimum academic qualification required to apply for UPSC?

To apply for UPSC, aspirants must be a graduate.


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Questions related to UPSC CSE

Have a question related to UPSC CSE ?

Hello Chetan,

IAS (Indian Administrative Service) is one of the top civil services in India. IAS officers work in various government departments, implementing policies, managing administration, and advising ministers. They hold key positions like District Collector, Secretary, or Commissioner and play a vital role in governance and public service. To become an IAS officer, one must clear the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE).

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries, then feel free to share your questions with us, we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Oh that's good

For becoming an IAS officer you have to give UPSC exam , and focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the Humanities or Social Sciences stream, then graduate from a recognized university. Prepare for the UPSC and for studies you have to focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the relevant subject and complete your higher education and graduation then prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, which includes preliminary, main and personality tests. Join coaching classes, develop skills like communication, leadership and problem-solving and stay motivated. And also research more about that exam.

Have a great day

Steps to become an IAS officer


You should have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a known university

Arts: History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology

Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology

Commerce: Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies

Preparation for UPSC Civil Services Examination:

Study the Syllabus: Learn the syllabus for Preliminary and Main exams.

Choose Elective Subjects: Take elective subjects that you enjoy and have expertise in

Study Material: Reference textbooks, handouts distributed during the coaching and internet resources.

Practice: Previous years' question paper, mock tests, etc

Coaching Institutes: Join a good coaching institute for formal guidance 3. UPSC Civil Services Examination:

Prelims Exam: An objective-type qualifying test that will make you eligible to appear in the Main examination.

Main Exam: Very subjective test which includes all subjects.

Interview: Personality test by a panel of experts.

Important Tips:

Start Early: Better preparation starts early.

Time Management: Manage your time very efficiently.

Consistency: Follow a regular study routine.

Stay Updated: Current affairs and news.

Seek Guidance: Who have an experience can be consulted upon for guidance.

Practice Regularly: Solve the previous year's paper and mock tests.

Stay Positive: Believe in yourself and work hard.

Hence, with these steps and dedication and perseverance, you're sure to achieve your end as an IAS officer.


Yes, while IAS (Indian Administrative Services) preparation requires a graduation degree, here are steps you can take to start your IAS journey after completing your 11th standard (BiPC):

  1. Focus on Graduation : Choose a stream for your higher studies that aligns with your interest. Graduation is a mandatory qualification for IAS eligibility.
  2. Early Preparation : Start building a strong foundation in subjects like History, Geography, Economics, and Political Science, which are part of the IAS syllabus.
  3. Develop General Knowledge : Read newspapers daily and follow current affairs magazines to stay updated with national and international news.
  4. Improve Language Skills : Enhance your proficiency in English and one Indian language as per the Civil Services syllabus.
  5. Join Study Circles or Coaching : Enroll in pre-IAS foundation courses available for school students for a head start.
  6. Time Management : Create a balanced study schedule alongside your schoolwork to gradually prepare for the IAS exam.
  7. Participate in Competitions : Engage in essay writing and debates to boost your analytical skills and confidence.

To get more help, you can visit :

Hope it helps 1

Hello there,

Becoming both an IAS officer and a doctor is achievable but requires dedication and clear planning, as each career has distinct educational and examination paths. Here’s a roadmap to help you achieve both:

1. Complete Your MBBS to Become a Doctor

  • Enroll in an MBBS Program : First, you need to qualify for NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) and get admission to a medical college.

  • Complete Your Medical Degree : The MBBS program typically takes 5.5 years, including an internship.

  • Gain Experience (Optional) : You may choose to practice medicine for a few years to gain clinical experience, but it’s not mandatory if your goal is to pursue IAS right after MBBS.

    2. Prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE)

  • Understand the UPSC Exam Structure : The UPSC CSE has three stages—Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. You can start preparing while in medical school or after completing MBBS.

  • Choose Your Optional Subject : As a doctor, you may consider taking medical science as your optional subject, though it’s not mandatory.

  • Develop a Study Plan : Balance your medical studies or job with UPSC preparation. Many doctors manage both by allocating dedicated study time each day.

  • Appear for the Exam : With a systematic approach, crack the UPSC exam and qualify for the IAS position.

    3. Career Path as a Doctor-IAS

  • IAS Training and Posting : After clearing UPSC, complete your training and take up your role as an IAS officer. You’ll have a broad scope to influence healthcare, public policy, and social development.

  • Consider Government Health Roles : In administrative roles, you could use your medical background to work in health-related departments, where your knowledge of medicine would be a unique asset.

    Additional Pathways

  • Alternative Approach : You could also join as a doctor in a government hospital and then transition to administration by appearing for the UPSC exam when ready.

  • Health Policy and Administration : Use your medical background in policy formulation or in roles within the Ministry of Health, combining both careers for impactful healthcare reforms.

This dual career path is ambitious but can be very rewarding, allowing you to serve in both the medical and administrative fields.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

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