IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 – Strategy and last-minute tips for the Numerical Ability Section

IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 – Strategy and last-minute tips for the Numerical Ability Section

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Jun 07, 2024 09:40 AM IST | #IBPS RRB
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IBPS RRB  Exam Date : 27 Jul' 2025 - 03 Aug' 2025

Candidates preparing for the IBPS RRB 2024 require a robust study strategy to increase their chances of succeeding in the exam. One of the main sections of the IBPS RRB paper is the Numerical Ability Section, so candidates must take care to score well in this section. Candidates attempting the IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 exam can find some study tips for the numerical section below.

This Story also Contains
  1. IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 - Numerical Ability
  2. IBPS RRB Office Assistant - Strategy and Preparation
  3. IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 - Preparation Tips
IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 – Strategy and last-minute tips for the Numerical Ability Section
IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 – Strategy and last-minute tips for the Numerical Ability Section

The IBPS RRB Office Assistant exam is held annually to hire officers for the role of Officer Assistant and Grade 1 officer. The exam consists of 2 portions, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability. Candidates must go over the IBPS RRB syllabus and exam pattern to get a good idea of the structure of the exam paper.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 - Numerical Ability

According to the exam pattern of IBPS RRB, the numerical ability section of the IBPS RRB Prelims exam comprises a total of 40 questions and candidates are advised to give a total of 20-25 minutes to this section. Each question in this section carries 1 mark. In the IBPS RRB Mains exam, there are a total of 40 questions carrying a total of 50 marks.

Candidates must give 25-30 minutes in their Mains exam. There is a provision of negative marking for both Prelims and Mains exam of IBPS RRB Clerk 2024 exam. Candidates will lose ¼ mark for each incorrect answer. Below given are the important topics of the section as per previous year papers and trends.

Important Topics for IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims exam

  • Simplifications

  • Number Series (Missing and Wrong Numbers)

  • Data Interpretation

  • Approximations

  • Individual quant questions on Arithmetic

Important Topics for IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains exam

  • Quadratic Comparisons

  • Data Comparison (Important for Main exam)

  • Data Sufficiency (Important for Main exam; very rarely asked in Prelim exam)

Data Integrations: There are 10-15 questions asked in the Mains exam from Data Interpretations. However, very few questions are asked from this topic in the Prelims exam.

The prelims exam will have questions from Table, Line Graph, Bar Graph, Single Pie chart. In the Mains exam the question type will include a combination of graphs like two pie charts, Caselets, etc. Around five questions from Caselet are asked in the exam every year.

Simplifications & Approximations: This topic covers around 10-15 questions in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims exam every year. Practise the below given concepts to score good in this topic:

  • Multiplication Tables (20X20)

  • Cubes of first 20 Natural numbers

  • Squares of first 25 Natural numbers

  • Powers of 3 (Up to 7)

  • Powers of 2 (Up to 12)

  • Complements of 100

  • Fraction / Reciprocal values (Up to 12)

  • Rules of Indices


  • Basic % concepts

The below-given table shows a comparison of the number of topic-specfic questions from 2017, 2018 and 2019


(Numerical Ability)

RRB Office Assistant Prelim 2019

(Comprising of all slots)

RRB Office Assistant Prelim 2018

(Comprising of all slots)

RRBOffice Assistant Prelim


(Comprising of all slots)


(Comprising of all slots)

Data Interpretation


(table + bar + caselet)


(Table, Caselet)



5 – 15

(Table, Bar, Caselet)





5 -15

Number series

5 (Missing/Wrong)

5 (Missing/Wrong)

5 (Missing/Wrong)

5 (Missing/Wrong)

Speed Maths


15 (Approximations 5 and 10 simplifications)

15 (Approximations 5 and 10 simplifications)

10 – 15 (Approximations 5 and 10 simplifications)

Quadratic equations





Data Comparison





Data Sufficiency






40 questions

40 questions

40 questions


(Numerical Ability)

RRB Office Assistant Mains


RRB Office Assistant Mains

2018 (Multipurpose)

RRB Office AssistantMains

2017 (Multipurpose)


Data Interpretation


(Missing table, Bar graph, double Pie-chart, caselet)


(Missing table, Line graph, double Pie-chart, caselet)


(Double Pie-Chart, Missing Table, Line graph)

15 – 25

(Missing Table, Bar/line graph, Double Pie-Chart + Caselet)





10 – 15

Number series





Speed Maths





Quadratic equations




0 – 5

Data Comparison

5 (2 quantities)




Data Sufficiency


5 (2 statements)

5 (2 statements)

0 – 5 (statements)


40 questions

40 questions

40 questions

IBPS RRB Office Assistant - Strategy and Preparation

In the numerical ability section of the IBPS RRB exam, time management plays a very crucial rule as some tricky questions consume a lot of time. For better time management, students are advised to first attempt questions from Simplifications & Approximations, Quadratic Comparisons, Number Series, Individual questions on Arithmetic, Data Sufficiency and Number Series. Questions from Data Interpretations must be attempted at the end. In the Data Interpretation questions, attempt the Caselet-based questions at the last.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2024 - Preparation Tips

Candidates appearing for the exam can take help of the below-given preparation tips for better results:

  • Students must analyse the previous year question paper of IBPS RRB and figure out what are the important topics from which questions will be asked in the exam.

  • Your speed and accuracy will play a major role in your scores and candidates are advised to focus on time management for both the sections.

  • Practice numerical ability questions daily. This will help them maintain speed and accuracy. Go through the previous years' exam analysis of IBPS RRB.

  • Amid their preparation, candidates must regularly analyze their preparations to know where they stand. This will help students to identify which areas they are lacking and then prepare accordingly.

  • Attempt a sufficient number of online tests, IBPS RRB mock tests - this will help students to understand the exam pattern and type of questions and more importantly will enhance their speed and accuracy.

Best Books for IBPS RRB Office Assistant Numerical Ability Section

Apart from the online material, candidates are also advised to refer some recommended books for IBPS RRB numerical ability section that will help students with their preparations for the exam. The list of the best books for IBPS RRB Clerk Numerical Ability section has been given in the table below

Best Books for IBPS RRB 2024: Quantitative Ability

Name of the Book


Quantitative Aptitude of Competitive Examination

R.S Aggarwal

Magic Book on Quicker Mathematics

M Tyra

Data Interpretation

Arun Sharma

Objective Mathematics for Competitive Examination

Tarun Goyal

Quantitative Aptitude for all Competitive Examination

Abhijit Guha/McGRaw Hill education

Rapid Quantitative Aptitude with Shortcuts and Tricks

Disha Publications

Arithmetic for General Competition

Neetu Singh

Check Here For A List of Other Government Exams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the total time for completing the IBPS RRB Assistant exam?

As per the IBPS RRB Assistant exam pattern 2024, a composite time of 45 minutes will be given to the candidates to solve 80 questions.

2. Will there be any deduction in marks for any wrong answers?

Yes, there is a provision of negative marking in the exam. ¼ mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.

3. What time limit I should keep for the Numerical Ability section of the exam?

Candidates are advised to give a total of 20-25 minutes to the numerical ability section from the composite time of 45 minutes.

4. How many attempts are there for IBPS RRB?

There is no limit on the number of attempts in IBPS RRB.

5. Is there any interview for IBPS RRB?

No there is no Interview round for IBPS RRB.

6. What is the total marks for IBPS RRB office assistant exam?

The Total Marks for IBPS RRB 2024 are 200.


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Questions related to IBPS RRB

Have a question related to IBPS RRB ?

Hello Anshika,

Yes, you are eligible for the IBPS RRB Clerk and PO exams. Here are the key points:

  1. Educational Qualification – A graduate degree is required, and your agriculture degree is valid.
  2. Age Limit – Clerk: 18-28 years , PO: 18-30 years (age relaxation for reserved categories).
  3. Language Choice – You can choose Hindi instead of English in the exam.
  4. Selection Process – Clerk: Prelims + Mains , PO: Prelims + Mains + Interview .
  5. Official Language – You should know Hindi if it is the official language of your state.

Hope you find it useful !

Hi there! I'm from the team at Careers360. How can I help you today? Do you have any specific questions about schools or courses you'd like to ask? I'd be happy to provide some information or suggestions if you let me know what you're looking for. Please do let us know as soon as possible, to get updated.

The e receipt is generally printed as proof of payment of exam fee and it contains unique reference number which may required for future correspondence or at the time of document verification.if you have save it digitally or have screenshot or have it in your mail then there is no problem but if you don't have this then contact IBPS after the examination is over.

Hi ,

So, there are two posts for IBPS RRB pro exam, and their eligibility criteria according to IBPS RRB 2023 are:

Post                                                                                   Age Limit

1. Officer Scale-I(Assistant Manager)                                 Minimum age-18 years                                                                                                         Maximum age-30 years

2. Officer Assistant (Multipurpose)                                    Minimum age-18 years                                                                                                        Maximum age-28 years

So according to your year of birth , you don't have an age limit for IBPS RRB pro exam.

Absolutely yes, you can give RRB PO exam in Hindi language as well. While filling the form you will have to select your language as Hindi. Also there is quite difference in Hindi and English paper, hence to be on a safer side you should check the last year question paper as well of both the subjects while preparing for the exam

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