Best Books for NTA UGC NET 2024 - Paper I & Paper II

Best Books for NTA UGC NET 2024 - Paper I & Paper II

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 29, 2024 05:34 PM IST | #UGC NET
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Candidates preparing for the UGC NET exam must pick the most relevant study material during preparation. There is a wide variety of materials available both in online and brick-and-mortar stores. In the article below, we recommend some of the best books for candidates preparing for the UGC NET exam.

The UGC NET 2024 exam consists of 2 papers Paper 1 and Paper 2. Both of these papers cover different topics and require different types of study material. Paper 1 deals with teaching and research aptitude, while paper 2 deals with one on 83 optional subjects to be chosen by candidates. In the content below, we discuss the best books for UGC NET 2024 preparation for papers 1 and 2 separately.

This Story also Contains
  1. UGC NET Books for Paper I 2024
  2. UGC NET Books For Paper II (Best Books for UGC NET Optional Subjects)
  3. UGC NET Syllabus 2024
  4. UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024
  5. UGC NET Question Papers 2024
  6. UGC NET Mock Tests 2024
  7. UGC NET Preparation Tips 2024
Best Books for NTA UGC NET 2024 - Paper I & Paper II
Best Books for NTA UGC NET 2024 - Paper I & Paper II

UGC NET Books for Paper I 2024

Candidates can check some of the best book for UGC NET paper 1 here. They can also check the JRF NET book from the below table.

UGC NET Books for Paper I

Book Title

Author Name

Publisher Name

NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF – Paper 1

Arihant Experts

Arihant Publications, Eleventh Edition, 2019

Trueman’s UGC NET/SET General Paper I

M. Gagan, Sajit Kumar

Danika Publishing Company, 2019


KVS Madaan

Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2019

2019 Latest Syllabus – NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF – Paper 1

Harpreet Kaur

Oxford University Press, First Edition, 2019

NTA UGC NET / SET / JRF – Paper 1

Dr. Usha Rani Jain

JBC Press, First Edition

A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Nonverbal

B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali

Arihant Publication

General Awareness- Manorama Yearbook

Arihant Publications

CBSE UGC-NET: Teaching and Research Aptitude

Dr. M.S. Ansari & RPH Editorial Board

Ramesh Publishing House, 2019

High School English Grammar and Composition

Wren and Martin

Quantitative Aptitude


Upkar Prakashan Publication

Computer Awareness

Mini Goyal and Shweta Rani

Arihant Publication

Quick links:

UGC NET Application Form 2024

UGC NET Exam Dates 2024

UGC NET Books For Paper II (Best Books for UGC NET Optional Subjects)

Candidates can check the UGC NET books paper 2 from the below table.

Subject Name

List Of UGC NET Books


Trueman’s UGC NET Sociology by S.Hussain


Trueman’s UGC NET History by Promod Singh

Economics / Cooperation / Demography / Rural Economics /Development Planning/Development Studies/Econometrics/ Applied Economics/Development Eco./Business Economics

Trueman’s UGC NET Economics by Srinivas Shirur

UGC NET/JRF/SET Economics (Paper-II) -Upkar Prakashan by Gopal Garg

Political Science

Trueman’s UGC NET Political Science by K.A. Babu, Sajit Kumar

UGC Net Political Science by Rukmini Bhattacharjee (Arihant)


Trueman’s UGC NET Anthropology by A.M. Tripathi

UGC NET Books for Psychology

Trueman’s UGC NET Psychology by Dr Swati Maharshi

UGC Net Psychology 2018 by Siddharth Mittal and Saroj Kumar Sahu (Arihant)


Trueman’s UGC NET Commerce by Praveen Kataria, Anshu Kataria, and M. Shivani


Trueman’s UGC NET Education by GaganManocha

Defence and Strategic Studies

CBSE UGC-NET-JRF Defense And Strategic Studies

Social Work

Trueman’s UGC NET Education by Yogendra Pal

Home Science

Trueman’s UGC-NET Home Science by Anju Khosla & Ruchi

UGC NET /SET (JRF &LS) Home Science by Suchi Rastogi

Population Studies

Principles of Population Studies by Bhende (Author), Himalayan Publishing House

Public Administration

UGC Net Public Administration 2018 by Deepak Swain (Arihant)

Trueman’s UGC NET Public Administration by Sajit Kumar


UGC NET Music Exam Guide (Hindi) by Gunjan Saxena and Nisha Rawa

Management (including Business Administration Management/Marketing/ Marketing Mgt./Industrial Relations and Personnel Mgt./ Personnel Mgt./Financial Mgt./Co-operative Management)

Trueman’s UGC-NET Management by M. Shivani

UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) Management by Mohit Aggarwal (Arihant)

UGC NET Books for Kannada

Samagra Kannada Sahitya Kaipidi – Useful For IAS, KAS, KES, PUC Lecturer, NET (UGC), K-SET by Lokesha Masavanaghatta


Bengali NET/SET by Balaram Bapari


Trueman’s UGC NET Hindi Sahitya (Hindi Literature) by Board of Authors


U.G.C. NET/SET/JRF PUNJABI by Universal (Contributor)


UGC NET /SET/ TET Malayalam Pareeksha Sahayi by Sasidharan A.P. (Author)




UGC-NET JRF & Assistant Professor Khazeen-E-Adab Urdu (Paper II & III) by M.Arshad Ansari and M. S. Ansari


UGC NET/SET Linguistics Guide by Ringu Ann Baby


UGC NET & SET (Telugu Literature) by Ganji Shashidar, Pothula Venkateshwar Reddy


UGC NET/JRF/SLET Sanskrit Prashan Patra-II Avum III (Hindi) by Priyanka Tiwari, Arihant


UGC NET/GCET-Commerce Paper (in Gujarati) by Mukesh M Bavaliya


UGC/CBSE NET Set Guide By Assam Publishing Company (Assamese) (ASHIM CHUTIA -Author)


UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) English Literature by Arihant Experts

UGC NET Books for Physical Education

Trueman’s UGC NET Physical Education by Akhilesh Tripathi, A.K. Srivastava

UGC NET Books for Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management

Trueman’s UGC NET HRM/ Human Resource Management & Labour Welfare by Ritu Dogra

UGC-NET: Labour Welfare & Industrial Relations / Labour & Social Welfare / Human Resource Management (Paper-II) Exam Guide

Adult Education/Continuing Education/ Andragogy/Non-Formal Education

A Brief Book on Extension Education by Shruti Madan Singh, New Vishal Publications


Trueman’s UGC NET Law by Suman Chauhan

UGC-NET: Law (Paper-II) Exam Guide by Aproov Bhardwaj (R Gupta’s Publication)

Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies

UGC NET Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies by Deepak Kumar

Library and Information Science

Trueman’s UGC NET Library and Information Science by S. Thakur (Author)

Mass Communication and Journalism

Trueman’s UGC NET Mass Communication & Journalism by Sameer K. Mishra

UGC NET Mass Communication and Journalism by Atul Udaipuria and Nitesh Kumar Singh (Arihant)

Comparative Study of Religions

Comparative Study of Religions by C.R. JainComparative Study of Religions by Y. Masih

Museology & Conservation

Archaeology, Museology, and Conservation: A Review Edited by Vibha Upadhaya

UGC NET Books for Archaeology

UGC NET/JRF Archaeology and Philosophy Paper (Hindi) by Mohan Lal

UGC NET Books for Sanskrit traditional subjects (including) Jyotisha/Sidhanta Jyotish/ Navya Vyakarna/ Vyakarna/ / Navya Nyaya/ Mimansa /Sankhya Yoga/ Tulanatmaka Darsan/ Shukla Yajurveda/ Madhav Vedant/ Dharmasasta/ Sahitya)

UGC NET/JRF/SLET – Sanskrit Prashan-Patra II Avum III by Priyanka Tiwari

UGC NET Books for Tribal and Regional Language/Literature

Folklore and Its Motifs in Tribal Literature by Dr Kishore Jadav

Folk Literature

Folk Literature: A Concise Guide for NET/JRF by Marya Naim

UGC NET Books for Visual Art (including Drawing & Painting/Sculpture Graphics/Applied Art/History of Art)

Upkar’s UGC-NET/JRF/SET Visual Art (Paper-II) by M. Vasim

Women Studies

Advanced Manual For Women Studies UGC/CBSE -NET/JRF by Anmol Murlidhar Nimsadkar


(UGC-NET/JRF) Criminology Solved Question Paper by Mr Nitish Kumar Soni, Dr Mridul Srivastava, Dr Anup Yadav

UGC NET Books for Computer Science and Applications

Trueman’s UGC NET/SET Computer Science and Applications by Sanjay Singhal, Sameer Mishra

Electronic Science


Environmental Sciences

Trueman’s UGC NET Environmental Science by Anil Tyagi and Virendra Singh

Forensic Science

Forensic Science UGC NET/JRF-MCQ by Dr Anu Singla

Human Rights and Duties

(a) UGC NET/SET (JFR&LS) Human Rights & Duties Paper II & III by Fazil, Atul Udaipuria

UGC NET Human Rights and Duties by Arihant


Trueman’s UGC NET Geography by A. Magon, B.P. Panigrahi


R.Gupta’s UGC-NET Yoga (Paper II & III) Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board

Tourism Administration and Management.

Trueman’s UGC NET Tourism by Akhilesh

Quick links: UGC NET Eligibility Criteria 2024

UGC NET Syllabus 2024

Apart from the UGC NET books 2024, candidates must also know about the syllabus. The National Testing Agency released the UGC NET 2024 syllabus and mentioned it in the notification/information brochure.

The syllabus of UGC NET papers 2 is for 83 subjects as there are 83 optional subjects in it and candidates can choose the subjects as per their own preference. Candidates must go through the detailed syllabus of UGC NET 2024 while preparing for it. Two new subjects have been introduced this year.

The UGC NET syllabus for both paper-I and -II are mentioned in it. UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-I is common for all and consists of 10 units - Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Comprehension, Communication, Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Information, and Communication Technology (ICT), People, Development and Environment and Higher Education System.

Quick links: UGC NET Admit Card 2024

UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024

Along with knowing the UGC NET 2024 books, aspirants must know about the exam pattern also. The National Testing Agency along with the syllabus also mentioned the exam pattern of UGC NET in the information brochure.

The UGC NET exam pattern has been released for both paper-I and -II. As per the UGC NET exam pattern, both papers contain multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The time duration for both papers is three hours. The exam was conducted in online mode and there was no negative marking in the exam.

UGC NET Question Papers 2024

Accompanying the books of UGC NET 2024 in study materials are also the question papers. The previous years question papers of UGC NET 2024 help candidates know about the difficulty level of the exam, paper pattern and types of questions asked. The National Testing Agency releases the UGC NET question papers in online mode for the exam.

Candidates appeared for the exam must have solved the question papers for better preparation. To download question papers, they might have used their application number and date of birth/password as login credentials. Along with the question papers, NTA releases the UGC NET answer key which candidates can download from the official website to match their answers and spectate their marks.

Check Here For A List of Other Government Exams

UGC NET Mock Tests 2024

Not just the UGC NET books 2024 or the question papers, but one of the best ways to prepare is solving mock tests as well. National Testing Agency releases the UGC NET mock test 2024 on its official website before the commencement of the exam. To evaluate preparations and get an exam-like feel before the actual exam, candidates can take mock tests.

The mock test is an online test platform provided by NTA for free to the candidates appearing in the exam. With the help of these mock tests, applicants can help themselves improve their efficiency, question-solving ability, and accuracy.

UGC NET Preparation Tips 2024

  • Refer to the exam pattern and syllabus of UGC NET before starting the preparations of UGC NET and stick with it.

  • Focus on all aspects of the syllabus, identify the topics which are less time-consuming and can help in scoring the marks easily.

  • Make a preparation strategy to qualify and work on time management, and solve the previous year's question papers.

  • Make a timetable and follow it strictly.

  • Solve mock tests and identify the weaker sections and work on them aggressively.

  • Refer to the UGC NET 2024 best books for deep and extensive study.

  • Check previous year cut off marks of UGC NET 2024 to know about the cutoff trends and difficulty level.

More preparation articles related to popular government exams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to choose best books for UGC NET Preparation 2024?

Candidates must choose the books that have authentic information, check the year of publication and edition of books for updated content and focus on books that have sample papers and previous year question papers for practice.

2. How can I get the NET exam in 2024?

Candidates took the UGC NET 2024 exam by applying for it from the official website. The exam is held twice a year.

3. Which publication is best for UGC NET?

All the publications are the best, but Truemans and Arihant’s are some of the most popular ones among the students.

4. What is UGC NET salary?

After getting qualified in the exam and getting placed in any university as a lecturer etc, candidates can expect a salary of Rs. 5 lac per annum based on the university guidelines.

5. Is the NET exam difficult?

Yes, it is difficult due to the tough competition level and a lot of candidates applying.

6. What are the subjects in UGC NET?

In paper 1, there is one subject, while in paper 2 there are a total of 83 optional subjects.


Upcoming Competition Exams

Application Date:24 February,2025 - 13 March,2025

Admit Card Date:27 February,2025 - 09 March,2025

Exam Date:23 March,2025 - 23 March,2025

Exam Date:27 April,2025 - 27 April,2025

Exam Date:11 May,2025 - 11 May,2025

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Certifications By Top Providers

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Human Rights Law and Criminal Justice
Via LMS Law College, Imphal
Access to Justice
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Library Science
Via Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan Girls' College, Kolkata
MPSE 001 India and World Politics Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century
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Questions related to UGC NET

Have a question related to UGC NET ?

With a Master's degree in Hotel Management, you can appear for the UGC NET exam in Tourism Administration and Management.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Master's Degree: You have a Master's degree in Hotel Management, which meets the basic eligibility criteria for UGC NET.

2. Subject Eligibility: Tourism Administration and Management is a subject that is closely related to Hotel Management. Your Master's degree in Hotel Management provides a strong foundation for studying Tourism Administration and Management.

UGC NET Subjects

Tourism Administration and Management is one of the subjects listed under the UGC NET exam. It falls under the broader category of "tourism administration and Management" subjects.

Preparation Strategy

To prepare for the UGC NET exam in Tourism Administration and Management, focus on the following areas:

1. Tourism Concepts: Study the fundamentals of tourism, including its definition, types, and importance.

2. Tourism Management: Delve into the principles and practices of tourism management, covering topics like tourism planning, development, and marketing.

3. Administration: Understand the administrative aspects of tourism, including policy-making, governance, and regulation.

4. Research Methods: Familiarize yourself with research methods and techniques used in tourism studies.

5. Current Trends: Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the tourism industry.

Additional Tips

1. Refer to UGC NET Syllabus: Study the official UGC NET syllabus for Tourism Administration and Management to understand the exam pattern and content.

2. Use Relevant Study Materials: Utilize textbooks, research papers, and online resources related to tourism administration and management to prepare for the exam.

3. Practice Mock Tests: Take mock tests to assess your knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and develop your time-management skills.

By focusing on these areas and following the tips outlined above, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the UGC NET exam in Tourism Administration and Management.


The UGC NET December 2024 examination , administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA) was conducted from January 3 to January 16, 2025. The exam comprised two papers :

Paper 1 : Assessed general teaching and research aptitude , covering areas such as reasoning ability, comprehension and general awareness.

Paper 2 : Focused on subject-specific knowledge with History being one of the subjects offered.

As of now , the official question papers for the December 2024 cycle are not yet available on the NTA's official website . However , candidates can access previous years question papers to aid in their preparation .



MBA in Finance and are planning to write the UGC NET exam, you should select Management ( Code 17 ) as your subject because Management is the most relevant subject for MBA graduates and includes topics related to finance, marketing, HR and general management.


1. Relevance to Your MBA : The syllabus covers finance , organizational behavior, business economics and strategic management , which align with your MBA specialization .

2. Career Opportunities : Qualifying UGC NET in Management can help you secure positions as  lecturer , professor or researcher in the field of management and finance .

Commerce (Code 08) : If your focus is more on financial accounting, auditing or economics , you can also consider this subject .

Review the Syllabus of both Management and Commerce to decide which aligns better with your strengths and interests .

Hope this helps you .


Hello aspirant,

We are unable to compare the two. The purpose of these tests is to determine if applicants are qualified for a junior research fellowship or a lectureship. Therefore, we may conclude that although the two tests have the same goal, they cover different themes. Each exam is significant in its own right and is the greatest in its subject.

Thank you

Hope it helps you

Preparing for the UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) requires a strategic approach and dedicated effort, as it’s a competitive exam for candidates aspiring to become Assistant Professors and/or qualify for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively prepare for the UGC NET exam:

1. Understand the Exam Structure

UGC NET consists of two papers :

  • Paper I : General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude (50 questions, 100 marks)

  • Paper II : Subject-Specific Paper (100 questions, 200 marks)

  • Paper I assesses general skills like teaching aptitude, research methodology, reasoning, communication, and data interpretation.

  • Paper II is subject-specific, where you’ll choose a subject (based on your post-graduate subject, e.g., Computer Science, Psychology, English, etc.).

2. Know the Syllabus and Exam Pattern

  • Paper I covers topics like:

    • Teaching Aptitude
    • Research Aptitude
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Communication
    • Logical Reasoning
    • Data Interpretation
    • ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
    • People and Environment
    • Higher Education System
  • Paper II is subject-specific. You can download the detailed syllabus from the UGC NET website for the subject you have chosen.

Key Tips :

  • Download the latest syllabus and highlight important topics .
  • Focus on the entire syllabus, as there is no fixed weightage for topics.

3. Choose the Right Study Material

  • Books :

    • For Paper I : NCERT books on general topics, Teaching Aptitude by J.N. Pandey, Research Aptitude by UGC NET guidebooks, and books on Reasoning and Data Interpretation .
    • For Paper II : Choose books specifically designed for your subject, such as:
      • UGC NET Computer Science by S.P. Suman and others.
      • UGC NET Psychology by Arihant Experts.
      • Subject-specific reference books (like Oxford Handbooks , Cambridge Guides , etc.).
  • Previous Year Papers : Solving previous years’ papers is crucial to understanding the exam pattern and time management.

4. Plan Your Preparation

  1. Create a Timetable :

    • Divide time between Paper I and Paper II based on your strengths and weaknesses.
    • Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals, allocating time for each topic.
  2. Focus on Paper I : Many candidates neglect Paper I, but it’s essential to secure good marks here, as it accounts for 50% of your total score.

    • 1-2 hours daily for Paper I is sufficient to keep the basics in check.
  3. Subject-Specific Preparation :

    • Prioritize important chapters in your subject (refer to the syllabus).
    • Focus on concepts and definitions as they are frequently asked in UGC NET.
    • Dedicate more time to difficult or vast topics.

5. Practice Mock Tests and Previous Papers

  • Start solving mock tests once you have completed a few topics.
  • Regularly solve previous year’s papers to get used to the exam format.
  • Focus on improving speed and accuracy as the exam is time-bound.

6. Revision and Notes

  • Keep a separate notebook for important formulas, definitions, and key points.
  • Revise regularly to ensure concepts are retained.
  • Before the exam, focus on short notes for quick revision.

7. Time Management During the Exam

  • Paper I and Paper II together have 150 questions. You’ll need to manage your time effectively to avoid rushing through.
  • Practice time-bound mock tests to improve speed.
  • Answer easier questions first, and if unsure, leave the difficult ones for later.

8. Stay Updated

  • Stay informed about any changes in syllabus or exam pattern by visiting the official UGC NET website: ( .
  • Keep track of official announcements and admit card release dates.

9. Stay Motivated and Confident

  • Take breaks to relax and avoid burnout.
  • Stay confident in your preparation and don’t get discouraged by challenges.
  • Connect with other aspirants online to share resources and tips.

10. Additional Resources

  • Online Platforms : You can use platforms like Unacademy , Vedantu , or BYJU's for video lessons and mock tests.
  • Study Groups : Join study groups (online or offline) to discuss and clarify doubts.


Preparing for the UGC NET requires consistent effort, strategic planning, and focused study. By understanding the syllabus, following a structured plan, and regularly practicing, you can successfully clear the exam. Remember to stay disciplined, track your progress, and believe in your abilities. You've got this! :)

If you need help with specific subject recommendations or planning, feel free to ask!

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