How to Crack SSC CGL 2023 Exam Finally

How to Crack SSC CGL 2023 Exam Finally

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Jul 14, 2023 10:38 AM IST | #SSC CGL
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How to crack SSC CGL? - One thing that always confuses aspirants is how to crack SSC CGL exam? SSC CGL is one of the most popular government recruitment exams. The exam of SSC CGL is conducted at the central level. To prepare for the SSC CGL exam, candidates need to follow a proper study plan for each stage. As per the SSC CGL exam pattern, there are four tiers in the SSC CGL exam. In this article, we are going to throw light on all the aspects regarding how to crack SSC CGL 2023, preparation strategy and many more.

This Story also Contains
  1. SSC CGL: Who Can Crack the SSC CGL 2023
  2. How to crack the SSC CGL 2023: TIER- I, II, III & IV Exams
  3. Free Practice UPSC Mock Tests
  4. How to crack SSC CGL exam 2023: Success Plan
How to Crack SSC CGL 2023 Exam Finally
How to Crack SSC CGL 2023 Exam Finally

SSC CGL: Who Can Crack the SSC CGL 2023

Aspirants who focus on SSC CGL 2023 as their only goal, analyse and strategize exam preparation can crack SSC CGL 2023 exam and finally become Central Government officers. For this, they must visualise only their goal and the path to reach it just like Arjuna’s arrow in Draupadi’s Swayamvar won him her hand.

There are many examples of SSC CGL exam qualifiers from underprivileged backgrounds or of odd situations who have cracked it no one can believe, for examples: Mohit Goyal SSC CGL- 2016, Sagar Gupta- 2013, Ghan Shyam Verma. Thus, any competitive aspirant can crack SSC CGL if he or she fulfils the eligibility requirements, and have the following qualities:

  • Winner’s mindset and attitude.

  • Confidence in self.

  • Ability to do hard work to win.

  • Focus on planned strategy and preparation tips to crack SSC CGL exam finally.

SSC CGL Complete Guide
Candidates can download this ebook to know all about SSC CGL.
Download EBook

Also Analyse UPSC Prelims Solved Paper-1 2016 to 2020 with Ans. & Explanation

How to crack the SSC CGL 2023: TIER- I, II, III & IV Exams

1. Preparation Strategy & Tips for SSC CGL Tier-I Exam

Some important points to note for SSC CGL 2023 preparation:

  • SSC CGL is a computer based objective type online exam

  • It consists of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions.

  • The questions for SSC CGL exam will be set both in English & Hindi except for English Comprehension.

  • There will be a negative marking of 0.50 for each wrong answer.

(a) SSC CGL Exam Pattern: Section-wise Questions and Marks Distribution





(i) General Intelligence & Reasoning



60 Minutes

(ii) General Awareness



(iii) Quantitative Aptitude



(iv) English Language and Comprehension






(b) SSC CGL: Subject-wise Questions Trend Analysis of Previous Exams

SSC-CGL Exam March 2019-20


Difficulty Level


Easy to Moderate

General Awareness

Easy to Moderate

Quantitative Aptitude

Easy to Moderate

English Language

Easy to Moderate

Also Read:

(i) SSC CGL: Strategy & Tips for General Intelligence and Reasoning

During SSC CGL exam preparation, students need to understand that the General Intelligence and Reasoning section of SSC CGL Tier-I exam is a tough area and consists of many topics. Analysis of previous papers as given above shows the trends of questions from topics. It helps in preparation of those topics in depth which are important, like Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Series, Odd One Out, Missing Term, etc. The following tips will be helpful:

  • Solve previous papers of SSC CGL Tier-I to understand questions patterns and trends.

  • Learning the general problem-solving skills, like logical deductions and applications to avoid silly mistakes.

  • Practice maximum SSC CGL mock tests to keep learning and speed as required.

  • Switch to the next question if a question is taking precious time and come back if time permits.

(ii) SSC CGL: Strategy & Tips for General Awareness

According to the SSC CGL syllabus, General Awareness (GA) is a scoring section which consists of questions from static subjects like history, polity, biology, chemistry, physics economics, geography, GK, and recently more questions are current affairs. This section of SSC CGL syllabus takes less time and spare for other sections, so it should be tackled wisely. Some important tips for this are:

  • Going through previous year's SSC CGL papers helps in understanding the nature of questions.

  • Practice mock tests for GA as much as possible regularly.

  • 60% of the questions are from the static part of its traditional subjects, so focus on it.

  • Be aware of current affairs topics like Union Budget, Covid-19, Economic Survey, etc.

  • Miscellaneous portions like t Authors, Award Winners, sea & airports and their location, State Animals, etc. you should also cover.

(iii) SSC CGL Exam: Strategy & Tips for Quantitative Aptitude

According to the SSC CGL study plan, it is the most important section for selection. This section consists of questions from 12 to 15 topics but five categories like Arithmetic, Data Interpretation, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra are more important. So, candidates should give more emphasis for. Some tips for this section are:

  • Learn and work on the basics of all the topics of SSC CGL syllabus.

  • Take care of time speed in solving questions.

  • Learn and work short-cut methods.

  • Don’t use a risky method on which you don’t have a command.

(iv) SSC CGL: Strategy & Tips for English Language & Comprehension

Section D of SSC CGL Tier-I i.e. English subject consists of major 3 categories with % of marks as:


Vocabulary Usage


Reading Comprehension

Approx. Marks

30 to 45%

35 to 45%

15 to 20%

Some important tips to prepare for English subject of SSC CGL Exam:

  • Read the newspapers, especially editorial, half an hour daily.

  • Improve your English Grammar.

  • Practice Reading Comprehension after understanding the essence of the article.

  • Solve previous papers and Practice mock tests regularly.

Free Practice UPSC Mock Tests

2. Preparation Strategy & Tips for SSC CGL Tier-II Exam

(a) Points to note for SSC CGL Tier II:

  • SSC CGL 2023 Tier-II will include conducting of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III in separate shifts and days.

  • Paper 1 is compulsory for all the posts.

  • Paper 2 will be for only those candidates who apply for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and Statistical Investigator Grade-II in the office of Registrar General of India (M/o Home Affairs) and who are shortlisted in Tier-I for these Posts.

  • Paper 3 will be for only those candidates who are shortlisted in Tier-I for Paper-III i.e. for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer.

  • SSC CG Tier-II 2023 (Paper-I, Paper-II & Paper-III) will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions, except for Module-II of Section-III of Paper-I. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi except for English Language and Comprehension module in Section-II of Paper-I.

  • There will be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III of Paper 1 and of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II and Paper-III.

  • It will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify all the sections of Paper 1.

(b) Exam Pattern of SSC CGL Tier II



No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Time Allotted

Paper 1

Session 1


Module-I: Mathematical Abilities

Module-II: Reasoning

and General Intelligence

30+30= 60


2 Hours 15 minutes


Module-I: English

Language and


Module-II: General





Module-I: Computer

Knowledge Module



Session 2


Module-II: Data Entry

Speed Test Module

Only data entry task

15 Minutes

Paper 2




2 Hours

Paper 3General Studies (Finance and Economics)General Studies (Finance and Economics)100200

Check Here List of Other Government Exams

(c) Preparation Strategy & Tips for SSC CGL Section III (Module-II & III) Exam

Points to note for SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 exam, Section III and Module II is the skill test of the candidate for:

1. Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) of SSC CGL : This test is for Tax Assistants based on

  • It will be conducted for a passage of 2000 key depressions for a duration of 15 minutes.

  • This test will be of qualifying nature and will be designed as per the SSC CGL question paper. Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) will be mandatory for all the posts.

2. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) of SSC CGL: It comprises of three modules

(i) Word Processing,

(ii) Spreadsheet, and

(iii) Generation of Slides,

  • The duration of each module will be 15 minutes one after the other.

  • Module-I will comprise DEST for a passage of 2000 key depressions.

  • Module-II will comprise the preparation of the spreadsheet as per the exercise.

  • Module-III will comprise the preparation of the PowerPoint Presentation as per the exercise.

How to crack SSC CGL exam 2023: Success Plan

1. Analytical Approach to SSC CGL Preparation

(a) Setting up a Goal for SSC CGL: First step towards cracking the SSC-CGL exam is to analyse eligibility, capabilities, and the required means/resources to achieve it. The goal should be SMART (i.e. S- Specific; M-Measurable; A-Achievable; R-Realistic; and T- Time-bound).

“A set goal serves as a GPS device to keep on the right track towards the destination and saves you from wandering aimlessly in your life journey.” _ Dr. Md. Usmangani Ansari

Setting up a goal for SSC-CGL helps aspirants in many ways like:

  1. A set goal helps you stay focussed.

  2. In overcoming delay.

  3. Measures study and preparation progress.

  4. Setting barriers against distraction.

  5. Managing time as per schedules set for preparation.

  6. It motivates in scaling milestones.

  7. Choose the best books for SSC CGL 2023

(b) Follow Daily Routine or timetable for SSC CGL Preparation: Everyone has 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 4 weeks in a month, and 12 months in a year for doing any work including preparation for entrance examinations of SSC CGL 2023. One of the key factors which plays the most important role in how to crack the SSC CGL exam 2023 is having a balanced routine or timetable that focuses upon studies as well as the normal daily activities. A timetable helps keep the study schedule on track.

"Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose." - Thomas Edison

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However, no fixed timetable suits every aspirant. They should prepare their own timetable chart based on their strengths and weaknesses, their convenience, etc. for the SSC CGL exam preparation.

(c) Importance of Good Health for Cracking SSC CGL Exam: The Greek philosopher Thales said, “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body”means a sound body would ideally function better. A healthy diet, sound sleep, and activities to de-stress and keep the body fit should be part of the routine for every SSC CGL aspirant.

(d) Emotion Management for SSC CGL Exam: According to the SSC CGL preparation tips, some serious aspirants follow hectic study schedules to cover all the topics in time. Bonding with like-minded professionals preparing for the exam will help make the preparation journey better.

Also read: Basic information about category-wise top career exams

2. How to Manage Study for SSC CGL Preparation

(a) How to Manage Reading Speed: This is important as the SSC CGL syllabus is vast and aspirants need speed to cover it all. Some habits that help are

  • Concentration and focus on the content.

  • Avoid rereading and move on to new topics once done.

  • Use a timer to gauge your reading time and fix time slots for particular texts or pages.

  • Learn to skim through the important facts.

  • Practice till the desirable reading speed is achieved.

(b) Make your own Study Timetable for SSC CGL Preparation

  • As per the SSC CGL 2023 study plan, students must divide the syllabus into Tier-I, Tier-II, and Tier-III. Further, divide each one into subjects and chapters/topics.

  • Then divide the time span, say a year into months, a month into weeks, and a week into days. Now divide the day into a group of hours.

  • Next, make a chronological classification of subjects, topics, and sub-topics of all three tiers syllabus according to strong and weak areas and the importance of questions asked in the examinations.

  • Put the chapters subject-wise in months and topics/ subtopics in weeks and days categories to fix a schedule that completes them all.

  • Incorporate revision time every day, every week, every month, and every third month.

(c) How to Schedule Revision for SSC- CGL Preparation?

Revision is the key element of preparation for any competitive exam including SSC CGL. The concepts, facts, and other information studied have to be revised to avoid forgetting them. So most of the CGL toppers recommend a 3 Tier Revision Plan as given below:

3 Tier Revision Plan

Daily Revision

Weekly Revision

Monthly Revision


Morning and Night recaps


Month End


Subject name




Chapter name




Topic name



Practice Sessions for SSC CGL Preparation: Revision every 15th day and every 3rd month with not just study material but SSC CGL mock papers, past years' question papers will make the plan a better and a viable one.

Daily Revision Schedule: Aspirants should look at all important points that they studied the whole day before going to sleep. Likewise in the morning, they should quickly revise all chapters and topics they studied the previous day.

Also Read:

Weekly Revision Schedule: While following the SSC CGL study plan 2023, Aspirants should revise all the subjects, chapters, and topics that they studied in the past 6 days of the week.

Monthly Revision Schedule: This is the third stage of revision which is better fixed on the last day of every month. The aspirants should revise all the subjects, chapters, and topics along with solved papers, and mock tests for topics they have revised in that month.

3. How to Evaluate Study Progress for SSC CGL Exam

(a) Learning Evaluation: SSC CGL aspirants must check their learning progress and evaluate their preparation from time to time (weekly and monthly). For this, they can take a mock test and previous questions asked from a particular topic and solve them.

(b) Speed Evaluation: SSC CGL Mock tests are the best tools to evaluate speed as well as for improvement. Aspirants need to solve papers within a set time limit and gauge their performance. They should strive to improve on it with every test they take till the target is achieved.

For Complete Exam Preparation Guide with Trend Analysis, Cut off, Preparation Tips & Strategy


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Questions related to SSC CGL

Have a question related to SSC CGL ?


You can access SSC CGL Previous year paper from several reputable sources to aid your exam preparation.

Regular practice with these previous year question papers will enhance your familiarity with the exam format , improve time management skills and help identify important topics and trends .

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Official Website

The official SSC website also provides a collection of previous year question papers , serving as valuable study material for candidates .

Hope this information  helps you .


Yes, you can apply for the SSC CGL exam if you have passed in graduation after class 12th. For many of the posts of the SSC CGL,along with class 12th from a recognised board,you also need to have graduation degree from a recognised university. SSC CGL emphasizes more on graduation degree for most of the posts .

If the maths is your additional subject,there is no problem,if you have passed overall, but you might need to explain during documents verification about the reason of failing in the subject .

To know more about SSC CGL jobs ,visit SSC CGL eligibility criteria

If you want to prepare for SSC and don't have any idea about the exam then you should join a coaching centre for guidance it is upto your choice which coaching you join according to your location preference.also there are some online classes like unacademy,gradeup offers the 6 month subscription on platform for students preparing for cgl provide all subjects notes and mock test too.

If you want some affordable option then you can go for testbook its a good and cheapest platform where you get all materials including mock test practice mocks regularly.

On our app you get the ssc cgl preparation and previous year paper.

There is no as such online coaching which gives you 100 percent results so it is difficult to suggest any one name at the end its your efforts and hard work matter but one thing for sure i suggest don't go with big names but choose the right names who gives proper guidance for ssc cgl and chsl.

Choose faculty who are really good in their subjects and have years of experience in this field. Explore coaching and review of past students they will help you better.

Also here are the preparation tips to help you prepare better:

Good luck..

Indeed, you can very well sit for SSC CGL while doing your BA LLB course, which is 5-year integrated.

For the purpose of SSC CGL eligibility, one needs to have a bachelor's degree from any recognized university. Since your BA LLB is a 5-year integrated course, it will qualify you once you complete that.

However, check the eligibility criteria for each post, as it may vary for each. For instance, for some, certain specific subjects studied would be criteria, or a minimum percentage is a criterion.

Always refer to and monitor the SSC official notifications for any available information and eligibility criteria.

Hence, starting preparations right from the beginning and being constant helps you definitely clear out the SSC CGL exam.

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