UPSC Zoology Syllabus 2024- Detailed Zoology Syllabus for Paper 1 & 2

UPSC Zoology Syllabus 2024- Detailed Zoology Syllabus for Paper 1 & 2

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Feb 14, 2024 06:08 PM IST | #UPSC CSE
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By referring the UPSC Zoology 2024 syllabus pdf, candidates can prepare their study schedule and exam preparation strategy. Union Public Service Commission prescribes the UPSC zoology syllabus in an official notification pdf. The syllabus of UPSC IAS for zoology is released separately for paper 1 and paper 2 in the pdf file.
Download - UPSC Zoology syllabus pdf

This Story also Contains
  1. Highlights of Zoology Syllabus 2024
  2. UPSC Zoology Paper I Syllabus 2024
  3. UPSC CSE Exam Pattern 2024 - For Prelims & Mains Exam
UPSC Zoology Syllabus 2024- Detailed Zoology Syllabus for Paper 1 & 2
UPSC Zoology Syllabus 2024- Detailed Zoology Syllabus for Paper 1 & 2

Aspirants should refer the UPSC zoology 2024 syllabus for the mains exam of UPSC IAS. It becomes important to cover the syllabus in detail as UPSC IAS question papers are prepared from it only. Go to the below-given article to know about the Civil Services exam and other important details of the zoology syllabus.

Highlights of Zoology Syllabus 2024

  • According to UPSC IAS 2024 exam pattern there will be no negative marking in mains exam.

  • This syllabus will be useful only to those applicants who qualify in the UPSC IAS 2024 result.

  • The syllabus of zoology subject is divided in two parts - paper I and II

  • The weightage of both the papers in the exam is the same which is 250 marks.

UPSC Subject-wise Questions for various Subjects

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UPSC Zoology Paper I Syllabus 2024

Applicants can check various topics and sub topics of Zoology subjects from the given table below.

UPSC Zoology Paper 1 syllabus


Sub topics


  • Biosphere: concept of biosphere; biomes, Biogeochemical cycles, Human induced changes in atmosphere including greenhouse effect, biomes and ecotones, ecological succession, community ecology.

  • Concept of ecosystem; structure and function of ecosystem, types of ecosystem, ecological succession, ecological adaptation.

  • Population; characteristics, population dynamics, population stabilization.

  • Biodiversity and diversity conservation of natural resources.

  • Wildlife of India.

  • Remote sensing for sustainable development.

  • Environmental biodegradation; pollution and its impact on biosphere and its prevention.

Non-chordata and Chordata

(a) Classification and relationship of various phyla up to subclasses: Acoelomate and Coelomate, Protostomes and Deuterostomes, Bilateria and Radiata; Status of Protista, Parazoa, Onychophora and Hemichordata; Symmetry.

(b) Protozoa: Locomotion, nutrition, reproduction, sex; General features and life history of Paramaecium, Monocystis. Plasmodium and Leishmania.

(c) Porifera: Skeleton, canal system and reproduction.

(d) Cnidaria: Polymorphism, defensive structures and their mechanism; coral reefs and their formation; metagenesis; general features and life history of Obelia and Aurelia.

(e) Platyhelminthes: Parasitic adaptation; general features and life history of Fasciola and Taenia and their-Pathogenic symptoms. (f) Nemathelminthes: General features, life history, parasitic adaptation of Ascaris and Wuchereria.

(g) Annelida: Coelom and metamerism; modes of life in polychaetes; general features and life history of Nereis, earthworm and leech.

(h) Arthropoda: Larval forms and parasitism in Crustacea; vision and respiration in arthropods (Prawn, scorpion & cockroach); modification of mouth, parts in insects (cockroach, housefly, mosquito, honey bee and butterfly), metaphor phosis in insect and its hormonal regulation, social behaviour ofApis and termites.

(i) Molluscs: Feeding, respiration, locomotion, general features and life history of Lamellidens, Pila and Sepia. Torsion and detorsion in gastropods.

(j) Echinodermata: Feeding, respiration, locomotion, larval forms, general features and life history of Asterias.

(k) Protochordata: Origin of chordates; general features and life history of Branchiostoma and Herdmania.

(l) Pisces: Respiration, locomotion and migration.

(m) Amphibia: Origin of tetrapods, parental care, paedomorphosis.

(n) Reptilia; Origin of reptiles, skull types, status of Sphenodon and crocodiles.

(o) Aves: Origin of birds, flight adaptation, migration.

(p) Mammalia: Origin of mammals, dentition, general features of egg laying mammals, pouched mammals, aquatic mammals and primates, endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads) and their interrelationships.

(q) Comparative functional anatomy of various systems of vertebrates. (integument and its derivatives, endoskeleton, locomotory organs, digestive system,. respiratory system, circulatory system including heart and aortic arches, urinogenital system, brain and sense organs (eye & ear).


(1) Behaviour: Sensory filtering, responsiveness, sign stimuli, learning, and memory, instinct, habituation, conditioning, imprinting.

(2) Role of hormones in drive; role of pheromones in alarm spreading; crypsis, predator detection, predator tactics, social hierarchies in primates, social organization in insects;

(3) Orientation, navigation, homing; biological rhythms: biological clock, tidal, seasonal and circadian rhythms.

(4) Methods of studying animal behaviour including sexual conflict, selfishness, kinship and altruism.


  • Designing of experiments.

  • Null hypothesis

  • Correlation

  • Regression

  • Distribution and measure of central tendency

  • Chi square

  • Student-test

  • F-test (one-way & two-way F-test).

Instrumentation methods

(a) Spectrophotometer, phase contrast & fluorescence microscopy, radioactive tracer, electrophoresis, ultracentrifuge, PCR, ELISA, FISH and chromosome painting.

(b) Electron microscopy (TEM, SEM).

Economic Zoology

(a) Apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, pearl culture, carp culture, prawn culture, vermiculture.

(b) Major infectious and communicable diseases (malaria,tuberculosis, filaria, cholera and AIDS) their vectors, pathogens and prevention.

(c) Cattle and livestock diseases, their pathogen (helminths) and vectors (ticks, mites, Tabanus, Stomoxys).

(d) Pests of sugarcane (Pyrilla perpusilla), oil seed (Achaeajanata) and rice (Sitophilus oryzae).

(e) Transgenic animals.

(f) Medical biotechnology, human genetic disease and genetic counselling, gene therapy.

(g) Forensic biotechnology.

UPSC Zoology 2024 Paper 2 syllabus


Sub topics


  • Theories of origin of life.

  • Theories of evolution; Natural selection, role of mutation in evolution, evolutionary patterns, molecular drive, mimicry, variation, isolation and speciation.

  • Evolution of horse, elephant and man using fossil data.

  • Continental drift and distribution of animals.

  • Hardy-Weinberg Law.


Zoological nomenclature

International code


Molecular taxonomy & biodiversity

Cell Biology

(a) Structure & function of cell and its organelles (nucleus, plasma membrane, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and lysosomes), cell division (mitosis and meiosis), mitotic spindle and mitotic apparatus, chromosome movement chromosome type polytene and lampbrush, organization of chromatin, heterochromatin, Cell cycle regulation.

(b) Nucleic acid topology, DNA replication, transcription, DNA motif, RNA processing, translation, protein foldings and transport.


(a) Modern concept of gene, split gene, genetic,genetic regulation, code.

(b) Sex chromosomes and their evolution, sex determination in Drosophila and man.

(c) Mendel’s laws of inheritance, recombination, linkage, multiple alleles, genetics of blood groups, pedigree analysis, hereditary diseases in man.

(d) Mutations and mutagenesis.

(e) Recombinant DNA technology, plasmid, cosmid, artificial chromosomes as vectors, transgenics, DNA cloning and whole animal cloning (principles and methods).

(f) Gene regulation and expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

(g) Signal molecules, cell death, defects in signaling pathway and consequences.

(h) RFLP, RAPD and AFLP and application of RFLP in DNA finger-printing, ribozyme technologies, human genome project, genomics and proteomics.


(a) Structure and role of carbohydrates, fats, fatty acids, cholesterol, proteins and amino-acids, nucleic acids. Bioenergetics.

(b) Glycolysis and Krebs cycle, oxidation and reduction, oxidative phosphorylation; energy conservation and release, ATP, cycl cyclic AMP-its structure and role.

(c) Hormone classification (steroid and peptide hormones), biosynthesis and functions.

(d) Enzymes: types and mechanisms of action.

(e) Vitamins and coenzymes.

(f) Immunoglobulin and immunity.

Physiology (with special reference to mammals)

  • Composition and constituents of blood; blood groups and Rh factor in man; factors and mechanism of coagulation; iron metabolism, acid-base balance, thermoregulation, anticoagulants.

  • Haemoglobin: Composition, types and role in transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

  • Digestion and absorption: Role of salivary glands, liver, pancreas and intestinal glands.

  • Excretion: nephron and regulation of urine formation; osmo-regulation and excretory product.

  • Muscles: Types, mechanism of contraction of skeletal muscles, effects of exercise on muscles.

  • Neuron: nerve impulse—its conduction and synaptic transmission; neurotransmitters.

  • Vision, hearing and olfaction in man.

  • Physiology of reproduction, puberty and menopause in humans.

Developmental Biology

(a) Gametogenesis; spermatogenesis, composition of semen, in vitro and in vivo capacitation of mammalian sperm, Oogenesis, totipotency; fertilization, morphogenesis and morphogen; blastogenesis, establishment of body axes formation, fate map, gastrulation in frog and chick; genes in development in chick homeotic genes, development of eye and heart, placenta in mammals.

(b) Cell lineage, cell to cell interaction, Genetic and induced teratogenesis, role of thyroxine in control of metamorphosis in amphibia, paedogenesis and neoteny, cell death, aging.

(c) Developmental genes in man, in vitro fertilization; and embryo transfer; cloning.

(d) Stem cells: Sources, types and their use in human welfare.

(e) Biogenetic law.

Also read: UPSC Mock Tests Series for UPSC

UPSC CSE Exam Pattern 2024 - For Prelims & Mains Exam

As per the official UPSC Civil Services Exam notification, the UPSC IAS prelims exam has multiple choice questions whereas the UPSC IAS mains exam is descriptive type questions. The prelims CSE is of 400 marks in total whereas IAS mains is of 2350 marks. For more details on the prelims and mains UPSC IAS exam pattern 2024 check the tables below.

UPSC IAS prelims exam pattern





Paper 1

General Studies 1


2 hrs

Paper 2

General Studies 2


2 hrs

UPSC CSE mains exam pattern





Paper 1

General English


3 hrs

Paper 2

Language (regional language)


3 hrs

Paper 3



3 hrs

Paper 4

General Studies 1


3 hrs

Paper 5

General Studies 2


3 hrs

Paper 6

Optional subject 1


3 hrs

Paper 7

Optional subject 1


3 hrs

Paper 8

Optional subject 2


3 hrs

Paper 9

Optional subject 2


3 hrs

Also read: Information about category-wise career exams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Where can I download the UPSC Civil Services syllabus?

Aspirants can download UPSC IAS syllabus from the official website -

2. When will the commission release the admit card?

The commission will release UPSC IAS admit card in online mode tentatively by 20 days prior to the exam.

3. What is the use of UPSC CSE zoology syllabus?

Applicants have to prepare for the zoology subject syllabus to qualify Civil Services mains examination.

4. What is the UPSC IAS salary?

Applicants should know that UPSC IAS salary basic pay is Rs. 56,100


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Via Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
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Via LMS Law College, Imphal
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Via National Law University, New Delhi
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Via Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan Girls' College, Kolkata
MPSE 001 India and World Politics Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century
Via Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Roadmap for Patent Creation
Via Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
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University of Bristol, Bristol
 Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU
University of Nottingham, Nottingham
 University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD
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Questions related to UPSC CSE

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Oh that's good

For becoming an IAS officer you have to give UPSC exam , and focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the Humanities or Social Sciences stream, then graduate from a recognized university. Prepare for the UPSC and for studies you have to focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the relevant subject and complete your higher education and graduation then prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, which includes preliminary, main and personality tests. Join coaching classes, develop skills like communication, leadership and problem-solving and stay motivated. And also research more about that exam.

Have a great day

Steps to become an IAS officer


You should have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a known university

Arts: History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology

Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology

Commerce: Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies

Preparation for UPSC Civil Services Examination:

Study the Syllabus: Learn the syllabus for Preliminary and Main exams.

Choose Elective Subjects: Take elective subjects that you enjoy and have expertise in

Study Material: Reference textbooks, handouts distributed during the coaching and internet resources.

Practice: Previous years' question paper, mock tests, etc

Coaching Institutes: Join a good coaching institute for formal guidance 3. UPSC Civil Services Examination:

Prelims Exam: An objective-type qualifying test that will make you eligible to appear in the Main examination.

Main Exam: Very subjective test which includes all subjects.

Interview: Personality test by a panel of experts.

Important Tips:

Start Early: Better preparation starts early.

Time Management: Manage your time very efficiently.

Consistency: Follow a regular study routine.

Stay Updated: Current affairs and news.

Seek Guidance: Who have an experience can be consulted upon for guidance.

Practice Regularly: Solve the previous year's paper and mock tests.

Stay Positive: Believe in yourself and work hard.

Hence, with these steps and dedication and perseverance, you're sure to achieve your end as an IAS officer.


Yes, while IAS (Indian Administrative Services) preparation requires a graduation degree, here are steps you can take to start your IAS journey after completing your 11th standard (BiPC):

  1. Focus on Graduation : Choose a stream for your higher studies that aligns with your interest. Graduation is a mandatory qualification for IAS eligibility.
  2. Early Preparation : Start building a strong foundation in subjects like History, Geography, Economics, and Political Science, which are part of the IAS syllabus.
  3. Develop General Knowledge : Read newspapers daily and follow current affairs magazines to stay updated with national and international news.
  4. Improve Language Skills : Enhance your proficiency in English and one Indian language as per the Civil Services syllabus.
  5. Join Study Circles or Coaching : Enroll in pre-IAS foundation courses available for school students for a head start.
  6. Time Management : Create a balanced study schedule alongside your schoolwork to gradually prepare for the IAS exam.
  7. Participate in Competitions : Engage in essay writing and debates to boost your analytical skills and confidence.

To get more help, you can visit :

Hope it helps 1

Hello there,

Becoming both an IAS officer and a doctor is achievable but requires dedication and clear planning, as each career has distinct educational and examination paths. Here’s a roadmap to help you achieve both:

1. Complete Your MBBS to Become a Doctor

  • Enroll in an MBBS Program : First, you need to qualify for NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) and get admission to a medical college.

  • Complete Your Medical Degree : The MBBS program typically takes 5.5 years, including an internship.

  • Gain Experience (Optional) : You may choose to practice medicine for a few years to gain clinical experience, but it’s not mandatory if your goal is to pursue IAS right after MBBS.

    2. Prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE)

  • Understand the UPSC Exam Structure : The UPSC CSE has three stages—Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. You can start preparing while in medical school or after completing MBBS.

  • Choose Your Optional Subject : As a doctor, you may consider taking medical science as your optional subject, though it’s not mandatory.

  • Develop a Study Plan : Balance your medical studies or job with UPSC preparation. Many doctors manage both by allocating dedicated study time each day.

  • Appear for the Exam : With a systematic approach, crack the UPSC exam and qualify for the IAS position.

    3. Career Path as a Doctor-IAS

  • IAS Training and Posting : After clearing UPSC, complete your training and take up your role as an IAS officer. You’ll have a broad scope to influence healthcare, public policy, and social development.

  • Consider Government Health Roles : In administrative roles, you could use your medical background to work in health-related departments, where your knowledge of medicine would be a unique asset.

    Additional Pathways

  • Alternative Approach : You could also join as a doctor in a government hospital and then transition to administration by appearing for the UPSC exam when ready.

  • Health Policy and Administration : Use your medical background in policy formulation or in roles within the Ministry of Health, combining both careers for impactful healthcare reforms.

This dual career path is ambitious but can be very rewarding, allowing you to serve in both the medical and administrative fields.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Hello aspirant, The answer to this question is no. Both of these areas require your complete commitment and dedication. You can not manage both of these together. Also it is not allowed to do any other profession while performing duties as a IAS officer. If you want to practice medical profession then you have to leave your job.

Thank you

Hope it helps you.

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