PCS full form - What is the full form of PCS?

PCS full form - What is the full form of PCS?

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 23, 2023 11:30 AM IST | #UP PCS
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PCS Full Form - PCS stands for provincial civil services exam. It is conducted by UPPSC to fill in various posts under the administrative departments in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The Uttar Pradesh state government conducts the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) PCS exam which is also known as Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination.

This Story also Contains
  1. PCS Full Form - Salary and Job Profile
  2. PCS Full form - UPPSC PCS Exam Dates 2023
  3. PCS Full form - Eligibility Criteria
  4. PCS Full form - Application Form
  5. PCS Full form - Exam Pattern
  6. PCS Full form - Syllabus
PCS full form - What is the full form of PCS?
PCS full form - What is the full form of PCS?

PCS officers are recruited in various departments at sub-divisional, district, divisional, revenue administration, maintenance of law and order etc. The posts under UPPSC PCS are generally in the departments such as Group A and Group B of the state services.

PCS Full Form - Salary and Job Profile

Grade/level on pay matrix

Base Salary


Years of Service

Higher administrative grade (Above Super time scale) (pay level 15)


Special Secretary

Additional Divisional Commissioner, Chief Development Officer,

Municipal Commissioner,

Director of Directorates,

Managing Director of State PSUs, Vice Chairman of a Development Authority

In the 27th year of service

Senior administrative grade (Above Super time scale) (pay level 14)


Special Secretary,

Additional Divisional Commissioner, Chief Development Officer,

Municipal Commissioner,

Director of Directorates,

Managing Director of State Psus, Vice Chairman of a Development Authority

In the 20th year of service

Super time scale (pay level 13A)


Special Secretary,

Additional Divisional Commissioner, Chief Development Officer,

Municipal Commissioner,

Director of Directorates,

Managing Director of State Psus, Vice Chairman of a Development Authority

In the 16th year of service

Selection grade (pay level 13)


Joint Secretary,

Additional District Magistrate,

City Magistrate,

Additional Municipal Commissioner, Additional Director In Directorates, Additional/Joint Managing Director In State Psus,

Secretary Of A Development Authority

In the 12th year of service

Junior administrative grade (pay level 12)


Joint Secretary,

Additional District Magistrate,

City Magistrate,

Additional Municipal Commissioner, Additional Director In Directorates, Secretary Of A Development Authority

In the 9th year of service

Senior time scale (pay level 11)


Joint Secretary,

Additional District Magistrate,

City Magistrate,

Additional Municipal Commissioner, Secretary Of A Development Authority

In the 5th year of service

Junior time scale (pay level 10)


Deputy Secretary,

Sub-divisional Magistrate,

Additional City Magistrate,

Additional Sub-divisional Magistrate, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Officer On Special Duty In A Development Authority

In the Initial year of service

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PCS Full form - UPPSC PCS Exam Dates 2023

Along with knowing the PCS full form, aspirants might also be interested in knowing the dates of the UPPSC PCS exam. The exam dates of UPPSC PCS consists of the notification, application and other important dates.

Dates of UPPSC PCS 2023

Exam name

Notification date

Application dates

Exam dates


March 1, 2023

March 3, 2023 to April 6, 2023

Prelims - May 14, 2023

Mains - September 23, 2023 to October 1, 2023

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PCS Full form - Eligibility Criteria

The PCS mentions the UPPSC PCS eligibility criteria in the official notification. Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria before filling the application form. The eligibility criteria comprises the nationality, educational qualification, age limit, and physical required to meet by candidates in order to fill the application form. As per the PCS eligibility criteria, applicants between 21 to 40 years can fill the application form. Candidates belonging to reserved category will get upper age relaxation.

PCS Full form - Application Form

UPPSC released the PCS application form 2023 online on March 3, 2023 on the official website. Candidates must check all the details mentioned in the notification before filling the application form. Candidates will have to put their details such as personal and academic details ready, along with scanned documents while filling the application form. To successfully submit the application form, general, EWS and OBC category aspirants will have to pay a fee of Rs 125.

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PCS Full form - Exam Pattern

The UPPSC PCS exam is conducted in three stages - preliminary, mains and interview. As per the exam pattern of UPPSC PCS 2023, the exam pattern consists of the sections, subjects, time duration and marking scheme of the exam. The preliminary stage has 2 question paper in multiple choice format while the mains has 8 papers in descriptive mode, the interview stage is conducted in offline mode.

Important - Check the Complete List of Full Forms

PCS Full form - Syllabus

The UPPSC PCS syllabus 2023 is prescribed by the exam conducting authority and mentioned in the official notification PDF. The UPPSC PCS syllabus 2023 is released along with the official notification. The notification mentions the syllabus for both the prelims as well as the mains stage. UPPSC Prelims exam has two GS papers and the questions are asked from topics like current affairs, world geography, general science, economy, Indian polity, Indian National Movement, general & mental ability, Hindi and more. While the mains exam is descriptive in nature having eight papers of 1500 marks in total and the questions are asked from subjects like general Hindi, essay, general studies & optional subject.

Also read - UPPSC Mains Syllabus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between IAS and PCS?

The job is generally the same only the hierarchy system is changed. The recruitment board are also different as IAS is conducted by UPSC while the PCS is conducted by state board. IAS officers are appointed by the President of India, PCS officers are appointed by the Governor of the State.

2. What is the PCS qualification?

The minimum qualification required for PCS is graduation.

3. What is the salary of PCS?

The basic in-hand salary of PCS is Rs. 56100.

4. Can a PCS officer become DM?

Yes, they can become DM, but there are various criterias that need to be fulfilled. It all depends upon the promotions, experience and many other things. It also depends upon the state government's policies.

5. Who conducts the PCS exam?

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission conducts the PCS exam.

6. Is there negative marking in the PCS exam?

Yes, there is negative marking in the PCS preliminary exam.

7. What are the posts in the PCS exam?

The posts are of Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Deputy SP, Revenue officer, Labour officer, Tahsildar, Transport officer etc.

8. What is the PCS full form?

The PCS full form is provincial civil services.


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Via Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Human Rights Law and Criminal Justice
Via LMS Law College, Imphal
Access to Justice
Via National Law University, New Delhi
Library Science
Via Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan Girls' College, Kolkata
MPSE 001 India and World Politics Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century
Via Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Roadmap for Patent Creation
Via Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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University of Nottingham, Nottingham
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Questions related to UP PCS

Have a question related to UP PCS ?

Hello aspirant,

One of the most well-liked state civil service examinations in the nation is the UPPSC PCS test. The UPSC IAS test pattern is now more similar to the UP PCS exam pattern thanks to changes made by the UPPSC in recent years. Every year, thousands of candidates take the UPPSC PCS exam in hopes of being hired by the state as Group A and B officers.

To know the complete preparation tips to crack UPSC, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.


Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

Hello aspirant,

In the official notification, UPPSC made reference to the UPPSC PCS 2023 qualifying requirements. Before submitting the UPPSC PCS 2023 application form, candidates who wish to sit for the UP PCS exam must be eligible according to the UP PCS eligibility requirements. The UPPSC PCS 2023 eligibility requirements are based on physical requirements, nationality, age restriction, and educational requirements. In accordance with the UPPSC PCS eligibility requirements, applicants must be between the ages of 21 and 40 to submit an application. In the UP PCS exam, candidates from the reserved category are eligible for an age reduction.

To know full eligibility criteria, please visit the following link:


Thank you

Hope it helps you


Yes. You may write your optional paper in English while completing the remaining papers in Marathi or Hindi, two additional acceptable languages.

A candidate may choose to respond to each question paper in either English or one of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India, with the exception of the Qualifying Language Papers, Papers A and B. Despite this, candidates who choose to write Papers I through V in any of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India may also choose to write the Optional Papers in English. This does not apply to Papers A and B, which are the Qualifying Language Papers.

Thank You

Dear aspirant,

As you mentioned your query let me tell you that on a general basis not a single conducting body rejects just on the basis of photograph.

They will intimate you by mail or sms to upload the new photograph with corrects dimensions and size and check it accordingly.

Hello Candidate,

You need to do is check if the Community that you belong to in UP SC Category also falls under SC Category in Delhi. Because some times SC Communities list differs from State to State. If your Category from Delhi also falls under UP SC Community list, then showing that, you might have to get a SC Certificate so that you can avail SC Reservation in UP as well. Now, you studying in Delhi makes you eligible for claiming Delhi domicile but because the Category certificate is that of Delhi's there might be an issue. Not all the Communities listed in the UP SC Caste list are also listed under Delhi SC Caste list. And then there is a separate Central SC list too. So to avoid any confusions and last minute hurdles, it is for your own good to get a SC Caste Certificate from the UP as well.


Shagufa Zareen

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