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Candidates are encouraged to make use of IAS Mock Test series during preparation for the Civil service exam. The Civil Services Exam is one of the most competitive exams in the country and a great deal of preparation is required to succeed in the UPSC IAS exam.
It is encouraged to make the UPSC Prelims Mock Test for GS Paper-1 part of your IAS preparation strategy. The UPSC IAS Prelims Exam is the first stage of the CSE. Those who clear the prelims get to attempt the Civil Services Main Exam. Make the free online test series for UPSC prelims 2024 provided below part of your preparation by trying to solve it.
This paper consists of some questions derived from the topics from the IAS mock test UPSC GS-1 syllabus. Candidates can prepare for the UPSC Prelims by attempting to solve this paper, and many others linked below.
The Test Series for UPSC Prelims is prepared by expert faculty of specialised subjects of UPSC IAS syllabus. In this UPSC Mock Test content preparation, the UPSC candidates who have qualified for it many times in the past have also contributed.
Free Test Series for UPSC: Careers360 free online test series for UPSC Mock Test is designed and prepared based on real IAS GS exam pattern 2024. Our UPSC exam expert team has done a detailed analysis of previous prelims question papers analysis and compiled a mock test series based on previous trends with the same difficulty level.
The sources of the mock tests’ questions are the NCERTs books, standard books of polity, history, geography, economics, ecology & environment, science & tech. of authentic authors and The Hindu, Indian Express, & magazines like India Today for current affairs matter. Our UPSC Prelims Mock Test ensures IAS aspirants that they are facing the real exam while practising it.
Hence, Careers360 mock tests for UPSC Prelims will certainly help the IAS aspirants to check their study progress, learning of concepts, facts, and speed in solving the mock test in a given time. The real result of the mock test will help them to revise those topics where they are weak and be ready for a better result in the second attempt.
UPSC Mock Test - Prelims GS 1 Sample Paper Questions
How to crack UPSC Civil Services Exam: Trend Analysis, Cut off, Preparation Tips & Strategy
1. Consider the following statements regarding ‘three-parent’ babies:
Mitochondrial Replacement therapy (MRT) is used to replace the father’s faulty Mitochondrial DNA.
Pronuclear transfer and Spindle transfer are the methods used in a three-parent baby.
Mitochondrial Replacement therapy (MRT) is used to replace the mother’s faulty Mitochondrial DNA.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
2. Consider the following statements regarding Gene Therapy:
Gene therapy can be used to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for abnormal genes.
CRISPR-Cas9 is a genome-editing tool.
This technique cannot be used to treat Sickle cell anaemia.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 only
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
3. Which of the following factors can influence the temperature of a place?
1. Latitude of the place
2. Altitude of the place
3. Distance from the sea
4. Air-mass circulation
5. Presence of warm and cold ocean currents
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
4. Consider the following statements regarding atmosphere:
1. Carbon dioxide and water vapour are found only up to the troposphere.
2. Ozone gas is found in both the troposphere and stratosphere.
3. The height of the troposphere is the same all around the globe.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
5. Consider the following statements given below:
The Harappan script is mainly alphabetic.
Harrapans domesticated oxen, buffaloes, goats, pigs, and horses.
Most of the Harappan scripts have been found on seals.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
6. Consider the following statements, regarding Later Vedic Phases:
1. Sabha and Samiti came to be dominated by chiefs and rich nobles.
2. Women were permitted to sit in the Sabha.
3. The Vidatha disappeared during later Vedic times.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
7. Within the light of Part VI of the Constitution, consider the subsequent statements:
The Governor is the chief executive head of the state and also acts as an agent of the Central Government.
The 7th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956 facilitated the appointment of 1 person as a Governor of just one state.
The qualification for the appointment of the Governor of a state is that he/she should be an Indian; however, it doesn't mention any age restrictions.
The Governor of a state shall have the facility to grant pardons, reprieves, respites, or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of a person convicted of any offence against any law concerning an interest which the chief power of the State extends.
Which of the above statements is true?
(a) Only 1 (b) 2 and 4
(c) Only 3 (d) 1 and 4
8. Which of the subsequent is/are functions of the National Commission of Backward Classes?
To research and monitor all matters that relate to the safeguards provided for the socially and educationally backward classes under this Constitution or under the other law for the nonce effective or under any order of the government and to gauge the working of such safeguards.
To participate and advise on the socio-economic development of the socially and educationally backward classes.
To adjudicate the dispute matters of socially and economically backward classes.
To discuss specific complaints that are concerned with the deprivation of rights and safeguards of the socially and educationally backward classes.
Which of the above statements is true?
(a) 1 only (b) 1, 3, and 4 only
(c) 2, 3, and 4 only (d) 1, 2, and 4 only
9. "Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region" was released by the following organisations?
(a) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(b) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
(c) Ministry of Earth Science
(d) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
UPSC IAS subject wise question paper links
Ecology & Environment - UPSC-CSE/IAS Prelims Exam | UPSC IAS Ecology and Environment question paper download PDF |
Current Affairs for UPSC Prelims Mock Test (MCQs with Ans. & Expl.) | |
UPSC IAS CSE MCQ on Polity (MCQs with Ans. & Expl.) | |
UPSC Prelims History Questions (MCQs with Ans. & Expl.) | |
UPSC Prelims Economics Questions (MCQs with Ans. & Expl.) | |
UPSC Prelims Geography Questions (MCQs with Ans. & Expl.) | |
UPSC Prelims General Science Questions (MCQs with Ans. & Expl.) |
10. Consider the following Statement:
White Label ATMs are owned and branded by banks, but operated and maintained by third-party operators.
Cash in ATMs is provided by the sponsored bank while the ATM machine does not have any branding of the Bank.
Companies need a licence from RBI to run business under the Payment & Settlement Systems (PSS) Act, 2007.
Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) only 1
(c) 1 and 3 (d) only 3
Free download: Complete UPSC IAS Prelims Mock Test-1 (100 Questions, Ans. & Explanation
1. Ans: (b) 2 and 3 only
In a three-parent baby, Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy (MRT) is used to replace the mother’s faulty Mitochondrial DNA with healthy Mitochondria from a donor woman during the IVF process.
The UK became the first country to have officially approved procedures to create “three-parent” babies. The Process of Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy can be done by two methods – Pronuclear transfer and Spindle transfer.
2. Ans: (c) 1 and 2 only
Gene therapy is designed to push genetic material into cells to compensate for abnormal genes or to make a functional protein.
Through this technique, doctors can treat diseases such as muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, sickle cell anaemia, large B-cell lymphoma, etc.
CRISPR-Cas9 is a unique technology that enables medical researchers and geneticists to manipulate some parts of the genome by removing, altering or adding sections of the DNA sequence.
Source: C&EN- American Chemical Society
3. Ans. (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Explanation: Factors influencing the temperature of a place are
Latitude: As the Earth’s crust is curved, the vertical ray of the Sun falls on the earth's surface at different angles. At the equator, the vertical rays directly hit the Earth and become slant as we approach poles.
Altitude: As we go up, air pressure decreases and so does the temperature. We find snowfall at higher altitudes.
Distance from the sea: The difference in heating of ocean and land affects the temperature of places located near the coast from those located on the mainland continent.
Air Mass Circulation: Warm and cold air mass affects the temperature and precipitation of a place.
Presence of warm and cold ocean currents: Ocean currents (warm and cold) are large streams of water flowing in oceans. These not only affect the temperature of a particular place but also rainfall.
4. Ans: (d) 1, 2 and 3
Carbon dioxide and water vapour are found up to 90 km from the surface of the earth.
The troposphere is the lowermost layer of the atmosphere. Its average height is 13 km and extends up to a height of 8 km near poles and about 18 km at the equator. After the troposphere, the stratosphere extends up to 50 km. So, Carbon dioxide and water vapour are found in the Stratosphere also.
Ozone is an important part of the atmosphere found between 10 and 50 km above the earth’s surface and acts as a filter and absorbs the ultraviolet rays radiating from the sun. So, it is found in both the troposphere and stratosphere as the height of the troposphere extends up to 18 km.
5. Ans: (c) 3 only
Most inscriptions have been found on seals and they contain only a few words. Most of them are pictorial forms as evident from the figure.
These seals may have been used by the proprietors to mark and identify their private property.
There have been about 250 to 400 pictographs, and in the form of a picture, each letter stands for some sound, object, or idea. So, the Harappan script is mainly pictographic.
The Harappans domesticated oxen, dogs, buffaloes, goats, pigs but not horses.
Harappan Pictographic Script
6. Ans: (b) 1 and 3 only
In the later Vedic period Sabha and Samiti continued to exist but were dominated by chiefs and nobles.
Women were no longer allowed to sit in the Sabha.
The Vidatha was an assembly in which both men and women participated. It did not exist during later Vedic times.
7. Answer: (d) 1 and 4
Article 154 of the Constitution of India says that the Governor is the chief executive head of the state and also acts as an agent of the Central Government.
Article 161 of the Constitution of India says that the Governor of a state shall have the facility to grant pardons, reprieves, respites, or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of a person convicted of any offence against any law concerning an interest which the chief power of the state extends.
The 7th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956 facilitated the appointment of 1 person as a Governor of two or more states.
Article 157 put a lower regulation, it says nobody shall be eligible for appointment as Governor unless he's a citizen of India and has completed the age of thirty-five years.
8. Answer: (d.) 1, 2, and 4 only
Explanation: According to Article 338B (5), it shall be the duty of the National Commission of Backward Classes:
To investigate and monitor all matters concerning the safeguards provided for the socially and educationally backward classes under the Constitution of India or the other law for the nonce effective or under any order of the govt and to gauge the working of such safeguards.
To discuss specific complaints concerning the deprivation of rights and safeguards of the socially and educationally backward classes.
To participate and advise on the socio-economic development of the socially and educationally backward classes and to gauge the progress of their development under the Union and any State.
To present to the President, annually and at such other times because the Commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of these safeguards.
To make in such reports the recommendations on the measures that ought to be taken by the Union or any State for the effective implementation of these safeguards and other measures for the protection, welfare, and socio-economic development of the socially and educationally backward classes
To discharge such other functions concerning the protection, welfare and development, and advancement of the socially and educationally backward classes because the President may, subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, by rule specify.
9. Ans: (c) Ministry of Earth Science
Explanation: The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) released a Climate Change report titled "Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region," which covers all elements of regional climate change, including climatic extremes across the country. Some major points-
Surface air temperature across India increased by around 0.7°C during 1901-2018, accompanied by an increase in atmospheric moisture content.
Between 1951 and 2015, sea surface temperatures in the tropical Indian Ocean increased by around 1°C.
On account of anthropogenic GHG and aerosol forcing, as well as changes in land use and land cover, clear signs of human-induced climate change have appeared over the Indian subcontinent, contributing to an increase in climatic extremes.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the key body in the Central Government's administrative structure for planning, promotion, coordination, and oversight of India's environmental and forestry policies and programmes.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty against climate change that was negotiated and signed by 154 countries during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, which took place in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to 14, 1992.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international legal instrument that is dedicated to "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources."
10. Ans: (c) 1 and 3
White Label ATMs are set up, owned, and operated by non-bank entities. While brown-label ATMs are owned and branded by banks, but operated and maintained by third-party operators.
Companies need a licence from RBI to run business under the Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
Tata Communications Payment Solutions Limited (Indicash) is the first company authorised by RBI to open White Label ATMs in the country.
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) links all the ATMs in India.
White Label ATM
Free download: Complete UPSC IAS Prelims Mock Test-1 (100 Questions, Ans. & Explanation
Free download: Complete UPSC IAS Prelims Mock Test-2 (100 Questions, Ans. & Explanation)
Free download: Complete UPSC IAS Prelims Mock Test-3 (100 Questions, Ans. & Explanation)
Free download: Complete UPSC IAS Prelims Mock Test-4 (100 Questions, Ans. & Explanation)
Free download: Complete UPSC IAS Prelims Mock Test-5 (100 Questions, Ans. & Explanation)
Free download: IAS Prelims Geography Mock Test
Free download: IAS Prelims Polity Mock Test
Free download: IAS Prelims Current Affairs Mock Test
Free download: UPSC Prelims History Mock Test
Free download: IAS Prelims Ecolog. & Env. Mock Test
Yes, a mock test is important for UPSC. It helps in evaluation of learning and preparation.
There is some edutech. including Careers360 where you can practise free mock tests as links given above in this article.
Many apps are valuable for mock tests like Careers360, Insights, Mission UPSC, Vision IAS, IASbaba, etc.
Analyse previous papers to check which topics are important and prepare accordingly along with practising mock tests.
First check the UPSC exam pattern, syllabus, and analyse previous 5 years question papers then make a strategy, timetable and start accordingly.
You can start preparing for the IAS Exam by acquainting yourself with the syllabus, then using IAS Mock tests to practise answering questions.
Answer Key Date:11 March,2025 - 09 April,2025
Others:21 March,2025 - 31 March,2025
Hello Chetan,
IAS (Indian Administrative Service) is one of the top civil services in India. IAS officers work in various government departments, implementing policies, managing administration, and advising ministers. They hold key positions like District Collector, Secretary, or Commissioner and play a vital role in governance and public service. To become an IAS officer, one must clear the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE).
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries, then feel free to share your questions with us, we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
Oh that's good
For becoming an IAS officer you have to give UPSC exam , and focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the Humanities or Social Sciences stream, then graduate from a recognized university. Prepare for the UPSC and for studies you have to focus on excelling in academics, particularly in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science and English. Maintain a strong foundation in these areas and stay updated on current events and national/international issues. After 10th standard, choose the relevant subject and complete your higher education and graduation then prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, which includes preliminary, main and personality tests. Join coaching classes, develop skills like communication, leadership and problem-solving and stay motivated. And also research more about that exam.
Have a great day
Steps to become an IAS officer
You should have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a known university
Arts: History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology
Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
Commerce: Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies
Preparation for UPSC Civil Services Examination:
Study the Syllabus: Learn the syllabus for Preliminary and Main exams.
Choose Elective Subjects: Take elective subjects that you enjoy and have expertise in
Study Material: Reference textbooks, handouts distributed during the coaching and internet resources.
Practice: Previous years' question paper, mock tests, etc
Coaching Institutes: Join a good coaching institute for formal guidance 3. UPSC Civil Services Examination:
Prelims Exam: An objective-type qualifying test that will make you eligible to appear in the Main examination.
Main Exam: Very subjective test which includes all subjects.
Interview: Personality test by a panel of experts.
Important Tips:
Start Early: Better preparation starts early.
Time Management: Manage your time very efficiently.
Consistency: Follow a regular study routine.
Stay Updated: Current affairs and news.
Seek Guidance: Who have an experience can be consulted upon for guidance.
Practice Regularly: Solve the previous year's paper and mock tests.
Stay Positive: Believe in yourself and work hard.
Hence, with these steps and dedication and perseverance, you're sure to achieve your end as an IAS officer.
Yes, while IAS (Indian Administrative Services) preparation requires a graduation degree, here are steps you can take to start your IAS journey after completing your 11th standard (BiPC):
To get more help, you can visit :
Hope it helps 1
Hello there,
Becoming both an IAS officer and a doctor is achievable but requires dedication and clear planning, as each career has distinct educational and examination paths. Here’s a roadmap to help you achieve both:
Complete Your MBBS to Become a Doctor
This dual career path is ambitious but can be very rewarding, allowing you to serve in both the medical and administrative fields.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
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