How to Prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 Month

How to Prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 Month

Edited By Vishnukumar V | Updated on Sep 21, 2023 08:16 PM IST | #SSC CHSL

How to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 month - It is a crucial time for all SSC CHSL 2023 candidates, because only one month is left for the exam. It can be hard to prepare for the SSC CHSL exam in such a short time. You need to know how to prepare for SSC CHSL in 1 month. You should divide the syllabus for the time that is left and cover it completely before starting revisions. You must know the importance of solving SSC CHSL question papers and sample papers. To qualify SSC CHSL 2023 you need to have an effective preparation plan for this short preparation period. Find out how to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 month in the article below.

This Story also Contains
  1. One Month Preparation Plan for SSC CHSL 2023 (Tier 1)
  2. SSC CHSL 2023 Tier I Examination
  3. Know SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023
  4. Best Books for Cracking SSC CHSL 2023 Exam
  5. Previous Year SSC CHSL Question Papers and Sample Papers
  6. Solve SSC CHSL Mock Tests 2023
  7. How to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 (Tier 2)?
How to Prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 Month
How to Prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 Month

One Month Preparation Plan for SSC CHSL 2023 (Tier 1)

Now that there’s just one month left for SSC CHSL, you will have to divide your study time smartly. Quantitative aptitude is the most difficult section for most candidates. You must spend more time studying for the section that you find difficult. You must study 7 to 8 hours a day to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in one month and follow the time-division given below -

SSC CHSL Study Plan 2023

  • Spend 2 hours studying quantitative aptitude (most difficult)

  • 1.5 hours for general intelligence/ reasoning (difficult)

  • 1 hour for general awareness and English each (relatively less difficult)

  • Spend the rest of your time solving mock tests and question papers

Given below is a weekly plan on how to prepare for SSC CHSL in 1 month. This plan will help you cover the syllabus easily.

SSC CHSL 2023 Tier I - One Month Preparation Plan

Strategy for Week 1
Strategy for Week 2
Strategy for Week 3
Strategy for Week 4
Quantitative Aptitude
Cover Number System, LCM & HCF, Trigonometry, Algebra, SI & CI, Age Problems, Time & Work, Profit & Loss, Percentage and Probability.

Cover Ratio & Proportion, Average, Time & Distance, Allegations & Mixtures, Mensuration, Data Interpretation and Geometry,
Revise previous topics and start solving mock tests and sample papers.
Revise and solve mock tests and previous year question papers.

General Intelligence/ Reasoning
Study Distance & Direction, Number Series, Analogy, Coding/ Decoding, Study Statements & Conclusions, Assumptions & Directions,
Study Blood Relations, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Input & Output, Ranking, Inequalities. Mirror image and Paper folding questions

Revise what you have studied before and other difficult topics.

Solve sample papers and mock tests.
Revise difficult topics and previous topics.

Solve as many test papers, mock tests and previous year papers as you can.
General Awareness
Study Polity, Economics, Science
Study History, Current Affairs and Geography
Start revisions.

Solve mock tests, sample papers, previous year question papers.
Revise all the things that you have studied before.

Study Articles, Tenses, Idioms & Phrases, Grammar Basics
Study Active & Passive Voices, Direct & Indirect Speeches

Practice Cloze Tests and Error Spotting
Practice Para Jumbles, Passages

Study Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms.

Start revising previous topics.
Revise everything multiple times.

Solve sample papers, mock tests and previous year question papers

SSC CHSL 2023 Tier I Examination

Tier I exam of SSC CHSL is an online, computer-based test. It has four sections with 25 questions each. Only candidates who qualify SSC CHSL Tier I will be allowed to appear for SSC CHSL Tier II. Take a look at SSC CHSL exam pattern-

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern - Tier I

S. No.


Number of questions

Number of marks

Time duration


Quantitative Aptitude



60 Minutes






General Awareness




General Intelligence






Know SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023

In order to know how to prepare for SSC CHSL in 1 month, you must know SSC CHSL syllabus. For SSC CHSL Tier I exam, you need to study for four sections - quantitative aptitude, general intelligence, general awareness and English. Given below are the topics covered in the syllabus of SSC CHSL 2023.


General Awareness

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

Active and passive voice


Blood relations


Direct and indirect speech


Input output

Mixture and Alligation

Fill in the blanks


Coding decoding

Time and distance

Cloze test


Seating arrangement

Time and work

Reading comprehension


Logical reasoning

Number Systems

Multiple meanings

Books and authors

Alphanumeric series


Error detection

Scientific research



One word substitution

Awards and honors

Data sufficiency


Paragraph completion




Synonyms/ antonyms/ homonyms


Distance and direction

Profit and Loss



Alphabet test




Puzzle/ tabulation


For Tier II exam of SSC CHSL you should keep yourself updated about current affairs and news. You should also know letter writing and essay writing formats for the descriptive paper. There is no particular syllabus for Tier III since it’s a skill/ typing test.

Best Books for Cracking SSC CHSL 2023 Exam

It is important that the reference material that you are using is rich and assists you prepare well for SSC CHSL exam. There are books, previous year question papers, sample papers, mock tests, apps, YouTube channels, etc. that will help you ace the exam. Find out how to prepare for SSC CHSL in 1 month using these tools below. Given below is a list of books to prepare for SSC CHSL in a month that you can use to qualify the exam.

Books for preparation of SSC CHSL Tier I





Plinth to Paramount

Neetu Singh

Objective Engish

S.P. Bakshi

General Awareness

Manorama Yearbook

Philip Mathew, Mammen Mathew

Lucent’s General Knowledge

Dr. Binay Kumar, R.P. Suman, Manvendra Mukul, Renu Sinha, Sanjeev Kumar

Quantitative Aptitude

SSC Mathematics

Rakesh Yadav

Magical Book on Quicker Maths

M. Tyra

General Intelligence/ Reasoning

A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-verbal

B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali

Analytical Reasoning

M.K. Pandey

Previous Year SSC CHSL Question Papers and Sample Papers

Solving sample papers and SSC CHSL question papers is an add on to your plan on how to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 month. It increases your speed and accuracy. You also learn how to manage time during the examination. Given below previous year question papers of SSC CHSL Tier I and questions that previously appeared in Tier-II exam.

Previous year question papers of SSC CHSL Tier I




General Intelligence and Reasoning

Download Here

Download Here

General Awareness

Download Here

Download Here

Quantitative Aptitude

Download Here

Download Here

English Comprehension

Download Here

Download Here

Solve SSC CHSL Mock Tests 2023

In addition to solving question papers and following your plan on how to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 in 1 month, you can use mock tests and online test series to prepare for SSC CHSL. These mock tests are available on the websites of several coaching institutes. You can choose a mock test package of your preference.

Benefits of Solving SSC CHSL Mock Tests

Given below is a list of advantages of solving previous year question papers, sample papers and mock tests.

  • It gives you the feel of the actual examination

  • You can analyse your progress

  • You can find out the topics and subjects that you find difficult and work on them

  • You can train yourself to manage time during the exam by solving mock tests and SSC CHSL question papers

  • You get to know what questions have appeared in SSC CHSL Exam in the past

  • You are made aware of the difficulty level of the exam.

How to crack SSC CHSL
Candidates can download this e-book to give a boost to thier preparation.
Download Now

SSC CHSL Preparation Tips 2023

Along with your plan on how to prepare for SSC CHSL in 1 month, you should follow the tips that are listed below.

  • Once you have started solving question papers and mock tests, analyse yourself and find out the topics that you can do better in

  • Work on your weak areas, practice difficult questions more

  • Time yourself while solving question papers and mock tests

  • Push yourself, try completing the papers before time

  • Stick to the routine that you have made so that you don’t feel burdened

  • Take short breaks in between

  • Eat right and sleep well.

How to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 (Tier 2)?

The next stage of SSC CHSL is Tier II descriptive paper. So you must know how to prepare for SSC CHSL Tier II. Candidates will be given a letter-writing question and an essay writing question. The questions in this exam are based on current affairs and news so you must keep abreast of all current events. You must know the formats of letters and essays. Refer to previous year questions and practice by attempting them.

SSC CHSL 2023 Tier II Examination

The second stage of SSC CHSL is Tier II exam. Tier II is a descriptive exam that is conducted in offline, pen and paper mode. Candidates are tested for their writing skills in this stage. The question paper of SSC CHSL Tier II comprises of a letter-writing question and an essay writing question. The exam pattern of Tier II exam of SSC CHSL is given in the table below.

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern

S. No.


Word Limit

Total Time

Total Marks


Essay Writing

200-250 words

60 minutes



Letter/ Application Writing

150-200 words

Books to prepare for SSC CHSL 2023 (Descriptive Paper)



151 Essays

Arihant Publication

Practice Work Book for SSC CHSL 10+2 Stage - II Descriptive Exam (also available in Hindi)

Kiran Prakashan

Plinth to Paramount

Neetu Singh

Nibandh Mala

Arihant Publication

Guide for SSC CHSL 10+2 Stage - II Descriptive Exam

Disha Publication

Previous Year's SSC CHSL Tier 2 Questions


Essay question

Letter writing question


Write an essay on Old Age and Social Security - 250 words

You are Jaspreet/ Mahima (a resident of Lodhi Road New Delhi). Write a letter to your younger brother Tinku suggesting him to focus on his studies and leave all the distractions - 150 words


Write an essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and How to eradicate girl child discrimination - 250 words

Write a letter to your friend explaining him about Digital India Initiative - 150 words.

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Questions related to SSC CHSL

Have a question related to SSC CHSL ?

Hello Abhinav,

No, you cannot register for SSC CHSL 2025 if you turn 18 in July 2025 because the minimum age required is 18 years as of 1st January 2025 .

You will be eligible for SSC CHSL 2026 , as by 1st January 2026 , you will have completed 18 years .

For more details about the age and eligibility criteria CLICK HERE .

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

To clarify, you'll be 18 years old in July 2025 and want to know if you can register for the SSC CHSL exam.

According to the SSC CHSL eligibility criteria:

- The minimum age requirement is 18 years as of August 1, 2025.

- The maximum age limit is 27 years as of August 1, 2025.

Since you'll be 18 by July 2025, you'll meet the minimum age requirement.

However, keep in mind:

- The SSC CHSL notification and registration dates have not been announced yet. Check the official SSC website ( regularly for updates.

- You'll also need to meet other eligibility criteria, such as educational qualifications, citizenship, and more.

Stay tuned for updates, and follow the registration process once it's announced!


As per the SSC CHSL 2025 eligibility criteria :

  • Age Requirement : Candidates must be between 18 and 27 years old.

  • Crucial Date : The age is calculated as of August 1, 2025.

  • Eligible Birth Dates : Candidates born between August 2, 1998, and August 1, 2007, are eligible.

Since your birthdate is July 11, 2007, you will turn 18 before August 1, 2025, making you eligible to apply for SSC CHSL 2025.

Hope you find it useful !

Hello aspirant,

For individuals seeking for different positions through the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam in 2025, the Staff Selection Commission has established a special SSC CHSL Age Limit of 2025. In order to be eligible for the SSC CHSL, candidates must be at least 18 years old and no older than 27.

For complete information, you can visit our site through following link:,-SSC%20releases%20the&text=Age%20%2D%20Candidates%20must%20be%20between,age%20of%2018%20%2D27%20years.

Thank you


For SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) exam, the age eligibility is as follows:

Minimum Age: 18 years
Maximum Age: 27 years

The crucial date for age calculation is usually 1st August of the exam year.

SSC CHSL Eligibility Criteria :-

  • If SSC CHSL 2025 notification is released in June 2025 , the crucial date for age eligibility will likely be 1st August 2025 .
  • Since your DOB is 18-12-2007 , you will not be 18 years old on 1st August 2025 .
  • You will turn 18 on 18th December 2025 , but by that time, the age calculation date (1st August 2025) will have already passed.

So, you cannot apply for SSC CHSL 2025 because you will not meet the minimum age requirement as of 1st August 2025 .

Hope it helps !

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