UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 - Download Prelims & Mains Exam Syllabus

UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 - Download Prelims & Mains Exam Syllabus

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Oct 07, 2020 04:41 PM IST | #UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Exam
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UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 – Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) prescribes the syllabus of UPSC Geo-Scientists and Geologists 2020-21 exam. The UPSC Geologist 2020-21 syllabus has been released along with the official Geologist 2020-21 notification on October 7, 2020. UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 contains important chapters and topics. The syllabus comprises graduation level topics of Geology and Hydrogeology. Candidates should cover all the prescribed topics of UPSC Geologist exam syllabus one month before the UPSC Geo-Scientists and Geologists exam. Read the article to know the complete syllabus of UPSC Geologist 2020-21.
Latest Updates: UPSC has released the UPSC Geo-Scientist 2021 admit card on February 1. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists prelims Exam, 2021 is to be conducted on February 21, 2020.

UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 - Download Prelims & Mains Exam Syllabus
UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 - Download Prelims & Mains Exam Syllabus

UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 - Prelims Exam

The UPSC Geologist prelims exam has two papers. Paper 1 is of general studies and paper 2 is of Geology/Hydrogeology. The general studies paper covers topics like general science, current affairs/events, India history, Indian polity, economy, Indian & World Geography, etc. Whereas Geology/Hydrogeology paper covers topics like physical/structural geology, mineralogy, sedimentology, etc. The questions asked will be of degree level. Applicants appearing for the prelims exam can check the detailed UPSC Geologist syllabus in the table below.

UPSC Geologist Prelims Syllabus 2020-21



General Studies

  • General Science

  • Current events of national & international importance

  • History of India

  • Indian & World Geography

  • Indian Polity

  • Economy

  • Social Development

  • Indian National Movement, etc.


(Questions asked will be of degree level)

  • Physical Geology - Principle of uniformitarianism, origin, differentiation & internal structure of the Earth, the origin of atmosphere, earthquakes, volcanoes, continental drift, sea-floor spreading, isostasy, orogeny, plate tectonics, geological

  • Structural Geology - 16 Stress, strain, rheological properties of rocks, planar, linear structures, folds and faults, Mohr's circle, shear in rocks, the study of toposheets, V-rules

  • Mineralogy - Elements of symmetry, notations, indices, Bravais lattices, chemical classification of minerals, isomorphism, polymorphism, solid solution, silicate structures; physical and optical properties of common rock-forming minerals

  • Igneous Petrology - Magma types & their evolution, IUGS classification, forms, structures & textures of igneous rocks, applications of binary & ternary phase diagrams in petrogenesis, magmatic differentiation

  • Metamorphic Petrology - Limits, types & controls of metamorphism, metamorphic structures- slate, schist and gneiss; metamorphic textures, geothermal gradients, facies series, plate tectonics

  • Sedimentology - Origin, sedimentary textures, grain-size scale, primary sedimentary structures, classification of sandstone & carbonate rocks

  • Paleontology - Fossils & processes of fossilization, the concept of species, binomial nomenclature, morphology, classification of invertebrates, evolution in Equidae and Hominidae, microfossils-Foraminifera, Ostracoda, Gondwana flora

  • Stratigraphy - Law of superposition, stratigraphic nomenclature- lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy & chronostratigraphy, Archaean cratonic nuclei of Peninsular India, Proterozoic mobile belts, Purana sedimentary basins, Phanerozoic stratigraphy of IndiaSpiti, Kashmir, Damodar valley, Kutch, Trichinopoly, Siwaliks and Indo-Gangetic alluvium

  • Economic Geology - Properties of mineral deposits- form, mineral assemblage, texture, rock-ore association & relationship, magmatic, sedimentary, metamorphic, hydrothermal, supergene and weathering related processes of ore formation, processes of formation of coal & petroleum; distribution & geological characteristics of major mineral & hydrocarbon deposits of India

  • Hydrogeology Groundwater occurrence, aquifer characteristics, porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, Darcy's Law in homogeneous & heterogeneous media, Bernoulli equation, Reynold's number, the composition of groundwater, artificial recharge of groundwater, etc

UPSC Geologist Syllabus 2020-21 - For Mains Exam

The syllabus for the UPSC Geologist mains exam has three papers. All the three papers are of geology covering all aspects of the subject. Applicants can check the detailed UPSC Geologist syllabus 2020-21 for mains exam below.

UPSC Geologist Main Syllabus 2020-21



Geology 1

  • Physical geology and remote sensing - Evolution of Earth, Earth’s internal structure, earthquakes, volcanoes, principles of geodesy, isostasy, weathering processes

  • Structural geology - Principles of geological mapping, kinematic & dynamic analysis of deformation, stress-strain for elastic, plastic & viscous materials, measurement of strain in deformed rocks

  • Sedimentology - Classification of sedimentary rocks, sedimentary textures, grain size, roundness, sphericity, shape & fabric, quantitative grain size analysis, carbonate diagenesis and dolomitisation, sedimentary environments and facies, carbonate platforms, stratigraphy

  • Paleontology - Fossil record & geological time scale, modes of preservation of fossils and concept of taphonomy, organic evolution, Ediacara Fauna, morphology & time range of Graptolites, Trilobites, evolutionary trends in Trilobites, Lamellibranchs, Gastropods & Cephalopods, micropaleontology, evolution in Proboscidea, Equidae and Hominidae

  • Stratigraphy - Principles of stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy & magnetostratigraphy, principles of stratigraphic correlation, characteristics of Archean granite-greenstone belts; Indian stratigraphy, etc

Geology 2

  • Mineralogy - Symmetry, motif, Miller indices, the concept of unit cell & Bravais lattices, 32 crystal classes, types of bonding, Pauling’s rules & coordination polyhedra

  • Geochemistry and isotope geology - Chemical composition & characteristics of the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, geochemical cycles; meteorites-types and composition, Goldschmidt’s classification of elements, Nernst’s partition coefficient, Nernst-Berthelot partition coefficient and bulk partition coefficient, Fick’s laws of diffusion & activity composition relation

  • Igneous petrology - Viscosity, temperature and pressure relationships in magmas, IUGS classification of plutonic & volcanic rocks, nucleation & growth of minerals in magmatic rocks, development of igneous textures, magmatic evolution, mantle metasomatism, hotspot magmatism and large igneous provinces of India

  • Metamorphic petrology - Limits & physicochemical controls of metamorphism, the concept of zones, facies, isograds and facies series, geothermal gradients & tectonics of orogenic belts, structures, microstructures & textures of regional & contact metamorphic rocks, representation of metamorphic assemblages, Gibbs free energy

  • Geodynamics - Phase transitions & seismic discontinuities in the Earth; seismic waves and relation between Vp, Vs & density, seismic and petrological Moho, rheology of rocks & fluids, heat flow and heat production of the crust.

Geology 3

  • Economic geology - Ore minerals & industrial minerals, physical & optical properties of ore minerals, ore textures & paragenesis, characteristics of mineral deposits, hydrothermal deposits, sedimentary deposits, supergene deposits, metamorphic & metamorphosed deposits (Mn, graphite)

  • Indian mineral deposits and mineral economics - Distribution of mineral deposits in Indian shield, geological characteristics of important industrial mineral & ore deposits in India, Strategic, critical & essential minerals, India’s status in mineral production, National Mineral Policy, Mineral Concession Rules, marine mineral resources & laws of the sea

  • Mineral exploration - Stages of exploration, scope, objectives & methods of prospecting, regional exploration & detailed exploration, geological, geochemical and geobotanical methods; litho-, bio-, soil geochemical surveys, geophysical methods

  • Fuel geology and Engineering geology - Coal & its properties, proximate & ultimate analysis, different varieties & ranks of coal, concept of coal maturity, peat, lignite, bituminous & anthracite coal, origin of coal, engineering properties of rocks, geological investigations in construction of dams, reservoirs, tunnels, bridges, highways & coastal protection structures; geologic considerations of construction materials

  • Environmental geology and Natural hazards - Stefan Boltzmann equation & planetary temperature, cause & effects of global climate change, Earth’s radiation budget, greenhouse gases & effect, examples of positive & negative feedback 22 mechanisms, biogeochemical cycle of carbon, causes & consequences of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, floods, landslides, coastal erosion, droughts and desertification; application of remote sensing & geographic information systems (GIS) in environmental management, etc

Click here to download the syllabus for UPSC Geologist prelims & mains

UPSC Geologist Exam Pattern 2020 - Prelims & Mains Exam

The UPSC Geologist exam pattern 2020-21 is also prescribed by the UPSC. As per the official notification, the UPSC Geologist exam is objective type in nature i.e MCQ and mains exam is subjective in nature i.e. descriptive. For more details on the UPSC Geologist exam pattern 2020-21 check the tables below.

UPSC Geologist prelims exam pattern





Paper 1

General studies


2 hrs

Paper 2



2 hrs

UPSC Geologist mains exam pattern





Paper 1



3 hrs

Paper 2



3 hrs

Paper 3



3 hrs

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is the UPSC Geologist exam conducted online or offline?

UPSC Geologist prelims exam is conducted online and mains exam is conducted offline.

2. Where can I check the UPSC Geologist exam notification?

Applicants can check the UPSC Geologist exam notification on the UPSC website -

3. How many papers does the UPSC Geologist mains exam have?

UPSC Geologist mains exam has three papers and all are descriptive in nature.

4. What is the level of questions asked in the UPSC Geologist exam?

The questions asked in the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist & Geologist exam are of degree level.


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Questions related to UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Exam

Have a question related to UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Exam ?

Hello aspirant ,

To appear for UPSC have to pass the eligibility criteria of the exam....

UPSC Age Limit for Civil Services Exam 2022 :

The candidates must have attained 21 years of age and be less than 32 years of age as of 1st August 2022.....

The official notification will carry UPSC Age Limit 2022 details......

Age limit :

General Category - 21 to 32

EWS - 21 to 32

SC/ST - 21 to 37

OBC - 21 to 35

Educational Eligibility or Qualification :

The candidate must have at least a bachelor's degree from a recognised university to take the UPSC exam.

Even those candidates who have written the final year exams of the qualifying exam (bachelor's degree) and are awaiting results can apply for the exam....

you will get all the needed information about your query through the following link....

Hope this helps

Hi Ishaan,

GATE is one of the most valuble examination conducted in India.

Through GATE qualifying  scores after MSc in geology you get following opportunities to choose from:-

1. you can pursue phd or research work with scholarships

2. you can apoly for private jobs

3. you can apply for PSU jobs

4. you can go for fellowship program in management.

So there are alot of good options for you if you clear GATE exam.

Hopethis will help you out .

Good luck.

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