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UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Admit card 2021 - Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released mains admit card for combined Geologists and Geo-scientists 2021 exam on June 25 at its official website. Candidates can download the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist admit card 2021 by using either their registration number or roll number and date of birth.
Latest Updates: Download UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist & Geologist Mains Admit Card 2021 here.
UPSC combined Geo-Scientists and Geologists admit card 2021 contains crucial details like candidate's name, roll number, registration number, photograph, signature, time, date and exam centre etc. If there is any discrepancy in the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist 2021 admit card then applicants must contact UPSC immediately. Along with carrying the admit card of UPSC combined Geo-Scientists and Geologists 2021, candidates should also carry valid photo ID at the exam centre.
Events | Dates |
UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists Admit card 2021 | February 1, 2021 |
Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists 2021 (written exam) | February 21, 2021 |
UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists Admit card for Mains | June 25, 2021 |
UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists Mains Exam Date | July 17 and 18, 2021 |
The steps to download the admit card of UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists is given below.
Step 1: Go to the UPSC official website -
Step 2: Click on the link ‘UPSC Combined Geoscientist and Geologists Admit card 2021’
Step 3: UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists Admit Card window will appear on screen
Step 4: Enter required login credentials i.e roll number/registration number & date of birth and captcha code.
Step 5: Download the admit card of Geo-Scientist and Geologist 2021
UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologists 2021 admit card contains the following details:
Candidate’s roll number
Examination timing
Candidate’s registration number
Candidate’s name
Reporting time
Candidate’s scanned colour photograph
Examination date
Candidate’s scanned signature
Candidates will have to carry a photo identity proof like Aadhar card/Voter ID card/Pan card or any other photo identity card issued by State or Central Government, two passport size photographs and black ballpoint pen only.
Candidates who have not received their admit card or there is a mistake in the name, date of birth, father’s and mother’s name etc should immediately contact the facilitation counter of UPSC. While reporting for any issue, candidates have to submit the details like name, roll number, registration id, name and year of examination. The email ID is provided below where candidates can be sent queries related incorrect details in admit card.
Email of UPSC - (uscsp-upsc(@)
Candidates must answer in their own handwriting.
To draw mathematical drawings or rough work or maps candidates must use a pencil.
Candidate must write their roll number only in the space provided for the purpose of every answer book used by them.
Use of mobile phone, electronic gadgets, Bluetooth devices, calculator and accessories are not allowed inside the examination centre.
Ans. Candidates must contact the officials along with required details to make the changes in the admit card.
If a candidate is unable to download the admit card of UPSC Geologist and Geo- scientist, he/she must retry after some time. As the delay may be due to internet Speed, the large number of applicants trying to download at the same time etc.
No, the admit card will not be sent through the post. Candidates will have to download the admit card from the official website.
Application Date:20 February,2025 - 24 March,2025
Application Date:22 April,2025 - 21 May,2025
Hello aspirant ,
To appear for UPSC have to pass the eligibility criteria of the exam....
UPSC Age Limit for Civil Services Exam 2022 :
The candidates must have attained 21 years of age and be less than 32 years of age as of 1st August 2022.....
The official notification will carry UPSC Age Limit 2022 details......
Age limit :
General Category - 21 to 32
EWS - 21 to 32
SC/ST - 21 to 37
OBC - 21 to 35
Educational Eligibility or Qualification :
The candidate must have at least a bachelor's degree from a recognised university to take the UPSC exam.
Even those candidates who have written the final year exams of the qualifying exam (bachelor's degree) and are awaiting results can apply for the exam....
you will get all the needed information about your query through the following link....
Hope this helps
Hi Ishaan,
GATE is one of the most valuble examination conducted in India.
Through GATE qualifying scores after MSc in geology you get following opportunities to choose from:-
1. you can pursue phd or research work with scholarships
2. you can apoly for private jobs
3. you can apply for PSU jobs
4. you can go for fellowship program in management.
So there are alot of good options for you if you clear GATE exam.
Hopethis will help you out .
Good luck.
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