LIC AAO Vacancy 2023 - Check Job Profile and Pay Structure

LIC AAO Vacancy 2023 - Check Job Profile and Pay Structure

Edited By Prabakaran K | Updated on Feb 07, 2023 03:29 PM IST | #LIC AAO

LIC AAO Vacancy 2023: Life Insurance of India released the LIC AAO 2023 Vacancy for the aspirants under different job profiles. There are a total 300 vacancies for LIC AAO released this year by the authority. The official notification of LIC AAO vacancy provides all the important information for the candidates. However, the authority released fewer LIC AAO vacancies in comparison with last year.

This Story also Contains
  1. LIC AAO 2023: Highlights
  2. LIC AAO 2023 Vacancy: Important Dates
  3. LIC AAO Recruitment Process 2023
  4. LIC AAO Vacancies 2023
LIC AAO Vacancy 2023 - Check Job Profile and Pay Structure
LIC AAO Vacancy 2023 - Check Job Profile and Pay Structure

Students must check the syllabus of LIC AAO 2023 before starting their preparation to qualify the LIC AAO 2023 examination. Before this, LIC issued the last notice for LIC AAO recruitment in the year 2016. To know more about LIC AAO Vacancy such as recruitment process, number of vacancies available, LIC AAO vacancy eligibility and many more, read the full article below.

LIC AAO 2023: Highlights

Examination Name

Life Insurance Corporation of India Assistant Administrative Officer

Conducting Body

Life Insurance of India

Examination Frequency

As per vacancy available

Mode of Application


Application Fee

INR 600

Mode of examination


Examination Duration

2 hours



LIC AAO 2023 Vacancy: Important Dates



LIC AAO 2023 notification

January 15, 2023

Application Form of LIC AAO

January 15, 2023

Last date to fill the application form and pay the fee

January 31, 2023

LIC AAO 2023 admit card (Prelims)

To be announced

Prelims exam

February 17, 2023

LIC AAO Prelims Result

To be announced

LIC AAO 2023 Mains Admit Card

To be announced

LIC AAO 2023 mains exam

March 18, 2023

Mains result

To be announced

LIC AAO interview

To be announced

Final result of LIC AAO 2023

To be announced

LIC AAO Recruitment Process 2023

Candidates have to mandatorily pass/clear all these stages of the LIC AAO recruitment. They are advised to check the exam pattern of LIC AAO 2023, to prepare themselves for the LIC AAO 2023 examination in the best way possible. The recruitment process requires the overall evaluation of the candidates, If failing any of the four phases, candidates are not able to qualify the LIC AAO 2023 examination.

LIC AAO Vacancies 2023

The vacancies in LIC AAO exam is always good in number due to its all India presence. The post-wise LIC AAO 2023 vacancies are given below in the table.

Number of vacancies in LIC AAO

Current Year462270271122773333

LIC AAO Vacancy 2023: Application Fee Details

  • Candidates will have to make the payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges through the On-Line Mode:

  • For SC/ST/ PwBD candidates Intimation Charges of Rs. 85/- +Transaction Charges +GST

  • For all other candidates Application Fee-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs. 700/-

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LIC AAO 2023: Eligibility Criteria

After the release of notification of LIC AAO 2023, candidates must check the eligibility criteria of LIC AAO 2023. Eligibility Criteria is the list provided by the authority of examination to make sure aspirants meet the minimum parameters for the job profile. Mentioned below the eligibility table for LIC AAO Vacancy 2023.

  • LIC AAO Age Limit: The age of candidate must not be less than 21 years and must not exceed 30 years.

  • Nationality: A candidate must be a citizen of India.

LIC AAO 2023 provides relaxations in the age limit to the reserved categories and also according to the other government norms:

LIC AAO 2023: Age Relaxation


Age Relaxation


5 years


3 years

PwD (gen)

10 years


13 years


15 years


Actual Period of service in the Defence Services plus 3 years subject to maximum age limit of 45 years. (In case of Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST/OBC, maximum age limit of 50 years for SC/ST and 48 years for OBC is allowed.

LIC Employees

Further Relaxation of 5 years

LIC AAO 2023: Selection Procedure

According to the exam pattern of LIC AAO 2023, selection of Assistant Administrative Officers are going to be done through three phases and subsequent Pre-recruitment Medical examination.

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination:

Preliminary Examination consisting of objective tests will be conducted online. The test will have three sections. Candidates must secure marks more than or equal to the cut off of the LIC AAO 2023 to qualify each stage of examination.

Phase-II : Main Examination:

Main examination will consist of objective tests for 300 marks and descriptive tests for 25 marks. Both the target and descriptive tests are going to be online.

Phase-III: Interview

Marks obtained within the Main Examination only are going to be considered for shortlisting for interview.

Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination:

Shortlisted candidates in final merit list will need to undergo Pre-Recruitment checkup and if found medically fit, are going to be offered a meeting.

Pre-exam training for OBC/SC/ST/PwBD candidates:

SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates who wish to avail the advantage of pre examination training may register their name and other details with the Divisional Office of LIC convenient to them after submission of online application.

Other Related Articles:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is there any negative marking in the LIC AAO Exam?

There is no negative marking in the LIC AAO exam so that candidates can attempt all the questions in the given time limit.

2. What is the difference between LIC AAO and LIC ADO?

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer is very different from an LIC Apprentice Development Officer. ADO work under the Divisional officers and help in building the business through recruitment of LIC agents under them.

3. What is LIC AAO salary?

Basic Pay: The basic pay of LIC AAO is Rs. 32795/- per month in the scale of Rs. 32795- 1610(14) –55335– 1745(4) –62315 and other admissible allowances.

4. Is LIC AAO a govt job?

LIC AAO post is not a central govt. post. LIC being a PSU, all the employees of LIC are public sector undertaking employees. No, it's not directly a central government post.


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Questions related to LIC AAO

Have a question related to LIC AAO ?

LIC AAO EXAM NOTIFICATION is expected to be out in December 2025 tentatively.

In every lic exam, there is a gap of 3 yrs…if we consider last years pattern we can expect notification this year…

If the notification is released this month then you can expect exam in March-April month because there is always two months in between notification and pre exam date and also the mains exam will be conducted after two months of prelims exams which will happen in August.

If notification comes in right time then this schedule fits the exam otherwise you can use this pattern according to the month of notification.

Hope for the best :)

You can contact on hepdesk,They will get touch with you as soon as possible and solve your queries.


The candidates appearing for LICAAO should be ready for it. LIC released the notification for 2020 on February 25. It also has a list of the exam centres. The application close on March 15th,2020. Now, the prelims are postponed due to corona virus outbreak and further information is still left to be received.

• Age Limit: The candidate must be 21 Years to 30 Years as on 01.04.2020 i.e. candidates must have been born between 02.04.1990 and 01.04.1999 (both dates inclusive)

• Educational Qualification: The candidate must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. Those who are in the Final year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they must produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 01.07.2020. Candidates with Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate must ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.08.2020. Candidates with Chartered Accountant certification may also apply.

SBI PO Selection Procedure: Important Points

The candidates should keep in mind the following points related to the SBI PO selection process:

• Biometric Verification: To ensure an error-free and secure selection procedure for SBI PO 2020, the bank may digitally capture the thumb impression of the candidate. This is done to verify the genuineness of the candidates. Any inconsistency in the biometric verification will lead to rejection of the candidature and punitive legal actions. Candidates are thus advised not to apply any kind of external matter like ink, mehandi, chemical etc. on their hands.

• Number of Attempts: The maximum number of chances are fixed for each category. Candidates who have used up all the chances are not eligible to apply. Appearing in Preliminary Exam is not counted as an attempt but appearing in Mains Exam is counted.

Hii Preetam!
As per the latest update, the notification for LIC AAO has not been released yet. It is expected to be released in March 2020.  The LIC AAO prelims exam may be conducted in May 2020 and LIC AAO mains exam may be conducted in June 2020. No general trend is seen regarding the conduction of exam as it may happen once in 2 years. But you can follow up the official website to keep a check and get the latest information. Hope this helps.
Good luck!
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