ICICI Bank PO 2020 Application Form, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result

ICICI Bank PO 2020 Application Form, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 03, 2020 04:22 PM IST | #ICICI Bank PO

ICICI Bank PO 2020- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) Bank will conduct ICICI Bank PO 2020 in collaboration with ICICI Manipal Academy (IMA), Bengaluru. ICICI PO 2020 is a 1-year full-time Post-Graduate Diploma in Banking (PGDB) program in Sales and Relationship Management. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria of ICICI Bank PO 2020 are eligible to apply for the programme. ICICI Bank PO application form 2020 is available on the official website and the application window remains open throughout the year. Candidates must visit the official website- icicicareers.com and fill the application form providing the required details. ICICI Bank PO admit card will be made available to the candidates who fill up the ICICI PO 2020 examination form before December 25, 2020. ICICI PO exam 2020 will be conducted in 2 slots. Candidates will have to select their desired exam slot by clicking on the link sent to their registered email ID. ICICI Bank PO 2020 selection process is carried out in 3 stages- written exam, group discussion, and personal interview. Only those candidates who are shortlisted from the application form will be eligible to sit for the written test. Candidates who qualify in the written test meeting the required ICICI Bank PO cut off 2020 will become eligible to sit for the group discussion and so on, as per the ICICI Bank PO exam pattern 2020. After the end of all 3 stages, ICICI Bank PO result 2020 will be declared on the official website. Read the complete article to know more about ICICI Bank PO.

This Story also Contains
  1. ICICI Bank PO Exam 2020- Highlights
  2. ICICI Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2020
  3. ICICI Bank PO Application Form 2020
  4. ICICI Bank PO Exam Pattern 2020
  5. ICICI Bank PO Syllabus 2020
  6. ICICI Bank PO Admit Card 2020
ICICI Bank PO 2020 Application Form, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result
ICICI Bank PO 2020 Application Form, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result

ICICI Bank PO Exam 2020- Highlights

Name of Exam

ICICI Bank PO 2020

Also Known As

ICICI Bank PO 2020, ICICI PO 2020, ICICI PO exam 2020, ICICI PO 2020 examination

Conducting Body

ICICI Manipal Academy (IMA), Bengaluru

Fee for the programme


Mode of Exam

Online and offline

Stages of Exam

  • Online Aptitude test

  • Online Psychometric Questionnaire

  • Group Discussion (GD)

  • Personal Interview (PI)

ICICI Bank PO 2020 hall ticket


ICICI Bank PO 2020 result


ICICI Bank PO 2020 cut off


Dress code

Business Formals



ICICI Bank PO exam 2020- Important Dates

Candidates who are willing to appear in ICIC Bank PO 2020 examination should keep track of all exam-related dates. ICIC PO 2020 examination dates are mentioned on the table below

ICICI Bank PO 2020 Important Dates


Dates (Tentative)

ICICI Bank PO 2020 Application Form

To be announced

Last date to apply for ICICI Bank PO 2020 examination (Any slot)

December 25, 2020

ICICI PO Exam 2020

To be announced

Declaration of ICICI Bank PO 2020 Result

To be announced

ICICI Bank PO 2020 Examination- Programme Structure

ICICI PO 2020 is a 1- year, full-time Post-Graduation Diploma in Banking (PGDB) programme in collaboration with Manipal Global Education Services. The programme is held at ICICI Manipal Academy (IMA) campus, Bengaluru. ICICI PO programme is designed to develop first-level managers with banking knowledge and required skill-sets to succeed in the banking sector. The program is carried out in 4 terms-

  1. Classroom Training at IMA Bengaluru campus (4 months)

  2. Internship at ICICI Bank (2 months)

  3. Classroom Training at IMA Bengaluru campus (2 months)

  4. On-job training at ICICI bank (4 months)

ICICI Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2020

Candidates who are willing to appear in the exam must meet the ICICI Bank PO 2020 eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria of ICICI bank PO 2020 refers to the minimum educational qualification a candidate is required to have in order to appear for the ICICI Bank PO 2020 examination. There are three main ICICI PO 2020 eligibility criteria-

Nationality: Indian nationals can apply for ICICI PO exam 2020

Educational Qualification: A graduation degree with at least 55% marks in any discipline

Age: The upper age limit for ICICI Bank PO 2020 is 27. The authorities have not mentioned a lower age limit

ICICI Bank PO Application Form 2020

Candidates who meet the ICICI Bank PO 2020 eligibility criteria can fill up the ICICI Bank PO 2020 application form. To fill up the application form of ICICI Bank PO 2020, candidates will have to complete the registration process first by providing their biodatas. The application process is carried out as per the steps mentioned below-

Steps to fill up the ICICI Bank PO Application Form 2020

  1. Visit www.icicicareers.com

  2. Find the probationary officers (PO) programme tab

  3. Read all the instructions

  4. Click on the ‘apply here’ icon

  5. Fill-up the ICICI Bank Po 2020 application form by providing all the required information

  6. Click on the ‘submit’ icon

  7. ICICI PO exam 2020 application ID will be sent to the registered email ID

After the application form of ICICI Bank PO 2020 is submitted, shortlisted candidates will have to book their preferred test slots. The link to select the test slot will be sent to the registered email ID

ICICI Bank PO Exam Pattern 2020

Aspiring candidates should go through the syllabus and the ICICI Bank PO 2020 exam pattern and prepare accordingly to excel in the exam. Exam pattern refers to no. of questions, marking scheme, the time allotted for the exam, etc. As per the ICICI Bank PO exam pattern 2020, the exam will be carried out in 4 stages- Online Aptitude test, Online Psychometric Questionnaire, Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI). There is no negative marking in the written exam as per the exam pattern of ICICI Bank PO 2020.

ICICI Bank PO 2020 Exam Pattern (Written Test)


No. of questions

Total Marks

Time Allotted

Quantitative Analysis



60 Minutes

Logical Reasoning



English Language






Candidates who qualify in the written exam will be able to sit for the online psychometric test. The test is designed to check leadership, teamwork capabilities, etc of the candidates. Successful candidates of this round will progress further to the case-based group discussion round. Candidates who succeed in GD round will be able to appear for the personal interview to be carried out on the same day.

ICICI Bank PO Syllabus 2020

The authorities prescribe the syllabus for ICICI Bank PO 2020 syllabus for the written exam. Candidates should go through the syllabus of ICICI Bank PO 2020 and prepare accordingly. Section-wise ICICI Bank PO syllabus 2020 is given below-

ICICI Bank PO 2020 Syllabus- English

  1. Error determination

  2. Completion of a given paragraph

  3. Reading comprehension

  4. Para jumbles

  5. Fill in the blanks, Cloze test

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Syllabus of ICICI Bank PO 2020- Logical Reasoning

  1. Alphanumeric Series

  2. Blood Relations

  3. Coded Inequalities

  4. Direction

  5. Data Sufficiency

  6. Input-Output

  7. Puzzle

  8. Ranking

  9. Seating Arrangement

  10. Syllogism

  11. Tabulation

ICICI Bank PO Admit Card 2020

Shortlisted candidates of ICICI Bank PO exam 2020 will be notified via email. Shortlisted candidates, who fill up the application form and get shortlisted will be able to download the admit card of ICICI Bank PO 2020 from the official website. The hall ticket of ICICI Bank PO 2020 will contain important information like name, DoB, exam date, etc. Candidates should go through the information mentioned on the ICICI Bank PO 2020 hall ticket carefully and contact the authorities in case of a discrepancy.

Steps to Download ICICI Bank PO Hall Ticket 2020

  1. Go to the official website- icicicareers.com

  2. Login using your credentials- username and password

  3. Find the link ‘ICICI PO 2020 Admit Card’

  4. Now click on ‘View Admit Card’

  5. ICICI Bank PO admit card 2020 will appear on the screen

  6. Download and take printout of the admit card of ICICI Bank PO 2020

ICICI Bank PO Result 2020

ICICI Bank PO 2020 result will be declared separately for each phase of the exam. Candidates must qualify in the written test result of ICICI Bank PO to sit for the interview round and so on. ICICI Bank PO result 2020 will be declared online on the official website as a merit list. Shortlisted candidates if ICICI Bank PO 2020 result will also receive invitation email on their registered email ID.

ICICI PO 2020- Selection process and Fees Structure

ICICI Bank PO selection process will be completed in 5 phases-

  1. Aptitude test (Online)

  2. Psychometric questionnaire (Online)

  3. Group discussion based on case study

  4. Personal interview

  5. Final merit list

The group discussion and personal interview rounds will be conducted on the same day. Shortlisted candidates will be informed about their selection on their registered email IDs. A merit list will also be published on the official website.

ICICI Bank PO 2020 fees structure is mentioned below-

  1. Rs.3,71,700/-

  2. RS. 16, 800/- ( For tablet, SD card, cover + GST)

The total cost of the programme- Rs 3,88,500/- . Students will be able to apply for a loan from ICICI bank to cover Rs 3,15,000/- plus tax of the total fee.

ICICI Bank PO Cut off 2020

After the declaration of result, the authorities will also release the ICICI Bank PO 2020 cut off. The cut off of ICICI Bank PO 2020 means the minimum marks a candidate needs to score in order to qualify for the next round. Note that, only those candidates who qualify in the written exam meeting the required ICICI Bank PO cut off 2020 will progress to the next round and so on. There are many factors which will be considered by the authorities to determine the ICICI Bank PO 2020 cut off-

Factors to Determine Cut off of ICICI Bank PO 2020-

  1. No. of applicants

  2. No. of seats

  3. The difficulty level of the ICICI Bank PO exam 2020 question paper

Read More:

ICICI Bank PO Appliction Form 2020

ICICI Bank PO Admit Card 2020

ICICI Bank PO Answer Key 2020

ICICI Bank PO Result 2020

ICICI Bank PO Cut off 2020

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is there any age relaxation for reserve category candidates?

As per the eligibility criteria of ICICI Bank PO 2020, there is no age relaxation for the reserved category candidates.

2. Can I apply for an educational loan?

Yes. Candidates will be able to apply for an educational loan from ICICI Bank.

3. I have done my graduation in economics. Can I appear for IBPS PO 2020 exam?

Candidates who have completed graduation with a minimum of 55% marks in any discipline are eligible to apply for the programme.

4. I am 21 years old. I have completed my graduation this year. Am I eligible to apply?

The authorities do not mention any lower age limit in the IBPS PO 2020 eligibility criteria. Therefore, candidates who have completed graduation with the required marks should be eligible to apply for the programme.

5. I have registered with the wrong email ID. What can be done about it?

If a candidate has registered with wrong email ID, salutation or gender, etc, he/she will have to inform it to the authorities at po.programme@icicibank.com providing his/ her ID proof

6. How can I book an ICICI PO 2020 test slot?

Shortlisted candidates of ICICI Bank PO 2020 examination will receive the link to book a test slot on their registered email ID.

7. What are the documents to be carried for the GD and personal interview round?

Shortlisted candidates will receive an email from the authorities where the details regarding the required documents will be mentioned.

8. Is there any negative marking in the ICICI Bank PO 2020 examination (written)?

 No, there is no negative marking in the written exam of ICICI PO 2020.

9. I am not able to download my ICICI Bank PO hall ticket 2020. Why?

Make sure you are using the correct login credentials. Also, contact the authorities in case there is a discrepancy in your ICICI Bank PO hall ticket 2020


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Questions related to ICICI Bank PO

Have a question related to ICICI Bank PO ?

Dear aspirant !

Hope you are doing well ! If your form is under review from last 1 year then it is a very long time ,you shouldn't avoid it . This issue has been faced by many students/ people and they all solved it by applying again ,so it is the only solution ,you should apply again for it .

Hope it helps you !

Thank you !!


I hope you are doing fine, I don't find anything wrong in ICICI PO. Being a private sector bank, it can give you a heavy workload, but its worth with the salary. You'll get a professional touch and good experience by working in a competitive environment.

It comes up with lot of prospects and benefits. Being a Bank PO, you need to supervise the clerical cadres and do the managerial works.

I hope you find this information helpful. I wish you all the best for your future.

Good Luck

Dear aspirant!

Hope you are doing great! Icici bank takes time to sent the mail for the GD round after the OPQ is conducted ao you don't need to worry about that.You will get the mail after sometime just relax and be enjoying!

Best wishes for your future!

Thanking you!


ICICI Bank PO(Probationary officer) is certainly a good job and comes up with lot of prospects and benefits. Being a Bank PO, you need to supervise the clerical cadres and do the managerial works. Probationary officers get entitled to various prospects which includes, a good salary, Special Allowances like House, Medical, TA, Dearness allowances, City compensation allowances and more. So, ICICI Bank PO is certainly one of the good jobs for a steady career growth and to get entitled to various benefits.

Dear Aspirants ,

Basically monthly salary divided into different categories  structure breaks  such as

  • HRA
  • Traveling allowances
  • Medical allowances
  • Education allowances
  • Washing and clothing allowances

This things are vary as per the company because different companies are provides salary in different structures so you should go through your HR for more details they will provides the accurate info regarding this .

Hope it will helpful


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