CSIR NET Maths Syllabus 2024- Download Unit-wise Syllabus PDF

CSIR NET Maths Syllabus 2024- Download Unit-wise Syllabus PDF

Edited By Soujanya K | Updated on Dec 07, 2023 09:47 AM IST | #CSIR UGC NET

The National Testing Agency will publish the syllabus of NET Maths in the official Notification. The CSIR NET Maths Syllabus PDF will be made available for download from the official website csirnet.nta.ac.in. The CSIR NET syllabus describes in detail the topics that will be covered by the CSIR NET exam.

This Story also Contains
  1. NET Maths Syllabus - Important Dates
  2. CSIR NET Maths Syllabus - Units-wise
  3. CSIR NET Maths Paper Pattern
CSIR NET Maths Syllabus 2024- Download Unit-wise Syllabus PDF
CSIR NET Maths Syllabus 2024- Download Unit-wise Syllabus PDF

Candidates looking to appear for the CSIR Mathematical Sciences paper must make themselves familiar with all of the topics mentioned in the NET Maths syllabus. Below, we discuss the CSIR NET Math syllabus in detail. Candidates can go through the material below for more information regarding the NET Maths syllabus 2024.

Candidates attempting the mathematical sciences section are encouraged to create a CSIR NET Study Plan whose structure is informed by the CSIR NET Maths syllabus. The CSIR Maths exam will broadly cover Analysis, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Algebra, Topology, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations and many more.

NET Maths Syllabus - Important Dates

The table below contains CSIR NET exam dates and other event-related dates:

CSIR NET Important Dates



Start date of application form

To Be Announced

Last date of filling out application form

To Be Announced

Application form edit dates

To Be Announced

Admit card download date

To Be Announced

CSIR NET 2024 exam date

To Be Announced

Result declaration date

To Be Announced

CSIR NET Maths Syllabus - Units-wise

The table below contains the units from where the topics and the chapters will be mentioned in the syllabus.

NET syllabus For Maths


  • Analysis

  • Linear Algebra


  • Complex Analysis:

  • Topology


  • Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)

  • Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

  • Numerical Analysis

  • Calculus of Variations

  • Classical Mechanics

  • Linear Integral Equations


Details mentioned below in the article

UNIT I - CSIR NET Maths Syllabus


  1. Elementary set theory, finite, countable and uncountable sets

  2. Real number system as a complete ordered field, Archimedean property, supremum, infimum.

  3. Sequences and series, convergence, Limit Inferior and Limit Superior.

  4. Bolzano Weierstrass theorem, Heine Borel theorem.

  5. Continuity, uniform continuity, differentiability, mean value theorem.

  6. Sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence.

  7. Riemann sums and Riemann integral, Improper Integrals.

  8. Monotonic functions, types of discontinuity, functions of bounded variation, Lebesgue measure,

  9. Lebesgue integral.

  10. Functions of several variables, derivative as a linear transformation, directional derivative, partial derivative, inverse and implicit function theorems.

  11. Metric spaces, compactness, connectedness. Normed linear Spaces. Spaces of continuous functions as examples.

Linear Algebra

  1. Vector spaces, subspaces, dimension, linear dependence, basis, algebra of linear

  2. Transformations.

  3. Algebra of matrices, linear equations, rank and determinant of matrices.

  4. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.

  5. Matrix representation of linear transformations. Change of basis, Jordan forms, canonical forms, diagonal forms, triangular forms.

  6. Inner product spaces, orthonormal basis.

  7. Quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms

UNIT II - CSIR NET Syllabus For Maths

Complex Analysis

1) Algebra of complex numbers, power series, the complex plane, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, polynomials, transcendental functions such as exponential.

2) Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Cauchy’s integral formula, Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Schwarz lemma, Liouville’s theorem, Maximum modulus principle, Open mapping theorem.

3) Taylor series, calculus of residues, Laurent series, Mobius transformations, Conformal mappings.

4) Algebra: Permutations, inclusion-exclusion principle, combinations, pigeon-hole principle, derangements.

5) Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, congruences, divisibility in Z, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Euler’s Ø- function, primitive roots. normal subgroups, Groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, quotient groups, cyclic groups, class equations, permutation groups, Cayley’s theorem, Sylow theorems.

6) Rings, quotient rings, ideals, principal ideal domain, prime and maximal ideals, unique factorization domain, Euclidean domain.

7) Polynomial rings and irreducibility criteria. Fields, finite fields, field extensions, Galois Theory.

Topology - Basis, dense sets, subspace and product topology, separation axioms, connectedness and compactness.

UNIT III - CSIR NET Maths Syllabus

  • Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)

Existence and uniqueness of solutions of initial value problems for first order ordinary differential equations, system of first order ODEs, singular solutions of first order ODEs. General theory of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear ODEs, Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem, variation of parameters, Green’s function.

  • Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

Cauchy problem for first order PDEs, Lagrange and Charpit methods for solving first order PDEs, General solution of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients, Classification of second order PDEs, Method of separation of variables for Laplace, Heat and Wave equations.

  • Numerical Analysis

  1. Numerical solutions of algebraic equations,

  2. Method of iteration and Newton-Raphson method

  3. Rate of convergence

  4. Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination and Gauss-Seidel methods

  5. Finite differences

  6. Lagrange, Hermite and spline interpolation

  7. Numerical differentiation and integration

  8. Numerical solutions of ODEs using Picard

  9. Euler, modified Euler and Runge-Kutta methods.

  • Calculus of Variations

Variation of a functional, Necessary and sufficient conditions for extrema, Euler-Lagrange equation. Variational methods for boundary value problems in ordinary and partial differential equations.

  • Linear Integral Equations

Solutions with separable kernels, Linear integral equation of the first and second kind of Fredholm and Volterra type. Characteristic numbers and eigenfunctions, resolvent kernel.

  • Classical Mechanics

Hamilton’s canonical equations, Lagrange’s equations, Generalised coordinates, Hamilton’s principle and principle of least action, Euler’s dynamical equations for the motion of a rigid body about an axis, Two-dimensional motion of rigid bodies, theory of small oscillations.

UNIT IV - CSIR Maths Syllabus For NET

  • Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis

  • Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, Bayes theorem.

  • Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate); expectation and moments.

  • Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions. Characteristic functions.

  • Probability inequalities (Tchebyshef, Markov, Jensen).

  • Modes of convergence, weak and strong laws of large numbers

  • Central Limit theorems (i.i.d. case).

  • Markov chains with finite and countable state space, limiting behaviour of n-step transition probabilities, classification of states, stationary distribution, Poisson and birth-and-death processes.

  • Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions. sampling distributions, distribution of order statistics and range, standard errors and asymptotic distributions.

  • Methods of estimation, properties of estimators, confidence intervals. Tests of hypotheses: most powerful and uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests.

  • Analysis of discrete data and chi-square test of goodness of fit.

  • Large sample tests.

  • Simple nonparametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for independence.

  • Elementary Bayesian inference.

  • Gauss-Markov models, tests for linear hypotheses, estimability of parameters, best linear unbiased estimators, confidence intervals, Analysis of variance and covariance. Fixed, random and mixed effects models.

  • Elementary regression diagnostics, Simple and multiple linear regression, Logistic regression.

  • Multivariate normal distribution, Wishart distribution and their properties. Distribution of quadratic forms.

  • Inference for parameters, partial and multiple correlation coefficients and related tests.

  • Data reduction techniques: Principal component analysis, Discriminant analysis, Cluster analysis,

  • Canonical

  • Correlation

CSIR NET Maths Paper Pattern

According to the CSIR NET exam pattern, the test will be held for five subjects - Physical Science, Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and Mathematical Sciences. Candidates will have to select one of their desired subjects. The test will be held for a total of 200 marks for which the candidates will be given a total of 3 hours. The test is held in online mode. The table below contains the NET Exam pattern for all five subjects for which the test is held.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024

S. No.


Total Number of questions

Total Marks

Time Duration


Life Sciences



3 hours


Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences



Mathematical Sciences



Chemical Sciences



Physical Sciences


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the CSIR NET syllabus Mathematics?

Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Algebra and many more. For a detailed version of the syllabus, refer to the material above. 

2. What are the important topics for CSIR NET maths?

The CSIR NET Syllabus for Mathematics broadly consists of the topics Analysis, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, Algebra, Topology, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Linear Integral Equations, Classical Mechanics and Descriptive statistics. 

3. Who is eligible for CSIR maths?

Candidates must hold a M.Sc, BS-MS, B. Tech or any similar degree in Mathematics to be eligible to attempt CSIR Maths.

4. Can I write CSIR NET after BSc?

Candidates who have scored at least 55% in B.Sc. (Hons.) are eligible to attempt the CSIR NET.

5. What is the CSIR NET cutoff?

The CSIR NET Cutoff will be released by the NTA. The minimum qualifying percentages are 33% for General and OBC Categories and 25% for SC/ST and PwD Categories.


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Questions related to CSIR UGC NET

Have a question related to CSIR UGC NET ?


As of now there is no official announcement made regarding the release date of application form for CSIR NET for June session, you may follow the official website at https://csirnet.nta.nic.in/ to know the latest information pertaining this,

CSIR NET is conducted to determine the eligibility of candidate for JRF/Assistant Professor or Lectureship, it is conducted for three hours for 200 marks, there are three parts; part A is common to all subjects for general aptitude carrying 15 questions for two marks, total marks allotted is 30 marks, part B is subject related conventional MCQs for 70 marks with question range of 20-35, part C has been allotted 100 marks to test scientific concepts and its application. there is negative marking of 25% for each wrong answer, check out our page at https://competition.careers360.com/articles/csir-ugc-net-exam-dates to know more details regarding this.

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus (https://letstalkacademy.com/csir-net-syllabus/) 2022 | CSIR NET LIFE SCIENCE STUDY MATERIAL

Are You Looking for CSIR NET Life Sciences topic-wise Syllabus, csir net life science study material , Exam Pattern 2022? Topic-wise CSIR NET Life, Important Dates for CSIR NET Life Science, CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus, CSIR NET JRF Life Science Cut Off & more.



Topic Name for NET Life Science Syllabus 2022

1. Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
2. Cellular Organization
3. Fundamental Processes
4. Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
5. Developmental Biology
6. System Physiology – Plant
7. System Physiology – Animal
8. Inheritance Biology
9. Diversity of Life Forms
10. Diversity of Life Forms
11. Evolution and Behavior
12. Evolution and Behavior
13. Evolution and Behavior

CSIR NET and UGC NET exams are typically conducted per year, permitting the aspirants to get the primary selection for the lectureship in the Indian colleges & universities. Both these exams are conducted at the national level by National Testing Agency if u want net related any confusion so u can connect with our website letsatalkacadmey clear all confusion .thank you


Are You Looking for CSIR NET Life Sciences topic-wise Syllabus, csir net life science study material , Exam Pattern 2022? Topic-wise CSIR NET Life, Important Dates for CSIR NET Life Science, CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus, CSIR NET JRF Life Science Cut Off & more.



Topic Name for NET Life Science Syllabus 2022

1. Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
2. Cellular Organization
3. Fundamental Processes
4. Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
5. Developmental Biology
6. System Physiology – Plant
7. System Physiology – Animal
8. Inheritance Biology
9. Diversity of Life Forms
10. Diversity of Life Forms
11. Evolution and Behavior
12. Evolution and Behavior
13. Evolution and Behavior

Greetings, Aspirant

CSIR UGC NET conducts the exam every year for LS and JRF program.

Candidates can  either apply for LS or JRF. They cannot apply for both.

CSIR UGC NET assembles the merit list to assign Lectureship and JRF to the meritorious candidates.

Candidates who qualify for the cut-off for the lectureship program can apply for the post of assistant professor in different universities and colleges. Still, they will not be eligible for the regular Junior research fellowship program.

Prospects who qualify for the NET-JRF exam will get a chance to kickstart their higher education and research in their desired subject or specialization.

If you have applied for JRF :-

1) clear  the qualifying cut off then you will be eligible for LS also.

2) do not clear the cut off  for JRF you will not be eligible for LS.

I hope it helps. Good Luck.

Thank you

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