CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024 - Download here

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024 - Download here

Edited By Soujanya K | Updated on Dec 08, 2023 10:05 AM IST | #CSIR UGC NET

The National Testing Agency will release the syllabus of CSIR NET chemical science for the benefit of those preparing for the exam. Candidates attempting the chemical science of CSIR NET should be sure to consult the syllabus. This will enable them to become aware of the topics appearing in the CSIR NET paper.

This Story also Contains
  1. CSIR NET Chemical Science syllabus: CSIR NET Exam Overview
  2. CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus Details
  3. CSIR NET Exam Pattern
CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024 - Download here
CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus 2024 - Download here

Candidates attempting the exam must fill out the application form of CSIR NET 2024, keeping in mind that only those who have completed their master's degrees in the chemical science portion are eligible to attempt the chemical sciences portion of the exam.

Along with the chemical science syllabus of CSIR NET, candidates attempting the exam must consult the exam pattern of CSIR NET during preparation to better understand the structure of the paper. Candidates can also reference past years' CSIR NET Exam Analyses to better understand how the topics in the CSIR NET chemical science syllabus will manifest in the paper. Candidates can consult the material below for more information regarding the CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus.

CSIR NET Chemical Science syllabus: CSIR NET Exam Overview

Name of the Examination

CSIR National Eligibility Test (NET)

Conducting Body

National Testing Agency

Examination Frequency

Twice a year

  • June

  • December

Exam Mode


Exam Eligibility

Post Graduation from science stream with minimum aggregate of 50%

Exam Objective

  • Eligibility for Assistant Professor or Lecturer

  • Awarded as Junior Research Fellowship

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus Details

Primarily, it is important to understand the topics related to chemical science syllabus for CSIR NET. The CSIR NET chemical science syllabus is designed in such a way that candidates can cover all the important topics regarding the national-level examination. Mentioned below a table providing a detailed chemical science syllabus of CSIR NET:

CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus



Inorganic Chemistry

  • Chemical periodicity

  • Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules, including Concepts of acids and bases, shapes molecules (VSEPR Theory). Hard-Soft acid base concept, Non-aqueous solvents.

  • Main group elements and their compounds: Allotropy, structure and bonding, synthesis, industrial importance of the compounds.

  • Transition elements and coordination compounds: structure, bonding theories, spectral and magnetic properties, reaction mechanisms.

  • Inner transition elements: redox chemistry, spectral and magnetic properties, analytical applications.

  • Organometallic compounds: synthesis, bonding and structure, and reactivity. Organometallics in homogeneous catalysis.

  • Cages and metal clusters.

  • Analytical chemistry- separation, spectroscopic, electro- and thermoanalytical methods.

  • Bioinorganic chemistry: porphyrins, metalloenzymes, photosystems, oxygen

  • transport, electron- transfer reactions; nitrogen fixation, metal complexes in medicine.

  • Characterisation of inorganic compounds by IR, Raman, UV-vis, NQR, NMR, EPR, Mössbauer, MS, electron spectroscopy and microscopic techniques.

  • Nuclear chemistry: fission and fusion, nuclear reactions, radio-analytical techniques and activation analysis.

Physical chemistry

  • Basic principles of quantum mechanics: Postulates; operator algebra; exactly-solvable systems: harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom, particle-in-a-box, including shapes of atomic orbitals; orbital and spin angular momenta; tunneling.

  • Approximate methods of quantum mechanics: Variational principle; perturbation theory up to second order in energy; applications.

  • Atomic structure and spectroscopy; many-electron systems and antisymmetry principle, term symbols.

  • Chemical bonding in diatomics; elementary concepts of MO and VB theories; Huckel theory for conjugated π-electron systems. Chemical applications of group theory; point groups; character tables; symmetry elements; selection rules.

  • Molecular spectroscopy: Rotational and vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules; electronic spectra; IR and Raman activities – basic principles of magnetic resonance, selection rules.

  • Chemical thermodynamics: Laws, state and path functions and their applications; thermodynamic description of various types processes; Maxwell’s relations; spontaneity and equilibria; temperature and pressure dependence of thermodynamic quantities; phase equilibria and phase rule; Le Chatelier principle; elementary description of phase transitions; thermodynamics of ideal and non-ideal gases, and solutions.

  • Statistical thermodynamics: kinetic theory of gases; Boltzmann distribution; partition functions and their relation to thermodynamic quantities – calculations for model systems.

  • Electrochemistry: Nernst equation, redox systems, DebyeHuckel theory; electrochemical cells; electrolytic conductance – Kohlrausch’s law and its applications; conductometric and potentiometric titrations, ionic equilibria.

  • Chemical kinetics: Empirical rate laws and temperature dependence; determination of reaction mechanisms; complex reactions; steady state approximation; collision and transition state theories of rate constants; homogeneous catalysis; unimolecular reactions; enzyme kinetics; salt effects; photochemical reactions.

  • Colloids and surfaces: Stability and properties of colloids; heterogeneous catalysis, isotherms and surface area. Solid state: Bragg’s law and applications; Crystal structures; band structure of solids.

  • Polymer chemistry: Molar masses; kinetics of polymerization.

  • Data analysis: Mean and standard deviation; linear regression; absolute and relative errors; covariance and correlation coefficient.

Organic Chemistry

  • IUPAC nomenclature of organic molecules including regio- and stereoisomers.

  • Principles of stereochemistry: Configurational and conformational isomerism in acyclic and cyclic compounds; stereoselectivity, enantioselectivity, stereogenicity, diastereoselectivity and asymmetric induction.

  • Aromaticity: Benzenoid and non-benzenoid compounds – generation and reactions.

  • Organic reactive intermediates: Generation, carbanions, stability and reactivity of carbocations, free radicals, carbenes, benzynes and nitrenes.

  • Organic reaction mechanisms involving addition, nucleophilic or radical species, elimination and substitution reactions with electrophilic. Determination of reaction pathways.

  • Common named reactions and rearrangements – applications in organic synthesis.

  • Organic transformations and reagents: Functional group interconversion including oxidations and reductions; common catalysts and reagents (organic, inorganic, organometallic and enzymatic). Chemo, regio and stereoselective transformations.

  • Concepts in organic synthesis: Retrosynthesis, linear and convergent synthesis, disconnection, synthons, umpolung of reactivity and protecting groups.

  • Asymmetric synthesis: Chiral auxiliaries, methods of asymmetric induction – substrate, determination of enantiomeric and diastereomeric excess; reagent and catalyst controlled reactions; enantio-discrimination. Resolution – optical and kinetic.

  • Pericyclic reactions – cycloaddition, electrocyclization, sigmatropic rearrangements and other related concerted reactions. Principles and applications of photochemical reactions in organic chemistry.

  • Synthesis and reactivity of common heterocyclic compounds containing one or two heteroatoms (O, N, S).

  • Chemistry of natural products: Carbohydrates, fatty acids, nucleic acids, terpenes, proteins and peptides, steroids and alkaloids. Biogenesis of terpenoids and alkaloids.

  • Structure determination of organic compounds by IR, UV-Vis, 1H & 13C NMR and Mass spectroscopic techniques.

Interdisciplinary Topic

  • Chemistry in nanoscience and technology.

  • Catalysis and green chemistry.

  • Medicinal chemistry.

  • Supramolecular chemistry.

  • Environmental chemistry

CSIR NET Exam Pattern

Candidates must check the exam pattern of CSIR NET 2024 before starting their preparation. According to the exam pattern of CSIR NET, there will be three parts in the question paper.

Part 'A' carries 20 questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis and Research Aptitude. According to the exam pattern of CSIR NET for chemical science, in part A candidates will have to answer 15 questions for two marks each. Part 'B' will contain 40 Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

In part B there will be 35 questions of two marks each. Part 'C' consists of 60 questions that are designed to test a candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. Part C will comprise 25 analytical questions of four marks each and candidates will have to apply scientific knowledge while responding to those questions.

The questions that will be given from the UGC NET Chemical Science syllabus in these part is mentioned below:






Total Questions





No. of Questions to Attempt





Marks for a correct answer





Negative marking for an incorrect answer





Read More:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the eligibility of CSIR NET 2024?

According to the eligibility criteria of CSIR NET 2024, the candidate must have a post-graduation degree with a minimum aggregate of 55%. Candidates are eligible to apply till their completion of 28 years.

2. I chose chemical science for CSIR NET 2024. How will I prepare for this?

To prepare yourself better, you must go through the detailed syllabus chemical science syllabus of CSIR NET 2024. Prepare short notes on important topics. Practice previous years' question papers for a better perspective on the question types.

3. Can I apply for two subjects in CSIR NET 2024?

No, candidates can apply only in those subjects in which they completed their post-graduation.

4. What is the syllabus of Chemical Science in CSIR NET?

Broadly, the Chemical Sciences Section in the CSIR NET covers  Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry in nanoscience and technology, Catalysis and green chemistry, Medicinal chemistry,  Supramolecular chemistry and Environmental chemistry.

5. Which job can I get with CSIR NET?

After clearing the CSIR NET, you may become a lecturer in the subject in which you have attempted the exam/ Gain a junior research fellowship. 

6. Can I write CSIR NET after BSC?

To attempt the CSIR NET, you will need to have completed your  M.Sc./BS/B-Tech or any equivalent degrees in Chemistry.


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Questions related to CSIR UGC NET

Have a question related to CSIR UGC NET ?


As of now there is no official announcement made regarding the release date of application form for CSIR NET for June session, you may follow the official website at https://csirnet.nta.nic.in/ to know the latest information pertaining this,

CSIR NET is conducted to determine the eligibility of candidate for JRF/Assistant Professor or Lectureship, it is conducted for three hours for 200 marks, there are three parts; part A is common to all subjects for general aptitude carrying 15 questions for two marks, total marks allotted is 30 marks, part B is subject related conventional MCQs for 70 marks with question range of 20-35, part C has been allotted 100 marks to test scientific concepts and its application. there is negative marking of 25% for each wrong answer, check out our page at https://competition.careers360.com/articles/csir-ugc-net-exam-dates to know more details regarding this.

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus (https://letstalkacademy.com/csir-net-syllabus/) 2022 | CSIR NET LIFE SCIENCE STUDY MATERIAL

Are You Looking for CSIR NET Life Sciences topic-wise Syllabus, csir net life science study material , Exam Pattern 2022? Topic-wise CSIR NET Life, Important Dates for CSIR NET Life Science, CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus, CSIR NET JRF Life Science Cut Off & more.



Topic Name for NET Life Science Syllabus 2022

1. Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
2. Cellular Organization
3. Fundamental Processes
4. Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
5. Developmental Biology
6. System Physiology – Plant
7. System Physiology – Animal
8. Inheritance Biology
9. Diversity of Life Forms
10. Diversity of Life Forms
11. Evolution and Behavior
12. Evolution and Behavior
13. Evolution and Behavior

CSIR NET and UGC NET exams are typically conducted per year, permitting the aspirants to get the primary selection for the lectureship in the Indian colleges & universities. Both these exams are conducted at the national level by National Testing Agency if u want net related any confusion so u can connect with our website letsatalkacadmey clear all confusion .thank you


Are You Looking for CSIR NET Life Sciences topic-wise Syllabus, csir net life science study material , Exam Pattern 2022? Topic-wise CSIR NET Life, Important Dates for CSIR NET Life Science, CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus, CSIR NET JRF Life Science Cut Off & more.



Topic Name for NET Life Science Syllabus 2022

1. Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
2. Cellular Organization
3. Fundamental Processes
4. Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
5. Developmental Biology
6. System Physiology – Plant
7. System Physiology – Animal
8. Inheritance Biology
9. Diversity of Life Forms
10. Diversity of Life Forms
11. Evolution and Behavior
12. Evolution and Behavior
13. Evolution and Behavior

Greetings, Aspirant

CSIR UGC NET conducts the exam every year for LS and JRF program.

Candidates can  either apply for LS or JRF. They cannot apply for both.

CSIR UGC NET assembles the merit list to assign Lectureship and JRF to the meritorious candidates.

Candidates who qualify for the cut-off for the lectureship program can apply for the post of assistant professor in different universities and colleges. Still, they will not be eligible for the regular Junior research fellowship program.

Prospects who qualify for the NET-JRF exam will get a chance to kickstart their higher education and research in their desired subject or specialization.

If you have applied for JRF :-

1) clear  the qualifying cut off then you will be eligible for LS also.

2) do not clear the cut off  for JRF you will not be eligible for LS.

I hope it helps. Good Luck.

Thank you

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