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UPSC ESE 2021 Mains Civil Question Paper 1 & 2




Candidates preparing for the civil services mains exam can download the UPSC ESE mains civil engineering paper question paper 2021 (paper 1 & 2).

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QnA related to UPSC ESE

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You cannot give the UPSC Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES) with a BSc Engineering degree . Here are the eligibility criteria :

  • Educational Qualification: A degree in Engineering (B.E./B.Tech) from a recognized university is mandatory.
  • Eligible Streams: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering are accepted.
  • BSc Engineering: This degree is not equivalent to a B.E./B.Tech. You would need to pursue an M.E./M.Tech or equivalent in a relevant field to become eligible.
  • Consider checking UPSC's official notification for detailed eligibility.

Hope it helps !

Hello aspirant,

Hope you are doing absolutely great.

So with regard to your query, YES for the ESE (Engineering Service Examination) exam any student who is a graduate of engineering can apply for this exam. If you had graduated from Btech course, then you are eligible for the exam.

Hope this helps you!!

Hello Aspirant,

Eligibility criteria for IES or ESE are

Candidate must have received a degree in Engineering from a university integrated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or acknowledged as deemed to be universities under section-3 of the university grants commission act.

As NMIMS Mumbai is a private deemed university, you are eligible for this exam.

It came to be a deemed university organized under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956.

I hope it helps.


No there is no information regarding the extension of ESE 2022 application date so no officials will not extend the dates for registration. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) closed the ESE application form 2022 in online mode on the official website The UPSC ESE withdrawal window will be open from October 20, 2021 to October 26, 2021. The UPSC IES form 2022 has been released on September 22, 2021.The basic educational qualification required to be eligible for UPSC ESE exam is graduation in engineering.

Hello candidate,

Here are a few criteria for a candidate while he is appearing for the union public services examination-

1. Regarding the age criteria for a General candidate the minimum age limit for appearing in this examination is 21 years where as the upper age limit for an eligible Candidate is 35 years.

2. Secondly, the candidate must have a graduation degree from any recognised college irrespective of which stream in order to appear for the examinations.

3. A General candidate has a lifetime opportunity of of a total of 6 attempts to appear in these examinations.

Hope you found it helpful!!

For any further queries feel free to post it here!!


IES or ESE is engineering service exam, hence as per the norms  laid out by UPSC, candidates need to pass degree or diploma in engineering from a recognized university, other than this some of the other fulfilling eligibility criteria are as follows;

Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India)

Passed Associate Membership exam which is parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India

Passed Graduate Membership test of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November 1959.

For applying in Indian Radio Regulatory Service or Indian Naval Armament Service  a postgraduate degree or equivalent in Wireless Communication Electronics/ Radio Physics/Radio Engineering as a special subject, Master’s Degree in Science with Physics and Radio Communication /Electronics /Telecommunication as a special subject is also applicable for India Radio Regulatory Service.

For more details regarding this, visit our page at

Hi Amit,

UPSC will conduct the ESE or IES Mains exam on 18.10.2020 for the recruitment  in the categories of Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. Candidates recruited will get posted as Group A or Group B posts.

The selection process of UPSC IES Exam involves:

StageI:  Preliminary Exam

StageII: Mains Exam

StageIII: Personality Test

Note that each round is an elimination round and you need to clear oe round to proceed to another.

Follow this link to find syllabus and other relevant details:


Who will say “no” to serve the Indian government? I guess most people won't say no to serving the Indian government, so the competition is high to get a job in the Indian government. The Union Public Service Commission, commonly abbreviated as UPSC, is India's premier central recruiting agency for central government public servants. It is responsible for appointments to and examinations for Group A and Group B posts under the civil services cadre and defence services cadre of the union government. All the aspirants for the Indian government jobs will appear on the UPSC exam, one who cracks all the exams will get the job with the Indian government. If you are new to this competition or anyone who doesn’t know how to prepare properly for the exams of UPSC. Here is the strategy of how one can start UPSC preparation from zero level. All you need about UPSC exams and how to crack the exams is in this one post.

The followings are some points on how to start UPSC preparation from zero level:












  12. STAY POSITIVE                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DESIRED AIM ON UPSC EXAMS:
    Don’t waste time competing in UPSC exams preparations, just because you can’t find the path to your desired career. Be ready to invest your fullest efforts to earn a better outcome. Cracking the UPSC exams won’t be an easy task like eating your favorite foods, it needs hard work and consistency throughout the process like getting six-packs. Don’t get demotivated rather than have a strongly desired aim on cracking UPSC exams, when you give yourself to anything, then nothing seems a barrier on the way. So be focused and have the belief, to be successful in cracking UPSC exams.

    Wake up early, do yoga or exercises to be active all day, spend some time in nature, and fill your stomach with healthy foods at the proper frequency of time. Also, engage in a night of proper sleep. All those mentioned are mandatory things a person should follow every day, in addition, everyone should focus on improving their skills and work on achieving their desired aims and needs in their life.

    Know your lifestyle, make a schedule for your day-to-day activities, eliminate the unnecessary time involved and create a simplified timetable to follow up each day. Try to have more time available for your UPSC exam preparations in the timetable while preparing it. I don’t suggest you run your life on the timetable available on the internet, because you only know your life better, so when you make a timetable for yourself, then it’s easy to follow every day. Otherwise, you will find it difficult to follow the timetable.

    There are many exams conducted by UPSC for the recruitment of central government job posts. All the posts of UPSC fell under the three categories and they are All India Civil Services, Group ‘A’ Civil Services, and Group ‘B’ Civil Services. The followings are the various posts under those three categories:

    All India Civil Services
    Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
    Indian Police Service (IPS)
    Indian Forest Service (IFoS)

    Group ‘A’ Civil Services
    Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
    Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS)
    Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
    Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
    Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)
    Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)
    Indian Information Service (IIS)
    Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
    Indian Communication Finance Services (ICFS)
    Indian Postal Service (IPoS)
    Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
    Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
    Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
    Indian Revenue Service (IRS)
    Indian Trade Service (ITS)
    Railway Protection Force (RPF)

    Group ‘B’ Civil Services
    Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
    Pondicherry Civil Service
    Pondicherry Police Service

    The syllabus is the essence of any exam. Grasping the syllabus is the first thing to do before you go into the books. The UPSC has presented the syllabus for the Civil Services Preliminary and Main examination in an elaborate manner. Applicants should know and follow the syllabus for UPSC civil service examination. Understanding the syllabus will assist you to choose appropriate study materials, prioritize the subjects, etc.

    The newspapers are the most important aspect of the IAS exam. If you do not read the daily newspaper or follow the daily news for the IAS exam, you cannot hope to clear this exam. The questions asked in the civil services exam are directly or indirectly connected with current affairs. Hence, it is very important to follow the relevant news items in your daily newspaper. Question Cloud - India’s Largest Online Test Portal, provides a free test series of current affairs ( every day in October 2021, and also in upcoming months, get your knowledge on current affairs tested with Questioncloud. This is further helpful to the aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, TNPSC, banking exams (IBPS, SBI, RBI), and other government exams. This test series on current affairs includes questions from political events to history to sports to economy and arts, be up-to-date with the latest and recent developments by assessing your knowledge on current affairs, every day with questioncloud. For more information, visit:

    All the best

    Question Cloud – India’s Largest Online Test Portal (

    All the best

    Question Cloud – India’s Largest Online Test Portal (

    All the best

    Question Cloud – India’s Largest Online Test Portal (

Hey aspirant,

Here are some of the best IAS/UPSC coaching centres in Chennai:

1. Shankar IAS Academy: This academy was established in 2004 and has produced 900+ IAS, IPS, elite service personnel. It also has one of the best faculty.

Fees: Rs 95000 (general studies)+CSAT+Optional course = about Rs 1,41,000

2. Officers IAS Academy: This is one of the renowned coaching centres for IAS aspirants and the founder himself has cleared civil services examination twice. It is a great experience to be trained by the best.

Fees: Rs 1,16,000 to Rs 1,40,000

3. Success IAS Academy: Having trained over 200 successful IAS aspirants to date, this academy gives in-depth training to the students for cracking the exams.

Fees: Rs 1,05,000+GST

4. Impact IAS Academy: Another successful IAS academy in the city created with a vision of providing quality and affordable training to civil services aspirants in the region.

Fees: Rs 90,000

5. Kamaraj IAS Academy: This is also one of the best training academies in Chennai for civil services aspirants, with over 200+ successful candidates trained.

Fees: Rs 92,000 - Rs 1,20,000


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Harsh Agarwal

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