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Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Exam

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Showing 551 - 560 out of 16753 Questions

Question : Direction: A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in the two matrices, given below. The columns and rows of Matrix (I) are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix (II) are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g. 'A' can be represented by 03, 34, 86, etc., and 'N' can be represented by 12, 65, 79, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the given word.


Matrix I

  0 1 2 3 4
0 G V E A C
1 R O N G S
2 M N E S I
3 O T I T A
4 N S N E P

Matrix II

  5 6 7 8 9
5 R E O N G
6 N P V E S
7 M T I O N
8 E A I C O
9 N T A R S


Option 1: 55, 43, 23, 69

Option 2: 98, 56, 31, 77

Option 3: 10, 02, 69, 88

Option 4: 55, 22, 99, 33

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: 55, 22, 99, 33

Solution : Given:

Number representations of each letter:
R → 10, 55, 98
E → 02, 22, 43, 85, 56, 68
S → 41, 23, 14, 69, 99
T → 31, 33, 76, 96

First option: 55, 43, 23, 69
T cannot be represented as 69. Hence, it's incorrect.

Second option: 98, 56, 31, 77
S cannot be represented as 31; T cannot be represented as 77. Hence, it's incorrect.

Third option: 10, 02, 69, 88
T cannot be represented as 88. Hence, it's incorrect.

Fourth option: 55, 22, 99, 33
All the letters of the word REST can be represented through this option. Hence, it's correct.

Hence, the fourth option is correct.


Question : The concept of joint sector implies cooperation between:

Option 1: public and private sector industries

Option 2: state and central governments

Option 3: domestic and foreign companies

Option 4: none of these

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: public and private sector industries

Solution : The correct answer is public and private sector industries.

Government agencies and capital-contributing private citizens jointly own joint-sector businesses. In the joint sector, public and private sectors work together to launch new businesses. A mixed economy is expanded upon by the joint sector. The entities that have received investments from the public and private sectors, along with those in which the state actively participates in direction and control, would be considered members of the joint sector.


Question : Select the misspelt word.

Option 1: Comparison

Option 2: Frantick

Option 3: Eminent

Option 4: Estimate

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: Frantick

Solution : The correct choice is the second option.

The misspelt word is frantick, which should be spelt as frantic. The incorrect spelling contains an extra letter "k".


Question : Permanent Revenue settlement of bengal was introduced by :

Option 1: Clive.

Option 2: Hastings .

Option 3: Wellesley.

Option 4: Cornwallis .

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: Cornwallis .

Solution : Correct Answer is Cornwallis .

In India, he envisioned the emergence of a class of hereditary landlords. The East India Company, led by Governor-General Lord Cornwallis, implemented The Permanent Settlement of Bengal in 1793. Essentially, the company and the zamindars had an agreement to fix the land revenue.The Zamindari System was another name for this system.  


Question : Directions: In the following question, the sentence given with a blank is to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four.
Our nation's ___ into another war could pull us into the crisis.

Option 1: intervention

Option 2: intention

Option 3: perfection

Option 4: invention

Team Careers360 27th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: intervention

Solution : The first option is the correct answer for the sentence because 'intervention' means 'involvement' which contextually fits in the sentence and makes the explanation of the sentence as 'our nation could face a crisis if got into another war'.

'Intention' means a plan for an action; 'perfection' means excellence or flawlessness; and 'invention' means to create something new; all of which do not fit in with the context of the sentence.

Therefore, the complete statement should be "Our nation's intervention into another war could pull us into the crisis."


Question : A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a certain speed. If a jogger covers half the distance in double the time, the ratio of the speed of the jogger to that of the cyclist is:

Option 1: $1:4$

Option 2: $4:1$

Option 3: $1:2$

Option 4: $2:1$

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: $1:4$

Solution : Given: A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a certain speed. If a jogger covers half the distance in double the time.
We know the formula, $\text{Speed}=\frac{\text{Distance}}{\text{Time}}$
Let the cyclist travel at $x$ km/h and the distance to be covered takes $y$ hours.
So, the cyclist covered $xy$ km.
Jogger's distance travelled is $\frac{xy}{2}$ km.
The time is $2y$ hours.
The ratio of the speed of the jogger to that of the cyclist is $\frac{xy}{2\times 2y}:x$ or $1:4$
Hence, the correct answer is $1:4$


Question : Directions: In the following question, a sentence is given with a blank that is to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested; choose the correct alternative out of them as your answer.

Do your best and we'll back you____.

Option 1: on

Option 2: in

Option 3: out

Option 4: up

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: up

Solution : The fourth option is the correct answer: up.

The phrasal verb "back up" means to support someone and this is the only sentence that fits the sentence appropriately. 

Therefore, the answer is "Do your best and we'll back you up."


Question : Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Expert designers standardise basic designs, leaving scope for the satisfaction of individual taste.
B. However, uniformity does not imply a lack of taste.
C. Mechanical production of goods leads to uniformity of design. are now accessible.
D. In fact, popular taste has improved because standardised goods of better design are now accessible.

Option 1: ADBC

Option 2: CBDA

Option 3: CDAB

Option 4: ACDB

Team Careers360 27th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: CBDA

Solution : The correct choice will be the second option.

C. Mechanical production of goods leads to uniformity of design.
B. However, uniformity does not imply a lack of taste.
D. In fact, popular taste has improved because standardised goods of better design are now accessible.
A. Expert designers standardise basic designs, leaving scope for the satisfaction of individual taste.

Therefore, the correct answer will be CBDA.


Question : In a 1 km linear race, P beats Q by 120 metres or 30 sec. What is the time taken by P to cover the race?

Option 1: 220 sec

Option 2: 250 sec

Option 3: 235 sec

Option 4: 240 sec

Team Careers360 26th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: 220 sec

Solution : P beats Q by 120 metres or 30 sec, which means Q covers 120 m in 30 sec.
Speed of Q = $\frac{120}{30}=4$ m/s
Time taken to cover 1000 m = $\frac{1000}{4} = 250$ sec
P beats Q by 30 seconds, which means P reached 30 seconds early.
Time taken by P to complete the race = 250 – 30 = 220 sec.
Hence, the correct answer is 220 sec.


Question : What is the name of that technique,which uses radioactivity to decide the period of materials of pre-historic period?

Option 1: Radium dating

Option 2: Uranium dating

Option 3: Carbon dating

Option 4: Deuterium dating

Team Careers360 27th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: Carbon dating

Solution : The correct option is Carbon dating.

The process of using radiation to establish the age of prehistoric items is known as "radiocarbon dating" or "carbon dating." This approach estimates the age of organic materials by using the decay of radioactive carbon isotopes. It specifically examines the decay of carbon-14 (14C) to determine how long the substance has been in a live body.

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