HTET Result Analysis 2024 - Level wise details, Previous year Statistics

HTET Result Analysis 2024 - Level wise details, Previous year Statistics

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Nov 27, 2024 12:52 PM IST | #HTET

Board of School Education Haryana will declare the HTET 2024 result online on the official website. Candidates will be able to view the HTET exam analysis online on the official website- Candidates who have appeared for the HTET 2024 exam will be able to check details about the result statistics here.

BSEH conducts the HTET exam to determine the eligibility of teacher aspirants across the State of Haryana. It is a very competitive exam, with a sizeable number of candidates applying each year. The HTET exam is conducted in offline mode at various exam centres across the Haryana state.

Why does HTET attract huge applications?

A lot of candidates apply for the HTET 2024 on a year-on-year basis. As per the previous year trends of HTET 2024 result analysis, the reason being, teaching is one of the most sought after job professions in India. Everyone wants to get a government teaching job as it is secure, safe and has good job satisfaction.

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HTET 2024 result analysis

From the following table, candidates will be able to check the detailed HTET 2024 result analysis. The HTET 2024 result analysis 2024 will be released by the Chairman on the official website.

HTET Result 2024: Statistics

HTET level

No. of candidates appeared

Number of qualified

Pass percentage

HTET 2024 level 1 - PRT




HTET 2024 level 2 - TGT




HTET 2024 level 3 - PGT








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HTET Result analysis: Previous year

In the following table, we have shared the HTET result analysis for the past years. The HTET result analysis was released along with the result.

HTET Result 2022: Statistics

HTET level

No. of candidates appeared

Number of qualified

Pass percentage

HTET level 1 - PRT




HTET level 2 - TGT




HTET level 3 - PGT








HTET Result 2020 Analysis: Statistics



Total Number of candidates appeared in HTET 2020


Total Male candidates who appeared


Total female candidates who appeared

1, 67, 694

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HTET Result 2020 Analysis: Statistics

HTET 2020 Level -1 PRT

Total Number of candidates who qualified for PRT Post


Total pass percentage for PRT post

7.04 per cent

Total pass percentage of male candidates for PRT post

9.06 per cent

Total pass percentage of female candidates for PRT post

6.14 per cent

HTET Result 2020 Analysis: Statistics

HTET 2020 Result for Level -2 PGT

Total Number of candidates who qualified for PGT Post


Total pass percentage for PGT post


Total pass percentage of male candidates for PGT post

6.10 per cent

Total pass percentage of female candidates for PGT post

4.79 per cent

HTET Result 2020 Analysis: Statistics

HTET 2020 Result for Level -3 PGT

Total Number of candidates who qualified for PGT Post- Level 3


Total pass percentage

4.07 per cent

Total pass percentage of male candidates for PGT post for level 3

5.50 per cent

Total pass percentage of female candidates for PGT post for level 3

3.43 per cent

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the official website to check HTET Results?

The official website to check HTET results is

2. How can get HTET result?

The HTET result only be available online on the official website only. Candidates can check it from there.

3. How can I check my HTET 2024 result?

Candidates can check their result from the official website.

4. How to check HTET Result when Forgot Roll No?

Candidates can still check their result if they don't remember the roll number. All they have to do is visit the official website and retrieve the admit card details using Login ID.

5. Is there negative marking in the HTET exam?

No, there is no negative marking in the HTET exam.

6. How many stages are there in the HTET exam?

There are two stages in the HTET exam - written exam and document verification.

7. How many papers are there in the HTET exam?

There are three papers in the HTET exam - paper 1, paper 2 and paper 3. Candidates can apply for either of the papers or all of them.

8. What are the three recruitment posts for HTET?

The three recruitment posts for HTET are, Primary Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Post Graduate Teacher. 


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Questions related to HTET

Have a question related to HTET ?

Hello aspirant,

The Haryana Board of School Education (BSEH) has made the HTET previous year question papers from 2011 to 2022 available. Candidates preparing for the HTET Exam can download these papers in PDF format from the BSEH website.

To get the question papers, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below:

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


It is a bit difficult to say as you have not mentioned your board for 12th standard. I assume if the subject was not in your best of 5 or 4 based on your board then no I do not think it would affect you because generally it doesn't . Moreover even if you failed  they would conduct a supplementary examination within a month which you can give and improve yourself. And as for the teaching exam it also depends on which subject you are giving your test if it has no connection to the subject you failed in then I do not think it would affect you.

Hope it helps.

Good luck.


the syllabus of HTET 2020 for level 1(PRT - primary teacher)

1. child development

2. languages

3. quantitative aptitude , reasoning and general awareness

4. mathematics

5. environmental studies

syllabus of HTET exam level 2 (TGT - trained graduate teacher)

1.child development and pedagogy

2. language

3. general studies

4. specific subjects

5. hindi

6. english

7. punjabi

8. sanskrit

9. urdu

10. home science

11. physical education

12. art

13. music

14. mathematics

15. science

16. social science

syllabus of HTET for level 3 (PGT - post graduate teacher)

1. child development and pedagogy

2. language

3. general studies

4. sociology

5. general studies (reasoning ability)

6. hindi

7. english

8. psychology

9. sanskrit

10. physical education

11. commerce

12. economics

13. music

14. subject specific

15. history

16. geopgraphy

17. computer science

18. biology

19. physics

20. chemistry

21. political science

22. mathematics

23. fine arts

hope this helps!

Dear Pushpa,

The following are the details regarding HTET in commerce level:

  • Dates: November-January 2020
  • Cutoff: SC/ST of Haryana-55%, SC/ST of Others-60%, others-60%
  • Type of Questions: MCQ
  • PGT Exam topics:Child Development and Pedagogy,Language,General Studeis, Optional Subjects
  • Total Marks:150
  • Duration:2.5 hours
  • Link:

All the best


in general admit cards released before the 1 week of date of exam. you can see the exam center by downloading the admit card from official website.

for admit downloading you can use below link:

hope it would help.

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