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Union Public Service Commission Central Armed Police Forces Exam

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I was born in 20 August 2004 , so i am eligible for upsc capf 2024 yes or not

Sree Student Expert 6th Sep, 2023

Hello aspirant,

UPSC CAPF 2024 eligibility criteria is given below.

Candidates must be between the age group of 20 to 25 years. They must complete their Graduation. The candidates must be Indian Citizens.

Age relaxation is given to reservation categories. So, you are eligible for UPSC CAPF 2024 because you'll be in your 20's by then.

You can get more information about UPSC CAPF eligibility criteria using below mentioned link.

You can check the syllabus for UPSC CAPF using below given link.

Hope this information helps you.

Thank you


hii mera 1 question hai ki kai jane 18-18 hours study krte hai kya ye baat sahi hai kyoki kai bar ye baat me suna thaa ?

Sakshi Singh 21st Jul, 2022


Human body needs adequate amount of rest to keep it functioning well for  a longer period of time. It requires high maintenance.
When we exhaust it more than its capacity we are damaging it and studying for 18 hours out of 24 hrs is exhausting our body. But there are few students who claim that they study for 18 hrs, but it is not meant for everyone.

Everyone has different strategy and brain. Some people get thorough with the concepts even in just one go but there might be people who need more than a day to get through the topic. So the duration for how long you study does not matters, what matters is that you get well to the concept you read.

So it is not important to study for 18 hrs.

Hope it helps.

All the Best!!


Hi my DOB is 15/09/1997. Am I eligible for UPSC CAPF AC 2022 exam?

Sumedha Bhattacharya 6th Feb, 2022

Dear Student ,

Age criteria for UPSC CAPF AC 2022 exam is between 20-25 years and as per your DOB you'll be nearly 25 years of age at the time of openings of application forms which is mostly in April, 2022(Tentative) .

But , be aware to check the age criteria more accurately as per the required date .

For more details, you may refer this and can get latest updates about this exam :

Hope this helps !


My farsighted vision is -4.5 or 5.5 in both eyes, can i eligible for upsc capf exam?

Preetam Bhowmik 31st Jan, 2022


Hope you are doing well.

Sorry to say but you are not eligible for UPSC CAPF exam. The limits of refractive errors permitted is -4.00 D (including cylinder) Myopia +4.00 D (including cylinder) Hypermetropia.

Hope you are clear now. Feel free to ask if you have any other queries. All The Best!!!


iam asthmatic patient before 3or 4 years back, after the treatment i have no symptoms of asthama, can i eligible for upsc capf and my vision farsighted is -4.5 or -5.5, am i eligible for upsc capf

Shivanshu 31st Jan, 2022

Dear aspirant !

Hope you are doing great ! Asthma now has become a very common disease ,it can be due to pollution or genetic problem or whatever is the cause is not our topic of today ,our topic is that you will be eligible for that upsc or not ,then don't worry ,ashtma is a very injurious to health ,neither it spread ,also you don't have any symptoms now ,so after a test which you know for asthma testing ,then you will eligible ,don't be panic and take stress ,you are surely eligible . Focus on your preparation now instead of taking stress

For more information about upsc cafc visit our link given below -; .

Hopefully it helps you!!


Hello Sir My D.O.B is 01 Sept 1993 can I apply the exam?

Ankita Singh 16th Dec, 2021


The age eligibility for UPSC CAPF is between 20 and 25 years. But there are certain relaxation in this age limit for specific category candidates. There is 5 years relaxation for sc/st candidates, 3 years for obc, maximum of 5 years for Ex-Servicemen and Civilian Central Government Servants, For candidates who are ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir are allowed a maximum of 5 years of age limit relaxation provided they have lived in the state during the period from 1st January 1980 to the 31st December 1989.

So, you can see in which category you fall and whether you are eligible or not.

Thank you!


What is the age relaxation for OBC category ?

Aashiketa 16th Dec, 2021

Hi, age relaxation for OBC is 3 years, for SC/ST it is 5 years and for PWD it is 10 years. What you need to know is any candidate above 35 years of age is not allowed for UPSC exam in OBC category. For SC/ST it is 37 years and for PWD it is 40 years. These all are upper limits for age of a candidate. Hope this helps.


Sir my name is Bhumika , I want to ask that my date of birth is 5 may 1994 and i also belong to obc non creamy layer is i am eligible for 2022 capf please answer . Thankyou.

Subhrajit Mukherjee 31st Oct, 2021

The age limit for UPSC CAPF is usually 20-25 years. So in 2022 your age is around 28 years as a result you won't be eligible for the examination.

Through the examination, the posts that are offered are enlisted below:

  • Assistant Commandants in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF)
  • Border Security Force (BSF)
  • Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
  • Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
  • Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
  • Central Industrial Security Force(CISF)

To know more about UPSC CAPF visit the link below:

I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!


how and when to apply for UPSC AC even I am 27 year old and in training in BSF as SI

Shivanshu 19th Oct, 2021

Dear aspirant!

Hope you are doing great! If you want to prepare for UPSC AC then you can apply it because you are eligible but you must find the time for your preparation because it is not an easy task to qualify it.So find the time from training so that you can prepare well.I think your graduation has completed that's why you are a bsf si trainee so now you can apply for upsc ac when notification will get release

Thanking you!

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