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UPPSC Commission Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services Exam

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how i can do prepration of uppsc

Sajal Trivedi 18th Jan, 2024

Hello aspirant,

One of the most well-liked state civil service examinations in the nation is the UPPSC PCS test. The UPSC IAS test pattern is now more similar to the UP PCS exam pattern thanks to changes made by the UPPSC in recent years. Every year, thousands of candidates take the UPPSC PCS exam in hopes of being hired by the state as Group A and B officers.

To know the complete preparation tips to crack UPSC, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


eligibility in pcs exam ........

shivamtrivedi0005 26th Sep, 2023

Hello aspirant,

In the official notification, UPPSC made reference to the UPPSC PCS 2023 qualifying requirements. Before submitting the UPPSC PCS 2023 application form, candidates who wish to sit for the UP PCS exam must be eligible according to the UP PCS eligibility requirements. The UPPSC PCS 2023 eligibility requirements are based on physical requirements, nationality, age restriction, and educational requirements. In accordance with the UPPSC PCS eligibility requirements, applicants must be between the ages of 21 and 40 to submit an application. In the UP PCS exam, candidates from the reserved category are eligible for an age reduction.

To know full eligibility criteria, please visit the following link:

Thank you

Hope it helps you


Can I write Uttar pardesh civil service mains exam in hindi medium and optional subject exam in Engish medium?

Sayan 25th Jul, 2022


Yes. You may write your optional paper in English while completing the remaining papers in Marathi or Hindi, two additional acceptable languages.

A candidate may choose to respond to each question paper in either English or one of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India, with the exception of the Qualifying Language Papers, Papers A and B. Despite this, candidates who choose to write Papers I through V in any of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India may also choose to write the Optional Papers in English. This does not apply to Papers A and B, which are the Qualifying Language Papers.

Thank You


if they objected on my uploaded photos then what it will they reject me or i should prepare for exam ?

ayanmukherjee045 29th Mar, 2022

Dear aspirant,

As you mentioned your query let me tell you that on a general basis not a single conducting body rejects just on the basis of photograph.

They will intimate you by mail or sms to upload the new photograph with corrects dimensions and size and check it accordingly.


I am from Delhi and I belong to SC category. Will I be considered as an SC or General in UPPSC?

Shagufa Zareen Student Expert 29th Mar, 2022

Hello Candidate,

You need to do is check if the Community that you belong to in UP SC Category also falls under SC Category in Delhi. Because some times SC Communities list differs from State to State. If your Category from Delhi also falls under UP SC Community list, then showing that, you might have to get a SC Certificate so that you can avail SC Reservation in UP as well. Now, you studying in Delhi makes you eligible for claiming Delhi domicile but because the Category certificate is that of Delhi's there might be an issue. Not all the Communities listed in the UP SC Caste list are also listed under Delhi SC Caste list. And then there is a separate Central SC list too. So to avoid any confusions and last minute hurdles, it is for your own good to get a SC Caste Certificate from the UP as well.


Shagufa Zareen


What will application process for UPPSC 2022 & BPSC 2022 start?

Satya 5th Feb, 2022

Hello aspirant,

Hope you are doing great. The notification for UPPSC was not yet released, however, it was expected to be released on February, 2022. After the release of notification, go through the eligibility criteria. If you fit into that, then

1) Visit the UPPSC official site.

2) Click on the application form link.

3) After that you will be opened in a new tab and select the UPPSC exam, 2022 and click on the apply button.

4) Fill out the registration form with all the details.

5) Pay the application fee after registering.

6) Upload the scanned UPPSC PCS images.

7) Submit it and take a print out for the future references.

With regard to BPSC:
The notification for BPSC will be released in the month of August, 2022. To apply for the exam,

1) Visit the official site of BPSC.

2) Click on the apply online button.

3) Click on the BPSC online application link.

4) After that, a new page will be displayed on the screen, then click on apply online.

5) Registration form will be available, fill out the details, and complete the form.

6) Pay the application fee, and print the application form for future references.

Hope this helps you,

Good luck, Thank you :)


how can I fill my PCS 2022 exam form online

Aditya 9th Jan, 2022

Hi aspirant,

The Uttar Pradesh public Service commission has not release the PCS 2022 examination form till yet. The application form for the same would be available on the official website of the authorities and is expected to release in February. Once the form is released you can complete your application by following the below mentioned steps:

  • Visit the UPPSC official website -

  • Search for the Uttar Pradesh Combined State/Upper Subordinate 2022 apply link and click on it.

  • A new window will be opened on the screen, there select the UPPSC PCS 2022 exam and press the Apply button.

  • First complete the UPPSC PCS registration process by providing the relevant details.

  • Now pay the requisite application fee.

  • Fill any other relevant detail if required.

  • Upload the scanned UPPSC PCS images.

  • Press submit to successfully complete the UPPSC PCS application form 2022.

For more information about this, visit

Hope it helps!!


kya uppcs me mains exam me general studies ke paper hindi medium me or optional ka paper English medium me de skte h?

Shivanshu 18th Oct, 2021

Dear aspirant!

Hope you are doing well ! In every competitive exam you have a option whether you can give your exam in hindi or in English .You can choose one of them if you choose english then you will give whole paper in english you can't write a word in hindi , similarly in uppcs if you want to give your optional in english then it will not, you have to give that exam in hindi too like other subjects

Hope you understand!

Thanking you!


Hello i have applied for uppcs 2021 i have opted in ews category but after enquiry i cane to know that i wont get ews certificate bcoz i am married in another state so it will count the income of my in-laws my husband , my father. so what will happen if I wont send ews certificate with mains form

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 30th May, 2021

Nothing will happen, if you fail to provide your EWS certificate for the mains examination then you will be considered as a General category candidate and when the final list will be prepared you will be categorised in the general category.

I hope this helps.

I am Citizen of India but I have done highschool from Nepal . I am eligible or not to fillup form

Aadarsh Gupta 16th Apr, 2021

Hello aspirant,

You have not mentioned which form you want to fill?

So it is difficult to tell you that you can fill the form or not.

Please mention the name of college in which you want to fill the form so that I will help you definitely.

Hope this helps you

All the best for your future

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