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Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Group 2 Exam

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What are the postings for group 2A?

Aashiketa 3rd Nov, 2021


  • Industrial Co-operative Officer
    Probation Officer
    Junior Employment Officer
    Probation Officer in Prison Department
    Assistant Inspector of Labour
    Sub Registrar, Grade-II
    Special Assistant
    Municipal Commissioner, Grade-II
    Assistant Section Officer, Various Services
    Supervisor of Industrial Co-operatives
    Audit Inspector
    Assistant Inspector
    Handloom Inspector
    Senior Inspectors, Various Services
    Supervisor / Junior Superintendent
    Audit Assistant
    Executive Officer, Grade-II
    Revenue Assistant in Revenue Department

    Hope this helps.



harshitasharansrivastava Student Expert 3rd Feb, 2021

Hello Dear,

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) conducts the Combined Civil Services Examination-II (Group 2) to shortlist candidates for recruitment to various Civil Services in Tamil Nadu. Exam is conduted in three phases Prelims, Mains and Interview : Prelims: 3 Hours, Mains Paper I: 1 Hour 30 Minutes, Mains Paper II: 3 Hours. You can download the previous year papers and more details of the following link:

Good Luck


what are all the best skill to develop to clear upsc civil service in 1 St attempt

pdwords Student Expert 4th Oct, 2020

In order to crack UPSC in very first attempt, you reason to appear for this exam has to be strong enough, see this exam has humongous syllabus, and sometimes it can be tiring experience for aspirants, in moments like these your reason to become IAS is what will sail you through this difficult phase, this will further make you single minded focus, and with focus comes the dedication, and with dedication you'll learn the lesson of perseverance, so develop the attitude of single-minded focus, dedication and perseverance to sail through the exam and qualify eventually.

please tell free ias coaching in chennai

question cloud 4th Jan, 2022

The TNPCS has officially announced that the Group 2 Exam Notification will be released in February 2022, and the Group 4 Exam Notification will be released in March 2022. As a result, in order to pass the exams, aspirants should concentrate more on their preparations and revisions. But sometimes aspirants get it hard to crack the exam even after they prepare well for the exam.  Here arises the question that, “How to crack the TNPSC exams?”

The proper preparation is the must thing but not the only thing to crack the TNPSC exams, the desire towards the goal of cracking the TNPSC exams is also a major consideration to get the TNPSC posts. When an aspirant believes in themselves, then they could capture the results favorable. Believing in yourself is not just by a thought, but by enormous work towards the goal.

One who has the strongest desire then they could definitely get the belief too. If you are the person who aspires to get the TNPSC posts and has the strongest desire to crack the exams, then begin your preparations with the Questioncloud’s training program for TNPSC - Groups II, IIA, IV, and VAO. Aspirants also who are just thinking about taking the exam can still join Questioncloud's training program because our faculty will mold you to have the desire to take the exam by providing top-notch coaching based on a point-by-point approach, making it easier for any aspirant to learn the syllabus. So, joining your preparations with Questioncloud’s Training Program is the answer we suggest to aspirants to crack the TNPSC exams.

Question Cloud – India’s Largest Online Educational Assessment Portal ( , is conducting the RESIDENTIAL, NON-RESIDENTIAL, WEEKEND, and ONLINE Training Programs for TNPSC - Groups II, IIA, IV, and VAO at Aksheyaa College of Arts & Science, chengalpattu.

Training Program Begins on January 10, 2022.

For more information:

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+91 782 402 5188 / 782 402 6188 / 994 056 9880


please tell the upsc syllabus for me

lakshita shaan 2nd Oct, 2020


i hope you are well

paper 1 UPSC IAS prelims syllabus 2020 - general studies

1. current events of national and international importance

2. general issues on environmental ecology , biodiversity and climate change- that do not require specilization

3. economic and social development - sustainable development ,poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc

4. general science

5. indian polity and governance - constitution , political system , panchayati raj , public policy, right issues etc

6. indian and world geography - physical , social, economic geography of india and the world

paper 2

1. comprehension

2. interpersonal skills including communication

3. logical reasoning and analytical ability

4. decision making and problem solving

5. general mental ability

6. basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc) , data interpretation

for  more information kindly go through the link mentioned below

good luck!

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