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State Level Eligibility Test

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when NESLET exam 2021 results will be declared? plz...provide information if any thanks

Souhrid Sarkar 4th May, 2021
Hello Aspirant,

State Eligibility Test (SET) , formerly known as North East State Level Eligibility Test (NESLET) is conducted by SLET Commission, Assam in offline mode for the recruitment of Assistant Lecturers at institutes/colleges/universities.

The official date for release of the results have not been notified yet, though it is expected to release within June,2021 .
In the meantime you can check the official website : for latest updates.

To know more about NE SLET Results 2021 visit :

Hope it helps
Thank you !!!

what is slet and what is its eligibility

Koustav Dey 10th Mar, 2021


The full form of SLET is the State Level Eligibility Test. It is conducted by UGC, NTA. The exam determines candidates eligibility for Colleges and Universities. The candidates who qualify in the test are eligible to apply for the post of lecturer within the jurisdiction of the Member-States of this SLET Commission.

The eligibility criteria for the exam is:

  • The candidate should be Indian.
  • The candidate need to have Master Degree with at least 55% marks. The minimum required marks for SC/ST/PwD candidates is 50%
  • Candidates appearing in the final year of their Master Degree Exam are also eligible to apply for the test.
  • There is no age limit for the exam.

Hope it helps!

Good luck!


Thsoe who ahve completed MBA are allowed to do set exma or not as management subject is not given in the form

Deblina Maity 20th Feb, 2020

Yes, you are eligible to apply for both NTA UGC-NET exam conducted by NTA and SET exam conducted by different states. Any one who has completed his/her  Masters with minimum of 55% for general category and 50% for SC/ST category are eligible to apply for NET/SET exam. As an MBA student you will be able to give NET/SET exam in Management subject.


NESLET 2019 result was declared in the month of july 2019 but we have not recieved any information regarding the certificate is not even updated in its official website...can i have any other links through which i can update myself

Sonali Sahu Student Expert 26th Feb, 2020


all the important notice,details are uploaded in the official webpage of the board. try to contact to them to their help desk or write a mail to them mentioning your issue and ask them to guide you to get the work done as soon as possible.

As so much time is lapsed, it will become more difficult to get quick response. You should have contacted to the board within few months of no response.

Hope it helps!


hi! i cant find any link to register and apply for neslet 2020.....could you help me on this please!?

L RESHMASREE 10th Jan, 2020

The below given links will guide you about the information regarding NESLET (this is official site).

By contacting the team through the contact details given in the link, you will get information about 2020 application.

Hope this information helps you.



where is the link for filling online form

Harshita Gupta 3rd Jan, 2020


The application process for SET 2020 will start from last week of January. You will have to visit the official website of symbiosis institute and then registration will be done. For more information, please check the link below:

Hope this helps!


where is the site to apply for north east slet or the date has not yet give ....

Shubham Dhane 9th Feb, 2020


The filling of  SLET north east application form was scheduled to  start on january and end in the month of February but the notification is not yet out you can check the official site for filling the application form whenever it is released. Please click the below link to know more


The application fill up for north east slet 2020 ....has they give or not yet ...???...please let me know....

Koyel Bagchi 8th Feb, 2020


The application process of slet 2020 is still going.

Last date of this application is 31st march.

So wait for the furthur notice from the official website.

Hope for the best.

Thank you.


how to fillup neset application. give me the link

L RESHMASREE 9th Dec, 2019

I think you are asking "How to fill neet application?"

Applying for NEET is an online process. Paper form of application is not available for NEET and JEE MAINS. So, here is the youtube link i can provide which helps you in applying for NEET online. ( ? time_continue=20&v=xCBGgmhAXrg&feature=emb_logo (

Hope this information helps you.

Wishing you a good luck !


when is the online registration for north east slet exam going to start?

sudheer kumar 23rd Dec, 2019
Dear aspirant,
North East slet application form date has not released till yet on official site but it is expected to be released by last week of December or 1st week of January 2020. For further updates keep visiting our website. Here is the link for more information you can check it:
Best of luck!
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