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OSSTET 2021 - Board of Secondary Education, Odisha has released the OSSTET 2021 notification for the second phase in online mode on the official website - . The application procedure for OSSTET 2021 (2) has been started on November 12, 2021. The last date to apply for OSSTET 2021 (2) is November 20, 2021. The exam date for OSSTET 2021 (2) will be announced soon. Applicants must go through the detailed eligibility criteria before applying for OSSTET 2021. Candidates need to secure marks more than or equal to the cut off marks of OSSTET to get qualified in OSSTET result 2021. The OSSTET 2021 test is held for two papers - paper I and II. Both the papers will be held for 150 marks each. Candidates who qualify the test will be awarded an OSSTET pass certificate.
Latest: Direct link to apply for OSSTET 2021 - Click here
Earlier, BSE, Odisha released the result for OSSTET 2021 (1) on October 16, 2021. The provisional answer key was released in online mode on September 16. Earlier, the OSSTET admit card 2021 in online mode on August 26, 2021. According to the OSSTET exam date 2021, the exam is scheduled to be conducted on September 1, 2021. Earlier, the OSSTET 2021 application procedure was released on July 2, 2021. To know more about the eligibility criteria, application process, exam pattern, syllabus, dates etc, go through the article below.
Name of Exam | Odisha Secondary School Teachers Eligibility Test |
Commonly known as | OSSTET |
Conducting Body | Board of Secondary Education, Odisha |
Official website | |
Examination Level | State Level |
Mode of Examination | Offline |
Dates of OSSTET exam | September 1, 2021 |
Duration | 2 hours 30 minutes |
Paper | Paper I and II |
Marks | Paper I - 150 marks Paper II - 150 marks |
Exam centres | 5 cities |
Qualifying marks | General - 60% marks SC/ST/PH/SEBC - 50% marks |
Candidates must go through the important dates so that they do not miss any important dates. The table below contains the OSSTET 2021 exam dates along with the other important event dates:
OSSTET Important Dates 2021
Events | OSSTET (1) 2021 dates | OSSTET (2) 2021 dates |
Notification of OSSTET | July 01, 2021 | November 12, 2021 |
OSSTET Application Form 2021 | July 02, 2021 | November 20, 2021 |
Release of OSSTET 2021 admit card | August 25, 2021 | To be notified |
OSSTET 2021 (Paper I and II) | September 1, 2021 | To be notified |
OSSTET answer key 2021 - Provisional | September 16, 2021 | To be notified |
OSSTET Result 2021 | October 16, 2021 | To be notified |
In order to appear for the exam, it is important for the candidates to meet the eligibility criteria of OSSTET. The authorities have determined the OSSTET 2021 eligibility criteria on the basis of nationality and education qualification. As per the eligibility criteria, a candidates must hold the following:
Nationality - Indian
Age - No upper age limit has been determined
Education Qualification - Able to read and write Odia (Mandatory). The detailed education qualification is mentioned in the table below.
Stream/Subject | Qualification |
Trained Graduate Science(PCM/ CBZ) |
Trained Graduate Arts |
Classical Teacher (Sanskrit) |
Hindi Teacher |
Classical Teacher (Telugu) |
Classical Teacher (Urdu) |
OSSTET Eligibility Criteria - Category II
Physical Education Teacher |
The application form for OSSTET 2021 was released in online mode on November 12, 2021 on the OSSTET official website. Eligible candidates can able to fill the application form within the allotted time frame along with the payment of the application fees. Candidates registering for the first time will have to generate new user ID and password while the already registered candidates can fill the application form by entering user id and password. The filling of application form includes five sections - filling up personal details, eligibility details, educational details and signing the declaration check-box. Along with filling the application form, candidates must also pay the application fee as per their category according to which General/SEBC candidates need to pay Rs. 500 whereas SC/ST candidates must pay Rs. 300 in online mode.
In order to fill the application form of OSSTET 2021, candidates must:
Payment of online application fee
Fill details and upload the photo, signature, and other required documents
Print out of the application form
OSSTET Application Fee
Category | Application fee |
General/SEBC category | Rs. 500 |
SC/ST category | Rs. 300 |
The payment must be done in online mode by using Net Banking/ATM Card. Candidates can also make the offline payment through the Bank Challan
The exam authority provides the list of exam centre for OSSTET exam. Candidates can select the OSSTET 2021 exam centres while filling the application form. The allotment of the exam centres is mentioned in the admit card. Candidates must carry the admit card to the exam centres along with one of the prescribed photo ID proofs without which no candidate are not allowed appear for the exam.
The authorities have determined the exam pattern of OSSTET for all the aspiring candidates. The OSSTET exam pattern contains the details related to various sections, marking scheme, number of questions, duration etc. The table below contains the exam pattern of OSSTET for both category I and II.
Section | Subject | No. of questions | Marks |
I | Odia | 20 | 20 |
II | English | 20 | 20 |
III | TGT (Science) PCM/TGT (Arts)/TGT (Science) CBZ/Hindi Teacher/Classical Teacher (Sanskrit)/Classical Teacher (Urdu)/Classical Teacher (Telugu) | 60 | 60 |
IV | Child Development, Pedagogy, school Management & Evaluation | 50 | 50 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Section | Subject | No. of questions | Marks |
I | Odia | 20 | 20 |
II | English | 20 | 20 |
III | Contents of C.P Ed. Course (Physical Education Teacher) | 60 | 60 |
Iv | Child Development, Pedagogy, school Management & Evaluation | 50 | 50 |
The Board prescribes the syllabus of OSSTET for candidates to start off with their preparations. The OSSTET 2021 syllabus contains the subject wise topics and chapters for OSSTET exam for both the categories. Candidates must go through the syllabus before they start their preparation. Candidates must go through the OSSTET 2021 syllabus mentioned below:
Comprehension from unseen passage
Comprehension from Poem
Speaking commonly mispronounced words
Grammar and usage
Physics - Motion, Gravitation, Properties of Matter, Sound etc
Chemistry - Basic Concepts, States of Matter, Structure of Atom, Classification and Elements & Periodicity in properties, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure
Mathematics - Set Theory & its application, Relations and functions, Number System, Quadratic Equations, etc
Botany - Plant Diversity & Conservation, Tissue System, Photosynthesis, Growth Regulators in Plants, etc.
Zoology- Taxonomy, Cytology, Genetics, Evolution, Ecology, etc.
History & Political Science - Great Rulers of Ancient India, Development of Art & Architecture during Maurya, Gupta and Kushan age
Development of literature & Science in Ancient India, Salient features of Indian Constitution, Union Government, Local Governance
Electoral Process and Election, etc
Geography & Economics - The physical geography of India, Resources of India, Globe and maps, Indian Economy and current challenges, Economic development, etc
Board of Secondary Education, Odisha will release the admit card of OSSTET 2021 in online mode at the official website at least 15 days before the OSSTET 2021 (2) exam. To download the OSSTET 2021 admit card, candidates can have to use their email ID and password. The admit card for OSSTET 2021 contains details like name of the candidates, registration and roll number, name of the exam, papers, date and time of examination, exam centre details etc. Candidates must check all details and get the admit card printed and bring the same to the exam centres on the day of the test. Along with the admit card candidates must also carry one of the valid photo ID proofs - Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, PAN Card, Employee ID, Driving License.
Follow the steps mentioned below to download the admit card of OSSTET 2021:
Visit the official website
Click on the admit card link
The screen then displays a login window
Enter email ID and password to download the OSSTET 2021 admit card
The screen will then display the admit card
Download the admit card and get it printed
BSE, Odisha has released the answer key of OSSTET 2021 for both paper I and II in online mode on September 16 for phase 1. The answer key is provisional and candidates can find all the correct answers options for the questions asked in the exam. In case of any discrepancy in the answer key, candidates can raise objections by submitting the Rs 500 per question within the allotted time frame. The commission will scrutinise the provisional key and then release the final answer key on the basis of which the result will be announced
Visit the official website
Click on the answer key link
Download OSSTET 2021 answer key as per your paper.
The board will announce the OSSTET 2021 (2) result in online mode for both paper I and II. The result will be announced in online mode which can be accessed by using email ID and password. The result will contain details like the name of the candidate, registration number, marks secured by the candidates and the qualifying status. Candidates securing 60% marks (general) and 50% marks (SC/ST/PH/SEBC) will be considered qualified. Earlier, OSSTET 1 2021 was released on October 16, 2021.
Here are some easy steps through which you can download the OSSTET 2021 result:
Visit the official website
Click on the result link
The link will take to OSSTET 2021 result login window
Enter email ID and registration number to download the result
The screen will then display your OSSTET result 2021
Download for future references.
The exam conducting authority will release the cut off of OSSTET 2021 in the form of qualifying marks. The OSSTET cut off will be released category wise for both paper I and II. As per the qualifying marks of OSSTET 2021, candidates securing 60% marks (general) and 50% marks (SC/ST/PH/SEBC) will be considered qualified. The table below contains the OSSTET cut off 2021:
OSSTET Qualifying Cut off 2021
Category | Qualifying Cut off in OSSTET |
General | 60% |
SC/ST/PH/SEBC | 50% |
Yes. you must know to read and write as well as speak Oriya to apply for the OSSTET 2021 exam.
There is no such validity period fixed for OSSTET eligibility certificates.
The general category candidates must secure at least 60% marks to qualify the test.
You must immediately contact the exam authorities and get the errors corrected in the OSSTET admit card 2021. To contact the authorities, you can send a mail at
You will not be able to change the exam centre once allotted.
The admit card for OSSTET exam was released on August 25, 2021
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