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West Bengal State Eligibility Test

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I forgot my password .now how to search my 22 nd wbset result ?

MOHAMMAD AZHAR 20th Jul, 2020

There is some option on the website to reset your password try that one or check it in your mail or text you have a text or mail from that website


2020 bw set education cut off aproximet

Sujatha Venkat 30th Jan, 2020

Hello RajKumar,

There are two types of cut off for wbset exam . One is category cut off and other is aubject wise cut off. The category wise  cut off for gen is 40% and sc/st/phw is 35%. The students who qualify both cut offs are qualified. The factors determining cut off are.

1. Number of vacancies

2. Exam difficulty.

3.Number of candidates appeared.

Given below us the link of last years cut off for all the subjects category wise please check and comment if any queries are there. Hope this is useful.

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