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Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection Special Force Constable Exam

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what is rpf constable exam date

vaibhavi bhalsod 28th Jul, 2024

Hello student

*RPF Constable Exam Date*

The RPF Constable exam date is expected to be in *September 2024* . However, the exact date has not been announced yet .

*Important Details*

- *Admit Card*: The admit card for RPF Constable Exam 2024 will be released officially by the Railway Protection Force most probably a week before the scheduled exam date .

- *Exam Pattern*: The exam will be conducted online through a Computer-Based Test (CBT) format, and candidates will have 90 minutes to complete the entire examination .

- *Selection Process*: There are multiple phases to the choosing process, including a written test, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Measurement Test (PMT), document verification, and a medical exam .


what will be the basic starting salary I have recently completed my class 12 exam

chinmayi 22nd Apr, 2020


RPF Constables are mainly recruited by Railway Recruitment Board(RRB). Most of the vacancies are for women. You can fill the online form and apply for the post. RPF is one of the most demanding jobs which provides a lot of benefits and they get a decent salary. RPF salary per scale is 5200/- to 20,200/- along with a grade pay of 2000/-. The salary depends on the class X,Y,Z cities.

For class X cities: salary is 21,700/- and gross salary is 31,270/-(provides basic                                       facilities)

For class Y cities: salary is 21,700/- and gross salary is 29,636/-

For class Z cities: salary is 21,700/- and gross salary is 27,902/-

Hope this helps you.

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