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Indian Coast Guard Navik General Duty Exam

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can i use digiloker marksheet in indian coast guard navik gd online from?

Shivanshu 21st Dec, 2021

Dear aspirant !

Hope you are doing well !  Yes digilocker marksheet will be work there ,you will get your admit card easily,but when they ask for it in document verification then from where you will submit it ,so it is recommended that please arrange it somehow ,.

Hope it helps you !!

Thanking you!!


Now I am in 11th class and my date of birth 23/3/2005 I am eleijabale for coast guard after my graduation plz tell me my date of birth is eleijabale for navy plz 0_0

Subhrajit Mukherjee 19th Jan, 2021

For Coast guard your age must lie between 18 years to 22 years. So select wisely the subject you want to take in Graduation so that you will not have to face any age related problems.

I hope my answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!


what next 2021 application date navik GD

Abhishek Singh Tomar 17th Oct, 2020

Hello ishwar...

According to previous years trends it might be possible that application form for next year would come in the months july 2021- october 2021. As it is a very difficult task to say on which date or which month but it would be approximately near above months mentioned so stay updated and prepare for it

you can visit our site CAREERS360 for updated news about it.


how to become navik in Indian coast guard

Vishwaksen Gouda Student Expert 17th Oct, 2019

Hello Ayush,

The navik officer in the Indian cost guard will be more effective if you have graduated . They will release the notification of the posts in the official website.

We have to aplla for that and train yourself for all the tests conducts in the examination

All the best

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