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Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank Probationary Officer Exam

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my icici bank form is showing the undee review from last year , and still i dont receive any mail for the aptitude test, so what should i do? please help me!

Shivanshu 7th Nov, 2021

Dear aspirant !

Hope you are doing well ! If your form is under review from last 1 year then it is a very long time ,you shouldn't avoid it . This issue has been faced by many students/ people and they all solved it by applying again ,so it is the only solution ,you should apply again for it .

Hope it helps you !

Thank you !!


icici bank po is good or not can i join

Md Qutubuddin Ansari 24th Oct, 2021


I hope you are doing fine, I don't find anything wrong in ICICI PO. Being a private sector bank, it can give you a heavy workload, but its worth with the salary. You'll get a professional touch and good experience by working in a competitive environment.

It comes up with lot of prospects and benefits. Being a Bank PO, you need to supervise the clerical cadres and do the managerial works.

I hope you find this information helpful. I wish you all the best for your future.

Good Luck


Time taken by the icici bank(PO program) to sent the mail for the GD round, after the OPQ test is conducted?

Shivanshu 9th Oct, 2021

Dear aspirant!

Hope you are doing great! Icici bank takes time to sent the mail for the GD round after the OPQ is conducted ao you don't need to worry about that.You will get the mail after sometime just relax and be enjoying!

Best wishes for your future!

Thanking you!


ICICI Bank PO is a good job. ??

Karam Vir 1st Jul, 2021


ICICI Bank PO(Probationary officer) is certainly a good job and comes up with lot of prospects and benefits. Being a Bank PO, you need to supervise the clerical cadres and do the managerial works. Probationary officers get entitled to various prospects which includes, a good salary, Special Allowances like House, Medical, TA, Dearness allowances, City compensation allowances and more. So, ICICI Bank PO is certainly one of the good jobs for a steady career growth and to get entitled to various benefits.


what amount do i get as a HRA excluding monthly salary.

Suvakanta Sahu 20th Oct, 2020

Dear Aspirants ,

Basically monthly salary divided into different categories  structure breaks  such as

  • HRA
  • Traveling allowances
  • Medical allowances
  • Education allowances
  • Washing and clothing allowances

This things are vary as per the company because different companies are provides salary in different structures so you should go through your HR for more details they will provides the accurate info regarding this .

Hope it will helpful



When will the exam be held? do we get any notification for exam dates or schedule from ICICIs end?

Tunir Sikdar 10th Oct, 2020

HI Priya,

Post Graduate Diploma in Banking (PGDB) Programme is an initiative of ICICI Bank which aims to attract young talent who wish to pursue a career in banking.

It is a vocational training programme and is designed to develop a pool of first level managers with banking knowledge and required skill-sets to perform efficiently day-to-day activities.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Graduates with 55% (Aggregate) marks in any discipline
  • Up to 25 years of age as on 31st July 2018 (Should have been born on or after 31st July 1993)
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for the selection process

For more details register and apply at:

Hope this helps!


I have completed my UG last month by finishing the final semester exams. But I am yet to receive my final semester marks which will be likely to be received by the end of this month. Can I apply for the ICICI PO exam?

Shubham Dhane 5th Oct, 2020


Once you get your certificate you can apply for ICICI Bank PO 2020 as the Last date to apply for ICICI Bank PO 2020 is December 25, 2020 you still have lot of time to apply. So I would suggest you to apply once you get you certificate as the eligibility criteria states that in order to apply for the programme, candidates should have at least a graduation degree. Candidates who have completed their graduation with at least 55% marks are eligible to apply for the programme.

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