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Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test

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I Completed B.E (ECE) in 2012....Am i eligible for TNTET Exam?

Arya 17th Dec, 2019

HI Nithya,

The Tamil Nadu Teachers' Entrance Test will  be held in May 2020. You are eligible for both Paper-1 and paper-2 of this examination. however,, you need to complete a B.Ed, 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education or a Diploma in Special Education.

For more details, visit this page:


sir, i have completed (biotechnology) am i eligible to appear for tntet 2020?

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 15th Dec, 2019

Eligibility criteria for appearing TNTET for Secondary School Teacher requires a candidates to have a Graduation degree with B.Ed with at least 50 % marks.
Without doing B.Ed you cant appear in TET examination.

I hope this helps.

sir/madem, i have completed bsc.chemistry in 2019.. i eligible for the TNTET exam ?

KISHORE LOHRA 14th Dec, 2019

dear priyadarshini,

No you are not eligible fot TNTET exam for both paper 1 ad papet 2.

because for paper 1

candidate have passed 12th and must completed their d .l .ed that means diploma in elementary education.

for paper 2

a candidate have passed his bachelor's degree and must completed b. ed that means bachelor's in education


I completed my B.E degree in 2015. Am I eligible to apply for TNTET exam for paper - ll (6 to 8)?

KISHORE LOHRA 11th Dec, 2019

dear keerthana,

yes ,you are eligible for TNTET exam for paper -2.

you are able to apply for both paper 1 and as well as for paper 2.

if you want to know more information about TNTET then you can go through the below link

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