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DRDO Centre for Personnel Talent Management Exam

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I am pursuing betch from matalurgical engineering in 2nd year, i want internship and job in DRDO & ISRO after graduation, what is the producer to get job. PLEASE HELP.

Shivanshu 9th Jan, 2022

Dear aspirant !

Hope you are doing well! As far as I think isro prefer to go with mechanical engineers rather than mettalurgicals ,also they hire metallurgical alternative years once ,vacancy for metallurgical is too less might be 1 or 2 every year ,this year no chances ,hope vacancy will be come next year in 2023 ,but also other than drdo and isro ,a lot of opportunities are there in other fields .

Hope it might get idea !

Thanking you !


what is the best colleges for DRDO and how to enter these colleges?

Ayush 7th Jul, 2021

Hello candidate,

Here is the list of some of the best colleges for DRDO-

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhubaneswar.

Ravishankar Shukla Univ., Chhattisgarh.

Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Tamil Nadu.

Centre of Biomedical Research, Lucknow.

For Admission purposes into DRDO, you can follow these steps-

Step 1: First of all, you have to apply online through the official website of DRDO.

Step 2: Now the candidates have to fill the DRDO online application form, candidates have to click on the advertisement tab.

Step 3: Candidates have to enter their email ID and password.

Step 4: Candidates need to click on the recruitment JRP 2021 tab.

Hope you found it helpful!!


is Drdo(ceptam) held every year ?

LAKSHMI AMBIKA 21st Jan, 2020

Hello Rakshit,

it is not sure that DRDO(Ceptam) held every year, basically it conducts  after 1 recruitment cycle is completed. so, next year exam based on the time taken to complete one recruitment cycle by the previous year.  but from the last 4 years they are conducting .

Ceptam 05 : 2012

Ceptam 06 : 2013

Ceptam 07: 2014

Ceptam 08: 2016

Ceptam 09: 2018 and 2019

here is the link for your reference:

hope the answer is useful.

All the best.


what is drdo ceptam exam? can a class 12 student give it?when is it held and when is the registration done??

Vamsi Adda 17th Jan, 2020

dear aspirant,

DRDO CEPTAM was conducted by Centre For Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) for the recruitment of senior technical assistant b. This exam contains 21 subjects  in 2 papers – Tier I and II. Candidates with BSc. degree or passed engineering diplomas can apply for the exam. so u are not eligible for writing this exam.

Tier I exam will be held for 2 hours ,it contains 150 objective type questions . Tier II test is held for 1.30 hours, it contains100 questions for 100 marks. Tier I is common for all. In Tier II specific subjects can be selected by the candidates.

for knowing more information u can check below link:

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