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Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Panchayat Secretary Exam

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in the hall ticket there is my photo without signature they allow to exam or not what to do

Sushmita Singh 18th Sep, 2020


Nothing can be assured regarding it but hopefully they might allow you to give your exam. Now all you can do is wait for the exam to be conducted and if you can then please try informing the concerned authorities through mail about your query, Although the chances are quite low but still there are possibilities that somebody can reply you and guide you about the right thing to be done in such situations.

All the best!!


when your relesed panchayat seceretry mains result 2019

prerna vats 10th Feb, 2020

Hello dear student !

If you are asking about the releasing date of result of Panchayat secretary mains examination, then as per the recent notifications , the tentative date was in the month of February so there are chances that the result will be out in the end of February. Meaning, the result can also gets postpone to next month.

Hope this will help you

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