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Andhra Pradesh PSC Assistant Executive Engineer Exam

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when will the application form of APPSC AEE or AE 2021 release ?

Shubham Dhane 27th Mar, 2021


The officials have not yet released the notification for APPSC AEE 2021. The APPSC AEE selection process was held in three stages. The first is the screening test and the second is the main exam. Candidates clearing these stages appeared for interview/document verification. The Commission will release a new notification for the year 2021 soon. Keep an eye on the official website for the latest information. The age limit for an applicant applying for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer should be between 18 and 42 years.


I saw your website posted about APPSC AEE new notification along with it official note or your guessing..what is the source for it?

Shubham Dhane 5th Nov, 2020


Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission - APPSC will soon release the APPSC AEE 2020 exam dates. Aspirants can check the APPSC AEE exam schedule in the official notification. The dates have not yet been released and it will be released soon. Candidates can fill the APPSC AEE 2020 application form by visiting the APPSC official website Keep an eye on the official website for the latest information.


APPSC AEE exam consisits of one general studies paper and 2 papers for core subject .now i want to know that is there any minimum qualifying marks for general studies paper in APPSC AEE mains ?

Sumna Sree 7th Nov, 2020


APPSC AE is an examination conducted by Andhra Pradesh public service commission to recruit various Executive Engineering posts

The first round is a screening test round to qualify for the mains

The first round is only a qualifying round and it consists of gk, mental ability ,core subject and cut off is calculated to your over all score  (out of 150)and not on your sections

Hope this helps you

All the best!

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