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BPSC 70th Civil Services 2024 Exam - Mains Exam Dates (Out), Result, Cutoff, Answer key

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BPSC Civil Services Exam Date : 25 Apr' 2025 - 25 Apr' 2025
Updated on 20th February, 2025 by Namritha Bachwal

About BPSC Civil Services 2024

Bihar Public Service Commission will be conducting the BPSC 70th mains exam 2024 from April 25 to 30, 2025. The entire BPSC 70th mains exam schedule is given on the official website, bpsc.bih.nic.in. The commission released the BPSC 70th prelims result 2024 on January 23, 2025. The BPSC 70th prelims exam 2024 was conducted on December 13, 2024. The BPSC 70th application form correction window was available from October 19th to November 4, 2024. Candidates who fulfill the minimum eligibility could fill out the BPSC application form 2024. The BPSC 70th notification 2024 was also released on the same date.

The BPSC 70th application form 2024 last date was extended to November 4, 2024. The BPSC 70th application form was released on September 28, 2024. A total of 2035 vacancies have been released for the BPSC 70th exam. Bihar Combined Competitive Examination is conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) for recruitment to various gazetted posts like Deputy Superintendent of Police, Jailer, Block Development Officer (BDO) etc in various state government departments. According to BPSC Civil Services eligibility criteria, candidates must be a graduate in any discipline. The age limit varies as per categories for different posts. BPSC Civil Services 2024 comprises three stages – preliminary, mains and personality test. 

The prelims exam is qualifying in nature and marks obtained by candidates in this stage is not counted for the final merit list. Candidates qualifying the preliminary exam will be called for the mains exam. Based on the total marks obtained in mains exam, candidates will be selected for a personality test. The final merit list to select candidates for various posts will be prepared based on the marks of mains exam and personality test.

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BPSC Civil Services 2024 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Bihar Public Service Commission Combined Competitive Exam
Short Exam Name
BPSC Civil Services
Conducting Body
Bihar Public Service Commission
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
State Level Exam
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Online : 600
Mode Of Exam
Mode Of Counselling
Exam Duration
Preliminary Exam:2 Hours +1 more
No Of Seats

BPSC Civil Services Important Dates

BPSC Civil Services Bihar Public Service Commission Combined Competitive Exam (session 2024)

28 Sep' 2024 - 04 Nov' 2024 . Online
Application Date
19 Oct' 2024 - 04 Nov' 2024 . Online
Application Correction Date

BPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam (session 2024)

04 Jan' 2025 - 04 Jan' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
27 Dec' 2024 - 04 Jan' 2025 . Online
Admit Card Date
23 Jan' 2025 - 23 Jan' 2025 . Online
Result Date

BPSC Civil Services Main Exam (session 2024)

25 Apr' 2025 - 25 Apr' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
For Main (written) - General Hindi & Essay
26 Apr' 2025 - 26 Apr' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
For Main (written) - General Studies (paper-1)
28 Apr' 2025 - 28 Apr' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
For Main (written) - General Studies (paper-2)

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21 Feb' 2025 - 17 Mar' 2025 . Online
Application Date
For Main (written)

BPSC 70th 2024 Civil Services results for prelims was declared on January 23, 2025 on the official website. The BPSC 70th result is declared in PDF having the roll numbers of all the qualified candidates. Applicants who qualify the prelims exam will be called for mains exam. The preliminary exam of BPSC is qualifying in nature. BPSC Civil Services exam final result will be declared on the basis of performance in mains exam and interview.

Main Exam

Based on the result of mains exam, candidates will be selected for personality test. The final BPSC result 2024 will be announced based on the marks secured by candidates in the mains exam and personality test. On the basis of candidate’s rank in the merit list, allotments will be done to the various posts.


According to BPSC Civil Services eligibility criteria, applicants should be graduated in any discipline from a recognized university. The maximum age limit is 37 for male while 40 for female. The minimum age limit is 20, 21 and 22 which differs as per posts and categories. Relaxation in the age limit will be provided to candidates belonging to reserved categories.

Background wave

The BPSC 70th application form 2024 last date has been extended to November 4, 2024. The application form of BPSC Civil Services was released in online mode on September 28, 2024 on the official website. Candidates check the eligibility criteria and apply for the exam. The commission has also provided an BPSC 70th 2024 application form correction window facility from October 19 to November 4, 2024. 

Steps to fill BPSC application form for prelims

Candidates first needed to register themselves from the official website. After successful registration, candidates could proceed to fill out the BPSC 70th application form. Applicants can check the steps to fill out the BPSC 70th application form 2024 from the below steps for reference purposes only.


  • To apply for BPSC Civil Services, candidates had to first register for the exam by clicking ‘Online Registration’ tab.      
  • Click on ‘Apply online’ in the next step
  • Candidates have to enter all the required details.  
  • After entering details, click on the ‘Submit’ button
  • User name and password will be sent to the candidate’s registered email ID.    

Payment of examination fees

  • The fee payment link is activated the next day of registration.  

  • After the link was activated, candidates had to pay the requisite fees online.  

Filling out the online application form  

  • Candidates have to fill in details like educational qualifications, exam centres, optional subjects etc.   

  • Upload scanned images of the photograph and signature   

  • Click on the ‘submit’ button to finally submit the application form   

  • Download  the application form by clicking ‘download filled application’    

  • Candidates should check whether the printed application form has a registration number, bar code and application number.   

How to apply for BPSC Mains exam

  • If students are unable to scan and upload their documents, they can photocopy them and mail them to the Bihar Public Service Commission at Joint Secretary cum Examination Controller, Bihar Public Service Commission 15, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg (Baily Road), Patna- 800001.

  • Qualified candidates of BPSC Prelims must log in to the website with the username and password and they were given during the Prelims to fill out the BPSC Mains form.

  • The students must fill up the request form after payment. Most of the information presented in this form would be completed beforehand.

  • The submitted form must be downloaded and printed by the students.

  • It is mandatory to send the self-attested hard copies of the marksheet and certificates with the print-out of the filled application form office address of BPSC.

  • Students must check the official notification on the Internet on a frequent basis after sending the hard copy of their application to the BPSC office to stay up to date on the dates of issuing Admit Cards and Exams.


Main Exam

The application form of BPSC Civil Services Mains Exam 2024 is released in online mode. To appear for the mains examination, candidates had to fill the detailed application form. Candidates must have filled BPSC Civil Services application form and pay the examination fees online. BPSC Civil Services mains application form 2024 will be available in two stages - fee payment and filling the application form. The application fee of BPSC mains exam has to be paid in online mode. 

Application Fee of BPSC mains exam:

CategoryApplication Fee (Rs)
Unreserved and Other candidates600
SC/ST/PWD of Bihar State150
Female of Bihar (reserved & unreserved)150

Documents Required at Exam BPSC Civil Services 2024

Bihar Public Service Commission Combined Competitive Exam 2024

  • Voter identity card
  • Pan card
  • Aadhaar card
  • Driving licence
  • Identity card issued by government

The preliminary examination as per BPSC Civil Services exam pattern consists of only one paper on General Studies. All the questions asked in this paper will be objective type. Total duration of the exam is 2 hours and carries 150 marks. For each correct answer, candidates will score 1 mark while there is no negative marks for wrong answers.

Main Exam

According to BPSC Civil Services exam pattern 2024, the mains exam comprises General Hindi, General Studies – I and II and optional papers. Total marks allotted for the mains exam is 900. There are total 34 optional papers, out of which candidates will have to select one paper. The personality test of BPSC Civil Services carries 120 marks.

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BPSC Civil Services 2024 Syllabus

BPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam Syllabus

General studies: Unit 01

General science
  • General appreciation and under-standing of science, including matters of everyday observation and experience

General studies: Unit 04

General geography and geographical division of Bihar, and its major river systems
  • Physical, social, and economic geography of the country including the main features of Indian agricultural and natural resources

General studies: Unit 05

Indian polity and economy and major changes in the economy of Bihar in the post Independence period
  • Country’s political system, Panchayati raj, community development and planning in India and Bihar

General studies: Unit 06

Indian National Movement and the part played by Bihar in it
  • Nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence
  • The role of Bihar in the freedom movement of India

General studies: Unit 07

General mental ability
    BPSC Civil Services Main Exam Syllabus

    General studies-Paper-I: Unit 01

    Modern History of India and Indian culture
    • The broad history of the country (with special reference to Bihar) from about the middle of nineteenth century
    • The modern history of Bihar: Introduction and expansion of western education (including technical education)
    • Bihar’s role in the freedom struggle of India
    • The Santhal uprising, 1857 in Bihar, Birsa movement, Champaran Satyagrah and the Quit India movement 1942
    • A knowledge of the chief features of Mauryan and Pal art and Patna Qulam painting
    • Gandhi, Tagore, and Nehru

    General studies-Paper-I: Unit 03

    Statistical analysis, graphs, and diagrams

      General studies-Paper-II: Unit 01

      Indian polity
      • The political system in India including Bihar

      General studies-Paper-II: Unit 02

      Indian Economy and Geography of India
      • Planning in India and the physical, economic, and social geography of India and Bihar

      General studies-Paper-II: Unit 03

      The role and impact of science and technology in the development of India
      • Awareness of the role and impact of science and technology in India, and Bihar emphasis will be on applied aspects

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 01

      Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their management and conservation
      • Physical and social environment as factors of crop distribution and production
      • Climatic elements as factors of crop growth, impact of changing environment on cropping pattern as indicators of environments
      • Environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals, and humans

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 02

      Agro-climatic zones of Bihar
      • Cropping pattern in different agro-climatic zones of the country-with special reference to north Bihar, south Bihar, and Chotanagpur and Santhal Pargana plateau
      • Impact of high-yielding and short duration varieties on shifts in cropping patterns in Bihar
      • Concept of multiple cropping, mixed cropping, relay and intercropping and their importance in relation to food production
      • Package of practices for production of important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, sugar and commercial crops grown during kharif and rabi seasons in different regions of the country
      • Important spices crops of Bihar-chillies, ginger, turmeric, and coriander

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 04

      • Their characteristics, dissemination, and association with various crops, their multiplication; integrated weed management; cultural, biological, and chemical control of weeds

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 05

      Processes and factors of solid formation
      • Classification of Indian soils including modern concepts, major soil types of Bihar; mineral and organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soil productivity
      • Problem soils-extent and distribution in India; problems of soil salinity, alkalinity, and acidity and their management
      • Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial clements in soil, and plants, their occurrence, factors affecting their distribution, functions and cycling in soils
      • Symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation, principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilçer use; biofertilçers
      • Problems of tal diara and chour lands in Bihar, cropping system in such situations

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 06

      Soil conservation planning on watershed basis
      • Erosion and runoff management in foot hills and valley lands; processes and factors affecting them dry land agriculture, and its problems
      • Technology for stabilising agriculture production in rainfed agriculture area

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 07

      Water use efficiency in relation to crop production criteria for scheduling irrigations
      • Ways and means of reducing runoff losses of irrigation water
      • Drainage of waterlogged soils
      • Role of different command area development agencies in agricultural development of Bihar

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 08

      Farm management, scope, importance, and characteristics
      • Farm planning and budgeting
      • Economics of different types of farming systems

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 09

      Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs
      • Price fluctuations, types and systems of farming and factors affecting them
      • Role of cooperative marketing and credit in agricultural development of Bihar

      Agriculture (section-I): Unit 11

      Agricultural extension
      • Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programmes; important extension methods and media, rural leadership, socioeconomic survey and status of big, small and marginal farmers, and landless agricultural labourers
      • Farm mechançation and its role in agricultural production and rural employment
      • Training programmes for extension workers
      • Krishi Vigyan Kendras, role of non-government organization (NGOs) in extension

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 02

      Application of principles of plant breeding to the improvement of major field crops
      • Methods of breeding of self and cross-pollinated crops
      • Introduction selection, hybridçation heterosis, and its exploitation
      • Male sterility and self incompatibility, utilçation of mutation and polyploidy in breeding, use of biotechnology and tissue culture in agriculture

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 03

      Heredity and variation
      • Mendel's law of inheritance, chromosomal theory of inheritance, cytoplasmic inheritance, sex linked, sex influenced, and sex limited characters
      • Spontaneous and induced mutations
      • Quantitative characters

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 04

      Important recommended varieties of principal crops in Bihar
      • Origin and domestication of field crops
      • Morphology patterns of variation in varieties and related species of important field crops, causes, and utilçation of variation in crops improvement

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 05

      Seed technology and its importance
      • Production, processing, and testing of seeds of crop plants
      • Role of national and state seed organization in production, processing, and marketing of improved seed

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 06

      Physiology and its significance in agriculture
      • Nature, physical properties and chemical constitution of protoplasm, imbibition, surface tension, diffusion and osmosis
      • Absorption and translocation of water, transpiration, and water economy

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 07

      Enzymes and plant pigments photosynthesis
      • Modern concepts and factors affecting the process, aerobic and anaerobic respiration

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 08

      Growth and development
      • Photoperiodism and vernalçation
      • Auxim, hormones and other plant regulators and their mechanism of action, and importance in agriculture

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 09

      Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits and vegetables in Bihar; their recommended package of practices
      • Handling and marketing problems of fruits and vegetables; principal methods of preservation, important fruits and vegetable products
      • Processing techniques and equipments
      • Role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition; landscape and floriculture including raising of ornamental plants and design and layout of lands and garden

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 10

      Diseases and pests of field, vegetable, orchard and plantation crops of Bihar and their causes, and management
      • Classification of plant diseases; principles of plant diseases control including exclusion, eradication, immunçation and protection
      • Biological control of pests and diseases
      • Integrated management of pests and diseases
      • Pesticides and their formulation
      • Plant quarantine

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 11

      Storage pests of cereals and pulses
      • Hygiene of storage godown, preservation and remedial measures
      • Hazards of pesticides use and safety measures

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 12

      Status and scope of rearing beneficial insects in Bihar
      • Honey bees, silk worm, and lac insect
      • Rice fish culture in Bihar

      Agriculture (section-II): Unit 13

      Recurrent menace of flood and drought in Bihar and contingency crop planning
      • Food production and consumption trends in India, in general and Bihar, in particular
      • National and international food policies, procurement, distribution, processing and production constraints, relation of food production to national dietary pattern, major deficiencies of calorie and protein

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-I): Unit 01

      Animal nutrition
      • Energy sources, energy metabolism and requirements for maintenance and production of milk, meat, eggs, and wool
      • Evaluation of feeds as sources of energy
      • Advanced studies in nutrition protein: Sources of protein, metabolism and synthesis, protein quantity and quality in relation to requirements. Energy protein ratio in a ration
      • Advanced studies in nutrition minerals: Sources, functions, requirements, and their relationship of the basic mineral nutrients including trace elements
      • Vitamins, hormones, and growth stimulating substances: Sources, functions, requirements, and interrelationship with minerals
      • Advanced ruminant nutrition dairy cattle: Nutrients and their metabolism with reference to milk production and its composition. Nutrients requirements for calves, heifers, dry and milking cows, and buffaloes. Limitations of various feeding systems
      • Advanced non-ruminant nutrition poultry: Nutrients and their metabolism with reference to poultry, meat and egg production. Nutrients requirements and feed formulation and broilers at different ages
      • Advanced non-ruminant nutrition swine: Nutrients and their metabolism with special reference to growth and quality of meat production nutrients requirements and feed formation for baby-growing and finishing pigs
      • Advanced applied animal nutrition: A critical review and evaluation of feeding experiments, digestibility, and balance studies. Feeding standards and measure of feed energy. Nutrition requirements for growth, maintenance and production. Balanced rations

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-I): Unit 02

      Animal physiology
      • Growth and animal production: Prenatal and post-natal growth maturation, growth curves, measures of growth, factors affecting growth, conformation, body composition, meat quality
      • Milk production and reproduction and digestion: Current status of hormonal control of mammary development milk secretion and milk ejection, composition of milk of cows and buffaloes. Male and female reproductive organs, their components and function
      • Milk production and reproduction and digestion: Digestive organs and their functions
      • Environmental physiology: Physiological relations and their regulation; mechanisms of adaptation, environmental factors and regulatory mechanism involved in animal behavior, methods of controlling climatic stress
      • Semen quality, preservation, and artificial insemination: Components of semen, composition of spermatozoa, chemical and physical properties of ejaculated semen, factors affecting semen in vivo and in vitro
      • Semen quality, preservation, and artificial insemination: Factors affecting semen preservation composition of diluents, sperm concentration transport of diluted semen. Deep freezing techniques in cows, sheep and goats, swine, and poultry

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-I): Unit 03

      Livestock production and management
      • Commercial dairy farming: Comparison or dairy farming in India with advanced countries. Dairying under mixed farming and as a specialized farming; economic dairy farming, starting of a dairy farm. Capital and land requirement
      • Commercial dairy farming: Organization of the dairy farm, procurement of goods; opportunities in dairy farming factors determining the efficiency of dairy animal. Herd recording, budgeting, cost of milk production; pricing policy; personnel management
      • Feeding practices of dairy cattle: Developing practical and economic ration for dairy cattle; supply of greens throughout, the year, field and fodder requirements of dairy farm
      • Feeding practices of dairy cattle: Feeding regimes for day and young stock and bulls heifers and breeding animals. New trends in feeding young and adult stock: Feeding records
      • General Problems of sheep, goat, pigs, and poultry management
      • Feeding of animals under drought conditions

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-I): Unit 04

      Milk technology
      • Origination of rural milk procurement, collection, and transport of raw milk
      • Quality testing and grading raw milk
      • Quality storage grades of whole milk, skimmed milk, and cream
      • Processing packaging storing distributing marketing defects and their control and nutritive properties of the following milks
      • Pastured, standard, toned, double tones sterilçed, homogençed, reconstituted, recombined, field and flavoured milks
      • Preparation of cultured milks, cultures and their management vitamin D soft curd acidified and other special milks
      • Legal standards, sanitation requirement for clean and safe milk and for the milk plant equipment

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-II): Unit 01

      Genetics and animal breeding
      • Probability applied to Mendelian inheritance, Hardy Weinberg law concept and measurement of inbreeding and heterozygosity, Wright's approach in contrast to Melecot's estimation of parameters and measurements
      • Fisher's theorem of natural selection, polymorphism polygenic systems and inheritance of quantitative traits
      • Casual components of variation biometrical models and covariance between relatives
      • The theory of path coefficient applied to quantitative genetic analysis
      • Heritability repeatability and selection models
      • Population, genetics applied to animal breeding: Population vs. individual, population sçe and factors changing it. Gene numbers, and their estimation in farm animals, gene frequency and zygotic frequency and forces changing them
      • Population, genetics applied to animal breeding: Mean and variance approach to equilibrium under different situations, sub-division of phenotypic variance; estimation of additive, non additive genetic and environmental variances in animal population
      • Population, genetics applied to animal breeding: Mendelism, and blending inheritance
      • Population, genetics applied to animal breeding: Genetic nature of differences between species, races, breeds and other sub specific grouping and the grouping, and the origin of group differences resemblances between relatives
      • Breeding systems: Heritability, repeatability, genetics and environmental correlations methods of estimation and the precision of estimates of animal data, review of biometrical relations between relatives
      • Breeding systems: Mating system, inbreeding, outbreeding, and used phenotypic assertive mating aids to selections. Family structure of animal population under non-random mating systems
      • Breeding systems: Breeding for threshold traits, selections index, its precision. Choice of effective breeding plans. Different types and methods of selection, their effectiveness and limitations, selection indices construction of selection in retrospect
      • Breeding systems: Evaluation of genetic gains through selection, correlated response in animal experimentations. Approach to estimation of general and specific combining ability, diallete fractional diallete crosses, reciprocal recurrent selection
      • Breeding systems: In breeding and hydrçation

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-II): Unit 02

      Health and hygiene
      • Anatomy of Ox and fowl
      • Histological technique, freezing, paraffin embedding, etc
      • Preparation and staining of blood films
      • Common histological stains, embryology of a cow
      • Physiology of blood and its circulation, respiration; excretion, endocrine glands in health and disease
      • General knowledge of pharmacology and therapeutics of drugs
      • Vety-hygiene with respect of water, air, and habitation
      • Most common cattle and poultry diseases, their mode of infection, prevention, and treatment, etc
      • Immunity, general principles, and problems of meat inspection jurisprudence of vet practice
      • Milk hygiene

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-II): Unit 03

      Milk product technology
      • Selection of raw materials, assembling production
      • Processing, storing, distributing, and marketing milk products such as butter, ghee, khoa, channa, cheese, condensed, evaporated dried milk and baby foods; ice cream and kulfi, by products; whey products, buttermilk, lactose and casein; testing grading
      • Judging mill products-ISI and agmark specification, legal standards, quality control nutritive properties
      • Packaging processing and operational control costs

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-II): Unit 04

      Meat hygiene
      • Zoonosis diseases transmitted from animals to man
      • Duties and role of veterinarians in a slaughterhouse to provide meat that is produced under ideal hygienic conditions
      • By products from slaughter houses and their economic mutilation
      • Methods of collection, preservation, and processing of hormonal glands for medicinal use

      Animal husbandry and veterinary science (section-II): Unit 05

      • Extension different methods adopted to educate farmers under rural conditions
      • Utilization of fallen animals for profit-extension education etc
      • Define trysem-different possibilities and methods to provide self employment to educated youth under rural conditions
      • Cross breeding as a method of upgrading the local cattle

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 01

      Meaning and scope of anthropology and its main branches
      • Social-cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, applied anthropology

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 02

      Community and social institutions, group, and association
      • Culture and civilization; band and tribe

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 03

      • The problems of universal definition; incest and prohibited categories preferential forms of marriage; marriage payments; the family as the cornerstone of human society; universality and the family
      • Function of the family forms of family-unclear, extended, joint, etc
      • Stability and change in the family
      • Forms of marriage
      • Family and marriage among polyandrous tribes

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 04

      • Descent, residence, alliance, kins terms and kinship behavior, lineage and clan kinship categories

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 05

      Economic anthropology
      • Meaning and scope; mode of exchanger; barter and ceremonial exchange, reciprocity, and redistribution; market and trade

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 06

      Political anthropology
      • Meaning and scope; the locus and power and the functions of legitimate authority in different societies
      • Difference between state and stateless political systems
      • Nation-building processes in new state, law, and justice in simpler societies

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 07

      Origins of religion animism and animatism
      • Difference between religions and magic
      • Totemism and taboo

      Anthropology (section-I): Unit 09

      Study of social organization
      • Youth organization, economic organization, political organization and religion among Indian tribes-Oraon, Munda, Ho, Santhal and Birhors of Bihar

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 01

      Foundation of the theory of organic evolution Lamarckism
      • Darwinism and the synthetic theory, human evolution, biological and cultural dimensions, microevolution

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 02

      The order primate
      • A comparative study of Primates with special reference to the anthropoid apes and man

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 03

      Place of man among animals
      • Pisces, amphibia, reptiles, aves, mamalia, classification of mammalia and anthropoids
      • A comparative analysis of anatomical similarities and dissimilarities in man and apes
      • Intelligence and social life of monkey and apes

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 04

      Fossil evidence of human evolution
      • Lemuroids, tamrioids, poragpithicus, prophilopithicus, pliopithecus, lemnopithicus, proconsul, driopithicus, ramapithecus, australopithecines, australopithecus africanus, plesianthropus transvaalensis, australopithecus, prometheus, paranthropus robustus
      • Homoertus and homosapiens

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 05

      • Definition; the mendelian principles and its application to human populations
      • The effects of nutrition, inbreeding, and hy-bridçation

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 06

      Definition of race
      • Concept of pure race race, nation, and linguistic groups race and cultural activities racism and dangerous myth
      • Racial differentiation of man and bases of racial classification morphological serological and genetic, role of heredity and environment in the formation of races
      • Bass/ criterias of racial classification skin colour, hair, stature, head form, face form, nose, eye, types of blood groups

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 07

      Varieties of the modern races of man
      • The three major races and their sub-races, caucasoids, and its subdivisions
      • Archaic caucasoid races, mongoloids, and its subdivisions, negroids, and its subdivisions
      • The American Negros, a comparative study of their physical genetic and intelligence, similarities and differences

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 08

      Races in India
      • Lemuroids, tamrioids, poragpithicus, prophilopithicus, pliopithecus, lemnopithicus, proconsul, dryopithecus, ramapithecus, australopithecines, australopithecus africanus, plesianthropus transvalensis, australopithecus, prometheus, paranthropus robustus

      Anthropology (section-II): Unit 09

      Technique, method, and methodology distinguished

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 10

        Meaning of evolution biological and sociocultural
        • The basic assumptions of 19th century evolutionism
        • The contemporary trends in evolutionary studies

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 11

        Diffusion and diffusionism
        • American distributionist and historical ethnology of the german speaking ethnologists
        • The attack on the 'the' comparative method by diffusionists and Fraæ Boas
        • The nature, purpose, and methods of comparison in social cultural, anthropology
        • Redcliffe-Brown, Eggan Oscar Lewis, and Sarana

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 12

        Patterns basic personality construct and model personality
        • The relevance of anthropological approach to national character studies
        • Recent trends in psychological anthropology

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 13

        Function and cause
        • Malinowski's contribution to functionalism in social anthropology
        • Function and structure Redcliffe-Brown
        • Firth Fortes and Nadel

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 14

        Structuralism in linguistics and in social anthropology
        • Levi-Strauss, and leach in viewing social structure as a model
        • The structuralist method in the study of myth
        • New ethnography and formal semantic analysis

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 15

        Norms and values
        • Values as a category of anthropological description
        • Values of anthropologist and anthropology as source of values
        • Cultural relativism and the issue of universal values

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 16

        Social anthropology and history, scientific, and humanistic studies distinguished
        • A critical examination of the plea for the unity of method of the natural and social sciences
        • The nature and logic of anthropological field work method and its autonomy

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 17

        Theories and methods in anthropology
        • Evolution and comparative methods; Herbert Spencer, L. H. Morgan, and Edward Burnett Tylor. Limitations
        • Particularism: Fraæ Boas, A. L. Kroeber, Ruth Benedict, Ralph Lintani and Abram Kardiner. Limitations of particularistic approach
        • Structure and function approach: Emile Durkheim, Pronislar Malinowski, A.R. Redcliffe Brown, Leslie white, Evans Pritchard and Lévi-Strauss

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 18

        Contributions of anthropology to planning and development
        • Development studies sociocultural dimensions of planned development sociocultural parameters of directed change, cultural hurdles to technological changes among tribes in India
        • Tribal problems-causes, consequences, and solutions

        Anthropology (section-II): Unit 19

        Social movement tribal movement, meaning and features
        • Tribal movement in Bihar tana bhagat and birsa movement, changing scenes of tribal movement in Bihar
        • Tribal leadership in Bihar

        Anthropology (section-III): Unit 01

        Indian anthropology
        • Paleolithic, mesolithic, neolithic proto historic (Indus civilization) dimensions of Indian culture
        • Distribution of racial and linguistic elements in Indian population
        • The bases of the Indian social system: Varna, ashram, purushartha, caste, joint family
        • The growth of Indian anthropology
        • Distinctiveness of anthropological contribution in the study of tribal and peasant sections of the Indian population
        • The basic concepts use
        • Great tradition and little tradition; sacred complex universalçation and chialçation
        • Sanskritçation and westernçation; dominant caste tribe-caste continuum
        • Nature-man-spirit complex
        • Ethnographic profiles of Indian tribes racial linguistic and socioeconomic characteristic
        • Problems of tribal peoples; land-alienation, indebtedness, lack of educational facilities, shifting cultivation, migration forests and trebles unemployment agricultural labour
        • Special problems of hunting and food gathering, and other miner tribes
        • The problems of culture contact; impact of urbançation and industrialçation depopulation regionalism economic and psychological frustrations
        • History of tribal administration
        • The constitutional safeguards for the scheduled tribes policies plans programmes of tribal development and their implementations
        • The response of the tribal people to the government measures for them
        • The different approaches to tribal problems
        • The role of anthropology in tribal development
        • The constitutional provisions regarding the scheduled castes
        • Social disabilities suffered by the scheduled castes and the socioeconomic problems faced by them
        • Issues relating to national integration

        Botany (section-I): Unit 01

        • Viruses, bacteria plasmids-structure and reproduction
        • General account of infection and immunology
        • Microbes in agriculture, industry, and medicine, and air, soil, and water
        • Control of pollution using microorganisms

        Botany (section-I): Unit 02

        • Important plant diseases in India caused by viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma fungi, and nematodes
        • Modes of infection, dissemination, physiology of parasitism and methods of control
        • Mechanic of action of biocides
        • Fungal toxins

        Botany (section-I): Unit 03

        • Structure and reproduction from evolutionary aspect, and ecology and economic importance of algae, fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes
        • Principal distribution in India

        Botany (section-I): Unit 04

        • Anatomy of wood secondary growth anatomy of C2 and C2 plants, stomatal types, embryology, barriers to sexual incompatibility
        • Seed structure
        • Apomixis and polyembryony palynology and its applications
        • Comparison of systems of classification of angiosperms
        • Modern trends in biosystematics
        • Taxonomic and economic importance of cyadacoae, pinacoee, gentabes, magnoliaceae
        • Ranunculaceae, cruciferae, rosaceae
        • Leguminosae euploia cece, malvaceae
        • Dipterocarpaceae, umbelliferae, asclepiadaceae, verbenaceae, solanaceae, pubiaceae cucurbitaceae, compositae, gramineae, palmae, liliaceae, musaceae and orchidaceae

        Botany (section-I): Unit 05

        • Polarity, symmetry, and totipotency
        • Differentiation and dedifferentiation of cells and organs, factors of morphogenesis methodology and applications of cell, tissue, organ and protoplant cultures from vegetative and reproductive parts somatic hybrids

        Botany (section-II): Unit 01

        Cell biology
        • Scope and perspective
        • General knowledge of modern tools and techniques in the study of cytology
        • Prokaryotic and eukaryotic selis-structural and ultrastructural details functions of organelles including membranes
        • Detailed study of mitosis, meiosis
        • Numerical and structural variations in chromosome and their significance, study of polytene and lampbrush chromosomes structure, behavior and cytological significance

        Botany (section-II): Unit 02

        Genetics and evolution
        • Development of genetics and gene concept
        • Structure and role of nucleic acids in protein synthesis and reproduction
        • Genetic code and regulation of gene expression, gene amplification mutation, and evolution
        • Multiple factors linkage and crossing over
        • Methods of gene mapping
        • Sex chromosomes and sex-linked inheritance
        • Male sterility, its significance in plant breeding
        • Cytoplasmic inheritance elements of human genetic
        • Standard deviation and chi-square analysis gene transfer in microorganisms
        • Genetic engineering
        • Organic evolution evidence, mechanism, and theories

        Botany (section-II): Unit 03

        Physiology and biochemistry
        • Detailed study of water relations
        • Mineral nutrition and ion/ transport
        • Mineral deficiencies photosynthesis mechanism and importance, photosystems I and II, photorespiration, respiration, and fermentation
        • Nitrogen fixation and nitrogen metabolism
        • Protein synthesis
        • Enzymes, importance of secondary metabolites
        • Pigments as photoreceptors, photoperiodism, flowering
        • Growth indices, growth movements
        • Senescence
        • Growth substance-their chemical nature, role and applications in agri horticulture
        • Agrochemicals, stress physiology, vernalçation fruit and seed physiology-dormancy, storage, and germination of seed, parthenocarpy fruit ripening

        Botany (section-II): Unit 04

        • Ecological factors
        • Concept and dynamics of community, succession
        • Concept of biospheres
        • Conservation of ecosystems
        • Pollution and its control
        • Forest types of india
        • Deforestation, deforestation, and social forestry
        • Endangered plants

        Botany (section-II): Unit 05

        Economic botany
        • Origin of cultivated plants
        • Study of plants as sources of food, fodder and forage, fatty oils, wood and timber, fiber, paper rubber, beverages, alcohol, drugs, narcotics, resins and gums essential oils, dyes, mucilage, insecticides and pesticides
        • Plant indicators, ornamental plants, energy plantation

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 01

        Atomic structure and chemical bonding
        • Atomic structure and chemical bonding: Quantum theory, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation (time independent)
        • Interpretation of the wave function, particle in a one-dimensional box, quantum members, hydrogen atom wave functions
        • Concept of resonance and resonance energy
        • Electronics configuration of H2+H2
        • N2, O2, F2, NO, CO, and HF molecules in terms of molecular orbital approach
        • Sigma and pi bonds
        • Bond order, bond strength, and bond length

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 02

        • Work heat and energy
        • First law of thermodynamics
        • Enthalpy, heat capacity relationship between Cp and Cv
        • Laws of thermochemistry, Kirchoff's equation
        • Spontaneous and nonspontaneous changes, second law of thermodynamics
        • Entropy changes in gases for reversible and irreversible processes
        • Third law of thermodynamics
        • Free energy, variations of free energy of a gas with temperature, pressure, and volume
        • Gibbs-Helmholtz equation
        • Chemical potential
        • Thermodynamic criteria for equilibrium
        • Free energy change in chemical reactions and equilibrium constant
        • Effect of temperature and pressure on chemical equilibrium
        • Calculation of equilibrium constants from thermodynamic measurements

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 03

        Solid state
        • Forms of solids, law of constancy of interfacial angles
        • Crystal systems and crystal classes (crystallographic groups) designation of crystal faces, lattice structure and unit cell
        • Laws of rational indices
        • Bragg's law, X-ray diffraction by crystals
        • Defects in crystals
        • Elementary study of liquid crystals

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 04

        Chemical kinetics
        • Order and molecularity of reaction
        • Rate equations (differential and integrated forms) of zero, first, and second order reaction
        • Half life of a reaction
        • Effect of temperature, pressure, and catalysts on reaction rates
        • Collision theory of reaction rates of bimolecular reactions
        • Absolute reaction rate theory
        • Kinetics of polymerçation and photochemical reactions

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 05

        • Limitations of Arrhenius theory of dissociation, Debye Huckel theory of strong electrolytes and its quantitative treatment
        • Electrolytic conductance theory and theory of activity coefficients
        • Derivation of limiting laws for various equilibrium and transport properties of electrolyte solutions

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 07

        • Absorption of light
        • Lambert-Beer's law, laws of photochemistry
        • Quantum efficiency
        • Reasons for high and low quantum yields
        • Photoelectric cells

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 08

        General chemistry of 'd' block elements
        • Electronic configuration: Introduction to theories of bonding in transition metal complexes, crystal field theory and its modification; applications of the theories in the explanation of magnetism and electronic spectra of metal complexes
        • Metal carbonyls: Cyclopentadienyl, olefin, and acetylene complexes
        • Compounds with metal-metals bonds and metal atom clusters

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 09

        General chemistry of 'f ' block elements
        • Lanthanides and actinides; separation, oxidation, states, magnetic and spectral properties

        Chemistry (section-I): Unit 10

        Reactions in non-aqueous solvent
        • Liquid ammonia and sulphur dioxide

        Chemistry (section-II): Unit 01

        Reaction mechanisms
        • General methods (both kinetic and non-kinetic) of study of mechanisms of organic reactions illustrated by examples
        • Formation and stability of reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and benzynes)
        • SN1 and SN2 mechanisms: H, E2, and E1 CB eliminations, CIS and trans addition to carbon to carbon double bonds mechanisms of addition to carbon, oxygen double bonds, Michael addition, addition to conjugated carbon carbon
        • SN1 and SN2 mechanisms: Double bonds aromatic electrophilic and nucleophilic substitutions allylic and beæylic substitutions

        Chemistry (section-II): Unit 02

        Pericyclic reactions
        • Classification and examples an elementary study of Woodward Hoffmann rules of pericyclic reactions

        Chemistry (section-II): Unit 03

        Chemistry of the following name reactions
        • Aldol condensation, Claisen condensation, Dieckmann reaction, Perkin reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Cannçzaro reaction

        Chemistry (section-II): Unit 04

        Polymeric systems
        • Physical chemistry of polymers; end group analysis, sedimentation, light scattering and viscosity of polymers
        • Polyethylene polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, Ziegler Natta catalysis, nylon, ethylene
        • Inorganic polymeric systems; phosphonitrilic halide compounds; silicones; borazines
        • Friedel-Craft reaction Reformatsky reaction, pinacol-pinacilone Wagner-Meerwein and Backman rearrangements and their mechanisms uses of the following reagents in organic synthesis O5 O4, HIO4, NBS diborane, liquid ammonia NaBH4, LiAN4

        Chemistry (section-II): Unit 05

        Photochemical reactions of organic and inorganic compounds types of reactions and examples and synthetic uses
        • Methods used in structure determination: Principles and applications of UV-visible IR, IH, NMH and mass spectra for structure determination of simple organic and inorganic molecules

        Chemistry (section-II): Unit 06

        Molecular structural determination
        • Principles and application to simple organic and inorganic molecules
        • Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules (infrared and Raman) isotopic substitution and rotational constants
        • Vibrational spectra of diatomic, linear symmetric, linear asymmetric and bent triatomic molecules (infrared and Raman)
        • Specificity of the functional groups (infrared and Raman)
        • Electronic spectra singlet and triplet states, conjugated double bonds, unsaturated carbonyl compounds
        • Nuclear magnetic resonance; chemical shift, spin-spin coupling
        • Electron spin resonance, study of inorganic complexes and free radicals

        Civil engineering (section-I): Unit 01

        Theory and design of structures
        • Theory of structures: Energy theorems-Castigliano theorems I and II, unit load method and method of consistent deformation applied to beams and pin jointed plane frames, slope deflection
        • Theory of structures: Moment distribution and Kani method of analysis applied to indeterminate beams and rigid frames. Moving loads, criteria, for maximum shear force and bending moment in beams traversed by a system of moving loads
        • Theory of structures: Influence lines for simply supported plane pin-jointed girders. Arches: Three hinged, two hinged, and fixed arches, frib shortening and temperature effects Influence lines
        • Theory of structures: Matrix methods of analysis-force method and displacement method
        • Structural steel: Factors of safety and load factors. Design of tension and compression members, beams of built up section, riveted and welded plate girders, gantry girders, stanchions with battens and lacings, slab and gusseted braces
        • Structural steel: Design of highway and railway bridges-through and deck type plate girder, warren girder, and pratt truss
        • Reinforced concrete: Limit state method design-recommendations of IS codes-design of one way and two-way slabs, staircase slabs, simple, and continuous beams of rectangular, T and L sections
        • Reinforced concrete: Compression members under direct load with or without eccentricity footings, isolated, and combined. Retaining walls, cantilever, and counterfort types-methods and systems of prestressing, anchorages
        • Reinforced concrete: Analysis and design of sections for flexure, loss of prestress

        Civil engineering (section-I): Unit 02

        Fluid mechanics
        • Fluid properties and their role in fluid motion, fluid statics including forces acting on plane and curved surface
        • Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow: Velocity and accelerations, stream lines, equation of continuity, irrotational, and rotational flows, velocity potential and stream function, flow-nets and methods of drawing flow net, sources, and sinks
        • Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow: Flow separation and stagnation. Euler's equation of motion, energy, and momentum equations and their applications to pipe flow, free, and forced vortices, plane, and curved stationary and moving vanes, sluice gates
        • Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow: Weirs, orifice meters, and venturi meters. Dimensional analysis and similitude: Buckingham Pi-theorem, similarities, model laws, undistorted and distorted models, movable bed models, model calibration
        • Laminar Flow: Laminar flow between parallel stationary and moving plates, flow through tubes, Reynolds' experiments, lubrication principles
        • Boundary layers: Laminar and turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate, laminar sub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries, drag and lift. Turbulent flow through pipes: Characteristics of turbulent flow, velocity distribution and variation of friction factor
        • Boundary layers: Hydraulic grade line and total energy line, siphons, expansions and contractions in pipes, pipe network, water hammer. Open channel flow: Uniform, non-uniform flows, specific energy and specific force, critical depth
        • Boundary layers: Resistance equations and variation of roughness coefficient, rapidly varied flow, flow in contractions, flow at sudden drop, hydraulic jump and its applications, surges and waves, gradually varied flow
        • Boundary layers: Differential equation of gradually varied flow, classification of surface profiles, control section, step method of integration of varied flow equation

        Civil engineering (section-I): Unit 03

        Soil mechanics and foundation engineering
        • Soil composition, influence of clay minerals on engineering behavior, effective stress principle, change in effective stress due to water flow condition, static water table and steady flow conditions permeability and compressibility of soils
        • Strength behaviour, strength determination through direct and triaxial tests, total and effective stress strength parameters, total and effective stress path
        • Methods of site exploration, planning a subsurface exploration programme, sampling procedures and sampling disturbance, penetration tests and plate load tests and data interpretation
        • Foundation types and selection, footings, rafts, piles, floating foundations, effect of footing shape, dimensions, depth of embedment, load inclination and ground water on bearing capacity, settlement components
        • Computation for immediate and consolidation settlements, limits on total and differential settlement, correction for rigidity
        • Deep foundations, philosophy of deep foundations, piles, estimation of individual and group capacity, static and dynamic approaches, pile load tests, separation into skin friction and point bearing, under-reamed piles
        • Well foundations for bridges and aspects of design
        • Earth pressure, states of plastic equilibrium, Culmann's procedure for determination of lateral thrust, determination of anchor force and depth of penetration, reinforced earth retaining walls, concept, materials, and applications
        • Machine foundations, modes of vibration, determination of natural frequency, criteria for design, effect of vibration on soils, vibration isolation

        Civil engineering (section-I): Unit 04

        Computer programming
        • Types of computers, components of computers, history and development, different languages
        • FORTRAN/ basic programming, constants, variables, expressions, arithmetic statements library functions, control statements, unconditional GO-TO Statements computed GO-TO statements, IF and DO statements, CONTINUE, CALL RETURN, STOP, END statement
        • I/O statements, format, field specifications
        • Subscripted variables, arrays, dimension statement, function and subroutine sub-programmes, application to simple problems with flow charts in civil engineering

        Civil engineering (section-II): Unit 01

        Building construction
        • Physical and mechanical properties of construction materials, factors influencing selection, brick and clay products, limes and cements, polymorphic materials and special uses, damp-proofing materials
        • Brickwork for walls, types, caving walls, design of brick masonry walls per IS code, factors of safety, serviceability, and strength requirements, detailing of walls, floors, roots, ceiling, finishing of buildings, plastering, pointing, painting
        • Functional planning of building, orientation of buildings, elements of fire-proof construction, repairs to damaged and cracked buildings, use of fibro cement, fiber-reinforced and polymer concrete in construction
        • Techniques and materials for low cost housing
        • Building estimates and specifications, construction scheduling PERT and CPM methods

        Civil engineering (section-II): Unit 02

        Transportation engineering
        • Roads, traffic engineering and traffic surveys, intersections, road signs, signals and markings
        • Classification of roads, plannings and geometric design
        • Design of flexible and rigid pavements, Indian road congress guidelines on pavement layers and design methodologies

        Civil engineering (section-II): Unit 03

        Water resources and irrigation Engineering
        • Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, depression storage, infiltration, hydrograph, unit hydrograph, frequency analysis, flood estimation
        • Groundwater flow: Specific yield, storage coefficient, coefficient of permeability, confined and unconfined aquifers, radial flow into a well under confined and unconfined conditions, tube-wells, pumping and recuperation tests, ground water potential
        • Water resources planning: Ground and surface water resources, single and multipurpose projects, storage capacity of reservoirs, reservoirs losses, reservoir sedimentation, flood routing through reservoirs, economics of water resources projects
        • Water requirement for crops: Consumptive use of water, quality of irrigation water, duty and delta, irrigation methods and their efficiencies
        • Canals: Distribution system for canal irrigation, canal capacity, canal losses, alignment of main and distributary canals, most efficient section, lined channels, their design, regime theory, critical shear stress
        • Canals: Bed load and suspended load transport cost analysis of lined and unlined canals, drainage behind lining
        • Water logging: Causes and control, drainage system design, salinity
        • Canal structures: Design of regulation, cross drainage and communication works, cross regulators, head regulators, canal falls, aqueducts metering flumes and canal outlets
        • Diversion head works: Principles of design of weirs on permeable and impermeable foundations, Khosla's theory, energy dissipation, stilling basins, sediment exclusion
        • Storage works: Types of dams, design principles of rigid gravity and earth dams, stability analysis, foundation treatment, joints and galleries, control of seepage. Construction methods and machinery
        • Spillways: Types, crest gates, energy dissipation
        • River training: objectives of river training, methods of river training

        Civil engineering (section-II): Unit 04

        Environmental engineering
        • Water supply: Estimation of water resources, ground and surface water, ground water hydraulics, predicting demand of water, impurities of water and their significance, physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis, water borne diseases
        • Water supply: Standards for potable water, Intake of Water: Pumping and gravity schemes
        • Water treatment: Principles of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation, slow, rapid, pressure, Biflow and multi-media filters, chlorination, softening removal of taste, odour and salinity
        • Water storage and distribution: Storage and balancing, reservoirs types, location, and capacity
        • Distribution system: Layout, hydraulics of pipelines, pipe fittings, valves including check and pressure reducing valves, meters
        • Distribution system: Analysis of distribution systems using Hardy Cross methods general principles of optimal design based on cost head loss ratio criterion, leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems, pumping stations, and their operations
        • Sewerage system: Domestic and industrial wastes, storm, sewage separate and combined system, flow through sewers, design of sewers, sewer appurtenances, manholes inlets, junctions, siphon
        • Sewage characterization: BOD, COD, solids, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and TOC. Standards of disposal in normal water course and on land
        • Sewage treatment: Working, Principles, units, chambers, sedimentation tank, trickling filters, oxidation ponds, activated sludge process, septic tank, disposal of sludge, recycling of waste water
        • Solid waste: Collection and disposal
        • Environmental Pollution: Ecological balance, water pollution control acts, radioactive wastes and disposal environmental impact assessment for thermal power plants, mines
        • Sanitation: Site and orientation of buildings, ventilation and damp proof courses, houses drainage, conservancy and waterborne system of waste disposal, sanitary appliances, latrines and urinals, rural sanitation

        Commerce and accountancy (section-I)-accounting and finance: Unit 01

        Accounting, auditing, and taxation
        • Accounting as a financial information system: Impact of behavioral sciences, methods of accounting of changing price levels with particular reference to current purchasing power (CPP) accounting advanced problems of companies accounts
        • Accounting as a financial information system: Amalgamation absorption and reconstruction of companies, accounting of holding companies, valuation of shares and goodwill. Controllership functions-property control legal and management
        • Important provisions of the income tax act, 1961: Definition charge of income tax, exemptions depreciation and investment allowance, simple problems of computation of income under the various heads and determination of assessable income
        • Important provisions of the income tax act, 1961: Income tax authorities
        • Nature and functions of cost accounting: Cost classification, techniques of segregating semi variable costs into fixed and variable components, job costing, fifo and weighted average methods or calculating equivalent units of production
        • Nature and functions of cost accounting: Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts, marginal costing-cost volume profit relationship: Algebraic formula and graphical representation-shut down point, techniques of cost control and cost reduction
        • Nature and functions of cost accounting: Budgetary control flexible budgets, standard costing and variance analysis, responsibility accounting, bases of charging overheads and their inherent fallacy, costing for pricing decisions
        • Significance of the attest function: Programming the audit work, valuation, and verification of assets, fixed, wasting and current assets-verification of liabilities, audit of limited companies, appointment status, powers
        • Significance of the attest function: Duties and liabilities of the auditor, auditor's report, audit of share capital and transfer of shares, special points in the audit of banking and insurance companies

        Commerce and accountancy (section-I)-accounting and finance: Unit 02

        Business finance and financial institutions
        • Concept and scope of financial management: Financial goals of corporations, capital budgeting rules of the thumb and discounted cash flow approaches, incorporating uncertainty in investment decision, designing an optimal capital structure
        • Concept and scope of financial management: Weighted average cost of capital and the controversy surrounding the Modigliani and miller model, sources of raising short term, intermediate and long-term fiancé-role of public and convertible debentures
        • Concept and scope of financial management: Norms and guidelines regarding debt equity ratios, determinants of an optional dividend policy, optimizing models of James E. Walter and John Lintner
        • Concept and scope of financial management: Forms of dividend payment-structure of working capital and the variable, affecting, the level of difference of components, cash flow approach of forecasting working capital needs
        • Concept and scope of financial management: Profiles of working capital in Indian industries, credit management and credit policy, consideration of tax in relation to financial planning and cash flow statements
        • Organization and deficiencies of Indian money market: Structure of assets and liabilities of commercial banks, achievements and failures of nationalization, regional rural banks, recommendations of the Tandon (PL) study group on following of bank credit
        • Organization and deficiencies of Indian money market: 1976 and their revision by the Chore (KB) committee, 1979-an assessment of the monetary and credit policies of the reserve bank of India, constituents of the Indian capital market
        • Organization and deficiencies of Indian money market: Functions and working of all India term financial institutions (IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, AND IRCI), investment policies of the life insurance corporation of India and the unit trust of India
        • Organization and deficiencies of Indian money market: Present state of stock exchanges and their regulation
        • Provision of the negotiable instruments act, 1881
        • Crossings and endorsements with particular reference to statutory protection to the paying and collecting bankers-salient provision of the banking regulation act, 1949 with regard to chartering, supervision, and regulation of banks

        Commerce and accountancy (section-II)-organization theory and industrial relations: Unit 01

        Organization theory
        • Nature and concept of organization: Organization goals; primary and secondary goals, single and multiple goals, ends-means chain-displacement, succession, expansion, and multiplication of goals-formal organization: Type, structure-line and staff
        • Nature and concept of organization: Functional matrix and project-informal origination, functions, and limitations
        • Evolution of organization theory: Classical, neo-classical and system approach, bureaucracy nature and basis of power, sources of power, power structure, and politics
        • Evolution of organization theory: Organizational behaviour as a dynamic system-technical social and power systems interrelation sand interactions-perception, status system: Theoretical and empirical foundations of Maslow, McGregor's, Herzberg Likert
        • Evolution of organization theory: Status system-Vroom, Porter, and Lawler, Odam and human models of motivation. Morale and productivity-leadership, Theories and styles-management of conflicts in organization
        • Evolution of organization theory: Transactional analysis, significance of culture to organization. Limits of rationality-Simon March approach
        • Evolution of organization theory: Organizational change, adaptation growth, and development-organizational control and effectiveness

        Commerce and accountancy (section-II)-organization theory and industrial relations: Unit 02

        Industrial relations
        • Nature and scope of industrial relations
        • Industrial labour in India and its commitment, theories of unionism, trade union movement in india, growth and structure, role of outside leadership in, worker education and other problems
        • Collective bargaining approaches conditions limitations and its effectiveness in Indian conditions, Korkers participation in management: Philosophy, rationale, present day state of affairs and its future prospects
        • Prevention and settlement of industrial disputes in India: Preventive measures, settlement machinery, and other measures in practice-industrial relations in public enterprises, absenteeism, and labour turnover in Indian industries
        • Relative wages and wage differentials: Wage policy in India-the bonus issue, international labour organisation and India, role of personnel department in the organization-executive development personnel policies, personnel audit, and personnel research

        Economics (section-I): Unit 01

        The framework of an economy
        • National income accounting

        Economics (section-I): Unit 02

        Economic choice, consumer behaviour
        • Producer behaviour and market forms

        Economics (section-I): Unit 03

        Investment decisions and determination of income and employment
        • Microeconomic models of income, distribution, and growth

        Economics (section-I): Unit 04

        Banking objectives and instruments of central banking and credit policies in a planned developing economy
        • Performance of commercial banks in Bihar

        Economics (section-I): Unit 05

        Type of taxes and their impacts on the economy
        • The impacts of the sçe and the content of budgets
        • Objectives and instruments of budgetary, and fiscal policy in a planned developing economy

        Economics (section-I): Unit 06

        International trade
        • Tariffs
        • The rate of exchange
        • The balance of payments
        • International monetary and banking institutions

        Economics (section-II): Unit 01

        The Indian economy
        • Culding principles of indian economic planned growth and distributive justice' eradication of poverty
        • The institutional framework of the Indian economy-federal governmental structure, agricultural and industrial sector public, and private sectors
        • National income its sectoral and regional distribution
        • Extent and incidence of poverty

        Economics (section-II): Unit 02

        Agricultural production
        • Agricultural policy
        • Land Reforms
        • Technological change
        • Relationship with the industrial sector

        Economics (section-II): Unit 03

        Industrial production
        • Industrial policy
        • Public and private sector
        • Regional distribution
        • Control of monopolies and monopolistic practices

        Economics (section-II): Unit 04

        Pricing policies of agricultural and industrial outputs
        • Procurement and public distribution

        Economics (section-II): Unit 05

        Budgetary trends and fiscal policy

          Economics (section-II): Unit 07

          Foreign trade and the balance of payments

            Economics (section-II): Unit 08

            Indian planning
            • Objectives, strategy, experience, and problems

            Economics (section-II): Unit 09

            Bihar economy
            • Relative position of agriculture and industry, retarders of economic growth, poverty and unemployment, progress in land reforms

            Electrical engineering (section-I): Unit 01

            • Steady state analysis of D.C. and A.C., networks, network theorems, matrix algebra, network functions, transient response, frequency response, Laplace transform, Fourier series and Fourier transform, frequency spectral pole zero concept
            • Elementary network synthesis

            Electrical engineering (section-I): Unit 02

            Static and magnetics
            • Analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields, Laplace and Poisson equations, solution of boundary value problems, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave propagation, ground and space waves, propagation between earth station and satellites

            Electrical engineering (section-I): Unit 03

            • Basic methods of measurements, standards, error analysis, indicating instruments cathode ray oscilloscope, measurement of voltage current, power, resistance, inductance, capacitance, time, frequency and flux, electronic meters

            Electrical engineering (section-I): Unit 04

            • Vacuum and semiconductor devices, equivalent circuits transistor parameters, determination of current and voltage gain and input and output impedances biasing techniques, single and multistage
            • Audio and radio small signal, and large signal amplifiers and their analysis feedback amplifiers and oscillators: Wave shaping circuits and time base generators, analysis of different types of multivilerator and their uses, digital circuits

            Electrical engineering (section-I): Unit 05

            Electrical machines
            • Generator of EMF, MMF and torque in rotating machines, motor, and generator characteristics of D.C. synchronous and induction machines equivalent circuits, computation parallel operation, phasor diagram and equivalent, circuits of power transformer
            • Determination of performance and efficiency, auto-transformers, 3-phase transformers

            Electrical engineering (section-II): Unit 01

            Control systems
            • Mathematical modeling of dynamic linear control systems, block diagrams and signal flow graphs, transient surprise response steady state error, stability, frequency response techniques, root locus techniques series compensation

            Electrical engineering (section-II): Unit 02

            Industrial electronics
            • Principles and design of single phase and polyphase rectifiers controlled rectification, smoothing filters, regulated power supplies speed control circuits for drivers, inverters, D.C. to D.C. conversion, choppera, timers and welding circuits

            Electrical engineering (section-II): Unit 03

            Electrical machines
            • Induction machines: Rotating magnetic field, polyphase motor, principle of operation Phasor diagram, torque slip characteristic, equivalent circuit and determination of its parameters, circle diagram, starters
            • Induction machines: Speed control double cage motor, induction generator. Theory, phasor diagram, characteristics and application of single phase motors. Application of two phase induction motor
            • Synchronous machines: EMF equation phase and circle diagram, operation on infinite bus, synchronçing power, operating characteristic and performance by different methods
            • Synchronous machines: Sudden short circuit and analysis of oscillogram to determine machine reactances and time constants, motor characteristics and performance methods of starting applications
            • Special machines: Amplidyne and metadyne operating characteristics, and their applications
            • Power system and protection: General layout and economics of different types of power stations, baseload, peak load, and pumped storage plant, economics of different systems of D.C. and A.C. power distribution, transmission line parameter calculation
            • Power system and protection: Concept of G.M.D. short, medium, and long transmission line, insulators, voltage distribution in a string of insulators and grading, environmental effects on insulators. Fault calculation by symmetrical components
            • Power system and protection: Load flow analysis and economic operation steady state and transient stability, switchgear methods of extinction, restriking and recovery voltage, testing of circuit breaker, protective relays
            • Power system and protection: Protective schemes for power system equipment. CT and PT surges in transmission lines, travelling waves and protection
            • Utilization: Industrial drives electric motors for various drives and estimates of their rating; behaviour of motors during starting acceleration, braking and reversing operation; schemes of speed control for D.C and induction motors
            • Electrical machines: Economic and other aspects of different systems of rail traction; mechanics of train movement and estimation of power and energy requirements and motor rating characteristics of traction motors, dielectric, and induction heating

            Electrical engineering (section-II): Unit 04

            Communication system
            • Generation and detection of amplitude-frequency phase and pulse modulate signals using oscillators, modulators and demodulators, comparison of modulated systems, noise problems
            • Channel efficiency sampling theorem sound and vision broadcast transmitting, and receiving system, antennas, feeders and receiving circuits, transmission line at audio radio and ultra, high frequencies

            Electrical engineering (section-II): Unit 05

            • Electromagnetic wave in guided media waveguide components cavity resonators, microwave tubes and solid-state devices, microwave generator and amplifiers, filters microwave measuring techniques, microwave radiation pattern
            • Communication and antenna systems, radio aids to navigation

            Electrical engineering (section-II): Unit 06

            D.C. amplifiers
            • Direct coupled amplifiers, difference amplifiers, choppers, and analog computation

            Geography (section-I)-principles of geography: Unit 01

            Physical geography
            • Geomorphology: Origin and evolution of the earth's crust-earth movements and plate tectonics; volcanism; cycle of erosion-Davis and Penck; fluvial, glacial, arid and karst landforms; rejuvenated and polycyclic landforms
            • Climatology: The atmosphere, its structure and composition; air masses and fronts; cyclones and related phenomena; climatic classification; Koppen and Thornthwaite; groundwater and hydrological cycle
            • Soils and vegetation: Soil genesis, classification and distribution: Ecological aspects of savanna and monsoon forest biomes
            • Oceanography: Ocean bottom relief. Relief of Indian ocean floor. Salinity. Currents and tides; ocean deposits and coral reefs
            • Ecosystem: Ecosystem concept, man's impact on the ecosystem, global ecological imbalances

            Geography (section-I)-principles of geography: Unit 02

            Human and economic geography
            • Development of geographical thought: Contributions of European and British geographers, determinism, and possibilism; dualism in geography, quantitative and behavioural revolutions in geography
            • Human geography-emergence of man and races of mankind cultural evolution of man; major cultural realms of the world; international migrations, past and present; world population-distribution and growth; demographic transition and world population
            • Settlements geography: Concepts of rural and urban settlements, organs of urbançation; rural settlement patterns; city classifications; urban spheres of influence and the rural urban fringe, the internal structure of cities
            • Settlements geography: Problems of urban growth in the world
            • Political geography: Concepts of nation and state; frontiers, boundaries, and buffer zones; concept of heartland and rimland; federalism
            • Economic geography: World economic development-measurement and problems; concept of resources, world resources, their distribution and global problems; world energy crisis; and limits to growth; world agriculture-typology and world agricultural regions
            • Economic geography: Theory of agricultural location, world industry-theory of location of industries; world industrial patterns and problems; world trade and world trade patterns

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 01

            Physical aspects
            • Geological history, physiography and drainage systems; origin and mechanism of the indian monsoon, soils, and vegetation

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 02

            Human aspects
            • Tribal areas and their problems; population distribution, density, and growth; population problems and policies

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 03

            • Conservation and utilçation of land mineral water biotic and marine resources; ecological problems and their management

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 04

            • Irrigation intensity of cropping, crop combinations, green revolution, agricultural land use policy, rural economy-animal husbandry, social forestry, and household industry

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 05

            • History of industrial development; factors of location study of mineral based, agro-based and forest based industries, industrial complexed and industrial regionalisation

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 06

            Transport and trade
            • Study of the network of roadways railways, waterways, intra and inter-regional trade and the role of rural market centers

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 07

            • Rural Settlement patterns; urban development in Indian and its problems, internal structure of Indian cities; town planning, slums and urban housing; national urbanisation policy

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 08

            Regional development and planning
            • Five-years plan; multi level planning; state, district and block level planning regional disparities in development in India

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 09

            Political aspects
            • Political problem of India, state reorganization; the international boundary of india and related issues; india and geopolitics of the indian ocean area

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 10

            Geography of Bihar under the following heads
            • Physiographic divisions, soils, forests, climate, pattern of agriculture, problems of drought-prone and flood affected regions and their solution, chief mineral resources-iron ore, copper

            Geography (section-II)-geography of India: Unit 11

            Geography of India
            • Bauxite mica and coal; principal industries-iron and steel, aluminium, cement, sugar: Principal industrial regions, problems of population in Bihar, problem of tribal population and their solution; pattern of urbanisation in Bihar

            Geology (section-I)-general geology, geomorphology, structural geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy: Unit 01

            General geology
            • Energy in relation to geodynamic activities
            • Origin and interior of the earth
            • Dating of rocks buoy various methods and age of the earth
            • Volcanoes-causes and products; volcanic belts
            • Earthquakes-causes, geological effect and distribution
            • Geosynclines and their classification, island areas, deep sea trenches and mid-ocean ridges, sea-floor spreading and plate tectonics
            • Isostasy, mountains types, and origin
            • Brief ideas about continental drift, origin of continents and oceans
            • Radioactivity and its application to geological problems

            Geology (section-I)-general geology, geomorphology, structural geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy: Unit 02

            • Basic concepts and significance
            • Geomorphic processes and parameters
            • Geomorphic cycles and their interpretation
            • Relief features; topography and its relation to structures and lithology
            • Major landforms
            • Drainage patterns
            • Geomorphic features of Indian subcontinent and Chotanagpur plateau

            Geology (section-I)-general geology, geomorphology, structural geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy: Unit 03

            Structural geology
            • Stress and strain ellipsoid, and rock deformation
            • Mechanics of folding and faulting
            • Linear and planar structures and their genetic significance petrofabric analysis, its graphic representation and application to geological problems
            • Tectonic framework of india

            Geology (section-I)-general geology, geomorphology, structural geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy: Unit 04

            • Micro and macrofossils
            • Modes of preservation and utility of fossils, general idea about classification and nomenclature
            • Organic evolution and the bearing of palaeontological studies on it
            • Morphology, classification and geological history including evolutionary trends of brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, ammonoids, trilobites, echinoids and corals
            • Principal groups of vertebrates and their main morphological characters
            • Vertebrates life through ages; dinosaurs: Siwalik vertebrates
            • Evolution of horses, elephants and man, Gondwana flora and its importance
            • Types of microfossils and their significance with special reference to petroleum exploration

            Geology (section-I)-general geology, geomorphology, structural geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy: Unit 05

            • Principles of stratigraphy stratigraphic classification and nomenclature
            • Standard stratigraphic scale
            • Detailed study of various geological systems of Indian subcontinent
            • Boundary problems in Indian stratigraphy
            • An outline of the stratigraphy of various geological systems in their type-areas
            • Brief study of climates and igneous activities in Indian symmetry during geological post palaeogeographic reconstructions

            Geology (section-II)-crystallography, mineralogy, petrology and economic geology: Unit 01

            • Crystalline and non crystalline substances
            • Space groups
            • Lattice symmetry
            • Classification of crystals into 32 classes of symmetry
            • International system of crystallographic notation
            • Use of stereographic projections to represent crystal symmetry
            • Twinning and twin laws crystal irregularities
            • Application of X-rays for crystal studies

            Geology (section-II)-crystallography, mineralogy, petrology and economic geology: Unit 02

            Optical mineralogy
            • General principles of optics Isotropism and anisotropism, concepts of optical indicatrix, pleochroism, interference colours and extinction
            • Optic orientation in crystals
            • Dispersion
            • Optical accessories

            Geology (section-II)-crystallography, mineralogy, petrology and economic geology: Unit 03

            • Elements of crystal chemistry-types of bondings Ionic Radii, coordination number, isomorphism, polymorphism, and pseudomorphism
            • Structural classification of silicates
            • Detailed study of rock-forming minerals-their physical, chemical, and optical properties and uses, if any, study of the alteration products of these minerals

            Geology (section-II)-crystallography, mineralogy, petrology and economic geology: Unit 04

            • Magma, its generation, nature, and composition
            • Simple phase diagrams of binary and ternary systems, and their significance, Bowen's reaction principle
            • Magmatic differentiation; assimilation, textures and structures, and their petrogenetic significance
            • Classification of igneous rocks
            • Petrography and petrogenesis of important rock types of India genesis of granites; charnockites; anorthosites; and alkaline rocks
            • Processes of formation of sedimentary rocks
            • Diagenesis and lithification
            • Textures and structures of sedimentary rock and their significance
            • Classifications of sedimentary rocks elastic and non-elastic
            • Heavy minerals and their significance
            • Elementary concept of depositional environments
            • Sedimentary facies and provenance
            • Petrography of common sedimentary rock types
            • Agents of metamorphism
            • Types of metamorphism
            • Metamorphic grades, zones, and facies
            • ACF, AKF, and AFM diagrams
            • Textures, structures, and nomenclature of metamorphic rocks
            • Petrography and petrogenesis of important metamorphic rock types

            Geology (section-II)-crystallography, mineralogy, petrology and economic geology: Unit 05

            Economic geology
            • Concept of ore, ore mineral, and gangue, tenor of ores
            • Processes of formation of mineral deposits
            • Common forms and structures of ore deposits
            • Classification of ore deposits
            • Control of ore deposition metallogenic enochs
            • Study of important metallic and non-metallic deposits oil and and natural gas fields, and coalfields of India
            • Mineral wealth of Bihar, mineral economics, national mineral policy conservation and utilçation of minerals

            Geology (section-II)-crystallography, mineralogy, petrology and economic geology: Unit 06

            Applied geology
            • Essentials of prospecting and Exploration techniques
            • Principal methods of mining sampling redressing and beneficiation
            • Application of geology in engineering works
            • Elements of soil and groundwater geology
            • Groundwater provinces of Bihar
            • Use of air related diagrams in geological exploration

            History (section-I): Unit 01

            History of India (down to A.D. 750)
            • The Indus Civilization: Origins extent, characteristic features, major cities, trade and contacts, causes of decline, survival, and continuity
            • The Vedic age: Vedic literature. Geographical area known to Vedic texts. Differences and similarities between Indus civilization and Vedic culture. Political, social, and economic patterns. Major religious ideas and rituals
            • The pre-Mauryan period: Religious movements (Jainism, Buddhism, and other sects). Social and economic conditions. Republics and growth of Magadha imperialism
            • The Maurya Empire: Sources, rise, extent and fall of the empire administration. Social and economic conditions. Ashoka's policy and reform, art
            • The post-Mauryan period (200 BC-300 A.D.): Principal dynasties in northern and southern India. Economy and society, sanskrit, prakrit, and Tamil, religion (rise of Mahayana and theistic cults). Art (Gandhara, Mathura, and other schools)
            • The post-Mauryan period (200 BC-300 A.D.): Contacts with central Asia
            • The Gupta age: Rise and fall of the Gupta Empire, the Vakatakas. Administration, society, economy, literature, art, and religion. Contacts with south Asia
            • Post-Gupta period (BC 500-750 AD): Pushyabhuti. The Maukharis. The later Guptas. Harshavardhana and his times. Chalukyas of badami. The Pallavas society. Administration and art. The Arab conquest
            • General review of science and technology, education, and learning

            History (section-I): Unit 02

            Medieval India: India-750 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
            • Political and social conditions: The rajputs their polity and social structure, land structure, and its impacts on society
            • Trade and commerce
            • Art, religion and philosophy, Sankaracharya
            • Maritime activities, contacts with the Arabs, mutual, cultural impacts
            • Rashtrakutas, their role in history-contribution to art and culture
            • The Chola empire local self government, features of the Indian village system society, economy, art, and learning in the south
            • Indian society on the eve of Mahmud of Ghazni's campaigns, Al-Biruni's observations

            History (section-I): Unit 03

            Medieval India: India-1200 A.D.-1765 A.D.
            • Foundation of the Delhi sultanate in northern India, causes and circumstances, its impact on the Indian society
            • Khilji imperialism, significance and implications, administrative and economic regulations and their impact on state, and the people
            • New orientation of state policies and administration principles under Muhammad bin Tughluq. Religious policy and public works of Firoz Shah
            • Disintegration of the Delhi sultanate; causes and its effects on the Indian policy and society
            • Nature and character of state; political ideas and institutions
            • Agrarian structure and relations, growth of urban centers, trade, and commerce, conditions of artisans and peasants, new crafts, industry, and technology, Indian medicines
            • Influence of Islam on Indian culture
            • Muslim mystic movements, nature and significance of Bhakti saints, Maharashtra dharma, role of the Vaishnava revivalist movement social and religious significance of the Chaitanya movement, impact of Hindu society on Muslim social life
            • The Vijayanagar empire: Its origin and growth contribution to art, literature, and culture; social and economic conditions, system of administration, break-up of the Vijayanagar empire
            • Sources of history: Important chronicles. Inscriptions and travellers accounts
            • Establishment of Mughal empire in northern India: Political and social conditions in Hindustan on the eve of Babur's invasion, Babur, and Humayun establishment of the portuguese control in the Indian ocean, its political and economic consequences
            • Sur administration, political, revenue, and military administration
            • Expansion of the Mughal empire under Akbar: Political unification-new concepts of monarchy under Akbar: Akbar's religion political outlook-relations with the non-Muslims
            • Growth of regional languages and literature during the medieval period development of art and architecture
            • Political ideas and institutions; nature of the Mughal state, land revenue administration; the mansabdari and the Jagirdari systems, the landed structure and the role of the zamindars, agrarian relations, the military organisation
            • Aurangzeb's religious policy; expansion of the Mughal Empire in Deccan; revolts against Aurangzeb character and consequences
            • Growth of urban centers; industrial economy urban and rural; foreign trade and commerce. The mughals and the european trading companies
            • Hindu-Muslim relations; trends of integration; composite culture (16th to 18th centuries)
            • Rise of shivaji, his conflict with the Mughals; administration of Shivaji, expansion of the Maratha power under the Peshwas (1707-1761), Maratha political structure under the first three Peshwas; chauth and Sardeshmukhi, third battle of Panipat
            • Causes, and effects; emergence of the Maratha confederacy, its structure, and role
            • Disintegration of the Mughal empire, emergence of the new regional states

            History (section-II): Unit 01

            Modern India
            • Historical forces and factors which led to the British conquest of India with special reference to Bengal, Maharashtra, and Sind resistance of Indian powers, and causes of their failure
            • Evolution of British paramountcy over princely states
            • Stages of colonialism and changes in administrative structure and policies
            • Revenue, judicial and social and educational, and their linkages with British colonial interests
            • British economic policies and their impact-commercialization of agriculture rural indebtedness, growth of agricultural labour. Destruction of handicraft industries. Drain of wealth, growth of modern industry and rise of a capitalist class
            • British economic policies and their impact-activities of the Christian missions
            • Efforts at regeneration of Indian society
            • Socio Religious movements, social religious, political and economic ideas of the reformers, and their vision of future, nature and limitation of 19th century "renaissance"
            • Caste movements in general with special reference to south India and Maharashtra, tribal, revolts, specially in central and eastern India
            • Civil rebellions, revolt of 1857, civil rebellions, and peasant revolts with special reference to indigo revolt
            • Deccan riots and mapplia uprising
            • Rise and growth of Indian national movement: Social basis of Indian nationalism policies. Programme of the early nationalists and militant nationalists militant revolutionary group terrorists. Rises and growth of communalism
            • Rise and growth of Indian national movement: Emergence of Gandhiji in Indian politics and his techniques of mass mobilization. Non-cooperation, civil disobedience and quit India movements, trade union and peasant movements. State (s) people movements
            • Rise and growth of Indian national movement: Rise and growth of left-wing within the congress-the congress, socialists, and communists; British official response to national movement. Attitude of the congress to constitutional changes, 1909-1935
            • Rise and growth of Indian national movement: Indian national army, naval mutiny of 1946, the partition of India and achievement of freedom

            History (section-II): Unit 02

            World history (1500-1950)
            • Geographical discoveries: Decline of feudalism; beginnings of capitalism. Renaissance and reformation in Europe. The new absolute monarchies, emergence of the nation state, commercial revolution in western Europe, mercantilism
            • Geographical discoveries: Growth of parliamentary institutions in England. The thirty years war. Its significance in European history. Ascendancy of France
            • The emergence of a scientific view of the world: The age of enlightenment. The American revolution-its significance. The French revolution and Napoleonic era (1789-1815). Its significance in world history
            • The emergence of a scientific view of the world: The growth of liberalism and democracy in western Europe (1815-1914), scientific and technological background to the industrial revolution, stages of the industrial revolution in Europe
            • Consolidation of large nation states: The unification of Italy, the founding of socialist and labour, movement in Europe. The German empire. The American Civil War. Colonialism and imperialism in Asia and Africa in the 19th, and 20th centuries
            • Consolidation of large nation states: China and the western powers. Modernization of Japan and its emergence as a great power. The European powers and the Ottoman empire (1815-1914), the First World War-the economic and social impact of the war
            • Consolidation of large nation states: The peace of Paris, 1919
            • The Russian revolution: 1917 economics and social reconstruction in Soviet Union. Rise of national movements in Indonesia, China, and Indo-China. Rise and establishment of communism in china
            • The Russian revolution: Awakening in the Arab world-struggle for freedom and reform in Egypt emergence of modern turkey Kamal, Ataturk-the rise of Arab nationalism. World Depression of 1929-32
            • The Russian revolution: The new deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Rise of militarism in Japan. Origins and impact of Second World War

            Labour and social welfare (section-I)-labour legislation and labour administration: Unit 01

            Principles of labour legislation kinds of labour legislation

              Labour and social welfare (section-I)-labour legislation and labour administration: Unit 02

              A brief history of labour legislation in India

                Labour and social welfare (section-I)-labour legislation and labour administration: Unit 03

                Provisions relating to labour in the Indian constitution

                  Labour and social welfare (section-I)-labour legislation and labour administration: Unit 04

                  The following labour laws as amended up-to-date main provisions and evaluation
                  • Factories act, 1948
                  • Minimum wages act, 1948-working in Bihar
                  • Payment of wages act, 1936
                  • Equal remuneration act, 1976
                  • Workmen's compensation act, 1923
                  • Maternity benefit act, 1961
                  • Employees state insurance act, 1948
                  • Payment of gratuity act, 1972
                  • Child labour (prohibition and regulation) act, 1986
                  • Beedi and cigar workmen (conditions of employment) act, 1966
                  • Bihar shops and establishments act, 1953

                  Labour and social welfare (section-I)-labour legislation and labour administration: Unit 05

                  International labour organization
                  • Composition, activities, creation of international standards of labour-influence on Indian labour legislation

                  Labour and social welfare (section-I)-labour legislation and labour administration: Unit 06

                  Labour administration in Bihar

                    Labour and social welfare (section-II)-industrial relations and social welfare: Unit 01

                    Industrial relations and trade unions with reference to India and Bihar
                    • Industrial relations-concept, scope, main aspects
                    • Industrial dispute and strikes-forms, causes, and prevention-different methods of settling industrial dispute, collective bargaining, industrial dispute act, 1947
                    • Workers participation in management-objectives, institutions, present position, causes of failure in India
                    • Trade unions in India-brief history, kinds, objectives and methods of achievement, structure and government, political affiliation and leadership, problem of rivalry and recognition, trade unions act, 1925
                    • Code of discipline and code of conduct

                    Labour and social welfare (section-II)-industrial relations and social welfare: Unit 02

                    Social welfare and social security
                    • Social security-meaning, scope, nature, and methods
                    • Unemployment-meaning, kinds courses, measures for removing, special employment programmes in India
                    • Poverty-meaning, kinds, extent, causes measures for eradicating-special governments, programme for eradicating rural poverty in India and Bihar
                    • Child welfare-problems of children, welfare measures for them
                    • Women welfare-problems of women, welfare measures of them
                    • Welfare of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes-problems, welfare measures
                    • Prohibition-position in Bihar
                    • Prostitution-nature, causes, effects, measures for removing
                    • Beggary-nature courses, situation in Bihar
                    • Social security programmes of the government of Bihar old-age pension unemployment dole-group insurance, rehabilitation of bonded labourers

                    Law (section-I): Unit 01

                    Constitutional law of India
                    • Nature of the Indian constitution' the distinctive features of its federal character
                    • Fundamental right; directive principles and their relationship with fundamental right; fundamental duties
                    • Right to equality
                    • Right to freedom of speech and expression
                    • Right to life and personal liberty
                    • Religious, cultural and educational rights
                    • Constitutional position of the president and relationship with the council ministers
                    • Governor and his powers
                    • Supreme court and high courts, their powers and jurisdiction
                    • Union public service commission and state public service commission: Their powers and functions
                    • Principles of natural justice
                    • Distribution of legislative powers between the union and the states
                    • Delegated legislation its constitutionality
                    • Judicial and legislative controls
                    • Administrative and financial relations between the union, and the states
                    • Trade, commerce, and intercourse in India
                    • Emergency provisions
                    • Constitutional safeguards to civil servants
                    • Parliamentary privileges and immunities
                    • Amendment of the constitution

                    Law (section-I): Unit 02

                    International law
                    • Nature of international law
                    • Sources: Treaty; custom, general principles of law recognçed by civilçed nations. Subsidiary means for the determination of law resolutions of international organs and regulations of specialçed agencies
                    • Relationship between international law and municipal law
                    • State recognition and state succession
                    • Territory of states: Modes of acquisition, boundaries, international rivers
                    • Sea: Inland waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and ocean beyond national jurisdiction
                    • Air space and aerial navigation
                    • Outer space: Exploitation and use of outer space
                    • Individuals, nationality statelessness; human rights and procedures available for their enforcement
                    • Jurisdiction of states: Bases of jurisdiction, immunity from jurisdiction
                    • Extradition and asylum
                    • Diplomatic missions and consular posts
                    • Treaties: Formation, application, and termination
                    • State responsibility
                    • United nations: Its principal organs, powers, and functions
                    • Peaceful settlement of disputes
                    • Lawful recourse to force; aggression, self defense, intervention
                    • Legality of the use of nuclear weapons; ban on testing of nuclear weapons; nuclear non-proliferation treaty

                    Law (section-II): Unit 01

                    Law of crimes and torts: Law of crimes
                    • Concept of crime: Actus reus, mens rea, mens rea in statutory offences, punishments mandatory sentences preparation and attempt
                    • Indian penal codes: (a) Application of the code. (b) General exceptions. (c) Joint and constructive liability. (d) Abetment. (e) Criminal conspiracy. (f) Offences against the state. (g) Offences against public tranquility
                    • Indian penal codes: (h) Offences by or relating to public servants. (I) Offences against human body. (j) Offences against property. (k) Offences relating to marriage; cruelty by husband or his relatives to wife. (l) defamation
                    • Protection of civil rights act, 1955
                    • Dowry prohibition act, 1961
                    • Prevention of food adulteration act, 1954

                    Law (section-II): Unit 02

                    Law of torts
                    • Nature of tortious liability
                    • Liability based upon fault and strict liability
                    • Statutory liability
                    • Vicarious liability
                    • Joint Tortfeasors
                    • Remedies
                    • Negligence
                    • Occupier's liability and liability in respect of structures
                    • Detinue and conversion
                    • Defamation
                    • Nuisance
                    • Conspiracy
                    • False imprisonment and malicious prosecution

                    Law (section-II): Unit 03

                    Law of contracts and mercantile law
                    • Formation of contract
                    • Factors vitiating consent
                    • Void, voidable, illegal, and unenforceable agreements
                    • Performance of contracts
                    • Dissolution of contractual obligations, frustration of contracts
                    • Quasi-contracts
                    • Remedies for breach of contract
                    • Sale of goods and hire purchase
                    • Agency
                    • Formation and dissolution of partnership
                    • Negotiable instruments
                    • The Banker-customer relationship
                    • Government control over private companies
                    • The monopolies and restrictive trade practices act, 1969
                    • The consumer protection act, 1986

                    Management (section-I): Unit 01

                    Organizational behaviour and Management concepts
                    • Significance of social psychological factors for understanding organizational behaviour, relevance of theories of motivation; contribution of Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, McClelland and other leading authorities, research studies in leadership
                    • Management by objectives
                    • Small group and intergroup behaviour
                    • Application of these concepts for understanding the managerial role, conflict and cooperation, work norms, and dynamics of organizational behaviour
                    • Organisational change

                    Management (section-I): Unit 02

                    Organizational design
                    • Classical, neo-classical and open systems theories of organization, centralisation, decentralçation, delegation, authority and control
                    • Management information system and role of computer in management

                    Management (section-I): Unit 03

                    Organisational design
                    • Organizational structure, systems, and processes, strategies, policies, and objectives, decision making communication and control

                    Management (section-I): Unit 04

                    Economic environment
                    • National income, analysis, and its use in business forecasting
                    • Trends and structure in Indian economy, government programmes, and policies
                    • Regulatory policies: Monetary fiscal and planning, and the impact of such macro-policies on enterprise decisions and plans-demand analysis and forecasting, cost analysis, pricing decisions under different market structures
                    • Pricing of joint products, and price discrimination, capital budgeting, applications under Indian conditions
                    • Choice of projects and cost benefit analysis choice of production techniques

                    Management (section-I): Unit 05

                    Quantitative methods
                    • Classical optimçatoin: Maxima and minima of single and several variables; optimçation under constraints-applications
                    • Linear programming: Formulation, graphical solution simplex method duality, post optimality, analysis-applications of integer programming and dynamic programming
                    • Formulation of transportation and assignment models of linear programming, and methods of solution

                    Management (section-I): Unit 06

                    Statistical methods
                    • Measures of central tendencies and variations-application of binomial
                    • Poison and normal distributions
                    • Time series-regression and correlation tests of hypotheses, decision making under risk: Decision trees expected monetary value-value of information, application of Bayes theorem to posterior analysis
                    • Decision making under uncertainty
                    • Different criteria for selecting optimum strategies

                    Management (section-II): Unit 01

                    Marketing management
                    • Marketing and economic development: Marketing concept and its applicability to the Indian economy, major tasks of management in the context of developing economy, rural and urban marketing, their prospects, and problems
                    • Planning and strategy in the context of domestic and export marketing concept of marketing mix: Market segmentation and product differentiation strategies, consumer motivation and behaviour, consumer behavioural models product
                    • Planning and strategy in the context of domestic and export marketing concept of marketing mix: Brind distribution public distribution system price and promotion
                    • Decisions: Planning and control of marketing programmes, marketing research and models, sales organisational dynamic, marketing information system. Marketing audit and control
                    • Export incentives and promotional strategies: Role of government, trade association and individual organization, problems and prospects of export marketing

                    Management (section-II): Unit 02

                    Production and materials management
                    • Fundamentals of production from management point of view
                    • Types of manufacturing systems continuous repetitive, intermittent
                    • Organising for production, long range, forecast, and aggregate production planning
                    • Plant design: Process planning, plant SCE and scale of operations, location of plant, layout of physical facilities
                    • Equipment replacement and maintenance
                    • Functions of production planning and control, routing, loading and scheduling for different types of production systems
                    • Assembly line balancing, machine line balancing
                    • Role and importance of materials management, material handling, value analysis, quality control waste and scrap disposal, make or buy decisions, codification, standardisation and spare parts inventory
                    • Inventory control-ABC analysis, economic order quantity, recorder point, safety stock
                    • Two bin system
                    • Waste management DGS and D purchase process and procedure

                    Management (section-II): Unit 03

                    Financial management
                    • General tools of financial analysis: Ratio analysis, funds flow analysis, cost volume-profit analysis, cash budgeting, financial and operating leverage
                    • Investment decision: Steps in capital expenditure managements, criteria for investment appraisal, cost of capital and its application in public and private sectors. Risk analysis in investment decisions
                    • Investment decision: Organizational evaluation of capital expenditure management with special reference to India
                    • Financing decision: Estimating the firms of financial requirements, financial structure determinations, capital markets, institutional mechanism for funds with special reference to India. Security analysis leasing and subcontracting
                    • Working capital managements: Determining the SÇE of working capital, managing the managerial attitude towards risk in working capital, management of cash, inventory and accounts receivables, effects of inflation on working capital management
                    • Income determination and distribution: Internal financing, determination of dividend policy, implication of inflationary tendencies in determining the dividend policy, valuation and dividend policy
                    • Financial management in public sector with special reference to India
                    • Performance budgeting and principles of financial accounting
                    • Systems of management control

                    Management (section-II): Unit 04

                    Human resource management
                    • Characteristics and significance of human resources: Personnel policies, manpower, policy and planning, recruitment and selection technique, training and development-promotions, and transfer: Performance appraisal
                    • Characteristics and significance of human resources: Job evaluation-wage and salary administration; employee morale and motivation. Conflict management. Management of change and development
                    • Industrial relations economy and society in India: Worker profile and management styles in India
                    • Trade unionism in India: Labour legislation with special reference to industrial disputes act-payment of bonus act: Trade unions act-industrial democracy and workers participation in menage indication. Discipline and grievances handling in industry

                    Mathematics (section-I): Unit 01

                    Linear algebra
                    • Vector space bases, dimension of finitely generated space
                    • Linear transformations, rank and nullity of a linear transformation, Cayley Hamilton theorem
                    • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
                    • Matrix of a linear transformation
                    • Row and column reduction
                    • Echelon form
                    • Equivalence
                    • Congruence and similarity
                    • Reduction to canonical forms
                    • Orthogonal, symmetrical, skew-symmetric, unitary, Hermitian and skew-Hermitian matrices-their eigenvalues, orthogonal, and unitary reduction of quadratic and Hermitian forms, positive definite quadratic forms
                    • Simultaneous reduction

                    Mathematics (section-I): Unit 02

                    • Real numbers, limits, continuity, differentiability, mean-value theorem, Taylor's theorem, indeterminate forms, maxima and minima, curve tracing, asymptotes, functions of several variables, partial derivatives
                    • Maxima and minima, Jacobian
                    • Definite and indefinite integrals, double, and triple integrals (techniques only)
                    • Application to beta and gamma functions
                    • Areas, volumes, centre of gravity

                    Mathematics (section-I): Unit 03

                    Analytic geometry of two and three dimensions
                    • First and second degree equations in two dimensions in Cartesian and polar coordinates
                    • Plane, sphere, paraboloid, ellipsoid
                    • Hyperboloid of one and two sheets and their elementary properties
                    • Curves in space, curvature, and torsion
                    • Frenet formula

                    Mathematics (section-I): Unit 04

                    Differential equations
                    • Order and degree and a differential equation, differential equation of first order and degree, variables separable
                    • Homogeneous, linear, and exact differential equations
                    • Differential equations with constant coefficients
                    • The complementary function and the particular integral of eᵃˣ, cosᵃˣ, sinᵃˣ, xᵐ, eᵃˣ, cosbx, eᵃˣ, sin bx

                    Mathematics (section-I): Unit 05

                    Vector, tensor, statics, dynamics, and hydrostatics
                    • Vector analysis-vector algebra, differential of vector function of a scalar variable, gradient, divergence and curl in Cartesian cylindrical and spherical coordinates and their physical interpretation. Higher order derivatives
                    • Vector analysis-vector identities and vector equations, vector analysis-Gauss and Stokes theorems
                    • Tensor analysis-definition of tensor, transformation of coordinates, contra variant, and covariant tensor. Addition and multiplication of tensors, contraction of tensors, inner product, fundamental tensor, Christoffel symbols, covariant differentiation
                    • Tensor analysis-gradient, Curl, and divergence in tensor notation
                    • Statics-equilibrium of a system of particles, work, and potential energy. Friction, common catenary. Principle of virtual work stability of equilibrium, equilibrium of forces in three dimensions
                    • Dynamics-degree of freedom and constraints. Rectilinear motion. Simple harmonic motion. Motion in a plane. Projectiles. Constrained motion. Work and energy motion under impulsive forces. Kepler's laws. Orbits under central forces. Motion of varying mass
                    • Dynamics-motion under resistance
                    • Hydrostatics-pressure of heavy fluids. Equilibrium of fluids under given system of forces centre of pressure. Thrust on curved surfaces, equilibrium, and pressure of gases, problems relating to atmosphere

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 01

                    • Groups, sub-groups, normal sub-groups, homomorphism of groups, quotient groups
                    • Basic isomorphism theorems
                    • Sylow theorems
                    • Permutation groups, Cayley's theorem
                    • Rings and Ideals, principal ideal domains, unique factorçation domains and Euclidean domains
                    • Field extensions
                    • Finite fields

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 02

                    Real analysis
                    • Metric spaces, their topology with special reference to Rn sequence in a metric space, Cauchy sequence completeness, completion continuous functions, uniform continuity, properties of continuous function on compact sets
                    • Riemann-Stieltjes integral, improper integrals, and their conditions of existence
                    • Differentiation of functions of several variable, implicit function theorem, maxima and minima, absolute and conditional convergence series of real and complex terms, rearrangement of series
                    • Uniform convergence, infinite products, continuity, differentiability, and ineffability for series, multiple integrals

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 03

                    Complex analysis
                    • Analytic functions, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, power series, Taylor's, singularities, Cauchy's residue theorem and contour integration

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 04

                    Partial differential equations
                    • Formations of Partial differential equations
                    • Types of integrals of Partial differential equations of first order Charpit's method
                    • Partial differential equation with constant coefficient

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 05

                    • Generalized coordinates, constraints, holonomic and non-holonomic systems, D'Alembert's principle and lagrange's equations
                    • Moment of inertia, motion of rigid bodies in two dimension

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 06

                    • Equation of continuity, momentum, and energy
                    • Inviscid flow theory-two dimensional motion, streaming motion, sources and sinks

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 07

                    Numerical analysis
                    • Transcendental and polynomial equations-methods of tabulation, bisection, regula falsi, secant, and Newton-Raphson and order of its convergence
                    • Interpolation and numerical differentiation-polynomial interpolation with equal or unequal step sçe
                    • Spline interpolation-cubic splines
                    • Numerical differentiation formulae with error terms
                    • Numerical integration-problems of approximate guardrative quadrature formulae with equispaced arguments
                    • Gaussian quadrature convergence
                    • Ordinary differential equations-Euler's method, multistep-predictor corrector methods-Adam's and Milne's method, convergence and stability, Runge-Kutta methods

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 08

                    Probability and Statistics
                    • Statistical methods: Concept of statistical population and random sample. Collection and presentation of data. Measure of location and dispersion. Moments and Shepherd correction cumulants. Measures of skewness and kurtosis
                    • Statistical methods: Curve fitting by least squares regression, correlation, and correlation ratio. Rank correlation, Partial correlation coefficient and multiple correlation coefficient
                    • Probability: Discrete sample space, events, their union and intersection, etc., probability-classical relative frequency and axiomatic approaches. Probability in continuum probability space conditional probability and independence
                    • Probability: Basic laws of probability, probability of combination of events, Bayes's theorem, random variable probability function, probability density function. Distributions function, mathematical expectation. Marginal and conditional distributions
                    • Probability: Conditional expectation
                    • Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson normal gamma, beata. Cauchy, multinomial, hypergeometirc, negative binomial, Chebyshev's Lemma. (weak) law of large numbers, central limit theorem for independent and identical varieties, standard errors
                    • Probability distributions: Sampling distribution of TF and chi-square and their uses in tests of significance large sample tests for mean and proportion

                    Mathematics (section-II): Unit 09

                    Operational research
                    • Mathematical programming: Definition and some elementary properties of convex sets, simplex methods, degeneracy, duality, sensitivity analysis rectangular games and their solutions. Transportation and assignment problems
                    • Mathematical programming: Kuhn Tucker condition for non-linear programming Bellman's optimality principle and some elementary applications of dynamic programming
                    • Theory of queues: Analysis of steady-state and transient solution for queuing system with Poisson arrivals, and exponential service time
                    • Deterministic replacement models, sequencing problems with two machines, n jobs, 3 machines, n jobs (special case), and n machines, 2 jobs

                    Mechanical engineering (section-I): Unit 01

                    • Equilibrium in three dimension suspension cables, principle of virtual work

                    Mechanical engineering (section-I): Unit 02

                    • Relative motion Coriolis force motion, of a rigid body
                    • Gyroscopic motion impulse

                    Mechanical engineering (section-I): Unit 03

                    Theory of machines
                    • Higher and lower pairs, inversions, steering mechanisms
                    • Hooks joint velocity and acceleration of links, inertia forces
                    • Cama conjugate action of gearing and interference, gear trains epicyclic gears
                    • Clutches, belt drives, brakes dynamometers, flywheels governors
                    • Balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses, and multi cylinder engines
                    • Free, forced, and damped vibrations for a single degree of freedom
                    • Degrees of freedom critical speed and whirling of shafts

                    Mechanical engineering (section-I): Unit 04

                    Mechanics of solids
                    • Stress and strain in two dimension
                    • Mohr's circle
                    • Theories of failure, deflection of beams
                    • Buckling of columns, combined bending and torsion Castigliano's theorem
                    • Thick cylinders rotating disks shrink fit
                    • Thermal stresses

                    Mechanical engineering (section-I): Unit 05

                    Manufacturing science
                    • Merchant's theory Taylors equation
                    • Machine ability
                    • Unconventional machining methods including EDM, ECM, and ultrasonic machining
                    • Use of lasers and plasma
                    • Analysis of forming processes high velocity forming explosive forming
                    • Surface roughness, gauging comparators, jigs and fixtures

                    Mechanical engineering (section-I): Unit 06

                    Production management
                    • Work simplification work sampling value engineering
                    • Line balancing, workstation design, storage space requirement
                    • ABC analysis
                    • Economic order, quantity including finite production rate
                    • Graphical and simplex methods for linear programming; transportation model, elementary quieting theory
                    • Quality control and its uses in product design
                    • Use of X, R, P (sigma), and C charts
                    • Single sampling plans, operating characteristic curves, average sample SCE regression analysis

                    Mechanical engineering (section-II): Unit 01

                    • Applications of the first and second laws of thermodynamics
                    • Detailed analysis of thermodynamics cycles

                    Mechanical engineering (section-II): Unit 02

                    Fluid mechanics
                    • Continuity, momentum, and energy equations
                    • Velocity distribution in laminar and turbulent flow
                    • Dimensional analysis
                    • Boundary layer on a flat plate
                    • Adiabatic and isentropic flow
                    • Mach number

                    Mechanical engineering (section-II): Unit 03

                    Heat transfer
                    • Critical thickness of insulation conduction in the presence of heat sources and sinks
                    • Heat transfer from fines
                    • One dimensional unsteady conduction
                    • Time constant for the mocouples
                    • Momentum and energy equations for boundary layers on a flat plate
                    • Dimensionless number free and forced convection
                    • Boiling and condensation nature of radiant heat
                    • Stefan-Boltzmann law
                    • Configuration factor logarithmic mean temperature difference
                    • Heat exchanger effectiveness and number of transfer units

                    Mechanical engineering (section-II): Unit 04

                    Energy conversion
                    • Combustion phenomenon in CI and SI engines carburetion and fuel injection selection of plumbs classification of hydraulic turbines, specific speed
                    • Performance of compressor
                    • Analysis of steam and gas turbines
                    • High pressure boilers, unconventional power systems, including nuclear power and MHD systems
                    • Utilization of solar energy

                    Mechanical engineering (section-II): Unit 05

                    Environmental control
                    • Vapour compression absorption, steam jet, and air refrigeration systems, properties and characteristics of important refrigerants
                    • Use of psychrometric chart and comfort chart, estimation of cooling and heating loads
                    • Calculation of supply air state and rate
                    • Air conditioning plants lay-out

                    Philosophy (section-I): Unit 01

                    Metaphysics and epistemology
                    • Western-idealism; realism; absolutism empiricism rationalism; logical positivism; analysis; phenomenology; existentialism and pragmatism
                    • India-pramanans and pranaya; theories of truth and error, philosophy of language and meaning; theories of reality with reference to main system (orthodox and heterodox) of philosophy

                    Philosophy (section-II): Unit 01

                    Sociopolitical philosophy and philosophy of religion
                    • Nature of philosophy its relation to life, thought, and culture
                    • The following topics with special reference to the Indian context including Indian constitution: Political ideologies; democracy socialism, fascism, theocracy, communism and sarvodaya. Methods of political action-constitutionalism, revolution
                    • The following topics with special reference to the Indian context including Indian constitution: Methods of political action-terrorism, and satyagraha
                    • Tradition, change, and modernity with reference to Indian social Institutions
                    • Philosophy of religious language and meaning
                    • Nature and scope of philosophy of religion
                    • Philosophy of religion with special reference to Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism: (a) Theolgoy and philosophy of religion, (b) foundations of religious belief, reason revelation faith, and mysticism
                    • Philosophy of religion with special reference to Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism: (c) God immortality of soul, liberation, and problem of evil and sin
                    • Philosophy of religion with special reference to Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism: (d) Equality, unity, and universality of religions; religious tolerance; conversion secularism
                    • Moksha-paths leading to moksha

                    Physics (section-I)-mechanics, thermal physics and wave, and oscillations: Unit 01

                    • Conservation laws
                    • Collisions, impact parameter, scattering cross-section
                    • Centre of mass and lab-systems with transformation of physical quantities, Rutherford Scattering
                    • Motion of a rocket under constant force field
                    • Rotating frames of reference, coriolis force, motion of rigid bodies, angular momentum, torque and precession of a top, gyroscope
                    • Central forces, motion under inverse square law, Kepler's laws, motion of satellites (including geostationary)
                    • Galilean relativity, special theory of relativity, Michelson-morley experiment, Lorentz transformation-addition theorem of velocities, variation of mass with, velocity, mass energy equivalence, fluid dynamics, streamlines, turbulence
                    • Bernoulli's equation with simple applications

                    Physics (section-I)-mechanics, thermal physics and wave, and oscillations: Unit 02

                    Thermal physics
                    • Laws of thermodynamics, entropy, Carnot cycle, isothermal and adiabatic changes, thermodynamic potentials Maxwell relations
                    • The Clausius-Clapeyron equation reversible cell, Joule-Kelvin effect etc
                    • Fan Boltzmann law, kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell's distribution law of velocities, equipartition of energy, specific heats of gases mean free path, Brownian motion
                    • Black body radiation, specific heat of solids-Einstein and Debye theories, Wien's law, Planck's law, solar constant
                    • Thermalionçation and stellar spectra
                    • Production of law temperatures using adiabatic remagnalçation and deduction refrigeration, concept of negative temperature

                    Physics (section-I)-mechanics, thermal physics and wave, and oscillations: Unit 03

                    Waves and oscillations
                    • Oscillations, simple harmonic motion, stationary and travelling waves, damped harmonic motion, forced oscillation and resonance
                    • Wave equation, harmonic solutions, plane and spherical waves, superposition of waves, phase, and group velocities, beats
                    • Huygens's principle, interference
                    • Diffraction-Fresnel and Fraunhofer
                    • Diffraction by straight edge, single and multiple slits, resolving power of grating and optical instruments
                    • Rayleigh criterion
                    • Polarçation, production, and detection of polarçed light (linera, circular, and elliptical)
                    • Laser sources (Helium-Neon, Ruby, and semiconductor diode) concept of spatial and temporal coherence diffraction as a Fourier transformation
                    • Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction by rectangular and circular apertures, holography; theory and applications

                    Physics (section-II)-electricity and magnetism, modern physics and electronics: Unit 01

                    Electricity and magnetism
                    • Coulomb's law, electric field
                    • Gauss's law, electric-potential Passion and Laplace equation for a homogeneous dielectric, uncharged conducting sphere in a uniform field, point charge and infinite conducting plane
                    • Magnetic shell magnetic induction and field strength
                    • Biot-Savart law and applications
                    • Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's and Leæ's laws, self and mutual inductances
                    • Alternating currents
                    • LCR circuits series and parallel resonance circuits, quality factor
                    • Kirchhoff's laws with application
                    • Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector
                    • Magnetic fields in matter-dia para, ferro antiferro, and ferri magnetism (qualitative approach only)

                    Physics (section-II)-electricity and magnetism, modern physics and electronics: Unit 02

                    Modern physics
                    • Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom
                    • Electron spin, optical, and X-ray spectra
                    • Stern-Gerlach experiment and spatial quantçation
                    • Vector model of the atom, spectral terms, fine structure of spectral fines
                    • J-J and LS coupling Zeeman effect, Paull's; exclusion principle, spectral term of two equivalent and nonequivalent electrons
                    • Gross and fine structure of electronic band spectra
                    • Raman effect
                    • Photoelectric effect
                    • Compton effect, de broglie waves
                    • Wave particle duality and uncertainty principle
                    • Schrödinger wave equation with application to (I) particle in a box (II) motion across a step potential, one dimensional harmonic oscillator Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
                    • Uncertainty principle radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma radiations
                    • Elementary theory of the alpha decay
                    • Nuclear binding energy
                    • Mass spectroscopy, semi empirical mass formula
                    • Nuclear fission and fusion
                    • Elementary reactor physics elementary particle their classification
                    • Strong and weak electromagnetic interactions
                    • Particle accelerators; cyclotron
                    • Linear accelerations
                    • Elementary ideas of superconductivity

                    Physics (section-II)-electricity and magnetism, modern physics and electronics: Unit 03

                    • Band theory of solids-conductors, insulators, and semiconductors
                    • Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor PN junction, thermistor, zener diodes reverse and forward biased PN junction, solar cell use of diodes and transistors for rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation and detection of RF waves
                    • Transistor receiver, television logic gates

                    Political science and international relations (section-I): Unit 01

                    Political theory
                    • Main feature of ancient Indian political thought; Manu and Kautilya; ancient Greek thought plato
                    • Aristotle; general characteristics of European medieval political thought; St. Thomas Aquinas, Marsilius of Padua; Machiavelli
                    • Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau Bentham J.S. Mill, T.H.Green, Hegel Marx, Lenin and Mao-Se Tung
                    • Nature and scope of political science; growth of political science as a discipline
                    • Traditional vs. Contemporary approaches; behaviouralism and post-behavioural development; systems theory and other recent approaches to political analysis
                    • Marxist approach to political analysis
                    • The emergence and nature of the modern state: Sovereignty; monistic and pluralistic analysis of sovereignty; power authority and legitimacy
                    • Political obligation: Resistance and revolution; rights, liberty, equality, justice
                    • Theory of democracy
                    • Liberalism, evolutionary socialism (democratic and febian); marxian socialism; fascism

                    Political science and international relations (section-I): Unit 02

                    Government and politics with special reference to India
                    • Approaches to the study of comparative politics; traditional, structural functional approach
                    • Political institution; the legislature, executive and judiciary; parties and pressure groups; theories of party system
                    • Lenin, Michels and Duverger; electoral system; bureaucracy-Weber’s view and modern critiques of Weber
                    • Political process: Political socialization, modernçation and communication; the nature of the non-western political process; a general study of the constitutional and political problems affecting afro-Asian societies
                    • Indian political system: (a) The roots; colonialism and nationalism in India; a general study of modern Indian social and political thought; Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dadabhai Naoroji, Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, Iqbal, Jinnah, Gandhi, B.R.Ambedkar, M.N.Roy
                    • Indian political system: (a) Nehru and Jay Prakash Narain. (b) The structure: Indian constitution, fundamental rights, and directive principles; union government; parliament, cabinet, supreme court, and judicial review
                    • Indian political system: (b) The structure: Indian federalism centre-state relation, state government role of the governor; Panchayati Raj, Panchayati Raj system in Bihar. (c) The functioning: Class and caste in Indian politics, politics of regionalism
                    • Indian political system: (c) The functioning-linguism and communalism. Problems of secularçation of the policy and national integration. Political elites; the changing composition; political parties and political participation
                    • Indian political system: (c) The functioning-planning and developmental administration, socio-economic changes and its impact on Indian democracy, regionalism with special reference to Jharkhand movement in Bihar

                    Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 01

                    The nature and functioning of the sovereign nation state system

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 02

                      Concepts of international politics
                      • Power; national interest; balance of power, "power vacuum"

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 03

                      Theories of international politics
                      • The realist theory; system theory: Decision making

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 04

                      Determinants of foreign policy
                      • National interest; ideology; elements of national power (including nature of domestic socio-political institution)

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 05

                      Foreign policy
                      • Choices-imperialism; balance of power; alley chances; isolationism: Nationalistic universalism (pax Britannica pax Americana pax-sovietica); the “middle kingdom” complex of china; non alignment

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 06

                      The cold war
                      • Origin, evolution and its impact on international relation: Defense and its impacts-a new Cold War

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 07

                      • Heaning bases (national and international) the non-aligned movement and its role in international relations

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 08

                      De-colonçation and expansion of the international community
                      • Neo-colonialism and racialism, their impact on international relations; Asian-African resurgence

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 09

                      The present international economic order
                      • Aid trade and economic development, the struggle for the new international economic, order; sovereignty over natural resources; the crisis in energy resources

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 10

                      The role of international law in international relations
                      • The international court of justice

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 11

                      Origin and development of international organizations
                      • The United Nations and specialçed agencies; their role in international relations

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 12

                      Regional origination
                      • OAS, OAU, the Arab league, the ASEAN, the EEC, their role in international relations

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 13

                      Arms race disarmament and arms control
                      • Conventional and nuclear arms, the arms trade, its impact on third world role in international relations

                      Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 14

                      Diplomatic theory and practice

                        Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 15

                        External intervention
                        • Ideological, political, and economic; cultural imperialism, covert intervention by the major power

                        Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 16

                        The uses and misuses of nuclear energy
                        • The impact of nuclear weapons on international relations; the partial test-ban, treaty; the nuclear neo-proliferation; treaty (NPT) peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE)

                        Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 17

                        The problems and prospects of the Indian ocean being made a peace zone

                          Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 18

                          The conflict situation in West Asia

                            Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 19

                            Conflict and cooperation in South Asia

                              Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 20

                              The (post-war) foreign policies of the major powers
                              • United States, soviet union, china

                              Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 21

                              The third world in international relations
                              • The north-south "dialogue” in the united nations and outside

                              Political science and international relations (section-II): Unit 22

                              India’s foreign policy and relations
                              • India and the super powers; India and its neighbour; India and Southeast Asia; India and African problems; India’s economic diplomacy; India and the question of nuclear weapons

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 01

                              The scope of psychology
                              • Place of psychology in the family of social and behavioural sciences

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 02

                              Methods of psychology
                              • Methodological problems of psychology
                              • General design of psychological research
                              • Types of psychological research
                              • The characteristics of psychological measurement

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 03

                              The nature, origin, and development of human behaviour
                              • Heredity and environment
                              • Cultural factors and behaviour
                              • The process of socialçation
                              • Concept of national character

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 04

                              Cognitive processes
                              • Perception, theories of perception, perceptual organization
                              • Person perception, perceptual defense
                              • Transactional approach to perception
                              • Perception and personality
                              • Figural after-effect
                              • Perceptual styles, perceptual abnormalities vigilance

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 05

                              • Cognitive, operant and classical conditioning approaches, learning phenomena, extinction
                              • Discrimination and generalization, discrimination learning, probability learning
                              • Programmed learning

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 06

                              • Theories of remembering
                              • Short-term memory, long-term memory, measurement of memory, forgetting reminiscence

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 07

                              • Problem solving, concept formation, strategies of concept formation, information processing, creative thinking, convergent and divergent thinking, development of thinking in children, theories

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 08

                              • Nature of intelligence theories of intelligence, measurement of intelligence, measurement of creativity
                              • Aptitude, measurement of aptitudes
                              • The concept of social intelligence

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 09

                              • Characteristics of motivated behavior
                              • Approaches to motivation: Psychoanalytic theory; drive theory; need hierarchy theory, vector valence approach, concept of level of aspiration
                              • Measurement of motivation
                              • The apathetic and the alienated individual, incentives

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 10

                              • The concept of personality
                              • Trait and type approaches, factorial and dimensional approaches, theories of personality; Freud, all port, Murray, Cattell; social learning theories and field theory
                              • The Indian approach to personality-the concept of guans
                              • Measurement of personality: Questionnaires; rating scales; psychometric tests; projective tests; observation method

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 11

                              Language and communication
                              • Psychological basis of language
                              • Theories of language development: Skinner and Chomsky, nonverbal communication, body language, effective communication: Source and receiver characteristics
                              • Persuasive communication

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 12

                              Attitudes and values
                              • Structure of attitudes, formation of attitudes
                              • Theories of attitude, attitude measurement
                              • Types of attitude scales, theories of attitude change, values
                              • Types of values
                              • Motivational properties of values
                              • Measurement of values

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 13

                              Recent trends
                              • Psychology and the computer, cybernetic model of behaviour
                              • Simulation studies in psychology, study of consciousness
                              • Altered states if consciousness
                              • Sleep, dream, meditation, and hypnotic trance
                              • Drug induced changes
                              • Sensory deprivation
                              • Human problems in aviation and space flight

                              Psychology (section-I)-foundations of psychology: Unit 14

                              Models of man, the mechanical man, the organic man
                              • The organizational man
                              • The humanistic man
                              • Implications of the different models for behaviour changes
                              • An integrated model

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 01

                              Individual differences
                              • Measurement of individual differences
                              • Types of psychological tests
                              • Construction of psychological tests
                              • Characteristics of good psychological tests
                              • Limitations of psychological tests

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 02

                              Psychological disorders
                              • Classification of disorders and nosological systems
                              • Neurotic, psychotic, and psychophysiologic disorders
                              • Psychopathic personality
                              • Theories of psychological disorder
                              • The problems of anxiety, depression, and stress

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 03

                              Therapeutic approaches
                              • Psychodynamic Approach
                              • Behaviour therapy, client centered therapy
                              • Cognitive Therapy
                              • Group therapy

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 04

                              Application of psychology to organizational and industrial problems
                              • Personnel selection
                              • Training
                              • Work motivation
                              • Theories of work motivation job designing
                              • Leadership training
                              • Participatory management

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 05

                              Small groups
                              • The concept of small group
                              • Properties of groups
                              • Group at work
                              • Theories of group behaviour
                              • Measurement of group behavior
                              • Interaction process analysis
                              • Interpersonal relations

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 06

                              Social change
                              • Characteristics of social change
                              • Psychological basis of change
                              • Steps in the change process resistance to change
                              • Factors contributing to resistance
                              • Planning for change
                              • The concept of change-proneness

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 07

                              Psychology and the learning process
                              • The learner
                              • School as an agent of socialçation problems relating to adolescents in learning situations
                              • Gifted and retarded children, and problems related to their training

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 08

                              Disadvantaged groups
                              • Types: Social, cultural, and economic
                              • Psychological consequences of disadvantage
                              • Concept of deprivation
                              • Educating the disadvantaged groups
                              • Problems of motivating the disadvantaged groups

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 09

                              Psychology and the problem of social integration
                              • The problem of ethnic prejudice
                              • Nature of prejudice
                              • Manifestations of prejudice development of prejudice
                              • Measurement of prejudice
                              • Amelioration of prejudice
                              • Prejudice and personality steps to achieve social integration

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 10

                              Psychology and economic development
                              • The nature of achievement motivation
                              • Motivating people for achievement
                              • Promotion of entrepreneurship
                              • The entrepreneur syndrome
                              • Technological change and its impact on human behavior

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 11

                              Management of information and communication
                              • Psychological factors in information management
                              • Information overload: Psychological basis of effective communication
                              • Mass media and their role in social change
                              • Impact of television
                              • Psychological basis of effective advertising

                              Psychology (section-II)-psychology: Issues and applications: Unit 12

                              Problems of contemporary society
                              • Stress
                              • Management of stress
                              • Alcoholism and drug addiction
                              • The socially deviant
                              • Juvenile delinquency
                              • Crime
                              • Rehabilitation of the deviant
                              • The problems of the aged

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 01

                              Basic premises
                              • Meaning scope and significance of public administration; private and public administration; role of public administrator in developed and developing societies: Ecology of administration-social, economic, cultural, political, and legal
                              • Evolution of public administration as a discipline; public administration as an art and a science; new public administration

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 02

                              Theories of organization
                              • Scientific management (Taylor and his associates); bureaucratic theory of organization (Weber), classical theory of organizations (Henri Fayol, Luther Gulick and other); human relations theory of organisations (Elton Mayo and his colleagues)
                              • Behavioural approach, systems approach; organizational effectiveness

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 03

                              Principles of organization
                              • Hierarchy, unity of command, authority, and responsibility, coordination span of control, supervision, centralçation, and decentralçation, delegation

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 04

                              Administrative behaviour
                              • Decision making with special reference to the contribution of Herbert Simon; theories of leadership; communication morale; motivation (Maslow and Herzberg)

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 05

                              Structure of organization
                              • Chief executive; types of chief executives and their functions; line staff and auxiliary agencies; departments; corporation companies
                              • Boards and commissions
                              • Headquarters and field relationship

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 06

                              Personal administration
                              • Bureaucracy and civil services, position classification; recruitment: Training-career development; performance appraisal; promotion; pay and service conditions; retirement benefits; discipline; employer-employee relations
                              • Integrity in administration; generalists versus specialists; neutrality and anonymity

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 07

                              Financial administration
                              • Concept of budget; preparation and execution of the budget; performance budgeting; legislative control; accounts and audit

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 08

                              Accountability and control
                              • The concepts of accountability and control; legislative, executive and judicial control over administration; citçen and administration

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 09

                              Administrative reforms
                              • O and M; work study; work measurement administrative reforms; processes and obstacles

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 10

                              Administrative law
                              • Importance of administrative law; delegated legislation; meaning, types, advantages, limitations, safeguards; administrative tribunals

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 11

                              Comparative and development administration
                              • Meaning, nature and scope of comparative public administration
                              • Contribution of Freud
                              • Riggs with particular reference to the prismatic sala model
                              • The concept, scope, and significance of development administration
                              • Political economic and sociocultural context of development administration
                              • The concept of administrative development

                              Public administration (section-I)-administrative theory: Unit 12

                              Public policy
                              • Relevance of policy making in public administration
                              • The processes of policy formulation and implementation

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 01

                              Evolution of Indian administration
                              • Kautilya; Mughal period; British period

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 02

                              Environmental setting
                              • Constitution, parliamentary democracy, federalism, planning, socialism

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 03

                              Political executive at the union level
                              • President, prime minister, council of ministers, cabinet committees

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 04

                              Structure of central administration
                              • Secretariat, cabinet secretariat, ministries, and departments
                              • Boards and commissions, field organization

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 05

                              Centre state relation
                              • Legislative, administrative, planning, and financial

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 06

                              Public services
                              • All India services, central services, state services, local civil services, union and state public service commissions
                              • Training of civil services

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 07

                              Machinery for planning
                              • Plan formulation at the national level; national development council, planning commission; planning machinery at the state and district levels

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 08

                              Public undertaking
                              • Forms management, control and problems

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 09

                              Control of public expenditure
                              • Parliamentary control; role of the finance ministry; comptroller and auditor general

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 10

                              Administration of law and order in bihar
                              • Role of central and state agencies in maintenance of law and order

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 11

                              State administration with special reference to bihar
                              • Governor, chief minister; council of ministers; secretariat, chief secretary, directorates

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 12

                              District administration with special reference to bihar
                              • Role and importance; district collector; land revenue, law and order and developmental functions
                              • District rural development agency; special development programmes

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 13

                              Local administration with special reference to bihar
                              • Panchayati raj and urban local government features, forms, problems, autonomy of local bodies

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 14

                              Welfare administration in bihar
                              • Administration for the welfare of weaker sections with particular reference to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes; programmes for the welfare of women and children

                              Public administration (section-II)-Indian administration: Unit 15

                              Issue areas in Indian administration
                              • Relationship between political and permanent executives
                              • Generalists and specialists in administration
                              • Integrity in administration
                              • People’s participation in administration
                              • Redressal of citizen grievances
                              • Lokpal and Lokayukta, administrative reforms in India

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 01

                              Scientific study of social phenomena
                              • Emergence of sociology and its relationship with other disciplines, their scope, and approaches
                              • Science and study of social behaviour, the problems of objectivity, reliability, and validity
                              • Scientific methods and scientific language; their meaning, goals, types; elements and features
                              • Research design techniques of data collection and analysis, attitude measurements; problems and scales
                              • Concept of social causation with special reference to R. M. Mac’ver

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 02

                              Pioneering contributions to sociology
                              • Theoretical beginnings-positivism and evolutionism with reference to Comte, Spencer and Morgan; historical sociology contributions of Karl Marx, Max Weber and P.A. Sorokin; functionalism; E. Durkheim, PAreto
                              • Historical sociology contributions of Parsons and Merton, conflict school; Gumplowicz Dahrendorf and Coser; recent approaches in sociology, microsociology, macrosociology, middle range theories, neopositivism, exchange theories and interactions sociology

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 03

                              Social structure and social organization; concept and types approaches to social structure; structural functionalist school, structuralist school and marxist school
                              • Elements of social structure-individual and society; social interaction; social groups, concept and types; concept of status and role, their determinants and types, dimensions of roles in simple and complex societies, role conflict; social network
                              • Basic concepts and types, culture, and personality, concepts of conformity and social control, agencies of social control; concept of minority groups, their relationship with majority; secularism versus integration

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 04

                              Social stratification and mobility
                              • Concept, consequences and types of stratification; inequality and stratification, dimensions and bases, of stratification; theoretical approaches to the study of stratification, functionalist approach, and conflict approach
                              • Social stratification and social mobility; concept of sankskritçation and westernçation
                              • Types of mobility: Intergenerational mobility, vertical versus horçontal mobility, open and closed models of mobility

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 05

                              Family marriage and kinship
                              • Structure, functions, and types of family marriage and kinship; social change and change in age and sex roles; change in marriage, family and kinship; significance of family in industrial society

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 06

                              Formal organization
                              • Elements of formal and informal structures and organization, bureaucracy functions, dysfunctions and characteristics, bureaucracy and political development, political socialization and political participation, modes of participation
                              • Democratic and authoritarian forms, voluntary organization

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 07

                              Economic system
                              • Property concepts, social dimensions of division of labour; type of exchange, social aspects of pre-industrial and industrial economic systems; industrialçation and changes in the political, educational religious, familiar and stratificational spheres
                              • Social determinants and consequences of economic development

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 08

                              Political systems
                              • Concepts, elements and types of political systems: Functions of a political system, institutions under the political system; political processes with reference to individuals, groups, political organization, parties and other agencies
                              • Concepts, bases and types of power, authority, and legitimacy; concept of stateless societies; political socialçation versus political participation; properties of state
                              • Power of elites, and masses in democracy and in totalitarian societies; political parties and voting, leadership democratic order and democratic stability

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 09

                              Educational systems
                              • Concepts and goals of education; schools of philosophy;- naturalism, idealism and pragmatism, their bearing on education; importance of education in society, democracy, international understanding and nationalism
                              • New trends in education; role of various agencies-school home society state and religion in education and socialçation
                              • Population education-its concepts and components, education as a medium of cultural reproduction, indoctrination, social stratification, mobility, and modernization

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 10

                              • The religious phenomenon; the concepts of sacred and protan, social functions and dysfunctions of religion, magic religion, and science, social change and religious secularisation

                              Sociology (section-I)-general sociology: Unit 11

                              Social change and development
                              • Factors of social change, economic, biological and technological; theories of social change- evolutionary, functional and conflict; social change, modernization and development; democratization equality and social justice; social reconstruction

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 01

                              Indian Society
                              • Features of traditional Hindu social organization, sociocultural dynamics through the ages, impact of Buddhism, Islam and west on Indian society, factors in continuity and change

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 02

                              Social stratification
                              • Caste system and its transformation, economic structural and cultural view about caste, origin of the caste system, issues of inequality and social justice among Hindu and non-Hindu castes, caste mobility, casteism, backward caste versus backward classes
                              • Scheduled caste and untouchability, changes among scheduled castes, eradication of untouchability, industrial and agrarian class structures, rising trends in inter caste relations in bihar under the impact of Mandal commission and its reservation policy

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 03

                              Family, marriage, and kinship
                              • Regional variation in kinship system and its socio-cultural correlates, changing aspects of kinship, the joint family system its structural and functional aspects, its changing form and disorganization, marriage among various ethnic groups
                              • Economic and caste categories, its changing trend in future, impact of legislation and socioeconomic changes upon family and marriage, inter caste marriages-causes and consequences in Bihar intergenerational gap and youth unrest, changing status of women
                              • Women and social development

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 04

                              Economic system
                              • Jajmani system and its bearing on the traditional society, market economy and its social consequences, occupational diversification and social structure, professional trade unions, social determinants and consequences of economic development
                              • Economic inequalities, exploitation, and corruption; causes of economic backwardness in Bihar, potentialities of economic growth in Bihar, relationship between economic growth and social development with specific reference to Bihar

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 05

                              Political system
                              • Functioning of a democratic political system in a traditional society, political parties and their social composition, origin of political elites and their social orientation, decentralçation of power, political participation, voting pattern in Bihar
                              • Relevance of caste, community, and economic factor in voting behaviour in Bihar, its changing trends, functions dysfunctions and characteristics of India bureaucracy, bureaucracy and political development in India, concept of mass society
                              • Socio-political sources of mass movement in India

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 06

                              Educational system
                              • Education and society in the traditional and modern contexts, educational inequality and change, education and social mobility, educational problems of women, backward classes and the scheduled castes, causes of educational backwardness in Bihar
                              • Functional and dysfunctional aspects of mushroom growth of institutions in Bihar; prospects and problems of higher education in Bihar, new educational policies, mass

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 07

                              • Demographic dimensions, geographical distribution and neighbourhood, living patterns of major religious categories; interreligious interactions and its manifestations in the problems of conversion minority status, communications and secularism
                              • Impact of various religious movement in India
                              • Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Brahmanism, and arya samaj movement on caste system in india; westernçation and modernçation in bihar; the cohesive and decisive factors
                              • Impact of growing religious and politics interrelationship of India’s social organization

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 08

                              Tribal societies
                              • Major tribal communities in India, their distinctive features; tribe and case their acculturation and integration; problem of Bihar tribes (social, economic and political), different approaches to tribal welfare, constitutional and governmental safeguards
                              • Tribal movements in India
                              • The tana bhagat movement, the birsa movement and the Jharkhand movement, their significance in tribal development

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 09

                              Rural social system and community development
                              • Sociocultural dimensions of the village community, traditional power structure, democratçation and leadership, poverty, indebtedness and bonded labour, social consequences of land reforms
                              • Community development programme and other planned development projects of green revolution, new strategies of rural development

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 10

                              Urban social organization
                              • Continuity and change in the traditional causes of social organization, namely kinship, caste and religion in the urban context, stratification and mobility in urban communities, ethnic diversity and community integration, urban neighbourhoods
                              • Rural urban differences in demographic and sociocultural characteristics and their social consequences

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 11

                              Population dynamics
                              • Theories of population growth Malthusian, biological, demographic transition, optimum population sociocultural aspects of population composition (sex, age, marital status), determinants of fertility, mortality, and migration
                              • Need of population policy in India; population explosion and other determinants factors; social psychological cultural and economic determinants behind population acceptance of family planning practices in India
                              • Family planning programmer through first to eighth five year plans; population education; concept, goals, aspects, agencies, and techniques of population education

                              Sociology (section-II)-society of India: Unit 12

                              Social change and modernization
                              • Problems of role conflict youth unrest-intergenerational gap, changing status of women
                              • Major sources of social change and of resistance to change, impact of west reform movements, social movements, industrialçation and urbançation pressure groups, factors of planned change, five year plans legislative of executive measures
                              • Process of change sanskritçation, westernçation and modernçation means of modernçation man media and education, problems of change and modernçation, structural contradictions and breakdowns
                              • Current social evils-corruption and nepotism smuggling, black money

                              Statistics (section-I): Unit 01

                              • Sample space and events, probability measures and probability space, statistical independence, random variable as a measurable function, discrete and continuous random variables, probability density and distribution functions
                              • Marginal and conditional distributions functions of random variables and their distributions, expectation, and movements, conditional expectation, correlation coefficient, convergence in probability in LP almost everywhere
                              • Markov chebyshev and kolmogorov inequalities, Borel-Cantelli lemma, weak and strong law of large numbers probability generating and characteristic functions uniqueness and continuity theorems
                              • Determination of distribution by moments Lindeberg
                              • Levy central limit theorem
                              • Standard discrete and continuous probability distributions, their interrelations including limiting cases

                              Statistics (section-I): Unit 02

                              Statistical inference
                              • Properties of estimates, consistency, unbiasedness, efficiency, sufficiency, and completeness Cramer Rao bond, minimum variance unbiased estimation, Rao block well and Lehman Scheffe’s theorem methods of estimation by moment maximum likelihood
                              • Minimum chi-square
                              • Properties of maximum likelihood estimators confidence intervals for parameters of standards distributions
                              • Simple and composite hypotheses, statistical tests, and critical region, two kinds of error power function unbiased tests, most powerful and uniformly most powerful tests Nyman, person lemma
                              • Optimal tests for simple hypotheses concerning one parameter monotone likelihood ratio property and its use in constructing UMP test, likelihood ratio criterion and its asymptotic distributing sign test for location
                              • Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the two sample problem
                              • Distribution free confidence intervals for quantitation, chi-square and Kolmogorov tests for goodness of fit
                              • Run test for randomness and confidence bands for distribution functions
                              • Notions of a sequential test, Walds, SPRT, its CC and ASN function

                              Statistics (section-I): Unit 03

                              Linear inference and multivariate analysis
                              • Theory of least squares and analysis of variance

                              Statistics (section-I): Unit 04

                              Linear interference and multivariate analysis
                              • Gaussa, Markoff theory, normal equations least square estimates and their precision
                              • Tests of signification and intervals estimates based on least square theory in one way, two way and three way classified data
                              • Regression Analysis, linear regression, estimates, and tests about correlation of regression coefficient curve linear regression and orthogonal polynomials, test for linearity and regression Multivariate normal distribution, multiple regression
                              • Multiple and partial correlation
                              • Mahalanobis D2 and hotelling T2-statistics and their applications (derivations of distribution of D2 and T2 excluded) Fisher’s discriminant analysis

                              Statistics (section-II): Unit 01

                              Sampling theory and design of experiments
                              • Nature and scope of sampling, simple random sampling, sampling from finite populations with and without replacement, estimation of the standard errors sampling with equal probabilities and PPS sampling
                              • Stratified random and systematic sampling, two stage and multi-stage sampling, multiphase and cluster sampling schemes
                              • Estimation of population total and mean, use of biased and unbiased estimates auxiliary variables
                              • Double sapling standard errors of estimates cost and variance function ratio and regression estimates and their relative efficiency planning, and organization of sample surveys with special reference to recent large scale surveys conducted in India
                              • Principles of experimental designs, CRD, RBD, LSD, missing plot technique factorial experiments 2n and 3n design general theory of total and partial confounding and fractional replication
                              • Analysis of split plot, BIB and simple lattice designs

                              Statistics (section-II): Unit 02

                              Engineering statistics
                              • Concepts of quality and meaning of control, different types of control charts like X-R charts, P charts np charts and cumulative sum control charts
                              • Sampling inspection vs. 100 percent inspection, single, double, multiple and sequential sampling plans for attributes inspection, OC, ASN and ATI curves
                              • Concept of producer's risk and consumer's risk AQL, AGQL, LTPD etc
                              • Variable sampling plans
                              • Different types of redundancy like hot and cold and use of redundancy in reliability improvement problems in life testing, censored and truncated experiments for exponential model

                              Statistics (section-II): Unit 03

                              Operational research
                              • Scope and definition of or different types of models, their construction, and obtaining solution
                              • Homogeneous discrete time Markov chains, transition probability matrix, classification of states and ergodic theorems
                              • Homogeneous continuous time Markov chains
                              • Elements of queuing theory, M/M/I and M/M/K queues, the problem of machine interference and GI/M/I and B/GI queues
                              • Concept of scientific inventory management and analytical structure of inventory problems simple models with deterministic and stochastic demand with and without lead time
                              • Storage models with particular reference to dam type
                              • The Structure and formation of a linear programming problem
                              • The Simplex procedure two phase methods and charnes-M method with artificial variables
                              • The quality theory of linear programming and its economic interpretation
                              • Sensitivity analysis
                              • Transportation and assignment problems
                              • Replacement of items that fail and those that deteriorate, group and individual replacement policies
                              • Introduction to computer and elements of fortran IV programming formats for input and output statements specification and logical statements and subroutines
                              • Application to some simple statistical problems

                              Statistics (section-II): Unit 04

                              Quantitative economics
                              • Concept of time-series, additive and multiplicative models, resolution into four components, determination of trend by free-hand drawing, moving averages and fitting of mathematical curves
                              • Seasonal indices and estimate of the variance of the random components
                              • Definition, construction, interpretation, and limitation of index numbers
                              • Lefevre porsche Marshall Edgeworth and Fisher index number their comparisons tests for index numbers and construction of cost of living index
                              • Theory and analysis of consumer demand-specification and estimation of demand functions
                              • Demand elasticities
                              • Theory of production, supply functions, and elasticities, input demand functions
                              • Estimation of parameters in single equation model-classical least squares, generalçed least squares heteroskedasticity, serial correlation, multicollinearity, errors in variables model, simultaneous equation models-identification
                              • Rank and order conditions
                              • Indirect least squares and two stage least squares, short-term economic forecasting

                              Statistics (section-II): Unit 05

                              Demography and psychometry
                              • Sources of demographic data: Census registration: NSS and other demographic surveys
                              • Limitation and uses of demographic data
                              • Vital rates and ratios: Definition construction and uses
                              • Life tables-complete and abridged: Construction of life tables from vital statistics and census returns uses of life tables
                              • Logistic and other population growth curves
                              • Measures of fertility
                              • Gross and net reproduction rates
                              • Stables population theory
                              • Uses of stable and quasi-stable population techniques in estimation of demographic parameters
                              • Morbidity and its measurement standard classification by cause of death
                              • Health surveys and use of hospital statistics
                              • Educational and psychological statistics methods of standardization of scales and tests
                              • IQ tests, reliability of tests and T and Z scores

                              Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 01

                              A general survey, classification, and relationship of the various phyla

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 02

                                • Study of the structure, binomial and life history of paramecium, monocytosis, malarial parasite, trypanosoma, and leishmania
                                • Locomotion, nutrition, and reproduction in protozoa

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 03

                                • Canal system skeleton and reproduction

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 04

                                • Structure and life history of obelia aurelia, polymorphism in hydrozoa, coral formation, metagenesis, phylogenetic relationship of cinideria and acnidaria

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 05

                                • Structure and life history of planaria, fasciola, taenia, and ascaris
                                • Parasitic adaptation, helminths in relation to man

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 06

                                • Nereis, earthworm and leech, coelom and metamerism, modes of life in polychaetes

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 07

                                • Paleo Mom, scorpion, cockroach
                                • Larval forms and parasitism in crustacean, mouth part vision and respiration in arthropods, social life and metamorphosis in insects
                                • Importance of peripatus

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 08

                                • Unio pila, oyster culture and pearl formation, cephalopods

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 09

                                • General organization, larval, forms and affinities of echinodermata

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 10

                                General organization and characters
                                • Outline classification and interrelationship of protochordata, pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves, and mammalia

                                Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 11

                                Neoteny and retrogressive metamorphosis

                                  Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 12

                                  A general study of comparative account of the various systems of vertebrates

                                    Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 13

                                    Locomotion, migration, and respiration in fishes, structure, and affinities of dipnoi

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 14

                                      Origin of amphibia
                                      • Distribution, anatomical peculiarities and affinities of urodela, and apoda

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 15

                                      Origin of reptiles
                                      • Adaptive radiation in reptiles, fossil reptiles, poisonous and non-poisonous snakes of India, poison apparatus of snake

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 16

                                      Origin of birds
                                      • Flightless birds, aerial adaptation, and migration of birds

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 17

                                      Origin of mammals
                                      • Homologies of ear ossicles in mammals, dentition and skin derivatives and mammals, distribution, structural peculiarities and phylogenetic relation of prototheria and metatheria

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 18

                                      • Environment: Abiotic factors and their role, biotic factors-and inter, specific relations
                                      • Animal: Organization at population and community levels, ecological successions
                                      • Ecosystem: Concept, components, fundamental operation, energy flow, biogeochemical cycle, food chain, and trophic levels
                                      • Adaptation in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial habitats
                                      • Pollution in air, water, and land
                                      • Wildlife in India and its conservation

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 19

                                      • General survey of various types of animal behaviour
                                      • Role of hormones and pheromones in behaviours
                                      • Chronobiology: Biological check, seasonal rhythms, tidal rhythms
                                      • Neuroendocrine control of behaviour
                                      • Methods of studying animals behaviour

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 20

                                      • Methods of sampling, frequency distribution, and measures of central tendency, standard deviation, standard error, and standard deviance, correlation, and repression and chi-square and f-test
                                      • Parasitic protozoans, helminthes, and insects of man and domestic animals
                                      • Insect pests of crops and stored products
                                      • Beneficial insects
                                      • Pisciculture and induced breeding

                                      Zoology (section-I)-non chordata and chordata, ecology, ethology, biostatistics, and economic zoology: Unit 21

                                      Economic zoology
                                      • Parasitism, commensalism, and host parasite relationship

                                      Zoology (section-II)-cell biology, genetics, evolution and systematics, biochemistry, physiology and embryology: Unit 01

                                      Cell biology
                                      • Structure and function of cell and cytoplasmic constituents, structure of nucleus, plasma membrane mitochondria, golgi bodies, endo, plasmic reticulum and ribosomes, cell division, mitosis spindle and chromosome movements, and meiosis
                                      • Gene structure and function, watson-Crick model of DNA, replication of DNA genetic code, protein synthesis, cell differentiation, sex-chromosomes and sex determination

                                      Zoology (section-II)-cell biology, genetics, evolution and systematics, biochemistry, physiology and embryology: Unit 02

                                      • Mendelian laws of inheritance, recombinations, linkage and linkage maps, multiple, allele, mutation (natural and induced), mutation and evolution meiosis, chromosome number and form, structural rearrangements, polyploidy, cytoplasmic inheritance
                                      • Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
                                      • Biochemical genetics, elements of human genetics, normal and abnormal karyotypes, genes and diseases
                                      • Eugenics

                                      Zoology (section-II)-cell biology, genetics, evolution and systematics, biochemistry, physiology and embryology: Unit 03

                                      Evolution and systematic
                                      • Origin of life, history of evolutionary thought, Lamarck and his works. Darwin and his works, sources and nature of organic variation, natural selection, Hardy-Weinberg law, cryptic and warning colouration mimicry, isolating mechanisms and their role
                                      • Insular fauna concept of species and subspecies, principles of classification, zoological nomenclature and international code
                                      • Fossils, outline of geological cras phylogeny of horse, elephant, camel, origin, and evolution of man, principles, and theories of continental distribution of animals, zoogeographical realms of the world

                                      Zoology (section-II)-cell biology, genetics, evolution and systematics, biochemistry, physiology and embryology: Unit 04

                                      • Structure of carbohydrates, lipids, amino-acids, proteins, and nucleic acid, glycolysis and Krebs cycle, oxidation and reduction, oxidative phosphorylation, energy conservation and release ATP, CYCLIC AMP
                                      • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, steroid hormones, type of eæymes, mechanism of eæyme action, immunoglobulins and immunity, vitamins and coeæymes, hormones their classification, biosynthesis and functions

                                      Zoology (section-II)-cell biology, genetics, evolution and systematics, biochemistry, physiology and embryology: Unit 05

                                      • Physiology with special reference to mammals, composition of blood, blood groups in man, coagulation, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, haemoglobin
                                      • Breathing and its regulation, nephron, and urine formation, acid-base balance and homeostasis, temperature regulation in man, mechanism of conduction along axon across synapses, neurotransmitters, vision, hearing and other receptors, types of muscles
                                      • Ultrastructure and mechanism of contraction of skeletal muscle, role of salivary gland, liver pancreas and intestinal glands in digestion absorption of digested food, nutrition and balanced diet of man
                                      • Mechanism of action of steroid and peptide hormones, role of hypothalamus, pituitary thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, testis, ovary and pineal organs and their inter-relationships, physiology of reproduction in humans
                                      • Hormonal control of development in man and insects, pheromones in insects and mammals

                                      Zoology (section-II)-cell biology, genetics, evolution and systematics, biochemistry, physiology and embryology: Unit 06

                                      • Gametogenesis, fertilçation, types of eggs, cleavage, development up to gastrulation in branchiostoma, frog and chick, fate maps of frog and chick
                                      • Metamorphosis in frog, formation and fate of extra embryonic membranes in chick formation of amnion
                                      • Allantois and types of placenta in mammals, function of placenta in mammals, organisers, regeneration, genetic control of development
                                      • Organogenesis of central nervous system, sense organs heart and kidney of vertebrate embryos. Aging and its implication in relation to man

                                      Hindi language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                      History of Hindi Language
                                      • Grammatical and lexical features of apabhramsa, avahatta and early Hindi
                                      • Evolution of Awadhi and Braj bhasa as literary language during the medieval period
                                      • Evolution of khari boli-Hindi as literary language during the 19th century
                                      • Standardçation of Hindi language with Devanagari script
                                      • Development of Hindi as Rashtrabhasha during the freedom struggle
                                      • Development of Hindi as official language of Indian union since independence
                                      • Major dialects of Hindi and their inter-relationship
                                      • Significant grammatical features of standard Hindi

                                      Hindi language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                      History of Hindi literature
                                      • Chief characteristics of the major periods of Hindi literature: vç., Adi Kal, Bhakti Kal, Riti Kal, Bhartendu Kal and Dwivedi Kal, etc
                                      • Significant features of the main literary trends and tendencies in modern Hindi: vç, Chhayavad Rahasyavad, Pragativad, Proyogvad, NayiKavita, Nayi Kahani, Akavita, etc
                                      • Rise of novel and realism in modern Hindi
                                      • A brief history of theatre and drama in Hindi
                                      • Theories of literary criticism in Hindi and major Hindi literary critics
                                      • Origin and development of literary genres in Hindi

                                      Hindi language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                      Prescribed text
                                      • Kabir: Kabir granthavali by Shyam Sunder Das (700 stanzas from the beginning)
                                      • Surdas: Bhramar geet saar 200 stanzas from the beginning
                                      • Tulsidas: Ramcharitmanas (Ayodhya Kand only): Kavitavali (Uttarakhand only)
                                      • Bharatendu Harishchandra: Andher nagari
                                      • Premchand: Godan. Mansarovar (bhag ek)
                                      • Jaishankar Prasad: Chandragupta, Kamayani (Chinta, Shradha, Lajja, Ida only)
                                      • Rama Chandra Shukla: Chintamani (pahila bhag) (10 essay from the beginning)
                                      • Suryakant Tripathi Nirala: Anamikahai (Saroj Smriti). (Ramki shakti pooja only)
                                      • S.H. Vatsyayan: Shekhar ek jeevani (two parts)
                                      • Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh: Chand ka mukhda hai (andhere mein only)

                                      English language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                      English literature from 1798 to 1900
                                      • With special reference to the works of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Lamb, Hazlitt, Thackeray, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning Arnold, George Eliot, Carlyle Ruskin, Peter

                                      English language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                      Prescribed text
                                      • Shakespeare: As you like it; Henry IV part I. II-The Hamlet, The Tempest
                                      • Milton: Paradise lost
                                      • Jane Austen: Emma
                                      • Wordsworth; The prelude
                                      • Dickens: David copperfield
                                      • George Eliot: Middlemarch
                                      • Hardy: Jude the obscure
                                      • Yeats: (a) Easter 1916, (b) The second coming-Byzantium, (c) A prayer for my daughter-Leda and the swan, (d) Sailing to Byzantium-Meru, (e) The tower: Among school children-Lapis Lazuli
                                      • Eliot: The waste land
                                      • D.H. Lawrence: The rainbow

                                      Urdu language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                      The coming of the Aryans in India
                                      • The development of the Indo Aryan through three stages
                                      • Old Indo-Aryan (OIA)
                                      • Middle Indo-Aryan (MIA) and new Indo-Aryan (NIA)-Grouping of the new Indo-Aryan Languages, western Hindi and its dialects Khari Boli, Braj Bhasha, and Haryanvi- relationship of Urdu to Khadi
                                      • Perso-Arabic elements in Urdu development of Urdu from 1200 to 1800 in the north and 1400 to 1700 in the Deccan
                                      • With special reference to the development of Urdu in Bihar from 1200 to 1800

                                      Urdu language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                      Significant features of Urdu phonology
                                      • Morphology syntax-Perso-Arabic elements in its phonology, morphology and syntax its vocabulary

                                      Urdu language and literature (section-I): Unit 03

                                      Dakhani Urdu
                                      • Its origin and developments, its significant linguistic features

                                      Urdu language and literature (section-I): Unit 04

                                      The significant features of the dakhni Urdu literature (1450-1700)
                                      • The two classical backgrounds of Urdu literature, Perso-Arabic and Indian, Mynavi, Indian tales, the influence of the the west on Urdu litera classical genres-Ghazal, masticism-Qasida, Rubai-Qita, prose, fiction, modern genres blank verse, free verse
                                      • Masticism-novel
                                      • Short stories, drama-literary criticism and essay

                                      Urdu language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                      • Mir amman-bagho bahar
                                      • Ghalib-khatu-e-ghalib (anjuman taraqqi-e-Urdu)
                                      • Kalimuddin ahmad-Urdu tanqeed par ek nazar
                                      • Ruswa-uma o jan ada
                                      • Prem Chand-wardat
                                      • Abdul Kalam Azad-ghubar-E-Khatir
                                      • Imtiaz ali taj-anarkali

                                      Urdu language and literature (section-II): Unit 02

                                      • Mir-intikhab-e-kalam-G-Mir,Ed. Abdul Haq
                                      • Sauda-Qasaid (including hajiyat)
                                      • Ghalib-Diwan-e-ghalib
                                      • Iqbal-bal-a-gibrail
                                      • Josh malihabadi-Saif Subu
                                      • Shad Azimabadi-kulliyat-E-Shad
                                      • Faiz-kalam-e-faiz (complete)

                                      Bengali language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                      History of the Bengali language
                                      • Origin and development of the language
                                      • Major dialects of Bengali
                                      • Sadhu bhasa and Chalita bhasa
                                      • Problems of standardçation and reform with special reference to spelling system alphabet and transliteration (romançation)

                                      Bengali language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                      History of Bengali literature
                                      • The history of the Bengali literature from the earliest period to the modern times
                                      • Social and cultural background of Bengali literature
                                      • Sanskritic background of Bengali literature
                                      • Western influence on Bengali literature
                                      • Modern trends

                                      Bengali language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                      Prescribed text
                                      • Vaishnava padavali
                                      • Mukundaram-Chandimangal
                                      • Michael Madhusudan Dutt-Meghnad Badh kavya
                                      • Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-Krishna Kanter Vill, Kamalakanter Daptar
                                      • Rabindranath Tagore: Galpaguchchha (1) chitra, punascha rakta karabi
                                      • Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay: Srikanta (1)
                                      • Pramatha Chaudhuri: Prabandha sangraha (1)
                                      • Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay : Pather panchali
                                      • Tarashankar Bandhopadhyay: Ganadevata
                                      • Jibanananda Das: Banalata sen

                                      Sanskrit language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                      Origin and development of language
                                      • From Indo-European to middle Indo-Aryan languages (general outline only)
                                      • Significant features of the grammar with particular stress on sandhi karaka, samasa and vachya (voice)

                                      Sanskrit language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                      General knowledge of literary history and principal trends of literary criticism
                                      • Origin and development of literary, genres, including epic, drama, prose, kavya, lyric, and anthology

                                      Sanskrit language and literature (section-I): Unit 03

                                      Essentials of ancient indian culture and philosophy with special stress on
                                      • Varnashrama vyavastha, sanskaras, and principal philosophical trends

                                      Sanskrit language and literature (section-I): Unit 04

                                      Short essay in Sanskrit

                                        Sanskrit language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                        General study of the following works
                                        • Kathopanishad
                                        • Bhagavad Gita
                                        • Buddhachar Gita-(Asvaghosha)
                                        • Swapnavasavadatta-(Bhasa)
                                        • Abhijnanasakuntalam (Kalidasa)
                                        • Meghaduta-(Kalidasa)
                                        • Raghuvamsa-(Kalidasa)
                                        • Kumarasambhava-(Kalidasa)
                                        • Mricchakatika-(Sudraka)
                                        • Kiratarjuniya-(Bharavi)
                                        • Sisupalavadha-(Magha)
                                        • Uttararamacharita-(Bhavabhuti)
                                        • Mudrarakshasa-(Visakhadatta)
                                        • Naishadha Charita (Sriharsa)
                                        • Rajatarangini (Kalhama)
                                        • Nitaisataka (Bharatihari)
                                        • Kadambari-(Banabhatta)
                                        • Harsacharita-(Banabhatta)
                                        • Dasakumaracharita-(Dandi)
                                        • Prabodha Chandrodaya-(Krishna Mishra)

                                        Sanskrit language and literature (section-II): Unit 02

                                        Evidence of first hand reading of the following selected texts
                                        • Kathopanishad I chapter III valli verses 10 to 15
                                        • Bhagwat Gita II chapter (13 to 25 verses)
                                        • Buddhacarita canto III (1 to 10 verses)
                                        • Svapnavasavadatta (6th act)
                                        • Abhijnana shakuntalam (4th act)
                                        • Meghaduta (1 to 10 opening verses)
                                        • Kiratarjuniya (1st canto)
                                        • Uttara ramacharitam (3rd act)
                                        • Nitishatakam (1 to 10 verses)
                                        • Kadambari (Shukanasopadesha)
                                        • Kautilya Arthasastra-I Adhikarana I Prakarana-2nd Adhyaya entitled; Vidyasamuddesah
                                        • Tatra Anviksikishthapana and VII Prakarans 11th adhyay entitled: Gudhapurusotpottih
                                        • Prescribed editions R.P. Kangle, the Kautilya Arthasastra, Part I

                                        Persian language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                        Origin and development of the language (in outline)
                                        • Significant features of the grammar of the language rhetoric prosody

                                        Persian language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                        Literary history and literary criticism
                                        • Literary movements, classical background, socio-culture influences and modern trends origin and development of modern literary genres including drama, novel, short story, essay

                                        Persian language and literature (section-I): Unit 03

                                        Short essay in persian

                                          Persian language and literature (section-I): Unit 04

                                          Prescribed text
                                          • Firdausi: Shah nama-(i) Dastan rostam va sohrab. (ii) Dastan vizanba mança
                                          • Nizami-i Aruzi-i Samarqandi chahar magalas
                                          • Khayyam, Rubaiyat, (Radif Alif, Be, Dal)
                                          • Manuchehri-Qasaid (Radif Lam and Mim)
                                          • Maulana Rum Masnavi (1st vol. 1st half)
                                          • Saadi Shirazi Gulistan
                                          • Amir Khusrau: Majmua-I-Dawawin Khusrau (Radif Alif and Te)
                                          • Hafiz: Diwan-i-Hafiz (1st half)
                                          • Abul Fazl: Ain-I-Akbari
                                          • Bahar Mashhadi. Diwan-I-Bahar (1st vol., 1st half)
                                          • Jawal Zadesh: Yake Bud Yake Na Bud

                                          Arabic language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                          Origin and development of the language in outline
                                          • Significant features of the grammar of the language, rhetoric, prosody

                                          Arabic language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                          Literary history and literary criticism
                                          • Literary movements, classical background, sociocultural influences, and modern trends, origin and development of modern literary genres including drama, novel, short story, essay

                                          Arabic language and literature (section-I): Unit 03

                                          Short essay in Arabic

                                            Arabic language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                            • Imraul Qais: His maullagah-"Qifa nabki min zika haibin wa manzili" (complete)
                                            • Zoflair Bin Abi Sulma: His maula haq-"A min aufaa dimnatun lam takalemi" (complete)
                                            • Hassan Bin Thabit: The following five Qasaid from his Diwan-from qasidah no. 1 to qasidah iv and the qasidah: "Lillahi, darni isaabatin nadamthuhm + Yauman bijililage"
                                            • Umar Bin Abi Rabiah: 5 Ghazals from his Diwan-(i) Falamma towagafna wa sallam ashraqat wujud hum zaharah husnu an-tata guanna (complete). (ii) Laita hindan anjazanta ma taidu+wa shaft anfusona mimma tajidu (complete)
                                            • Umar Bin Abi Rabiah: 5 Ghazals from his Diwan-(iii) Katabtu Iiaiki min baladi + kitaba muwallahim kamdi (complete). (iv) Amin aali numin anta ghaadin famubkiru ghadia ghandia an raaihum famuhajjaru (complete)
                                            • Umar Bin Abi Rabiah: 5 Ghazals from his Diwan-(v) Qalali feeha ateeq maqaal. + fajarat mimma yaqoolud dumoou (complete)
                                            • Faradaq: The following 4 Qasaid from his Diwan-(i) "Haazal iasi tariful bateau watatah" in praise of zainul abideen ali bin hussain. (ii) "Zarrat sakeenatu atleahan ankha bihim" in praise of umar bin A. Azç
                                            • Faradaq: The following 4 Qasaid from his Diwan-(iii) "Wa kcomin tanamul adhyaf ainan" in praise of saeed bin al-ass (complete) (iv) "wa atlas assalam wa maakano sahiban" in praise of "the wolf"
                                            • Bashar bin murad: The following two Qasaid from his Diwan-(i) "Izaa balaghar raaiul mashwarata fastain + Biraai naseehinaw naseefate haazimi" (complete). Khelaiya min kabin seenaa akhookumma allaa darahi innal kareem menu (complete)
                                            • Aba Nawas: First three Qasaid from the Diwan
                                            • Shauoh: The following five Qasaid from his Diwan "Al-Sharqiya"-(i) "Ghana Bolum" (complete). (ii) "Kaneesatusm Saarat illa masjidi" (complete). (iii) "Ashloo hawaki ilman yaloomu fayaozafu" (complete)
                                            • Shauoh: The following five Qasaid from his Diwan "Al-Sharqiya"-(iv) "Salamun min saban barada raqqa (nakbatu dimashq)" (complete). (v) Salaamun neel yaa ghandi-wa hazaz zahru min indi" (complete)

                                            Arabic language and literature (section-II): Unit 02

                                            • Ibn al-Muqaffa: "Kalila wa dimna" excluding muqaddimah-chapter I. Complete "al-asad wa-althaus"
                                            • Al-Jahiz: Al-bayan wat tab-in vii edited by Abdul Salam Mohd. Haroon, cairo, Egypt from PP. 31 to 85
                                            • Ibn Khaldun: His muqaddamah-39 pages, part six from the first chapter: From "Al faslul saadis minal kitab ul awal" to "Wa min furoodhi at jabru wal muqabla"
                                            • Mahmud Timur: Story, "Amni Mutawalli" from his book "Qaalar Raavi"
                                            • Tawfiq al-Hakim: Drama-"Sinful Muntahia" from his book "Masrahiyat Tariq Hakim"

                                            Pali language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                            Origin and development of the language
                                            • A general outline only, from the Indo-European to the middle Indo-Aryan languages), it's homeland and the main characteristics
                                            • Salient features of the grammar with particular emphasis on Sandhi, Karaka, Vibhakti, Samasa, Itti Paccaya, Apacca (Bodh Pacaya) and Sankhya (Bodhaka Paccaya)

                                            Pali language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                            General knowledge of the history of the literature (pitaka literature and post-pitaka literature)
                                            • Principal forms of writings including analytical compositions (Meiti Pakarana, Petakopadesa, Milinadapanda)
                                            • Chronicles (Dipavenss, Mahavamsa, etc)
                                            • Commentatorial expositions (Attakathi of Buddhas, Buddhaghosa and dhammapala), origin and development and literary genres including epic prose, kavya, lyric, and anthology

                                            Pali language and literature (section-I): Unit 03

                                            Essentials of pre-Buddhistic and post-Buddhistic India culture and philosophy with special reference to the four noble-truths
                                            • Cattari ariya saccani
                                            • Tilakkhana (Dukkha Anatta and Anicca) and four Abhidhamma Paramithas (Cita, Cetasika, Pupa, and Nibbana)

                                            Pali language and literature (section-I): Unit 04

                                            Short essay in pali (based on Buddhist themes only)

                                              Pali language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                              General study of the following works
                                              • Mahavagga
                                              • Cullavagga
                                              • Patimokkha
                                              • Dighamkaya
                                              • Mjihimanikaya
                                              • Samyutta Nikaya
                                              • Dhammapada
                                              • Sutta Nipata
                                              • Jataka
                                              • Chergatha
                                              • Theragatha
                                              • Dhammasangani
                                              • Kathavatthu
                                              • Milindapanha
                                              • Dipavamsa
                                              • Mahavamsa
                                              • Atthasalini
                                              • Visuddhimagga
                                              • Abhidhammattha Sangaha
                                              • Teleckatahagatha
                                              • Subodhalankara
                                              • Vouttodaya

                                              Pali language and literature (section-II): Unit 02

                                              Evidence of the first-hand reading of the following selected texts
                                              • Mahavagga (Mahakhandhaka only)
                                              • Digha Nikaya (Samannaphala-Sutta only)
                                              • Majihimanikaya (Mulapariyaya-Sutta and Samma Ditthi Sutta)
                                              • Dhammapada (Yamaka, Vagga only)
                                              • Sutta Nipata (Uraga Vagga only)
                                              • Milindapanha (Lakkhana Panha only)
                                              • Mahavansa (Pratham-Sangiti, Dutiya-Sangiti, and Tativa-Sangiti)
                                              • Visuddhimagga (Sila Niddesa only)
                                              • Abhdhammatthasangaho

                                              Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 01

                                              Origin of Maithili language

                                                Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 02

                                                Position of Maithili in Indo-Europeans family of languages

                                                  Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 03

                                                  Historical development of Maithili language

                                                    Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 04

                                                    Relationship of Maithili with Hindi, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Magahi and Santali

                                                      Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 05

                                                      Different dialects of Maithili languages

                                                        Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 06

                                                        Characteristics of standard Maithili

                                                          Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 08

                                                          Development of modern Maithili poetry

                                                            Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 09

                                                            Development of modern Maithili novels

                                                              Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 10

                                                              Development of modern Maithili drama

                                                                Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 11

                                                                Development of modern Maithili short story

                                                                  Maithili language and literature (section-I): Unit 12

                                                                  Development of modern Maithili essays and criticism

                                                                    Maithili language and literature (section-II): Unit 01

                                                                    Prescribed text
                                                                    • Vidyapati: Vidyapati geet wall, Maithili academy, Patna, poem no-1 to 50
                                                                    • Govinddas: Govind Dash bhajanavali, Maithili academy, Patna, poem no.-1 to 50
                                                                    • Manboth: Krishna Janma
                                                                    • Chanda Jha: Mithila bhasha Ramayan (Sunderkand only)
                                                                    • Yatri-Chitra
                                                                    • Munshi Raghunandan Das: Mithila natak
                                                                    • Aysi Prasad Singh: Suryamukhi
                                                                    • Prof. Hari Mohan Jha: Kanyadan and dwiragaman
                                                                    • Prof. Ramanath Jha: Prabandh sangrah
                                                                    • Raj Kamal Choudhary: Lalka paag

                                                                    The BPSC 70th admit card 2024 will be issued online on the official BPSC website - onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in.  Candidates who filled out the application form can download the admit card. BPSC Civil Services admit card mentions the candidate's name, personal details, exam details, exam day instructions, etc. 

                                                                    Applicants also need to bring one valid photo ID proof along with the admit card on exam day. In case of any discrepancy in admit card of BPSC, candidates must contact the exam conducting authorities at least one week before the commencement of the exam.

                                                                    Main Exam

                                                                    BPSC Civil Services admit card 2024 for mains exam is issued to candidates who qualify the preliminary exam by securing the qualifying as well as overall cut off prescribed by the commission and also had filled the mains application form within the allotted time frame. 

                                                                    The commission will release the BPSC 70th answer key 2024 for prelims and mains. The commission will release the final answer key of the exam after the evaluation of challenges submitted by candidates against the provisional answer key. BPSC Civil Services answer key will be released online for all sets of question booklets. The answer key helps the candidates to check the correct answers of questions asked in the exam. 

                                                                    Candidates can calculate their probable score based on the number of correct answers. In case of discrepancy in the answer key, candidates could submit challenge later. To submit the challenge candidates had to send the details like name, roll number and address through the post to Combined Secretary-cum-Exam Controller. 

                                                                    The cut off of BPSC is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates have to score to qualify the exam and become eligible for next round of selection process. BPSC will releases cut off separately for preliminary, mains and personality test. There are two types of BPSC cut off - qualifying and overall cut off. The qualifying cut off of BPSC preliminary and mains exam will be announced by the commission in the official notification. The qualifying cut-off of preliminary exam is 40 % for general category while it is 36.5 % for OBC. 

                                                                    BPSC Civil Services qualifying cut off for extremely backward class and SC/ST/women/PwD is 34 % and 32 %, respectively. Candidates will have to secure the qualifying cut off to clear the exam. Besides, qualifying cut off candidates will have to secure overall cut off to qualify for next round of selection process. Based on the cut off of preliminary exam, the examination authority will select candidates for the mains exam, however, this cut off will not be considered for the final merit list.

                                                                    Preliminary Exam

                                                                    The cut off of BPSC is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates have to score to qualify the exam and become eligible for next round of selection process. BPSC releases cut off for preliminary, mains and personality test separately at the official website. There are two types of BPSC cut off - qualifying and overall cut off. The qualifying cut off of preliminary exam is 40 % for general category while it is 36.5 % for OBC. 

                                                                    BPSC Civil Services qualifying cut off for extremely backward class and SC/ST/women/PwD is 34 % and 32 %, respectively. Candidates will have to secure the qualifying cut off to clear the exam. Besides, qualifying cut off candidates will have to secure overall cutoff to qualify for next round of selection process. Based on the cut off of preliminary exam, the examination authority will select candidates for the mains exam, however, this cut off will not be considered for the final merit list.

                                                                    Main Exam

                                                                    The qualifying cut off for Hindi paper of BPSC Civil Services main exam is 30 % i.e 30 marks. BPSC Civil Services cutoff 2024 of mains exam will determine candidates eligibility for personality test. Allotments of candidates will be done based on the final cutoff calculated based on candidate’s performance in mains exam and personality test.

                                                                    General Information


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                                                                    Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                    1. When will the BPSC 70th Mains exam be conducted ?

                                                                    The BPSC 70th exam will be conducted from April 25 to 30, 2025.

                                                                    2. What is the full form of Bpsc CCE exam?

                                                                    The full form of the BPSC CCE is Bihar Public Service Commission Combined Competitive exam

                                                                    3. What is the pattern of BPSC CCE exam?

                                                                    The exam pattern of BPSC CCE 2024 exam consists of multiple choice questions of 150 marks. There will be a total of 150 questions.

                                                                    4. What is the age limit for BPSC 70th exam 2024?

                                                                    The BPSC CCE minimum age limit is 22 years and the maximum age limit is 37 years.

                                                                    Upcoming Exams

                                                                    Questions related to BPSC Civil Services

                                                                    Have a question related to BPSC Civil Services ?

                                                                    Hello aspirant!

                                                                    The minimum Educational Eligibility Criteria for the BPSC is to have a Bachelor (graduation) degree or equivalent in any discipline from any recognized university on or before the last date of registration process. The candidate must have a Graduate Degree before the registration process of that year’s exam is over.

                                                                    Here is the link for more information https://competition.careers360.com/exams/bpsc-civil-services/amp

                                                                    Regards, careers360.


                                                                    BPSC stands for Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC). It's a State Level Civil Services Exam conducted for recruitment to multiple posts such as Sub Divisional Officer, Rural Development Officer, District Sanapark Officer and other PCS level Officers etc. It has huge scope as after cracking this exam you can become civil servant and can do bring positive impact to people's life directly. If is one the most coveted and reputed jobs in India. To start the preparation, first of all you will have to download and understand the syllabus. The exam is in 3 phases (Prelims which is objective, then Mains which is subjective and then finally Personal Interview). 5-10 lakhs candidates appear for the exam and 800-1000 are selected depending on seats available in the year which you have applied. The syllabus consists of Science, History , Geography, Polity, Environment, History of Bihar, Current events in India and world etc. You can download the detailed syllabus from BPSC website and can start your preparation.

                                                                    I hope this helps.


                                                                    It is not a hidden fact that English language has a slightly higher edge over Hindi language(with due respect to Hindi). However it is not a bad thing if you give your BPSC exam in Hindi because in the end what matters is your selection after BPSC exam. So if you are comfortable and fluent in Hindi medium then go for Hindi language.

                                                                    Hope this helps.

                                                                    All the best!!!

                                                                    Iske piche reason hai...deputy collector eak aisa position hai jiska posting as BDO and CO bhi hota hai. And aaj bhi bahot saare states me dekhne ko milta hai Isiliye waha aaj bhi deputy collector post exist krta...wahin bihar me 2010 ne bihar administrative services rules me changes hua jiske anusaar koi bhi bihar administrative services ka officer ka position sub division se nhi niche nahin kiya jayegaa isiliye yaha senior deputy collection ka post hota hai joh ki level 9 ka post hai.

                                                                    Jab aapka BAS cadre me Senior deputy collector ke post pe selection hota hai toh waha posting kuch iss tarike se hoti hai:

                                                                    District posting me aapko district ke kisi department ka head bna diya jayega or aapka designation SDC rhega. Eak district me bahot saare departments hote jaise ki establishment section, Nazarat, disaster management cell, etc and saare department ka head District Magistrate (DM) hote hai. Aap reporting authority DM hoga.

                                                                    Sub division level pe bhi posting hota hai waha SDM ke role me aapka posting kiya jata hai. Kbhi kbhi bahot bada sub division hai toh eak additional post create kiya jata hai ASDM ka aur waha responsibilities distribute krdiya jaati hai.

                                                                    Eak posting hota hai as sub divisional grievance redressal officer ke tor pe inka posting bhi sub division me hi hota hai.

                                                                    Iske alawa OSD ( Officer on special duty) ke tor pe bhi inka posting hota district me yaa kisi ministry, mission, commission etc me

                                                                    Iske alawa agar secretariat me inka posting hota hai toh as under secretary ke post me hota.

                                                                    Iske alawa governor, Cm office me bhi hoti posting ya kisi minister ke secretary ke tor pe bhi.

                                                                    Kbhi kbhi as jail superintendent ke tor pe bhi inki posting ki jaati agar uss zile me woh post vacant hai toh, iske alawa DTO, and nagar nigam me bhi hoti posting.

                                                                    Yahi officer km se km 12 saal ke baad inko promotion milta phir ye ADM rank pe aajate. Phir 15-18 rules ke according aise jyada tym lgjata like 22 years IAS me promotion ke liye.

                                                                    Kaafi versa tile job profile hai BAS officers ka.

                                                                    Hello Nitish !

                                                                    Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam is conducted to select applicants for civil service jobs in Bihar. In Patna you can find several coaching centers which prepare for BPSC exam such as :

                                                                    1) Achievers IAS Academy

                                                                    Its situated in New Patliputra colony, Patna, Bihar. They have goal oriented program, conduct proper test series and give required study materials in order to make sure the aspirants are well equipped with relevant information.

                                                                    2) Chanakya IAS Academy

                                                                    Situated in Navyug Kamala Business park, East boring Canal Road, Patna, Bihar. They have structured program including the syllabus of mains and prelims along with other optional subjects.

                                                                    3) Pragya Civil Services

                                                                    It is situated besides central bank of India before patna college Ashok Raj Path, Patna, Bihar. It is very popular for civil service coaching in Patna. It provides quality education and prepares for interviews well.

                                                                    4) Sarvodaya Civil Services

                                                                    It is situated to opposite of Patna college, BM Das Road, Patna, Bihar. It is very efficient and result oriented coaching center.

                                                                    5)Dhyeya IAS

                                                                    It is situated in Exhibition Rd, Patna , Bihar. They cover classroom programme, Distance learner programme, IAS olympiad etc.

                                                                    If you are focused, got relevant resources and manage time efficiently then no one can stop you to reach your goal.

                                                                    All the Best !

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