HomeCompetition ExamsNational Institute of Electronics & Information Technology Scientist B and Technical Assistant Exam

NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant 2024 - Application, Eligibility, Admit Card, Result

Updated on 11th October, 2024 by Team Careers360

About NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant 2024

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) will soon release the NIELIT notification 2024 about the recruitment of Scientist (Group-A) and Technical Assistant (Group-B) posts. Candidates will be able to access the NIELIT application form 2024 on the official website at nielit.gov.in. Candidates should check the the NIELIT eligibility criteria 2024 prior to applying for the exam to make sure that they are qualified to appear for it.

The NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant recruitment is conducted on the behalf of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) across 29 cities in India. SC/ST/ PWD/ Women candidates are exempted from paying NIELIT 2023 application fee while all others have to pay Rs. 800. For Scientist B and Technical Assistant A post, it is compulsory to appear in the written exam. As per previous year notifications, there are 402 vacancies out of which 71 are of Scientist (Group-A) while 331 are of Technical Assistant (Group-B).  

The final selection for Scientist B will be based on the marks of written test and the interview. There is no interview for the Technical Assistant post and candidates will be selected on the basis of written test. Candidates are advised to go through the notification thoroughly to know the specified criteria for each post, instructions, selection procedure, mode of examination, etc.

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NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant 2024 Highlights

Full Exam Name
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology Scientist B and Technical Assistant Exam
Short Exam Name
NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant
Conducting Body
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
National Level Exam
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Online : 800
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours
No Of Seats

Age Limit

Candidates should not exceed 30 years of age.

Age Relaxations

  • SC/ST - 5 years

  • OBC [Non-Creamy Layer (NCL)] - three years

  •  PWD - 10 years [15 years for PWD (SC/ST) & 13 years for PWD (OBC)]

  • Central Civilian Govt. employees - Five years 

Educational Qualification

  • Scientist ‘B’(Group-A):

  • BE/B.Tech in Computer Science or Computer Engineering/Information Technology/Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication.
  • MSc (Physics) with one year of experience (or) MSc (Electronics/Applied Electronics) with one year of experience.

Technical ‘A’ Assistant (Group-B)

  • M.Sc/MS/MCA/BE/B.Tech in any one or in the combination of below,

  • Physics, Applied Electronics, Electronics, Computer Science, Electronics & Telecommunications, Electronics and Communication, Computer & networking security, Information Technology, Software System, Management, Informatics, Bio-informatics, Remote Sensing, Computer Management, Geographical Information System (GIS), Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Operations Research, Computational linguistics, Statistics, Information Science, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and Design.

Background wave

  • Candidates have to read the instructions and click on the ‘I Agree’ checkbox provided at the bottom of the form after the declaration. 
  • Then start the process for submission of online application form by clicking ‘Proceed to Apply Online’ button.

  • The application form will be considered complete only if all the following three mandatory Steps (Step-1, Step-2 and Step-3 (if applicable) are completed successfully.

STEP-1: Submission of Applicant’s Details

  • Candidates are required to provide all the mandatory details [marked with * (asterisk) sign] in the online application form. They have to furnish the following information carefully in the online application form without any mistakes,

  • Candidates have to enter the 

  • Post Applied 

  • City of Written Examination 

  • Candidate's Name

  • Father's Name

  • Mother's Name

  • Legal Guardian's Name

  • Gender

  • Category

  • Date of Birth

  • Nationality

  • Correspondence Address

  • Permanent Address

  • Qualification Details

  • Experience Details

  • Identity Details (AADHAR)

  • Application Fee

  • The candidates will have to click the ‘Continue’ button to Preview the details entered by them. If all details are correct, the candidates can proceed to Step-2 by clicking the ‘Save Step-1 & Proceed’ button. If any details are incorrect, the candidates can click on ‘Edit Application’ button to change the wrong information.

  • Finally, a Unique Application Number will be generated.

STEP-2: Upload the scanned Photograph along with Signature and relevant documents

  • Candidates need to upload the necessary documents given below on the website,

  • A single PDF file (size less than 2 MB) consists of educational qualification, experience, Date of birth, Caste Certificate (SC\ST\OBC)

  • Category Certificate (if applicable)

  • Scanned photograph along with signature (JPEG\JPG format & size less than 50 KB)

STEP-3: Payment of Application Fee

  • After completion of STEP-2, the candidates will click the ‘Save STEP-2 & Proceed’ button for making the payment of application fee (if applicable) or for final submission of application form (where the fee is not applicable).

Application Fee details

  • SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates – No Fee

  • General and all others – Rs.800

Mode of Payment: Online

  • Application fee can be paid by Credit card/Debit card/Net Banking.
  • In case the candidate is not able to submit fee before closing date and time, then the candidature will be rejected.

Step-4: Printout of the online application form

  • The applicant can view the online application form details from the View/Print Application option available on the home page of the website.

  • Candidates need to use their Application Number and Date of Birth to view the application form on the screen. 

  • Applicants are required to make sure that ‘Application Status’ on the online application form is submitted successfully otherwise the application will be considered as incomplete and rejected.

  • Finally, take the printout of the online application form for the future reference. 

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Documents Required at Exam NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant 2024

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology Scientist B and Technical Assistant Exam 2024

  • Admit card
  • Driving license
  • Aadhaar card
  • Voter ID card
  • Employee ID card
  • College/university ID card
  • PAN card
  • Passport

NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant 2024 Exam Centers

Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
New Delhi
Jammu and Kashmir
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Port Blair
  • The Written exam is Objective type conducted in offline mode. 

  • There are a total of 120 objective type questions consisting of 60 questions from Computer Science and 60 questions on Generic Area. 

  • The Generic Area includes Logical, Analytical Reasoning Capabilities, Quantitative & Qualitative abilities and General Awareness & Aptitude.

  • Every Question carries one mark and there is negative marking of for each wrong answer (0.25 mark).


Maximum Questions

Maximum Marks

Engineering Mathematics &

Computer Science/ Computer Engineering



Generic Area:

  • Logical

  • Analytical Reasoning Capabilities

  • Quantitative & Qualitative abilities

  • General Awareness & Aptitude






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NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant 2024 Syllabus

NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology Scientist B and Technical Assistant Exam Syllabus

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 01

Probability, statistics, and combinatorics
  • Conditional probability; mean, median, mode and standard deviation; random variables; distributions; uniforms, normal, exponential, Poisson, binomial, permutations, combinations, counting, summation, generating functions, recurrence relations, asymptotic

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 02

Digital logic
  • Logic functions, minimization, design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits, number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point)

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 03

Computer organization and architecture
  • Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data-path, CPU control design, memory interface, I/O interface (interrupt and DMA mode), instruction pipelining, cache and main memory, secondary storage

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 04

Electrical engineering
  • Power electronics, signals and systems, electromagnetic fields, network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis, transient response of DC and AC networks, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance, super position theorem, maximum power transfer theorem
  • Three phase circuits, power and power factor in AC circuits

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 05

Analog and digital communication
  • Autocorrelation and power spectral density, properties of white noise, filtering of random signals through LTI systems, amplitude modulation and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, spectra of AM and FM, super heterodyne receivers
  • Circuits for analog communications, information theory, entropy, mutual information and channel capacity theorem, digital communications, PCM, DPCM, digital modulation schemes, amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying (ASK, PSK, FSK), QAM
  • MAP and ML decoding, matched filter receiver, calculation of bandwidth, SNR and BER for digital modulation; fundamentals of error correction, Hamming codes; timing and frequency synchronization, inter-symbol interference and its mitigation
  • Basics of TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 06

Programming and data structures
  • Programming in modern languages viz., Java, .Net, open source (PHP), Python, GoLang, NodeJS, etc functions, recursion, parameter passing, scope, binding, abstract data types arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps
  • Object oriented programming concepts-object, class, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 07

  • Analysis, asymptotic, notation, notions of space and time complexity, worst and average case analysis, design; Greedy approach, dynamic programming, divide-and-conquer, tree and graph traversals, connected competent, spanning trees, shortest paths
  • Hashing, sorting, searching, asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average cases) of time and space, upper and lower bounds, basic concept of complexity classes-P, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 08

Compiler design
  • Lexical analysis, parsing, syntax directed translation, runtime environments, intermediate and target code generation, basics of code optimization

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 09

Operating system
  • Processes, threads, inter-process communication, concurrency, synchronization, deadlock, CPU scheduling, memory management and virtual memory, file systems, I/O systems, protection and security

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 10

  • ER-model, relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), query languages (SQL), file structures (sequential files, indexing, B and B+ trees), transactions and concurrency control
  • NoSQL databases, questions on internals of postgres SQL

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 11

Information systems and software engineering
  • Information gathering, requirement and feasibility analysis, data flow diagrams, process specifications, input/ output design, process life cycle, planning and managing the project, design, coding, testing, implementation, maintenance

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 12

Computer networks
  • ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies, flow and error control techniques, routing algorithms, congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4), IP(v6), application layer protocols, (ICMP, DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS), basic concepts of hubs, switches
  • Gateways and routers
  • Wireless technologies, network security-basic concepts of public key and private key cryptography, digital signature, firewalls

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 13

Web technologies
  • HTML5, CSS3, XML, basic concept of client-server computing, web server, proxy server, web application development, MVC architecture, web services, frontend technologies

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 14

Cyber security and emerging technologies
  • Secure programming techniques, OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, concepts on IOT, block chain, AI etc

Scientist (Group-A)-Computer science: Unit 15

Cloud technology
  • Compute, network, storage management technologies, edge computing etc

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 01

Probability and Statistics
  • Sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard deviations, random variables discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, normal and binomial distribution, correlation and regression analysis

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 02

Digital computer principles
  • Number systems-binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal conversion, arithmetic operations, Boolean expression, simplification, postulates and theorems, simplifications, K-map
  • Combinational logic circuits-adder, subtractor, multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder, decoder, sequential circuits-SR, JK, T, D, flip flops, shift registers, asynchronous, synchronous and module and counters

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 03

Computer organization and architecture
  • Multiprocessors and microcomputers, machine instructions and addressing mode
  • ALU and datapath, CPU control design, memory interface, I/O interface (interrupt and DMA mode), cache and main memory, secondary storage, semiconductor memory-internal organization, SRAM, DRAM, SDRAM, Rambus memory, ROM technology, virtual memory
  • Instruction sequencing, instruction execution, hardwired control and microprogrammed control, micro instructions, instruction pipelining

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 04

Programming and data structures
  • Programming in C, functions , recursion, parameter passing, scope, binding; abstract data types, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search tress, binary heaps

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 05

Object oriented programming
  • Object oriented design concept, programming in C++ and on programming languages viz., Java, .Net , open source (PHP), Python, GoLang, NodeJS, etc

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 06

  • Analysis, asymptotic notation, notions of space and time complexity, worst and average case analysis, design; Greedy approach, dynamic programming, divide and conquer; tree and graph traversals, connected components, spanning trees, shortest paths
  • Hashing, sorting, searching
  • Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average cases) of time and space, upper and lower bounds
  • Basic concept of complexity classes, N, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 07

  • ER-model, relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), query languages (SQL), file structures (sequential files, indexing, B and B+ trees), transactions and concurrency control

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 08

System software
  • Lexical analysis, parsing, syntax directed translation, code generation and optimization, assemblers, linkers and loaders for microprocessors, operating systems-processes, threads, inter-process communication, synchronization, deadlocks, CPU scheduling
  • Memory management and virtual memory , file system, I/O systems, protection and security module

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 09

Information systems and software engineering
  • Information gathering, requirement and feasibility analysis, data flow diagrams, process specifications, input/ output design, process life cycle, planning and managing the project, design, coding and testing, implementation, maintenance

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 10

Computer networks
  • ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (ethernet, token ring), flow and error control techniques, routing algorithm, congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4)
  • Application layer protocol (ICMP, DNS,SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS): Basic concept of hubs, switches, gateways, and routers
  • Network security: basic concepts of public key and private key cryptography
  • Hash function, digital Signature, firewalls, user authentication-token based, biometric, remote user authentication, intrusion detection systems, honey pots, denial of service
  • Wireless network, 2G and 3G networks, bluetooth

Scientific/ technical assistant (Group-B)-Computer science: Unit 11

Web technologies
  • HTML5, CSS3, XML, basic concept of client-server computing, web server, proxy server, web application development, MVC architecture, web services, frontend and backend technologies

The admit card for written exam of NIELIT Scientist ‘B’ and Technical Assistant ‘A’ is issued 15 days before the date of examination. Candidates can download the admit card by using their Application Number and Date of Birth. They are intimated through SMS about the availability of admit card on the website. On the day of the written exam, candidates have to carry at least one valid photo identity proof along with the hard copy of admit card to the exam centre without which they will not be allowed to appear for the written examination. Call letters of the interview will be available only on the website. NIELIT does not send the call letters by post or any other modes.

How to download the NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant Admit Card

  • Click on the link to download the admit card on the website.

  • Fill the application number and date of birth.

  • Click on the ‘Download Admit Card’ button.

  • The admit card will appear on the display.

  • Download it and take the print copy of the same.

* For any problems related to online submission of application form/downloading of admit card, please send e-mail to recruit@nielit.gov.in mentioning advertisement number in the subject. No other query will be entertained at this mail-id.

NIELIT provides the answer key of Scientist B and Technical Assistant exam after the completion of the written exam. The answer key is available online in PDF format for all sets of test booklets issued to candidates during the examination. The answer key contains the correct answer for each question asked in the written exam. 

The result was declared in online mode on the official website. Candidates can check their result by using the necessary details includes application number, roll number and date of birth. The provisional list of candidates who have secured the minimum percentage of marks in written examination will be released on the website in PDF file (in order of merit) later.

NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant Qualifying Marks

The minimum percentage to qualify the written examination will be 50% for General, 40% for OBC and 30% for the SC/ST categories.


Minimum percentage needed to qualify







  • The final selection of candidates for appointment to the post of Scientist B is based on the combined performance of the candidates both in the written exam and an interview. 

  • The weight-age of marks for written examination and interview will be in the ratio of 1:3 (Number of vacancies: Number of candidates). It is compulsory to appear in the interview for the final selection.

  • Only the shortlisted candidates for the post of Scientist B who have qualified the written examination are called for interview.

  • For the post of Scientific ‘B’/Technical Assistant ‘A’, there will be no interview. 

  • Documents verification will be done at the time of the interview for the post of Scientist-‘B’. 

  • Verification of documents will be done before joining for the post of Technical Assistant ‘A’.


Selection process

Scientist-‘B’ (Group-A)

Common Written Test + Interview

Technical Assistant ‘A’ (Group-B)

Common Written Test

General Information



Relevant Links

Official Website Link Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the marking scheme of NIELIT scientist B?

The marking scheme of NIELIT scientist B is every Question will carry a 1 (one) mark and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.

2. How many exam centres in NIELIT recruitment 2024?

There are 29 exam centres as per previous year NIELIT notification.

3. When can I apply for NIELIT recruitment 2024?

Applicants can apply for the exam in online mode at nielit.gov.in.

4. How many posts are in nielit recruitment 2024 scientist b ?

There are around  71 posts of Scientist B.

5. How many vacancies are in NIELIT recruitment 2024?

As per the previous year notification, there are around 402 vacancies.

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Questions related to NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant

Have a question related to NIELIT Scientist B and Technical Assistant ?

Hello Apirant.

You haven't mention which exam are you talking about. Neither have you mentioned you proper name on your account. You should be specific when you ask queries here and change your profile name it appeals to be a spam account. So on the basis of the hashtag you had put in this question I am answering it.

For NIELIT preparation, the candidates can follow the study materials related to GATE CS exam. Using the relevant study material, they should make easy notes for the theoretical subjects, and write all the formulae and tricks for the practical subjects to revise the topics thoroughly during the exams . I am listing some books which might help.

Qualitative and quantitative analysis books:

  • Play with Advanced Maths- Abhinay Sharma
  • Teach yourself quantitative aptitude- Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude- R.S. Aggarwal

General Awareness and Aptitude Books:

  • A Complete Reference to General Aptitude- GK Publications
  • Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examination-  Abhijit Guha
  • General Knowledge- Lucents
  • General Knowledge 2021- Manohar Pandey
  • General Knowledge Manual- Pearson

some books for technical section:

  • Multiple Choice Questions For GATE / PSUs- Made Easy Publication
  • MCQs On Computer- Dr Alok Kumar
  • Analog and Digital Communication- Neha Jain
  • Computer Awareness Objective & Subjective- S. R. Behera

Hope this helps you.

No, it's not a UH course but a government job opportunity for recruitment into technical areas mainly into related to Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
The basic qualification required is bachelor's degree in relevant subjects such as IT, computer science, electronics, telecommunications etc.,
The links given below will help you with more information -



Hope this helps.
Good luck!

Hello Student

In NIELIT for scientist B grade exam and scientist scientific assistant 'A'exam conducted by bhai is Electronics and Communication Ministry Government of India for the post of scientist b  and scientific assistant grade. For this exam  MCApass out candidate should take IT as stream of selection.

Hope this helps.

Hey Athira,

Here are few books suggestion for NIELIT Scientist B Exam:

  1. General Awareness by Manohar Panday (Publisher: Arihant)
  2. A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal by B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali (Publisher: Arihant)
  3. A Modern Approach To Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Revised Edition by R.S.Aggarwal (Publisher: S.Chand)
  4. Quantitative Aptitude by N.K.Singh (Publisher: Upkar Prakashan)
  5. Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Aggrawal (Publisher: S.Chand Publishing)
  6. High School English Grammar & Composition Revised Edition (English) 1st Edition by Wren and Martin

Hope this helped,

Thank You.

Dear Aspirant,

You will find following subjects in ECE branch:-

  • Analog Electronic Ckts
  • VLSI

There are other subjects too, which you can find on the link below:


Some subjects might have different names, or might have different alternative depending upon the college.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

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