HomeCompetition ExamsIntelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Exam

IB ACIO Exam 2023 - Latest Update, Result, Cutoff, Syllabus, Preparation Tips, Dates

Updated on 08th January, 2025 by Team Careers360

About IB ACIO 2023

Ministry of Home Affairs released the IB ACIO result 2023 on March 28, 2024 in the official website. The IB ACIO application form opened on November 25, 2023 and closed on December 15, 2023. The Ministry of Home Affairs conducts the IBACIO exam in order to recruit the candidates as Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) Grade-II/Executive. Candidates between 18 to 27 years of age who hold graduation degree can apply for ACIO. 

The  IB ACIO exam is conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade II at Intelligence Bureau in the Ministry of Home Affairs. The ACIO exam is conducted for three phases - Tier I, II and Interview. Tier I exam will be objective type while the tier II exam will be descriptive. The objective paper will contain 100 marks questions while 50 marks questions will be asked for the descriptive part. Candidates who qualify in tier I will be called for the tier II exam. Tier II qualified candidates will further have to appear for an interview round after which the final result will be declared. ACIO is expected to be conducted at various centres at 33 cities across the country.  ACIO final result will be declared by taking the performance of the candidates in both tier I and II into consideration. Candidates who qualify in the ACIO exam can be posted anywhere in India.

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IB ACIO 2023 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Exam
Short Exam Name
Conducting Body
Intelligence Bureau Ministry of Home Affairs
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
National Level Exam
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Offline : 100 +1 more
Mode Of Counselling
online +1 more
Exam Duration
Tier 1:1 Hour +1 more
No Of Seats

IB ACIO Important Dates

IB ACIO Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Exam (session 2023)

25 Nov' 2023 - 15 Dec' 2023 . Online
Application Date
15 Dec' 2023 - 15 Dec' 2023 . Online
Online fee payment last date
19 Dec' 2023 - 19 Dec' 2023 . Offline
Fee payment through SBI challan

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IB ACIO Tier 1 (session 2023)

14 Jan' 2024 - 18 Jan' 2024 . Online
Admit Card Date
17 Jan' 2024 - 18 Jan' 2024 . Offline
Exam Date
28 Mar' 2024 - 28 Mar' 2024 . Online
Result Date

IB ACIO Tier 2 (session 2023)

09 Jun' 2024 - 09 Jun' 2024 . Offline
Exam Date
27 May' 2024 - 09 Jun' 2024 . Online
Admit Card Date
13 Sep' 2024 - 13 Sep' 2024 . Online
Result Date

The exam conducting authority determined the IB ACIO eligibility criteria. The ACIO eligibility criteria is the minimum requirement that must be met by the candidates in order to appear for the exam. The eligibility criteria of ACIO is determined on the basis of age and education qualification of the candidates. It is important for the candidates to fulfill the eligibility criteria in order to avoid rejection at later stage of the selection process.

ACIO Eligibility Criteria - Age

In order to appear for ACIO, candidates must be between 18 to 27 years of age. However, there are various age relaxations that have been provided on the upper age limit of the candidates by the exam conducting authority to the candidates of reserved categories. The table below contains the relaxation as per the category.

ACIO Eligibility Criteria


Age Relaxation


5 years


3 years

Departmental candidates (who gave 3 years of service)

13 years

Divorced women, widows, and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried (General)

8 years

Divorced women, widows, and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried (SC/ST)

13 years

Ex-Servicemen/J&K domiciled candidates between January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1989/Descendants of 2002 riots victim


ACIO Eligibility Criteria - Education qualification

  • Candidates must hold a graduation degree.

  • It is important for candidates to have computer knowledge.

Background wave

Ministry of Home Affairs released the IB ACIO application form 2023 in online mode on November 25, 2023. Eligible candidates could fill the application form of IB ACIO within the time frame given by the exam conducting authority. Along with the filling of ACIO application form, candidates also payed the prescribed application form as per their category. In order to fill the application form, candidates must have a valid active email ID and mobile number. Candidates must also keep ready with them their scanned image and signature of the prescribed dimension before they sit for filling the application form of ACIO. 

The B ACIO application form was divided into two parts - part 1 and 2. Candidates were expected to fill both parts of the application form. In part 1 of the application form of ACIO, candidates were required to fill the personal and academic details while part 2 of the application form was related to the payment of application fee. 

Candidates were made to upload the scanned image and signature at the time when they registered for the ACIO exam.

In order to fill the application form of ACIO, candidates can follow the steps given below.

ACIO Application Form - Part 1

Step 1 - Registration

Step 2 - Uploading of scanned image and signature (the file should not be more than 50 kb)

Step 3 - Filling in the details 

Step 4 - Preview

Step 5 - Final Submit

ACIO Application Form - Part 2

Step 1 - Payment of application form

Step 2 - Print out of application form and payment slip

The application fee of IB ACIO can be paid by the candidates either in online or in offline mode. The application fee of ACIO must be paid by only the male candidates belonging to the unreserved category. Reserved category and female candidates are exempted from the payment of application fee.

Application Fees - Rs 100

Application Fee payment in Offline mode

Candidates had to take a printout of Challan form and pay the fee in cash in any branch of State Bank of India one day after the filling of application form. A Challan receipt would be given to the candidates by the bank reflecting the transaction ID, which were to be kept safe with the candidates.

Application Fee payment in Online mode

The online payment of the IB ACIO application fee could be done using debit card or credit card. During the payment of online application fee, candidates had to provide their registration number.


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Documents Required at Exam IB ACIO 2023

Tier 1 2023

  • Admit card
  • PAN card
  • Passport
  • Driving license
  • Aadhaar card
  • Voter ID card
  • Bank passbook
  • College/University ID card
  • Employee ID card

Tier 2 2023

  • Admit card
  • Aadhar card
  • PAN card
  • Driving license
  • Passport
  • Voter ID card
  • Bank Passbook
  • Employees ID card
  • College/University ID card

Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Exam 2023

  • Admit card
  • Aadhaar card
  • Passport
  • Voter ID card

IB ACIO 2023 Exam Centers

Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
New Delhi
Arunachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh

Tier 1

The exam conducting authority prescribes the IB ACIO exam pattern. Candidates must go through ACIO exam pattern in order to know the different phases in which the exam will be conducted, sections, total questions, duration, and marks distribution.

As per the exam pattern of ACIO, the exam is conducted for three phases - tier I, II, and Interview. Candidates who qualify in tier I become eligible to appear for tier II exam. All those candidates who pass in tier II of ACIO, are further called for the interview round.

ACIO Exam Pattern - Tier I (Objective)


No. of Questions



General awareness



60 minutes

Quantitative aptitude



English language



Logical/analytical ability






  • The exam will have objective type questions

  • There will be 4 sections containing 25 questions each of 1 mark each.

Tier 2

All those candidates who will qualify in the tier I exam will further have to appear for the tier II exam of ACIO. Phase II exam of ACIO will of descriptive nature. The following table contains the details about the exam pattern of phase II exam of ACIO.

ACIO Exam Pattern - Tier II (Descriptive)




Essay on one of the given topics


60 minutes

English comprehension &

précis writing




All those candidates who will qualify in the tier II exam of ACIO will further have to appear for the Interview round. Candidates who will be shortlisted in the interview round will further have to appear for document verification and medical test.

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IB ACIO 2023 Syllabus

IB ACIO Tier 1 Syllabus

IB ACIO Tier 2 Syllabus

Tier 1

The exam conducting authority issued the admit card in three phases. The admit card of IB ACIO was issued separately for tier I, II and Interview. All those candidates who will successfully filled the application form were issued the tier I admit card. The admit card of tier II was issued to only those candidates who qualified the prelims exam of ACIO. All those candidates who qualified for the interview round was issued the admit card of ACIO for the interview. The admit card of ACIO was sent to each candidate through email on their personal email ID. The admit card sent to the candidates contain the date and time of the examination along with the venue where the exam will be conducted. Candidates had to print out the ACIO admit card and carry it to the allotted exam centre on the day of examination. Along with the admit card of ACIO, candidates had to also carry one of the prescribed photo ID proofs - aadhaar card, voter card, PAN card, passport, driving license.

ACIO Admit card for Tier I

The ACIO admit card of tier I was issued only to those candidates who will successfully filled the application form. ACIO admit card for tier I was sent to the candidate through email. The admit card of IB ACIO contained details about the exam date and time and venue where the exam was conducted. Candidates had to take the print out of the admit card and carry it to the exam centre as they were not allowed to take the test if they failed to bring the admit card. Along with the admit card candidates also had to carry one of the prescribed photo identity proofs. 

Tier 2

All those candidates who qualified the tier I exam of ACIO were issued the admit card for tier II examination. The ACIO admit card of tier II could be downloaded by the candidates by visiting the application portal or their personal mail. ACIO Admit card for tier II contained the date, time and centre of Tier-II exam. Candidates had to take a printout of the admit card and bring it to their respective exam centres. Candidates had to also carry one of the photo ID proofs. No candidates was allowed to appear for the exam if they did not have their admit card on the day of examination.

Tier 1

The exam conducting authority declared the ACIO results in PDF format on March 28, 2024. Candidates can click on the result link to access their ACIO result. The ACIO results were declared separately for separate tiers of examination. The ACIO result contained the roll numbers of only those candidates who will qualified for the examination. Candidates who found their roll numbers in the result PDF further had to appear for the next phase of the exam of ACIO.

ACIO Result - Tier I

The result of ACIO for tier I was declared in PDF format. Candidates can click on the result link and download the PDF. The ACIO result PDF contained the roll numbers on the qualified candidates. All the candidates whose roll numbers are mentioned in the result PDF were eligible to appear for the tier II examination of ACIO.

Tier 2

The IB ACIO result for tier II was released for all those candidates who qualified in tier II (descriptive) examination. The of IB ACIO result was declared in the PDF format containing the roll numbers of all those candidates who had been shortlisted for the interview round.

Tier 1

The ACIO cut off is the minimum marks determined by the exam conducting authority in order to shortlist the candidates for the next stage of the selection process. In order to qualify tier I exam of ACIO, candidates must score at least 33% marks. Apart from scoring the qualifying marks, candidates must also score the minimum cut off marks as per their category to appear for the tier II examination of ACIO.

Tier 2

The  IB ACIO cut off of tier II exam was determined by the examination authority to shortlist the candidates for interview. Cut off of ACIO is the minimum marks that must be scored by the candidates to qualify the tier II exam. The exam conducting authority determines the cut off marks taking the category of the candidates into consideration. Candidates who score the category wise cut off of ACIO for tier II exam will only be considered as qualified.

The final IB ACIO cut off is released by the examination authority after the interview is conducted. All those candidates who score the overall cut off marks will be recruited at the post of ACIO in the Intelligence Bureau.

Documents Required at IB ACIO 2023 counselling

Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Exam 2023

  • Birth certificate
  • 10th and 12th marksheet
  • Certificate regarding degree/post-graduate/other examinations passed
  • Character certificate
  • Caste certificate (if required)
  • PWD certificate (if applicable)
  • Discharge certificate in applied under ex-servicemen

General Information


8287447722 + 2 more

Relevant Links

Official Website Link Click Here + 4 more

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How risky is IB ACIO?

IB ACIO job is quite risky but very rewarding.

2. Which degree is needed for IB ACIO?

As per the IB ACIO Educational Qualification, candidates can possess any bachelor's degree from a recognized university.  

3. Is the IB ACIO interview tough?

IB ACIO interview is considered tough. However, with proper preparation, candidates can clear it with relative ease.

4. Does IB ACIO get a gun?

IB officers don't routinely carry firearms except when in specific roles such as CRPF or SPG deputations.  

5. Is IB ACIO a powerful job?

ACIOs can progress to DCIO and Assistant Director roles who are powerful.

6. Is IB ACIO conducted every year?

IB ACIO is an annual exam conducted once every year.

7. Do IB officers get pension?

IB ACIO officers enjoy benefits like retirement package, including a pension, provident fund, and gratuity. 

8. What is the salary of ACIO in hand?

The in-hand salary of IB ACIO ranges from Rs. 80375 to Rs. 90257.

9. What is the highest rank in IB?

The highest rank in IB is that of Director.

Questions related to IB ACIO

Have a question related to IB ACIO ?


Yes, you can be eligible for the IB ACIO exam after completing your B.Sc in Forensic Science, provided you meet the following criteria:

  • Age Limit : Typically, 18-27 years (age relaxation for reserved categories).
  • Educational Qualification : A graduate degree from a recognized university. Your B.Sc qualifies for this.
  • Nationality : Indian citizen.
  • Physical Standards : There are certain height and weight criteria for both male and female candidates.

Hope it helps !


To find syllabus for cracking the IB ACIO (Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer) ( exam with full marks, you'll need to refer to reliable sources that provide comprehensive information on the exam pattern, syllabus, and preparation strategies. Here are a few places you can look for the necessary materials:

  1. Official Website of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

    • Visit the official MHA website for the most accurate and official syllabus and exam-related details for IB ACIO exams. They often release official notifications, including detailed syllabus and exam patterns.
  2. IB ACIO Notification

    • The official IB ACIO notification published by MHA or the Intelligence Bureau typically contains the syllabus, exam pattern, and other crucial details. It will provide you with the full exam breakdown including subjects like General Awareness , Quantitative Aptitude , Logical/Analytical Ability , English , and General Studies .
  3. Books and Study Material

    • Books by reputed publishers (like Arihant , Kiran , R.S. Aggarwal , and McGraw Hill ) often come with detailed syllabi and practice sets for IB ACIO preparation.
    • Look for IB ACIO-specific books that outline the exam pattern, syllabus, and exam strategies to score high marks.
  4. Online Forums and Communities

    • Websites like Careers360 often share study tips, syllabus details, and preparation strategies for the IB ACIO exam.
    • The platform often provide insights into the common mistakes and tips to ensure you score well.
  5. YouTube Channels

    • Several YouTube channels are dedicated to competitive exam preparation. You can find videos that outline the full syllabus, important topics to cover, and strategies to prepare efficiently.

Hope it helps !


The exact exam date for ACIO (Assistant Central Intelligence Officer) may vary, so it is best to stay updated through official channels. You can regularly check the official website of the conducting body or follow their social media accounts for the latest updates on the exam date. They usually announce it well in advance.

Hope this helps you,

Thank you

Hello Student

The main eligibility criteria for IB ACIO  intelligence bureau Assistant Central intelligence officer is Candidate should be graduate and have a basic knowledge in computer. Cadet should have the eyesight 6 by 6 or 6/9 capacity. I should be 165 CM 5 cm is taxable for the ST candidate s in physical status status eyesight and height is counted there is no search obstacles for the specific type of physical ailment candidate. But the candidate has to produce a normal medical certificate of good health from a registered practitioner doctor the rank of Gazetted officer working in a government hospital. All the posts of this category is under the ministry of home affairs Government of India.

To know more you can click on the the official website of the IB ACIO  Examination authority-http/www.mha.gov.in

Hope this helps.


We regret to tell you that we cannot provide your admit card. Only the candidates can download the admit card. And the admit card download link for IB ACIO had expired. We would suggest you to please search for the soft copy of the admit card in your laptop/PC/mobile phone or hard copy of the admit card. The roll number will be given on the admit card. IB ACIO has released TIER 1 results on April 1, 2021 and the list of roll of the qualified candidates is given in the PDF format.

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