Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019

Edited By Sanjana Surbhi | Updated on Jan 03, 2019 03:52 PM IST | #Indian Bank PO

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019 - Indian Bank will release the application form for the post of Probationary Officer of Indian Bank PO in the first week of August 2019. Candidates will be able to fill the Indian Bank PO application form 2019 till last week of August in online mode. Before filling the Indian Bank PO application form 2019, candidates must check the eligibility criteria prescribed by the exam conducting body. While filling the Indian Bank PO application form 2019, candidates are required to enter their personal details, educational details and upload scanned photograph, signature and pay the application fee. The detailed procedure to fill and submit Indian Bank PO application form 2019 can be checked below.

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019
Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019

Indian Bank PO exam is conducted in three stages - Prelims, Mains and Interview. Candidates qualifying in all the three stages will have to undergo one year of post graduate diploma in banking and finance (PGDBF) conducted at Indian Bank Manipal School of Banking (IBMSB), Bangalore.

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019 Dates 

Candidates who wish to apply for the Indian Bank PO 2019 exam can check below the dates related to the application, last date of application, editing of details and payment of the fee from the given table.



Indian Bank PO application form 2019

First week of August 2019

Last date of filling online application

Last week of August 2019

Last date of payment of a fee

Last week of August 2019

Last date to print the application form

Last week of August 2019

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019 - Application Form Highlights 



Name of the exam

Indian Bank PO (Probationary Officer)

Mode of application 


Application Fee

General/OBC - Rs. 600

SC/ST/PWD - Rs. 100

Mode of payment

Online (Debit Card/Credit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Card/Mobile Wallets)

Steps to fill application form


Stages of exam

Three (Prelims, Mains and Interview)

Documents required to fill Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019

Candidates must keep the following documents ready with themselves while filling up the application form:

Scanned photograph and scanned signature

Bank account details to pay the online application fee

Marksheets of class 10th, 12th, and Graduation

A personal email ID

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019 - Steps to fill the form


Online Registration (Basic details)


Uploading of scanned images (passport size photograph and signature)


Filling the Indian Bank PO application form




Payment of application fee of Indian Bank PO

Image of steps of Indian Bank PO application form


Indian Bank PO application form 2019 - Detailed steps to fill the application form

Step 1: Online registration 

  • Click on ‘New Registration’ to register online for Indian Bank PO 2019


  • Fill in the details such as name, mobile number, email ID and security code (captcha).

  • A provisional registration number and password will be generated. The login details that is provisional registration number and password will be sent via mail to your registered email ID.

  • Save all the information and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Uploading of scanned images (passport size photograph and signature)

After registration, candidates have to upload their scanned photograph and signature by clicking on the upload button with the prescribed specifications given by the exam conducting authority.

Instructions to be followed while uploading signature

  • Candidates have to sign on a white paper with the black pen

  • A signature must not be in capital letters

  • A dimension of the signature must be 140 x 60 pixels

  • The size should not be more than 10 to 20kb

  • The signature on the answer script must match the signature on the call letter otherwise the applicant will be disqualified.

Instructions to be followed while uploading a photograph

  • The photograph must be taken against a light-colored, preferably white background.

  • A dimension of the photograph should be 200 x 230 pixels (preferred)

  • The size of the photograph should not be more than 50kb

  • Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face

  • In case the candidate is using flash or wearing glasses, ensure that there is no red-eye, no reflection and the eyes should be clearly visible

Step 3: Filling the Indian Bank PO application form

In this step, candidates have to enter their details including related to 

  • Personal details

  • Educational qualification

  • Choice of centre to appear for prelims and mains exam etc in the Indian Bank PO application form 2019. Candidates can use the save and next option, to verify the details in the application form and they can modify the same if needed. 

Step 4: Preview

After filling up of all the details, candidates are advised to go through the application form of Indian Bank PO 2019 and make sure that there are no spelling errors in name or other information. They can also make some important changes if required. Once the application form has been finally submitted then no changes can be made. After a preview, proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Payment of application fee of Indian Bank PO

To complete the application process, candidates have to pay application fee of Indian Bank PO 2019 as decided by the exam conducting authority. The payment of Indian Bank PO can be made by using Debit Card (Rupay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Card/Mobile Wallets. 

Indian Bank PO 2019 Application Fee




Application Fee



After the payment of fee and finally submitting the application form of Indian Bank PO 2019, candidates must save and take a printout of the application form and e-receipt of the online payment for future reference.

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019 - Important Points

  • Candidates will have to apply online for Indian Bank PO, as no other mode of application will be available. 

  • While uploading photograph and signature candidates must ensure that their photograph and signature (4.5cmX3.5cm) is as per the prescribed specifications are given in the notification.

  • The spelling of the name of the candidate must be correct in the application and it must be same as it is on the certificates/mark sheets. 

  • Candidates are not required to send the printout of the Indian Bank PO application form to the exam conducting authorities.

Indian Bank PO Application Form 2019 - FAQs

Question: Is there any other mode than an online mode to fill the application?
Answer. No other mode of filling application form of Indian Bank PO 2019 will be accepted by the examination authority than online mode.

Question: What should I do if there is a lot of delay in accessing the page?
Answer: Based on various factors like Internet speed or may be a large number of applicants trying to register the application at the same time etc. So, you must retry after some time or during off-peak hours, especially during the night.

Question: I want to change/correct the details that I entered in the application form of Indian Bank PO?
Answer: You are advised to choose the ‘Edit’ option and then modify the details that you wanted to change. You can use this facility prior to final submission of the application form. Also, after correcting the details, do not forget to take a printout.  After final submission no changes can be made in Indian Bank PO application form 2019. 

Question:  How will I know that my application has been registered?
Answer: After completing the registration process, a provisional registration number and password will be displayed on the screen. From that, you can know that you have successfully done the registration for Indian Bank PO exam. Also, note the registration number and password for future references.


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Questions related to Indian Bank PO

Have a question related to Indian Bank PO ?

Greetings dear aspirant

Firstly, congrats on successful completion of your MET exam. The cut-off trends keeps changing every year and it depends on the number of students attempting the exam, difficulty level, number of available seats, etc. With 143/240, its not possible to get CSE or IT branch in their main campus, i.e. Manipal as there is a huge competition for these seats. The cut-off of CSE branch at Manipal campus was 781 in the year 2020. You can try applying for other branches in Manipal campus like Mechanical, Biotechnology, etc. Also, you can try for branches like CSE, IT, ECE, etc in their Jaipur and Sikkim campuses. Just apply to their counselling process and as it is conducted in different rounds, your chances of securing a seat increases.

You can have a look at the cut-off trends from the above link.

Hope I've cleared all your doubts!!

All the best for your future endeavours


No official notifications have been released by Indian Bank PO regarding its recruitment for this year or even exam dates for that matter, whatever you're seeing are only tentative dates, until official confirmation comes regarding this, one cannot make confirmations for the same.

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