HomeCompetition ExamsUPSC Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Exam

UPSC IES/ISS 2025 - Notification, Application form, Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus

Ongoing Event
UPSC IES ISS Application Date : 12 Feb' 2025 - 04 Mar' 2025
Updated on 09th January, 2025 by Meghana Mohana Krishnan

About UPSC IES ISS 2025

Union Public Service Commission will release the UPSC IES/ISS notification 2025 on February 12, 2025 on the official website, upsc.gov.in/ upsconline.nic.in. The UPSC IES/ISS application form 2025 will also be released on the same date. The last date to submit the UPSC IES/ISS 2025 application form is March 4, 2025. The commission has scheduled to conduct the UPSC IES/ISS 2025 exam on June 20, 2025. 

Candidates must be 21 to 30 years of age to be eligible to appear for UPSC IES/ISS exam. To apply for the Junior Time Scale in Indian Economic Service, candidates must be post-graduate in Applied Economics/ Econometrics /Economics/ Business Economics/ from a University or Foreign University approved by the Central Government. 

Candidates applying for Indian Statistical Service must have a bachelor's degree or Master's degree with Mathematical Statistics/Applied Statistics/Statistics/ as one of the subjects from a University or equivalent. The written exam for Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service is conducted separately. Candidates who qualify the written exam will be called for Viva-voce. The allotment of various posts of IES/ISS will be done on the basis of candidates’ performance in written exam and Viva-voce/Interview.


UPSC conducts UPSC IES/ISS exam for the recruitment of Junior Time Scale in Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service. The selection process of UPSC IES/ISS is done in 2 stages- written exam followed by Viva-voce or Interview.

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UPSC IES ISS 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
UPSC Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Exam
Short Exam Name
Conducting Body
Union Public Service Commission
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
National Level Exam
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Offline : 200 +1 more
Mode Of Exam
No Of Seats

UPSC IES ISS Important Dates

UPSC IES ISS UPSC Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Exam (session 2025)

12 Feb' 2025 - 04 Mar' 2025 . OnlineOn Going
Application Date
20 Jun' 2025 - 20 Jun' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
12 Feb' 2025 - 12 Feb' 2025 . Online
Advertisement Date

UPSC will announced the result of UPSC IES/ISS 2025 in online mode on the official website. The roll number and names of qualified candidates for the written exam will be mentioned in the pdf file. Only those candidates who qualify the written exam are eligible to appear for Viva-voce. The commission also releases the final result of the candidates who qualify the Viva-voce.

Candidates must check the eligibility criteria to be eligible to appear for UPSC IES/ISS. 

Post Name

Age Limit

Educational Qualification

Junior Time Scale in Indian Economic Service

21 to 30 years of age

Post Graduation degree  in Applied Economics/ Economtrics /Economics/ Business Economics/ from a University or Foreign University approved by the Central Government

Junior Time Scale in  Indian Statistical Service

Bachelor's degree or Master's degree with Mathematical Statistics/Applied Statistics/Statistics/ as one of the subject from a University or Foreign University approved by the Central Government


Candidates applying for UPSC IES/ISS must be 

  1. an Indian citizen, or Tibetan refugee ( before January 1962), or a subject to Nepal or Bhutan, or

  2.  Migrants from Pakistan, Burma, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or Vietnam Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, with the intention of permanently settling in India with certificates of eligibility issued by Government of India.

Background wave

The commission will release the UPSC IES/ISS application form on February 12, 2025. The last date to submit the UPSC IES/ISS 2025 application form is March 4, 2025. The application fee of UPSC IES/ISS is Rs. 200 for General and OBC candidates while Persons with Benchmark Disability/SC/Female/ST candidates are exempted from fee payment.

Candidates can choose the mode of payment either online or offline through SBI challan or net banking or by using Debit Card/Master/RuPay/Visa/ Credit card. Candidates also have to fill the details of any one photo identity proofs like Aadhar Card/Driving LicensePAN Card/Voter Card/Passport.

Steps to fill the UPSC IES/ISS Application form

To know the steps to fill the online application form of UPSC IES/ISS check the steps given below.

  • Open the UPSC official website - upsc.gov.in.

  • Click on the ‘Apply Online link’ available on the web page.

  • Online One-Time Registration (OTR)- If the applicants are not completed the One Time Registration, They have to complete it by providing some basic details such as personal and contact details.

  • Login by using valid login credentials Email ID and OTP/Password or Mobile number and  OTP/Password or OTR ID and OTP/Password.

  • Candidates have to fill out the UPSC IES/ISS 2025 application form in two parts which include filling in other details, fee payment, uploading of scanned documents, signature, photo identity card document and selection of preferred exam centre.

  • Check all the details furnished in the UPSC IES/ISS application form 2025 thoroughly and edit the details if needed. 

  • Once submitted, Applicants will not able to make changes in their UPSC IES/IS application form 2025.

  • After submission, a registration number will be generated. Candidates have to download it as a pdf file and take a printout for future reference.

Specification of payment and payment gateway

Mode of payment

Payment gateway


Visa/RuPay Credit/Master/Debit Card or net banking


Bank challan

Specifications of Documents




20 kb to 300 kb


20 kb to 300 kb

Documents Required While Filling UPSC IES/ISS Application Form 

  • Active Email ID

  • Scanned Signature

  • Scanned photograph

  • One photo identity proof like Aadhar Card/Voter Card/PAN Card/Passport/Driving License

UPSC IES/ISS Detailed Application Form

The Detailed Application Form (DAF) of UPSC IES/ISS will be filled by the candidates who qualify the prelims exam. Candidates first have to register themselves and fill details including their name, roll number, email ID, date of birth and submit the UPSC IES/ISS detailed application form. 

The login credential details will be sent to the email id provided by the candidates. To proceed further to fill the detailed application form, candidates will have to log in with the roll number and password generated and fill details including Personal, parental, educational, Employment information,  and upload the documents submit the application form.

Documents to be uploaded along with UPSC IES/ISS Detailed Application Form

  • Educational Qualification Certificates
  • Age Certificate
  • Category Certificate (for SC, ST, OBC candidates if applicable)

  • Certificate in support of claim for age/fee concession, where applicable

  • PH certificate (if applicable)

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Documents Required at Exam UPSC IES ISS 2025

UPSC Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Exam 2025

  • Admit card
  • Aadhar card
  • Voter id card
  • Passport
  • Driving License

UPSC IES ISS 2025 Exam Centers

Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Jammu and Kashmir
West Bengal
Himachal Pradesh

Union Public Service Commission prescribes the exam pattern for UPSC IES and ISS. As per the exam pattern of IES (Indian Economic Service), all the questions are subjective in nature. All the question for all each subject in IES and ISS will be of Conventional type except Statistics Paper 1 and Statistics Paper 2. These 2 papers will be objective in nature.

UPSC IES Exam Pattern

All the questions asked in IES is in subjective in nature. Candidates will have to answer each paper in 3 hours.


Type of questions

Maximum Marks


General English



3 hours

General Studies



3 hours

General Economics 1



3 hours

General Economics 2



3 hours

General Economics 3



3 hours

Indian Economics



3 hours

UPSC ISS Exam pattern

As per the exam pattern of UPSC ISS, the questions asked in Statistics  1 and 2 will be of objective type. Each paper of UPSC IES will have 80 questions with maximum of 200 marks. The questions asked in Statistics 3 and 4 will be of the descriptive type with short answer and the long answer. It is compulsory for the candidates' short answer and one long answer question from each section. In Statistics paper 4, candidates have to choose any two sub-sections from the subsections available. All the subsection will have 50% weightage.


Type of questions

Maximum Marks


General English



3 hours

General Studies



3 hours

Statistics 1



2 hours

Statistics 2



2 hours

Statistics 3







3 hours

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UPSC IES ISS 2025 Syllabus

UPSC IES ISS UPSC Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Exam Syllabus

General English: Unit 01

Essay writing

    General English: Unit 03

    Passages for summary or precis

      General studies: Unit 02

      Indian polity
      • Including the political system and the constitution of India

      General economics–I: Unit 01

      Theory of consumer’s demand
      • Cardinal utility analysis: Marginal utility and demand, consumer’s surplus, indifference curve, analysis and utility function, price income and substitution effects, Slutsky theorem and derivation of demand curve, revealed preference theory
      • Duality and indirect utility function and expenditure function, choice under risk and uncertainty
      • Simple games of complete information, concept of Nash equilibrium

      General economics–I: Unit 02

      Theory of production
      • Factors of production and production function
      • Forms of production functions: Cobb Douglas, CES and fixed coefficient type, translog production function
      • Laws of return, returns to scale and return to factors of production
      • Duality and cost function, measures of productive efficiency of firms, technical and allocative efficiency
      • Partial equilibrium versus general equilibrium approach
      • Equilibrium of the firm and industry

      General economics–I: Unit 03

      Theory of value
      • Pricing under different market structures, public sector pricing, marginal cost pricing, peak load pricing, cross-subsidy free pricing and average cost pricing. Marshallian and Walrasian stability analysis
      • Pricing with incomplete information and moral hazard problems

      General economics–I: Unit 04

      Theory of distribution
      • Neoclassical distribution theories; marginal productivity theory of determination of factor prices, factor shares and adding up problems
      • Euler’s theorem, pricing of factors under imperfect competition, monopoly and bilateral monopoly
      • Macro-distribution theories of Ricardo, Marx, Kaldor, Kalecki

      General economics–I: Unit 05

      Welfare economics
      • Interpersonal comparison and aggression problem, public goods and externalities, divergence between social and private welfare, compensation principle
      • Pareto optimality
      • Social choice and other recent schools, including Coase and Sen

      General economics–I: Unit 06

      Mathematical methods in economics
      • Differentiation and integration and their application in economics
      • Optimisation techniques, sets, matrices and their application in economics
      • Linear algebra and linear programming in economics and input-output model of leontief

      General economics–I: Unit 07

      Statistical and econometric methods
      • Measures of central tendency and dispersions, correlation and regression
      • Time series
      • Index numbers
      • Sampling of curves based on various linear and nonlinear function
      • Least square methods and other multivariate analysis (only concepts and interpretation of results)
      • Analysis of variance, factor analysis, principal component analysis, discriminant analysis
      • Income distribution: Pareto law of distribution, lognormal distribution, measurement of income inequality
      • Lorenz curve and gini coefficient
      • Univariate and multivariate regression analysis
      • Problems and remedies of heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and multicollinearity

      General economics–II: Unit 01

      Economic thought
      • Mercantilism physiocrats, classical, Marxist, Neoclassical, Keynesian and Monetarist schools of thought

      General economics–II: Unit 02

      Concept of national income and social accounting
      • Measurement of national income, inter relationship between three measures of national income in the presence of government sector and international transactions
      • Environmental considerations, green national income

      General economics–II: Unit 03

      Theory of employment, output, inflation, money and finance
      • The classical theory of employment and output and neo classical approaches
      • Equilibrium, analysis under classical and neo classical analysis
      • Keynesian theory of employment and output
      • Post Keynesian developments. the inflationary gap; demand pull versus cost push inflation, the Phillips curve and its policy implication
      • Classical theory of money, quantity theory of money
      • Friedman’s restatement of the quantity theory, the neutrality of money
      • The supply and demand for loanable funds and equilibrium in financial markets, Keynes’ theory on demand for money
      • IS-IM model and AD-AS model in Keynesian theory

      General economics–II: Unit 04

      Financial and capital market
      • Finance and economic development, financial markets, stock market, gift market, banking and insurance
      • Equity markets, role of primary and secondary markets and efficiency, derivatives markets; future and options

      General economics–II: Unit 05

      Economic growth and development
      • Concepts of economic growth and development and their measurement: Characteristics of less developed countries and obstacles to their development-growth, poverty and income distribution
      • Theories of growth: Classical approach-Adam Smith, Marx and Schumpeter-neo classical approach; Robinson, Solow, Kaldor and Harrod Domar
      • Theories of economic development, Rostow, Rosenstein-Rodan, Nurkse, Hirschman, Leibenstein and Arthur Lewis, Amin and Frank (dependency school) respective role of state and the market
      • Utilitarian and welfarist approach to social development and a.k. sen’s critique
      • Sen’s capability approach to economic development
      • The human development index
      • Physical quality of life index and human poverty index
      • Basics of endogenous growth theory

      General economics–II: Unit 06

      International economics
      • Gains from international trade, terms of trade, policy, international trade and economic development-theories of international trade; Ricardo, Haberler, Heckscher-Ohlin and Stolper-Samuelson-theory of tariffs-regional trade arrangements
      • Asian financial crisis of 1997, global financial crisis of 2008 and Eurozone crisis-causes and impact

      General economics–II: Unit 07

      Balance of payments
      • Disequilibrium in balance of payments, mechanism of adjustments, foreign trade multiplier, exchange rates, import and exchange controls and multiple exchange rates
      • IS-IM model and Mundell-Fleming model of balance of payments

      General economics–II: Unit 08

      Global institutions
      • UN agencies dealing with economic aspects, role of multilateral development bodies (MDBs), such as World Bank, IMF and WTO, multinational corporations
      • G-20

      General economics–III: Unit 01

      Public finance
      • Theories of taxation: Optimal taxes and tax reforms, incidence of taxation
      • Theories of public expenditure: Objectives and effects of public expenditure, public expenditure policy and social cost benefit analysis, criteria of public investment decisions, social rate of discount, shadow prices of investment
      • Theories of public expenditure: Unskilled labour and foreign exchange
      • Budgetary deficits
      • Theory of public debt management

      General economics–III: Unit 02

      Environmental economics
      • Environmentally sustainable development, Rio process 1992 to 2012, green GDP, UN methodology of integrated environmental and economic accounting
      • Environmental values: Users and non-users values, option value
      • Valuation methods: Stated and revealed preference methods
      • Design of environmental policy instruments: Pollution taxes and pollution permits, collective action and informal regulation by local communities
      • Theories of exhaustible and renewable resources
      • International environmental agreements, Rio conventions
      • Climatic change problems
      • Kyoto protocol, UNFCCC, Bali action plan, agreements up to 2017, tradable permits and carbon taxes
      • Carbon markets and market mechanisms
      • Climate change finance and green climate fund

      General economics–III: Unit 03

      Industrial economics
      • Market structure, conduct and performance of firms, product differentiation and market concentration, monopolistic price theory and oligopolistic interdependence and pricing, entry preventing pricing
      • Micro level investment decisions and the behaviour of firms, research and development and innovation, market structure and profitability, public policy and development of firms

      General economics–III: Unit 04

      State, market and planning
      • Planning in a developing economy
      • Planning regulation and market
      • Indicative planning
      • Decentralised planning

      Indian economics: Unit 01

      History of development and planning
      • Alternative development strategies-goal of self-reliance based on import substitution and protection, the post-1991 globalisation strategies based on stabilization and structural adjustment packages: Fiscal reforms
      • The post-1991 globalisation strategies based on stabilization and structural adjustment packages: Financial sector reforms and trade reforms

      Indian economics: Unit 02

      Federal finance
      • Constitutional provisions relating to fiscal and financial powers of the states, finance commissions and their formulae for sharing taxes, financial aspect of Sarkaria commission report, financial aspects of 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments

      Indian economics: Unit 03

      Budgeting and fiscal policy
      • Tax, expenditure, budgetary deficits, pension and fiscal reforms, public debt management and reforms, fiscal Responsibility and budget management (FRBM) act, black money and parallel economy in India-definition, estimates, genesis
      • Black money and parallel economy in India-consequences and remedies

      Indian economics: Unit 04

      Poverty, unemployment and human development
      • Estimates of inequality and poverty measures for India, appraisal of government measures, India’s human development record in global perspective
      • India’s population policy and development

      Indian economics: Unit 05

      Agriculture and rural development strategies
      • Technologies and institutions, land relations and land reforms, rural credit, modern farm inputs and marketing-price policy and subsidies; commercialisation and diversification
      • Rural development programmes including poverty alleviation programmes, development of economic and social infrastructure and new rural employment guarantee scheme

      Indian economics: Unit 06

      India’s experience with urbanization and migration
      • Different types of migratory flows and their impact on the economies of their origin and destination, the process of growth of urban settlements; urban development strategies

      Indian economics: Unit 07

      Industry: strategy of industrial development
      • Industrial policy reform; reservation policy relating to small scale industries
      • Competition policy, sources of industrial finances
      • Bank, share market, insurance companies, pension funds, non-banking sources and foreign direct investment, role of foreign capital for direct investment and portfolio investment, public sector reform, privatisation and disinvestment

      Indian economics: Unit 08

      • Employment, unemployment and underemployment, industrial relations and labour welfare-strategies for employment generation-urban labour market and informal sector employment, report of National Commission on Labour
      • Social issues relating to labour e.g. child labour, bonded labour international labour standard and its impact

      Indian economics: Unit 09

      Foreign trade
      • Salient features of India’s foreign trade, composition, direction and organisation of trade, recent changes in trade, balance of payments, tariff policy, exchange rate, India and WTO requirements
      • Bilateral trade agreements and their implications

      Indian economics: Unit 10

      Money and banking
      • Financial sector reforms, organisation of India’s money market, changing roles of the Reserve Bank of India, commercial banks, development finance institutions, foreign banks and non-banking financial institutions, Indian capital market and SEBI
      • Development in global financial market and its relationship with indian financial sector
      • Commodity Market in India-spot and futures market, role of FMC

      Indian economics: Unit 11

      • Definition, trends, estimates, consequences and remedies (control): Wholesale price index
      • Consumer price index: Components and trends

      Statistics-I: Unit 01

      • Classical and axiomatic definitions of probability and consequences
      • Law of total probability, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem and applications
      • Discrete and continuous random variables
      • Distribution functions and their properties
      • Standard discrete and continuous probability distributions-Bernoulli, uniform, binomial, Poisson, geometric, rectangular, exponential, normal, Cauchy, hyper geometric, multinomial, Laplace, negative binomial, beta, gamma, lognormal
      • Random vectors, joint and marginal distributions, conditional distributions, distributions of functions of random variables
      • Modes of convergences of sequences of random variables-in distribution, in probability, with probability one and in mean square
      • Mathematical expectation and conditional expectation
      • Characteristic function, moment and probability generating functions, inversion, uniqueness and continuity theorems
      • Borel 0-1 law, Kolmogorov's 0-1 law
      • Tchebycheff's and kolmogorov's inequalities
      • Laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for independent variables

      Statistics-I: Unit 02

      Statistical methods
      • Collection, compilation and presentation of data, charts, diagrams and histogram
      • Frequency distribution
      • Measures of location, dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis
      • Bivariate and multivariate data
      • Association and contingency
      • Curve fitting and orthogonal polynomials
      • Bivariate normal distribution
      • Regression-linear, polynomial
      • Distribution of the correlation coefficient, partial and multiple correlation, intraclass correlation, correlation ratio
      • Standard errors and large sample test.
      • Sampling distributions of sample mean, sample variance, T, chi-square and F; tests of significance based on them, small sample tests
      • Non-parametric tests-goodness of fit, sign, median, run, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Wald-Wolfowitz and Kolmogorov-Smirnov
      • Order statistics-minimum, maximum, range and median
      • Concept of asymptotic relative efficiency

      Statistics-I: Unit 03

      Numerical analysis
      • Finite differences of different orders: ∆, E and D operators, factorial representation of a polynomial, separation of symbols, sub-division of intervals, differences of zero
      • Concept of interpolation and extrapolation: Newton Gregory forward and backward interpolation formula for equal intervals, divided differences and their properties, Newton's formula for divided difference, Lagrange’s formula for unequal intervals
      • Concept of interpolation and extrapolation: Central difference formula due to Gauss, Sterling, and Bessel, concept of error terms in interpolation formula
      • Inverse interpolation: Different methods of inverse interpolation
      • Numerical differentiation: Trapezoidal, Simpson’s one-third and three-eight rule and Waddles rule
      • Summation of series: Whose general term-(i) is the first difference of a function, (ii) is in geometric progression
      • Numerical solutions of differential equations: Euler's Method, Milne’s method, Picard’s method and Runge-Kutta method

      Statistics-I: Unit 04

      Computer application and data processing
      • Basics of computer: Operations of a computer, different units of a computer system like central processing unit, memory unit, arithmetic and logical unit, input unit, output unit, etc
      • Basics of computer: Hardware including different types of input, output and peripheral devices, software, system and application software, number systems, operating systems, packages and utilities, low and high level languages, compiler, assembler
      • Basics of computer: Memory-RAM, ROM, unit of computer memory (bits, bytes, etc), network-LAN, WAN, internet, intranet, basics of computer security, virus, antivirus, firewall, spyware, malware, etc
      • Basics of programming: Algorithm, flowchart, data, information, database, overview of different programming languages, frontend and backend of a project, variables, control structures, arrays and their usages, functions, modules, loops
      • Basics of programming: Conditional statements, exceptions, debugging and related concepts

      Statistics-II: Unit 01

      Linear models
      • Theory of linear estimation, Gauss-Markov linear models, estimable functions, error and estimation space, normal equations and least square estimators, estimation of error variance, estimation with correlated observations
      • Properties of least square estimators, generalized inverse of a matrix and solution of normal equations, variances and covariances of least square estimators
      • One way and two-way classifications, fixed, random and mixed effects models
      • Analysis of variance (two-way classification only), multiple comparison tests due to Tukey, Scheffe and Student-Newman-Keul-Duncan

      Statistics-II: Unit 02

      Statistical inference and hypothesis testing
      • Characteristics of good estimator: Estimation methods of maximum likelihood, minimum chi-square, moments and least squares. Optimal properties of maximum likelihood estimators. Minimum variance unbiased estimators. Minimum variance bound estimators
      • Characteristics of good estimator: Cramer-Rao inequality. Bhattacharya bounds. Sufficient estimator. Factorization theorem. Complete statistics. Rao-Blackwell theorem. Confidence interval estimation. Optimum confidence bounds
      • Characteristics of good estimator: Resampling, bootstrap and Jackknife
      • Hypothesis testing: Simple and composite hypotheses. Two kinds of error. Critical region. Different types of critical regions and similar regions. Power function. Most powerful and uniformly most powerful tests
      • Hypothesis testing: Neyman-Pearson fundamental lemma. Unbiased test. Randomized test. Likelihood ratio test. Wald's SPRT, OC and ASN functions. Elements of decision theory

      Statistics-II: Unit 03

      Official statistics
      • National and international official statistical system official statistics: (a) Need, uses, users, reliability, relevance, limitations, transparency, its visibility, (b) compilation, collection, processing, analysis and dissemination
      • National and international official statistical system official statistics: (b) Agencies involved, methods
      • National statistical organization: Vision and mission, NSSO and CSO; roles and responsibilities; important activities, publications, etc
      • National statistical commission: Need, constitution, its role, functions, etc; legal acts/ provisions/ support for official statistics; important acts
      • Index numbers: Different types, need, data collection mechanism, periodicity, agencies involved, uses
      • Sector wise statistics: Agriculture, health, education, women and child, etc, important surveys and census, indicators, agencies and usages, etc
      • National accounts: Definition, basic concepts; issues; the strategy, collection of data and release
      • Population census: Need, data collected, periodicity, methods of data collection, dissemination, agencies involved
      • Misc: Socio economic indicators, gender awareness/ statistics, important surveys and censuses

      Statistics-III: Unit 01

      Sampling techniques
      • Concept of population and sample, need for sampling, complete enumeration versus sampling, basic concepts in sampling, sampling and non-sampling error
      • Methodologies in sample surveys (questionnaires, sampling design and methods followed in field investigation) by NSSO
      • Subjective or purposive sampling, probability sampling or random sampling, simple random sampling with and without replacement, estimation of population mean, population proportions and their standard errors
      • Stratified random sampling, proportional and optimum allocation, comparison with simple random sampling for fixed sample size
      • Covariance and variance function
      • Ratio, product and regression methods of estimation, estimation of population mean, evaluation of bias and variance to the first order of approximation, comparison with simple random sampling
      • Systematic sampling (when population size (N) is an integer multiple of sampling size (n))
      • Estimation of population mean and standard error of this estimate, comparison with simple random sampling
      • Sampling with probability proportional to size (with and without replacement method), Des Raj and Das estimators for n=2, Horvitz-Thompson estimator, equal size cluster sampling: Estimators of population mean and total and their standard errors
      • Equal size cluster sampling: Comparison of cluster sampling with SRS in terms of intra-class correlation coefficient
      • Concept of multistage sampling and its application, two-stage sampling with equal number of second stage units, estimation of population mean and total
      • Double sampling in ratio and regression methods of estimation
      • Concept of interpenetrating sub-sampling

      Statistics-III: Unit 02

      • Nature of econometrics, the general linear model (GLM) and its extensions, ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation and prediction, generalized least squares (GLS) estimation and prediction, heteroscedastic disturbances, pure and mixed estimation
      • Autocorrelation, its consequences and tests
      • Theil BLUS procedure, estimation and prediction, multicollinearity problem, its implications and tools for handling the problem, ridge regression
      • Linear regression and stochastic regression, instrumental variable estimation, errors in variables, autoregressive linear regression, lagged variables, distributed lag models, estimation of lags by OLS method, Koyck geometric lag model
      • Simultaneous linear equations model and its generalization, identification problem, restrictions on structural parameters, rank and order conditions
      • Estimation in simultaneous equations model, recursive systems, 2SLS estimators, limited information estimators, K-class estimators, 3 SLS estimator, full information maximum likelihood method, prediction and simultaneous confidence intervals

      Statistics-III: Unit 03

      Applied statistics
      • Index numbers: Price relatives and quantity or volume relatives, link and chain relatives composition of index numbers; Laspeyres, Paasches’, Marshal Edgeworth and Fisher index numbers; chain base index number, tests for index number
      • Index numbers: Construction of index numbers of wholesale and consumer prices, income distribution-Pareto and Engel curves, concentration curve, methods of estimating national income, inter-sectoral flows, inter-industry table, role of CSO
      • Index numbers: Demand analysis
      • Time series analysis: Economic time series, different components, illustration, additive and multiplicative models, determination of trend, seasonal and cyclical fluctuations. Time-series as discrete parameter stochastic process
      • Time series analysis: Autocovariance and autocorrelation functions and their properties. Exploratory time series analysis, tests for trend and seasonality, exponential and moving average smoothing. Holt and winters smoothing
      • Time series analysis: Forecasting based on smoothing
      • Detailed study of the stationary processes: (i) Moving average (MA), (ii) auto regressive (AR), (iii) ARMA and, (iv) AR integrated MA (ARIMA) models. Box-Jenkins models, choice of AR and MA periods. Discussion (without proof) of estimation of mean
      • Detailed study of the stationary processes: Autocovariance and autocorrelation functions under large sample theory, estimation of ARIMA model parameters. Spectral analysis of weakly stationary process, periodogram and correlogram analyses
      • Detailed study of the stationary processes: Computations based on Fourier transform

      Statistics-IV: Unit 01

      Operations research and reliability
      • Definition and scope of operations research: Phases in operation research, models and their solutions, decision-making under uncertainty and risk, use of different criteria, sensitivity analysis
      • Transportation and assignment problems
      • Bellman’s principle of optimality, general formulation, computational methods and application of dynamic programming to LPP
      • Decision-making in the face of competition, two-person games, pure and mixed strategies, existence of solution and uniqueness of value in zero-sum games, finding solutions in 2x2, 2xm and mxn games
      • Analytical structure of inventory problems, EOQ formula of Harris, its sensitivity analysis and extensions allowing quantity discounts and shortages
      • Multi-item inventory subject to constraints
      • Models with random demand, the static risk model
      • P and Q-systems with constant and random lead times
      • Queuing models-specification and effectiveness measures
      • Steady-state solutions of m/m/1 and m/m/c models with associated distributions of queue-length and waiting time
      • M/G/1 queue and Pollaczek-Khintchine result
      • Sequencing and scheduling problems
      • 2-machine n-job and 3-machine n-job problems with identical machine sequence for all jobs branch and bound method for solving travelling salesman problem
      • Replacement problems-block and age replacement policies
      • PERT and CPM-basic concepts
      • Probability of project completion
      • Reliability concepts and measures, components and systems, coherent systems, reliability of coherent systems
      • Life-distributions, reliability function, hazard rate, common univariate life distributions-exponential, Weibull, gamma, etc
      • Bivariate exponential distributions
      • Estimation of parameters and tests in these models
      • Notions of aging-IFR, IFRA, NBU, DMRL and NBUE classes and their duals
      • Loss of memory property of the exponential distribution
      • Reliability estimation based on failure times in variously censored life-tests and in tests with replacement of failed items
      • Stress-strength reliability and its estimation

      Statistics-IV: Unit 02

      Demography and vital statistics
      • Sources of demographic data, census, registration, ad-hoc surveys, hospital records, demographic profiles of the Indian census
      • Complete life table and its main features, uses of life table
      • Makeham and Gompertz curves
      • National life tables
      • Un model life tables
      • Abridged life tables
      • Stable and stationary populations
      • Measurement of fertility: Crude birth rate, general fertility rate, age specific birth rate, total fertility rate, gross reproduction rate, net reproduction rate
      • Measurement of mortality: Crude death rate, standardized death rates, age-specific death rates, infant mortality rate, death rate by cause
      • Internal migration and its measurement, migration models, concept of international migration
      • Net migration
      • International and postcensal estimates
      • Projection method including logistic curve fitting
      • Decennial population census in india

      Statistics-IV: Unit 03

      Survival analysis and clinical trial
      • Concept of time, order and random censoring, likelihood in the distributions-exponential, gamma, Weibull, lognormal, Pareto, linear failure rate, inference for these distribution
      • Life tables, failure rate, mean residual life and their elementary classes and their properties
      • Estimation of survival function-actuarial estimator, Kaplan-Meier estimator, estimation under the assumption of IFR/DFR, tests of exponentiality against non-parametric classes, total time on test
      • Two sample problem-Gehan test, log rank test
      • Semi-parametric regression for failure rate-Cox’s proportional hazards model with one and several covariates, rank test for the regression coefficient
      • Competing risk model, parametric and non-parametric inference for this model
      • Introduction to clinical trials: The need and ethics of clinical trials, bias and random error in clinical studies, conduct of clinical trials, overview of phase I-IV trials, multicenter trials
      • Data management: Data definitions, case report forms, database design, data collection systems for good clinical practice
      • Design of clinical trials: Parallel vs. cross-over designs, cross-sectional vs. longitudinal designs, review of factorial designs, objectives and endpoints of clinical trials, design of phase-I trials
      • Design of clinical trials: Design of single-stage and multi-stage phase-II trials
      • Design of clinical trials: Design and monitoring of phase-III trials with sequential stopping, reporting and analysis: Analysis of categorical outcomes from phase I-III trials, analysis of survival data from clinical trials

      Statistics-IV: Unit 04

      Quality control
      • Statistical process and product control: Quality of a product, need for quality control, basic concept of process control, process capability and product control, general theory of control charts, causes of variation in quality, control limits
      • Statistical process and product control: Sub grouping summary of out of control criteria, charts for attributes p chart, np chart, c-chart, V chart, charts for variables: R, ( X, R), (X, σ) charts
      • Basic concepts of process monitoring and control; process capability and process optimization
      • General theory and review of control charts for attribute and variable data; O.C. and A.R.L. of control charts; control by gauging; moving average and exponentially weighted moving average charts; Cusum charts using V-masks and decision intervals
      • Economic design of x-bar chart
      • Acceptance sampling plans for attributes inspection; single and double sampling plans and their properties; plans for inspection by variables for one-sided and two sided specification

      Statistics-IV: Unit 05

      Multivariate analysis
      • Multivariate normal distribution and its properties
      • Random sampling from multivariate normal distribution
      • Maximum likelihood estimators of parameters, distribution of sample mean vector
      • Wishart matrix-its distribution and properties, distribution of sample generalized variance, null and non-null distribution of multiple correlation coefficients
      • Hotelling’s T2 and its sampling distribution, application in test on mean vector for one and more multivariate normal population and also on equality of components of a mean vector in multivariate normal population
      • Classification problem: Standards of good classification, procedure of classification based on multivariate normal distributions
      • Principal components, dimension reduction, canonical variates and canonical correlation-definition, use, estimation and computation

      Statistics-IV: Unit 06

      Design and analysis of experiments
      • Analysis of variance for one way and two way classifications, need for design of experiments, basic principle of experimental design (randomization, replication and local control), complete analysis and layout of completely randomized design
      • Randomized block design and Latin square design, missing plot technique
      • Split plot design and strip plot design
      • Factorial experiments and confounding in 2n and 3n experiments
      • Analysis of covariance
      • Analysis of non-orthogonal data
      • Analysis of missing data

      Statistics-IV: Unit 07

      Computing with C and R
      • Basics of C: Components of C language, structure of a C program, data type, basic data types, enumerated data types, derived data types, variable declaration, local, global, parametric variables, assignment of variables, numeric, character
      • Basics of C: Real and string constants, arithmetic, relation and logical operators, assignment operators, increment and decrement operators, conditional operators, bitwise operators, type modifiers and expressions, writing and interpreting expressions
      • Basics of C: Using expressions in statements. Basic input/output
      • Control statements: Conditional statements, if-else, nesting of if-else, else if ladder, switch statements, loops in C, for, while, do-while loops, break, continue, exit ( ), goto and label declarations
      • Control statements: One dimensional, two dimensional, and multidimensional arrays
      • Storage classes: Automatic variables, external variables, static variables, scope and lifetime of declarations
      • Functions: Classification of functions, functions definition and declaration, assessing a function, return statement, parameter passing in functions. Pointers (concept only)
      • Structure: Definition and declaration; structure (initialization) comparison of structure variable; array of structures: Array within structures, structures within structures, passing structures to functions; unions accessing a union member
      • Structure: Union of structure, initialization of a union variable, uses of union. Introduction to linked list, linear linked list, insertion of a node in list, removal of a node from list
      • Files in C: Defining and opening a file, input-output operation on a file, creating a file, reading a file. Statistics methods and techniques in R

      The exam authorities will release the UPSC IES ISS admit card 2025 online at upsc.gov.in. UPSC ISS/IES admit card can be downloaded by entering the registration ID or roll number and date of birth. Candidates who do not receive the admit card must inform the commission three weeks before the commencement of the examination. 

      The admit card contains details like exam centre, candidate’s name, signature, time, photograph, date and guidelines for the exam. Candidates who qualify written exam will be issued admit card for viva- voce.

      The admit card card of UPSC IES/ISS is released separately for written exam and Viva voce online. The admit card of written exam is issued to only those candidates who fill the application form successfully.

      Details printed on Admit card

      UPSC IES/ISS admit card contains the following details:

      • Candidate’s roll number

      • Candidate’s name

      • Address of examination centre

      • Registration number

      • Candidate’s photograph

      •  Reporting time

      • Category of the candidate

      • Candidate’s signature

      • Exam time

      • Date of examination

      Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will release the cutoff separately for written exam and Viva-voce for IES and ISS. The commission will release the category-wise cutoff. The cutoff of UPSC IES/ISS will be released in 3 phases - minimum qualifying cutoff, cutoff for written exam and final cutoff.

      UPSC IES Cutoff 

      As per previous year cutoff, candidates have to secure minimum qualifying marks fixed by the commission which was 15% for OBC and General category candidates. The cutoff for the written exam was calculated out of 800 marks for 4 Economics Papers. UPSC IES cutoff for all the 6 papers was calculated out of  1000. The final cutoff was based on marks obtained by the last recommended candidate and calculated out of 1200 marks.

      UPSC ISS Cutoff

      On the basis of previous year cutoff, the candidates have to secure minimum qualifying marks fixed by the commission. The minimum qualifying cutoff for General, OBC, ST and PH candidates were 10%. The marks of all four Statistics papers will be calculated out of 800 marks. For all 6 papers of ISS was calculated out of 1000 marks. The final cutoff of UPSC ISS was calculated out of 1200 marks.

      General Information


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      Relevant Links

      Official Website Link Click Here

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. How many seats are there in ISS?

      The total number of IES seats are 18 and the total ISS seats are 30. 

      2. How many attempts are there in UPSC ISS?

      The total number of attempts in the UPSC ISS exam are 6 times for general category and 9 times for unreserved category. 

      3. Is ISS admit card available for 2025?

      The ISS admit card will be released on the official website. 

      4. How to apply for the ISS exam in 2025?

      Candidates can apply for the ISS exam 2025 from the official website, upsc.gov.in.

      5. What is the last date for IES/ISS application form 2025?

      The last date to apply the IES exam 2025 is March 4, 2025.

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      To apply for the Indian economic service the candidates must have obtained a Post Graduate Degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics/Econometrics from a recognized university or a foreign university approved by the Central Government of India from time to time.
      Hope it helps...

      Hi aspirant

      Yes, they create a good environment to prepare any kind of exams.

      The college has vast books in the library and students can refer anything of their choice.

      You will have peace of mind and focus towards the work in the library for a good preparation of UPSC ESE.

      ALL THE BEST!!

      IES is considered as one of the toughest examinations in India. It is due to the difficulty related to the examination and also the selection procedure. Thereare less number of posts and more number of aspirants for IES every year. Although IES is difficult, it can be achieved by proper plan and execution of result oriented study.

      In view of the vast syllabus and tough competition in IES, only a few candidates can get good ranks in their very first attempt. Majority of the candidates get good ranks in their 2nd or 3rd or higher attempts.

      In terms of branch selection, there is no preferable branch if you want to take up IES exam. Choose a branch in accordance with you interest areas and talent and can prepare for the exam as per the UPSC schedule.

      Whatever your core branch is, a versatile approach towards engineering can enhance your chances to qualify this exam.Like any other UPSC exam, this one also needs a dedicated and strategic preparation of 16–18 hours a day.

      • Age Limit: The candidate must be 21 Years to 30 Years as on 01.04.2020 i.e. candidates must have been born between 02.04.1990 and 01.04.1999 (both dates inclusive)

      • Educational Qualification: The candidate must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. Those who are in the Final year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they must produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 01.07.2020. Candidates with Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate must ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.08.2020. Candidates with Chartered Accountant certification may also apply.

      SBI PO Selection Procedure: Important Points

      The candidates should keep in mind the following points related to the SBI PO selection process:

      • Biometric Verification: To ensure an error-free and secure selection procedure for SBI PO 2020, the bank may digitally capture the thumb impression of the candidate. This is done to verify the genuineness of the candidates. Any inconsistency in the biometric verification will lead to rejection of the candidature and punitive legal actions. Candidates are thus advised not to apply any kind of external matter like ink, mehandi, chemical etc. on their hands.

      • Number of Attempts: The maximum number of chances are fixed for each category. Candidates who have used up all the chances are not eligible to apply. Appearing in Preliminary Exam is not counted as an attempt but appearing in Mains Exam is counted.

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