HomeCompetition ExamsAssam Police Sub Inspector Exam

Assam Police SI 2023 - Exam Dates, Application, Admit Card, Syllabus & Pattern, Result

Updated on 03rd February, 2025 by Team Careers360

About Assam Police SI 2023

State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam closed the Assam Police SI exam 2023 application form on November 1, 2023. The Assam Police SI application form 2023 was activated on October 15, 2023 on their official website, slprbassam.in. The board released the Assam police SI notification on October 6, 2023.

SLPRB conducts the Assam Police Sub Inspector exam for around 144 sub-inspector posts in the police. The exam is conducted in four parts - written exam, extra-curricular activities, Computer Proficiency Test and Physical Efficiency Test (PET). All the four parts carry a total score of 200 marks. Aspirants can apply for the exam only online. There will be no application fees for this exam.

Candidates applying for Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam need to be Indian citizens and a resident of Assam. They are required to be less than 24 years or more than 20 years and must be a graduate in Arts, Science, Commerce or equivalent stream from a recognized College / Institutions affiliated to a recognized University. For more information, read under 'Eligibility Criteria'. To apply for the Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam, applicants will need documents like Passport size photographs, scanned signature, Certificate of proof of age (H.S.L.C. or equivalent admit card), certificate of Caste/Tribe (if required) and Certificate of Graduation.

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Assam Police SI 2023 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam
Short Exam Name
Assam Police SI
Conducting Body
Assam Police
Frequency Of Conduct
Vacancy times a year
Exam Level
State Level Exam
Assamese +3 more
Mode Of Application
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours

Assam Police SI Important Dates

Assam Police SI Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam (session 2023)

07 Feb' 2023 - 07 Feb' 2023 . Online
Advertisement Date
Sub Inspector of Police (Communication) in APRO (16 Posts) & (42 Posts - Assam police commando battalion)
18 Feb' 2023 - 18 Feb' 2023 . Online
Advertisement Date
Sub Inspector of Police (UB) in Assam Police (17 Posts) & (5 Posts - backlog vacancies for Hills Tribe category)
08 Feb' 2023 - 22 Feb' 2023 . Online
Application Date
Sub Inspector of Police (Communication) in APRO (16 Posts) & (42 Posts - Assam police commando battalion)

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Candidates must satisfy the following minimum requirements to be eligible to appear for the Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam:

Nationality: Applicant must be an Indian Citizen and a resident of Assam.

Age: Applicant must be less than 24 years and more than 20 years of age. There will be a relaxation of 5 years if the applicant belongs to SC, ST(H) or ST(P)

Educational qualification: Aspirant must have completed at least graduation in Arts, Science, Commerce or equivalent stream from a registration/application College/Universities

Physical standards :

  • Minimum height for Male candidates should be 162.56 cms and for Female candidates must be 154.94 cms. For Male and Female candidates belonging to ST (H)/ST (P) categories, the minimum height must be 160.02 cms and 152.40 cms respectively.
  • Normal and expanded chest size for men should be 80 cms and 85 cms, respectively. For candidates belonging to ST (H) categories, the sizes should be 78 cms 83 cms.

Medical Standards:

General: Applicants must not have a high colour vision or squint eyes neither should they have any physical deformities. They should also be free from chronic diseases or diseases which will be disruptive in their duty such as hernia, piles, diabetes, respiratory diseases etc.

Eye Sight: Applicant's near vision should be normal and distant vision should be 6/6 for at least one eye and not poorer than 6/9 for the other without correction.

Background wave


The application process for Assam Police Sub Inspector exam can only be done online on the official site of Assam Police. Aspirants can use the link provided on this page to apply for the exam. Read the following steps to learn how to apply for the exam:

Step 1: Visit the link provided on this page.

Step 2: Go to the recruitment link at the top right corner of the website.

Step 3: Click at 'Recruitment for posts of Sub-inspectors (Un-armed Branch) In Assam Police'.

Step 4: Click on the blue boxes to apply online.

Step 5: Attach your documents and fill in your details. After this, the candidate can download the registration/application slip along with ID number.

Required documents:  

1) Passport Size Photograph -

  • Candidate's passport sized photograph will be printed on the admit card, thus, a good quality photo is required.
  • Photographs clicked through mobile phones and other self-composed photos are not allowed.
  • Background of the photograph must be white or very light.
  • Candidate's face must cover around 50% of the area in the photograph so that it is a full face view.
  • Candidates who wear glasses should be careful of glare on them as it is not acceptable in the photo.
  • Only transparent glasses are permitted. Dark tinted glasses or sunglasses will not be allowed.
  • Resize your photo in a 4.5cm x 3.5cm print and maximum resolution must be 640 x 480 and minimum must be 320 x 240, in JPEG format. 
  • Maximum file size for the photo is 450 kb.

2) Signature:

  • The signature must be signed in black or dark blue ink on a white paper.
  • The maximum and minimum resolution for the sign is 800 x 300 and 400 x 150, respectively.
  • Signature image dimensions must be 3.5cm x 2.5cm and the maximum size is 100kb.

3) Certificate of verification of age. (H.S.L.C. / equivalent Admit Card)

4) Caste/Tribe certificate.

5) Certificate of Graduation (BA / B. SC / B.Com or equivalent)

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Documents Required at Exam Assam Police SI 2023

Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam 2023

  • Admit card
  • Government issued photo ID

Exam pattern for Assam Police Sub Inspector exam will help you learn the marking scheme, standard of questions, syllabus and much more for the exam. Applicants should go through the complete exam page to be more aware regarding the Assam Police SI exam. The exam is held in four parts:

Written Exam - 100 marks 

Extra-curricular Activities - 30 marks

Computer Proficiency Test - 30 marks

Physical Efficiency Test (PET) - 40 marks

The total score of all these four parts is 200 marks and the final merit list is compiled on the basis of this.

A) Written exam: Written test for Assam Police SI will be of 100 marks and candidates will have to attempt it within three hours. The questions will be multiple choice, objective based and the candidates are required to use a black or dark blue ballpoint pen to mark the answers. There will be 100 questions, each of 1 mark and the paper will be divided into three sections: Logical Reasoning, Aptitude, Comprehension; Matters relating to the History and Culture of Assam and India; and General Knowledge. There will be negative marking of 0.5 marks for each wrong answer.

B) Extra-curricular Activities: Applicants will be awarded up to 30 marks if they have participated in different activities like NCC, Home Guards etc.

C) Computer Proficiency Test: Applicants will be rewarded up to 10 marks if they have had professional education in computer courses like MCA, BCA or various diploma courses from any government or UGC recognised institutes. Applicants will also be tested in Field Test of each candidate on a computer and will be awarded up to 20 marks according to their skills.

D) Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Aspirants will be awarded up to 40 marks based on the following two events:

  • Long Jump – For male candidates, the minimum will be 335 cm and for female candidates, the same is 244cm. Candidates will be given three chances and the longest jump will be taken into account.
  • Race - Male candidates will have to complete a 1600 meters race within 450 seconds and female candidates will have to complete an 800 meters race within 240 seconds.

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Assam Police SI 2023 Syllabus

Assam Police SI Assam Police Sub Inspector Exam Syllabus

To prepare for a long and trying exam such as the Assam Police SI exam, candidates are required to develop a strategy which will help them tackle the exam efficiently. They can read the preparation tips and strategies they can adopt to better their preparation below:

Learn the division of marks: According to the Assam Police Sub Inspector exam pattern given below, 50% weightage of the exam stays with the written exam. Out of the other 50%, 20% weightage goes with the physical exam, and 15% each to Extra-curricular activities and Computer Proficiency Test. Now, the hierarchy on the basis of which to prepare must be a bit clear to the candidates.

Know your syllabus: It is important to know the syllabus not only for the written exam but also for the other three parts of the exam. Reading the detailed syllabus makes you more aware of what to prepare and how to prepare for the Assam Police SI exam.

Go through the exam pattern: It is imperative that you go through the exam pattern once after checking the syllabus. This will help you plan out how to prepare a study plan for your studies. Exam pattern gives you an insight into the marking scheme, type of questions, syllabus and much more.

Make a study plan: There are three sections in the written exam. If you divide your time and shuffle the syllabus, it would be easier and more fun for you to study for the exam. Making a study plan will give your academics a discipline and you will not waste time.

Keep exercising and eat healthily: It is as important to keep your body in shape as it is to study. You should not forget that Physical Efficiency test will also play a big role in your overall selection process. Give ample time and training to your body for the long jump and race.

Assam Police Sub Inspector admit card is important to carry in the exam hall or candidates will not be allowed to take the exam. Applicants can download their Assam Police SI exam admit card from the official website of Assam Police. They will be required to visit the website given on this page and enter their registration number and password to be able to access their admit card.

Assam Police Sub Inspector exam result will be available only online on the official website of the Assam Police. Applicants can access the site and see when the result notification comes out. The link to the Assam Police SI exam is provided on this page. The final merit list will come out category wise and there will be only one merit list for each category.

Applicants numbering five times the number of posts, in regard to each of the six categories and gender, will be called for PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) on merit basis. The final merit list will be declared category-wise on the Assam Police Website and also in leading newspapers of Assam.

General Information

Relevant Links

Official Website Link Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the physical test for Si Assam?

The Assam Police SI PET consists of 1600 mts race for male and 800 mts race for females. The PET also consists of long jump for male and females. 

2. What is the last date for Assam Police SI 2023?

The last date to apply for the Assam Police SI application form 2023 is November 1, 2023. 

3. Is the Assam police SI exam conducted every year?

Yes, the Assam Police SI exam is conducted every year.

4. What is the salary of SI in Assam?

The Assam Police SI salary is between Rs 14,000 to Rs 60,500. Along with that, candidates will be offered some allowances. 

5. What is the qualification for Assam SI?

The Assam Police SI qualification is graduation in Arts, Science, Commerce, or equivalent streams from a recognized College/Institution.  

Questions related to Assam Police SI

Have a question related to Assam Police SI ?

Hello aspirant,

Hope you are doing good..!!!

The Assam police test is directed relying upon the opportunity. Assam Police conducts Assam Police Sub Inspector test for around 130 sub-investigator posts in the police. The test is led in four sections - composed test, extra-curricular exercises, Computer Proficiency Test and Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Every one of the four sections convey a complete score of 200 imprints. Hopefuls can apply for the test just on the web. There will be no application expenses for this test. At this point, there is no news delivered in regards to the 2022 test.

Hope this information helps you!!

All the best!!1

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